HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1069 Creates SID No. 430 ------ -.. --- ..-- ------.. :16.1 C01WISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1069 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLARING IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL nnJROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 430 OF THE CITY OF BUZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVEMENT I PROJECT ON SOUTH TRACY A VENUE FROM THE END OF EXISTING PAVE1~NT, BEING 150 FEET NORTH OF CLE\~LAND STREET SOUTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4 BLOCK "Au OF LANGOHR'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND CLEVELAND STREET FROM SOUTH WILLSON AVEJ:WE TO SOUTH TRACY AVENUE, SAID PAVEMENT PROJECT TO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A STORM SEWER LINE, COMBINATION CONCRETE CURBS AND GUTTERS, GRAVEL BASE COURSE, CRUSHED GRAVEL CUSHION COURSE, AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE. WHEREAS, there has been filed with the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, a petition in due form of certain owners of properties situated on South Tracy Avenue from the end of existing pavement, being 150 feet North of Cleveland Street South to the South line of Lot 4, Block "A" of Langohr's First Addition to the City of Bozeman, and Cleveland Street from South Willson Avenue to South Tracy Avenue, asking tha t a special improvement district be created for the. purpose of constructing and install- ing a pavement project to include the construction and installation of a storm sewer line, combination concrete curbs and gutters, gravel base course, crushed gravel cushion course, bituminous surface course, and other work incidental thereto; and WHEREA S, at a regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 27th day of March, 1963, the aforesaid petition was res- pectively considered and granted; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CoMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: I Section I Declara tion of In tention Tha tit is hereby declared to be the intention of the Ci ty of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 430 of the City of Bozeman for the purpose of construct- ing and installing a pavement project on South Tracy Avenue from the end of existing pavement, being 15u feet North of Cleveland Street South to the South line of Lot 4, Block "A" of Langohr's First Addition to the City of Bozeman, and Cieveland Street from South Willson Avenue to South Tracy Avenue. Said pavement project to include construction and installation of a storm sewer line, combination concrete curbs and gutters, gravel base course, crushed gravel cushion courseC and bituminous surface course, and other work incidental there- to. ~he City ommission does hereby declare that the area and lots included within the boundaries of said proposed district will be benefited by the work and improvements. , Sec tion 2 Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 43u are described as follows: Beginning at a point on the center line of South Tracy Avenue lbO feet North of the North line of Cleveland Street; thence easterlY along the South line of Lot 5, Block 2, Dudley's First Addition, to a point 130 feet East of the East line of Soutn Tracy Avenue; thence southerly 130 feet from and parallel to the East line of South Tracy Avenue to a point on the city limits line, said line being also the Sou th line of Lot 1.1., Block 2, I Springdell Addition; thence westerly along said city limits line and the South line of Lot 11, Block 2, Springde.1.l Addition, to the East line of South Tracy Avenue; thence wester~y across South Tracy Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Block A, Langohr's First Addition; thence westerlY along the South line of said Lot 4 to a point 13U feet West of the West line of South Tracy Avenue; thence northerlY 130 feet from and parallel to the West line of South Tracy Avenue to a point 2v feet South of the South line of Lot 2, Block A, Langohr's First Addition; thence westerlY along the extension of the South line of Lot 6, Block e, Bu tte (Contl:n~ed .2.n_Pag~ No.!. 162) 1-62 Addition to the southeast corner of said Lot 6, Block 8; thence along the Soutn line of said Lot 6, Block 8 to a paint on tne East line of South Willson Avenue; thence norther~y along the East line of South Willson Avenue to a point 15U feet from the North line of Wes t Cleveland Street; thence easterlY IbU feet from and para lIe 1 to the North line of West CleveLand Street to the point of beginning. Section 3 I Ch~racter of Improvements Construction of a pavement pro.ject on South Tracy Avenue from the end of existing pavement, being l5u feet North of Cleveland Street South to the South line of Lot 4, Block "An of Langohr's First Addition to tne City of' Bozeman, and Cleveland Street from South Willson Avenue to South Tracy Ave- nue, said Pavement Project to incLude construction and installation of a storm sewer line, combln~tion concrete curbs and gutters, gravel base course, crusned gravel cushion course, and bituminous surface course. ~ec~~on 4 Est ma of Cost The preliminary estimate of cost is $23,5UU.UO, including all street excava tion, all ma terials, installation costs and engineering and incidentals. Section 5 Method of Assessment The cost of such improvements is to be assessed against the entire dis tric t, each lot or parcel of land within such district will be assessed for tnat part of the whole cost which its area bears to thE) area of the entire dis tric t, exclusive of streets, a venues, alleys and public places; and further, each square foo t of land wi thin the dis tric t lying wi thin 25 fee t of the line of the street on which the improvements herein provided for are made, shall bear double the amount of costs of such improvements per square foot of such land that each square foot of any other land within the district shall bear. Section 6 Extended District I The Cl ty Commission does hereby declare tha tall 10 ts, pieces and parcels of property included within the boundaries of said proposed special improvement district, including the lots not fronting on said improvements, will, each and all, be specially benefited by said improvements and that all of said lots included within said boundaries shall be assessed to pay the costs and expenses of said imprpvements; that in the opinion of said City Commission the contemplated improvements to be constructed are more than local or ordinary public benefit and that therefore the City Commission does hereby declare its intention to make tile costs and expenses of such work chargeable upon an extended district and to include lots not fronting on the proposed improvements. Section 7 Pa ymen ts That the payments for said improvements shal~ be made in twenty (20) annual installments extending over a period of nineteen (19) years, but this shall no tbe cons trued to prevent paymen t in full a t any regular pa ymen t da te by any property owner who desires to do so. It is proposed to pay the entire cost and expense of the construction and installation of said improvements with cash to be obtained from the sale of bonds of said Special Improvement District No. 43U, as authorized by law. Such bonds will be in denominations of $10u.uu each and fractions or multiples of $lOu.UO where necessary, to be issued and chargeable against a fund to be known and designated as Special Improvement District No. 430 ~l1nd of the City of Bozeman. The bonds will be redeemable at the option of the City, singly or in multiples, and in the order of their registration, whenever funds are avaiLabLe for that purpose in said Special Improvement District No. 430. Said bonds will draw a simple I interest from the date of their registration until called for payment, at a ra te not to exceed six (6) per cent per annum, which interest shall be chargeabLe as a part of the cost of construction and installation of said improvemen t. The bonds will be issued and sold in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, and all other applicabLe provisions of Title 11 of the Revised Codes of Man tana , 1947, rela ting to special improvement districts in cities and towns and any amendments thereof or thereto. (Qo~ tin~ted_ oE Pa,ge_ N.2,. _1,231 ------.... -- _____"..m..... .-.-.- .163 Section 8 Protests and Notice I That the regular session of' the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commission Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, on Wednesday, the 17th day of April, 1963, at the hour of one o'clock p.m. of said day, is the time and place, when and where the City Commission will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regl..tlarly made and filed against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement District No. 430, the improvement pro- posed to be made pursuant thereto and the extent and character there of, or either thereof, and the Clerk of the City Commission be, and he is hereby dir- ected to give notice in the manner and for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this resolution of intention. Adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session of said Commission held on the 27th day of March, 1963. sf Fred M. Staudaher Ma yor ATTEST: sf c. K. Wilson Clerk of the City Commission - - - - I NOTICE IN RE CO~fJISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1069 OF THE CITY OF BOZE1~N DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZE~MN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRIC'l' TO BE KNOWN AND DESIG- NATED AS "SPECIAL IMi'ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 430." Notice is hereby given tha t on the 27th day of March, 1963, at a regular session of the Commission of tne City of Bozeman, Commission Resolution No. 1069, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY C O:MMISSION OF THE CI'l'Y OIi' BOZEMAN DECLARING rr TO BE THE INTENTION OF THE CI'J'Y 01" BOZm..~AN 1110 CREATE A SPECIAL IMl-'ROVm,~NT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS Si'ECIAL DTl'ROVElmNT DISTRICT NO. 430 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF COrSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING A PAVEMENT PROJECT ON SOUTH TRACY A VENUE FROM 1'HE END OP EXISTING PA VEMENT, BEING 150 FEET NORTH OF CLEVELAND STREET SOUTH TO THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 4 BLOCK" An OF LANGOHR'S FIRST ADDITICnT TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND CLEVELAND STREET FRm/i SOUTH WILLSON AVENUE TO SOUTIJ TRACY A VENUE, SAID PA VEMENT PROJECT TO INCLUDE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF A STORM SEWER LINE, COMBINATION CONCF~TE CURBS AND GUTTERS, GRAVEL BASE COURSE, CRUSHED GHAVEL CUSHION COURSE, AND BI'lUMINOUS SlJRFACE COURSE. was passed and adopted. That Wednesday, the 17th day of April, 1963, at one o'C.lock p.m., at. the I Commission Room of the Cl~all, Bozeman, Montana, 1s designated by Resolution No. lu69 as the time and place for hearing ob j ec tions to the ac tion propos ed to be taken by said resolution, when and where a.11 persons whose property is within said proposed Special Improvement District No. 430 on South 'l'racy Ave- nue from the end of existing pavement, being 150 feet North of C1eve.land Street South to the South line of Lot 4, Block "An of Langohr's First Addi- tion to the City of Bozeman, and Cleveland Street from South Willson Avenue to South Tracy Avenue, may appear and show cause, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and flled with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen (lb) days after date of the first publication of this notice. (,Q,o.!l t.!~ed 9..n_P~ge No..:. ,d;64) :164 An approxima te preliminary e stima te of the cos t of doing such work and making such impro~Jements wi thin said distric t, including all street excavation, ail ma teria.l.s, installation costs, engineering and incidentais, wnich is to be specially assessed against the proverty within said district is $23,5UO.uO. Costs of the project will be assessed against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within such district Will be assessed for that part of the whole cost whIch its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places; and further, each square foot of land within the district lying within 2b feet of the line of L:tle street on which the imvroveThents herein provided for are made, shall bear double the I amount 01' the costs of such imjJrover1ents per squl:J.re foot of such land that each squ8.re foot of any other iand wi thin the dia tric t Sh~-Hl bear. pa ymen t for the improvements is to be mad.e in twenty equal annual InSL:l:J.ilments. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 43u, reference is hereby made to Resolution No. 106':1 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman deciaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned C.lerk of said CornnLl.ssion in the CiL~ Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generally. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of Montana, 1~4'1. Dated this 27 day of March, 1963 . - 31 C. K. Wilson ~lerk of the City Commission First published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle April 1st ,1963. - - - - - - - - - I State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) SSe City of Bozeman ) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in Re, Commissioner Resolution No. .lU69, was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicie, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said Ci ty in the issues of April Is t thru April 5th, 1963, inc1u8i ve, and due proof of such publicHtlons is on file in my of:'ice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 22nd day of Ma y , 1963 . ,;2~~ Clerk 0 he ty Comm~ssion - - - - - - - - - - I