HomeMy WebLinkAbout14- HRDC Rent Schedule Form City Grantee on HOME projectsAttach a copy of the letter of rent schedule you received horn Rural Development or HUD with the approved reed miss and efleadve dates for tllh prop", Maxim= Lowlncom Housing Tor Credit Rent Ur its (If appl at le) •••' 616p this aeclbn if you do not have UHTC units In your protect^•' Provide the Low Income Housing Tax Credit ram @nits foryouf prpteclarea: MOO" Date of LIHTC rent schedule: Ila. %I w 3a% 401% 80Ya Rem Structure Provide the final lent atnwtwe for yourproperty 4N^C 'r Grantee Chief Executive Oldcerar Elected OMGnI Data &�.D —-liLa5li q, Property mandWiOwner(HApolicable) Date APP YMHONEPrdgramU Of'A era WOr HOME Invesanant Pertnwahlpa Program HCMG Adminhireean Manual M"I"iapadmaMol Commem9 71L. V, tate 2rl14 waL 'f VL ebff� ,J4" Attach a copy of the letter or rent schedule you recehwd from Rural Oevelopillor HUD with thou approved rent mem and al(ocli w dates for this property. Maximum Lowlncome HauslnO Tax CNtM Rant L1m14 (If applicabkf I— Slap this section If you do not haw LHTC urtica in your project ^^ Protide the Lav Mme }loosing Tax Creed tart lines for your projectares: EffecM Oak of LHTC rentachedub:. f_[I7YiH•I[d=.T.Mf1:R�f7 FT:T7M KIM. RenlStruchan ProvldetYaflndreMstructumfOrymr PMOOrtY-Zhrs is vljetha oiihhi >ileWor,ai Grantee Chief Execuew Officer or Elected Offidal Oak Props /Owner (M Applkable) ale APPRO HOt.E Pmgra OlEcer HOME Invmtmont padnenrhipa pogrom HOMEAdmhdOsaen Manual Montana DepeNmm of Commerce ]LII Janury 20M RenlStruchan ProvldetYaflndreMstructumfOrymr PMOOrtY-Zhrs is vljetha oiihhi >ileWor,ai Grantee Chief Execuew Officer or Elected Offidal Oak Props /Owner (M Applkable) ale APPRO HOt.E Pmgra OlEcer HOME Invmtmont padnenrhipa pogrom HOMEAdmhdOsaen Manual Montana DepeNmm of Commerce ]LII Janury 20M EXHIBIT T -L RENT SCHEDULE FORM Project Name and Address. Pnc�l 20r) )E)4,(nCk,yyklx KQ"I l'A, Name of HOME Oranme: Nameof Owner• Si�tr�ra, 1�n\)SinQ �. Ef etive Data of Proposed Scheduie: u u 5 c�Qj l Name and Phone Number of Schedule r-IASSO. �l Pmpamr .1;4,5- '1706n UtHhy Allomricas: Dolanentepayforumissatthepmject7MYes �hh 6 Yea, atmohSectlan 6 Utlliy Schedule IdenflVng die tenant paid OWN HOME Unit Mia: Waste the number of tool HOME-esalated unitsby bedroamelreiarreproject Forprojecfa vdth 6 or mora HOME units, at least 20% Ott units by each bedroom size must be designated as Low -HOME units. 0210d [I Bad I a s De a Total Number of HOSE Units ar Numborof taw -HOA£ Unts Maafnurn HOME RantLlmhs Provide the HOW Pngram rentilmns for ycurtrajacl ares using the tog below Effective Deb of HONE Rentftwdule: 1 1a I s L—=-xW1SM � Does this propertyrocews projaetbased assistance? ❑Yes )� Nb ••••Snip this ember, Ifyau do not hays Project Based units In you project.... Through which Program doeg yyour project receive assistance: ❑ RD Section 515 ❑ RD Section 638 ❑ Project eased Becton ❑ Diner (please specify): HOME Invettrmnt Padneehlpe Program HOME Admiiniseaaah Manwl Mortara 0apartmenl of Damm mea 7LI January 2010 Does this propertyrocews projaetbased assistance? ❑Yes )� Nb ••••Snip this ember, Ifyau do not hays Project Based units In you project.... Through which Program doeg yyour project receive assistance: ❑ RD Section 515 ❑ RD Section 638 ❑ Project eased Becton ❑ Diner (please specify): HOME Invettrmnt Padneehlpe Program HOME Admiiniseaaah Manwl Mortara 0apartmenl of Damm mea 7LI January 2010 Extfls T 7-L RENT SCHEDULE FORM Project Name and Address: lonly N -4'b` 'Q,ISWman� YY'� 54—II'1 Nameof HOMEOnntee:�_K nexna..(h Name of Owner. -51,4 ~ 9'1 J-1, A,",c vv.. _ Effective Data of Proposed Schodulet Name and PhoneNumborof Schedule VYNUA5S0, )�r Preparer UtBHyAllowenceer Do lanams pay for oftias at the projear [ayes El 110 8 Yes, adwh Section a Utility Schedule identifying the tenant paid uel8les HOME UWA Mix: Indicate the number of tool HOLIE•asslsled mils bedroomalzeforthapmiect Forpro" with 5 or mors HOME unit, at lent 10% of a unb by each betlroom size most be designated as Low -HOME unite. ee Total Number of HOLE Unds .3^ Number of Lcvk1DNE Units z�( Maximum HOME Rem Limits Provide the HOLE Program rem limits foryour project area Irving he 19A below Effective Date of HONE Rent Schedule: 162111 W HOME Rent Limits HOW 0 Bad s Bedcn 3 BedS Bed 1 5 Bed Low HOLE Rent High HONE Rem 15 D II Does this Property renhre project based aeaLtenee9 ❑ Yes ❑ No ---SHp this section Nyou do not have Project Based units In your project ••'• Though which Program doesdour project rocelve assistance: ❑ RD Secton 516 u RD Section 638 ❑ Project Based seotion 5 ❑ Other(pleasespecity): HOME lnveatment Pertl Nps Pmgmm HOME AdminlWstion Meatal Momena Oepanmann otConnlemo 7L-1 January 2014