HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1100 Improvement on SID No. 426 2:~~;t COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1100 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN SPECIAL IM1JROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 426 IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN, STATE OF MONTANA:-TO DEFRAY THE I COST OF CONSTRUCTING: AND MAKING THE IMPROVEMENTS WI'l'HIN SAID Sl-'ECIAL Dl1-'ROVEMENT DISTInCT NO. 426 - WHEREAS, The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 25th day of July 19~, duly and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 1045, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DECLAR- ING IT TO BE THE Iwrl~NTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF TI-IE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IM1JROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 426 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCT- ING AND INSTALLING AN EIGHT INCH OUTFALL SEWER FROM EAST MAIN STREET AND ROUSE AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVlmSI'J'Y SUB-DIVISION AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING OF AN EIGHT INCH LATERAL SE'vV12R FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY SUB-DIVISION TO THE NORTH LINE OF WESTFIDGE SlffiDIVISION, SAID SANITARY SEWER PROJECT TO INCL1JDE ALL Al'PUR'l'ENANT WORK, INCLUDING NECESSARY ~)IPE LINES, l\f.AN- HOLES AND OTHER NECESSARY APPURTENANCES. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commission of II'he Ci ty of Bozeman did on the 15 da'y- of Au~s t, 19.sg, duly pass Commis sion Reso- lution ~o. 1048, entitled: -- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMT'HSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CREATING A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMl'ROVEMENT DIS,TRICT NO. 426 OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING AN EIGHT INCH OUTFALL SEWER FROM EAST MAIN STREET AND R01JSE AVENUE TO THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY SUB-DIVISION AND FOR THE CONSTRUCTING AND INSTALLING AN EIGHT INCH LATERAL s':~wJ:m FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY SUB-DIVISION TO THE NORTH LINE OF WESTRIDGE SUB-DIVISION. I which Commission Resolutions Nos. 1045 and 1048, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part-or-this resolution for further particulars in respoct to the boundaries of said district, the character of the improve- ments to be constructed therein, the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the cost against the propert'y- within said district; and WHEREAS, said improvements as contemplated in said Commission Resolutions Nos. 1045 and lu48 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terms-ancr conditions of Commission Resolutions Nos. 1045 and .L048, and the total cost of said improvements so constructed is the sum or-- ---- Forty-four thousand forty-seven & b6/100ths ($44,U47.56) NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 5225 to 52'/'7.5 and 5485, R. C. M., 1935 and amendments thereto, BE IT RESOLVED AND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY BOZEMAN, STATE OF MONTANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and mak- ing the improvements in said Special Improvement District No. 426, there be, and. there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amounting to theS-um of Fort:r- four thousand fort -seven & 56 luUths (44 04'7.56) upon all the proper~y in sa pee al mprovemen s reo. , a a particular description of each .lot and parce.L of land wlth the nB:me of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such lmprovements and the amount of each partial payment to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule "A" and "B", and made a part hereof; that the several sims set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby respectively I levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defraE" the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said istrict; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respec- tive owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A" and "B" as required by law; that the payment of s8,id sums shall be made in ~ installments of 19 years; that the payment of the respective annual installments shall be maae on or before the 3uth day of Novemb3r of each year until payment of all installments together with the interest thereon, shall be made; tha t said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance w:ith the law governing the collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay suc~ assessments when the 2:\8 become due and payable shal~ make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. 'lhat the regular session of the Commission of 'Ihe City of Bozeman to held in the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 30th day of October, 1963, at l:OU o'c.Lock lJ.M., be, and the same is I hereoycresignateCI as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution will be will be heard by said Commission. See tion 3. 'l'ha t the Clerk of the Commission of The C1 ty of' Bozeman be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chron- iCle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the said Special Impr'ovemen t Dis tric t No. 426 is on file in the offic e of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a perIod of five ( 5) da ys ; tha t sa id Notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Comrn:tssion to the final adoption of this hesolution; tha tit shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof he~d on the 23rd da~ of Oct., 1963. y Fred M. Staudaher Ma yor Attest: sf c. K. Wilson Clerk of the City Commission Finally passed and adopted by the Commis sion of The Ci ty of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 3uth day of Uct., 1963 . I sj Fred M. Staudaher Mayor A ttes t: ~ C. K. Wilson Clerk of the C1 ty Comrr:ission - - - - - - - - - - - NOT ICE ------ HEARING, FINAL ADOPTION OF CUMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1100, LEVYING ASSESSMENT SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTF?ICrr NO. 4~ CITY OF BOZEMAN, FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND H!STALLA TION OF AN EIGHT INCH. OUTFA1J1 SEWER FROM EAS.T MA IN STREET AND R01JSE AVENUE TO TRE NORTH LINE OF UNIVERSITY SUB-DIVISION AND paR THE CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OP AN EIGHT INCH LATERAL SEWER FROM THE NORTH LINE OF UNIVEBSITY SeUB-DIVISION TO THE NORTH LINE OF' WESTRIDGE SUB-DIVISION. NOTICE IS lillREBY GIVEN, that at a regular s6ssim of the CommiRsion of The Ci ty of Bozeman held on the 23rd day of October, ~963, Commission Reso- I lution No. llUU was provisionally passed and adopted; that said Com~isslon Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District No. 426 in said City to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said distridt, to-wit: (Continued on Page No. 239) .- " 2:~9 All that portion of Section 18, T2S, Ro#, M. P . M . , beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 18, Township 2 South, Range 6 East of the Montana Principal Meridian; thence along the westerly line of said Section Eighteen North 00001' West a distance of 1,465.07 feet to a point on the Southeaster~y line of the Fifty foot right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company; I thence alon~ said Southeasterly right-of-way line North 30016 East a distance of 1,353.60 feet to the point of intersection with the southerly line of Eu tte Addi tion to Bozeman, Man tana, thence along said southerly line East a distance of 245.95 feet to the Southeasterly corner of said Butte Addition; thenc e along the easter~y line of aforesaid Butte Addition North 00001' East a distance of 421.75 feet to a point on the SOlltheasterly line of aforesaid railroad right- of-wa y; thence along aforesaid Southeasterly right-of way line North 30016' East a distance of 1,503.57 feet to a point; thence South 59044' East a distance of 25.00 feet to a point; thence North 30016' East a dis- tance of 97.81 feet to the point of beginning of a cir- cu~ar curve to the right with the radius of 233.19 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 590U5' a distance of 24u.47 feet to a point; thence North 89021' East a distance of 5U9.75 feet to the Northeast corner of the Thompson ranch, which said point is located on the North and South center line of aforesaid Section Eighteen; thence along said North and South center line South 00027'10" East a distance of 4,214.23 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Spring Creek Road, and also the point of beginning of a circular curve to the right with a radius of 758.06 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 53029'40", a distance of 734.25 feet; thence North 17038' West a distance of 166.6U feet to a point of beginning of a circular curve to the left with a radius of 566.67 feet; thence along the arc of said curve, through a cen tral angle of 33015'20", a distance of 328.90 feet; thence South 78030' West a I distance of 123.8U feet to a point on the southerly line of said public road right-of-way; thence South 16010' West a distance of 986.31 feet to a point; thence South 11045'30" West a distance of 77.48 feet to a po in t; thence South 07021' West a distance of 222.17 feet to a point on the southerly line of aforesaid Section Eighteen; thence along said southerly line North 89024' West a distance of 1,32u.12 feet to the poin t of beginning, also all of that certain portion of the northerly half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 19, Township 2 South, Range 6 East of the Montana Principal Meridan, in the County of Gallatin, State of Montana, bounded and described more particularly as follows, to-wi t: Begin~ing at the Northwest corner of said Section 19; thence along the northerly line of said Section 19 South 89012' East a distance of ~32U.13 feet to a point; thence South a distance of 228.0 feet to a point; thence North 89012' West a distance of 109.58 feet to a point; thence South 26059'40" West a distance of 259.29 feet to a poin t; thence South 84002'30" East a distance of 133.52 feet to a point; thence South a distance of 380.58 feet to a point on the southerly line of afore- said northerly half of the Northwest ~uarter of said Section 1.9; thence North 89006' West along said southerly line to a point on the westerly line of said Section 19, a distance of 1225.46 feet; thence .North along said westerly line a distance of 1325.7 feet to the point of beginning; Tha t, said Commission Resolution No. 1100 is now on file in the office I of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of Five (5) days by any persons interested. That Wednesday, the ~ day of October, 1963, a 1:00 o'c1.ock p.m., of said day at the regular session of the said Commission of The City of Bozeman, at the Commission Room, in the City Hall BuiLding of said City, has been designated as the time and place when and where the said Commission will hear and pass upon any and all objections that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 1100, and the levying of said Assessment; and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Resolution No. 1 U 45, declaring it to be the intention of the Commission to create Special Improve- ment District No. 426, and Commission Resolution No. 1U48, creating Special 240 Improvement District No. 426, for constructing and making the improvements therein. Dated this 24th day of October, 1963 . C. K. Wilson Clerk of the Commission ------ - - - - - I State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) ss City of Bozeman ) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of 'lltIe Ci ty of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Notice was publi- shed at length in the Bozeman Dai~y Chronic~e, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of the 25th day of October, 1963, and due proof of such publication is on file in my offlce. IN WrrNESS WHEREOF I hereun to se t my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 5th day of November, 1963. r?/;{ U~~/ Clerk the City Commission ------ - - - - - - - I State of Montana ) CmID ty of Galla tin) ss Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of Th~ City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. llUO, was published by title and nl~ber in the Bozeman Daily Chronic~e, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said Ci ty in the issue of uctober 31st, 1963, and due proof of sUCh publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 5th day of November, 1963. ~./~-'/Ah ~A'?~) Clerk the City Commission - - ----- - - - - I ._.__..__._u_.___.. __..