HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1114 Municipal Building Bonds 2[-)8 RESOLUTION NO. 1114 RESOLUTION DETERMINING SUFFICIENCY OF !JETITION FOR MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS, FIXING THE EXACT AMOUNT OF BONDS TO BE ISSm~D AND CALLING AN ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING ON THE ISSUANCE OF SUCH BONDS. ~ I BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COM~GSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, AS FOLLOWS: Section J.. It is hereby found and determined that a petition in '/3 counterparts, each counterpart having attached thereto the affidavit of the circulator thereof, was filed with the Clerk of the Commission on March 24, 1964; that said petition requests that an election be held and that there be submitted at such election the questions of issuing bonds for the fOllowing purpose: To erect, furnish and equip a municipal building facility to house city administrative offices and the pOlice and fire department, the amount of bonds necessary to be issued for this purpose being esti- mated at $475,uuO.vU; that said petition is in proper form and bears the requisite number of eigna- tures of qualified petitioners, being signed by 1159 registered electors whose names appear upon the last completed assessment roll for state and county taxes, as taxpayers within the City of Bozeman; that the total number of persons who are auch taxpaer-electors according to said roll is 5,u35 I and therefore the petition has been signed by more than 2U% of the total number of taxpayer-ekectors whose names appear upon said rOLL; and that said petition is now on fiLe in the office of the C~erk of the City Commission. Section 2. Anelectlon is hereby called and directed to be held in and for the City on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1964, in the various precincts and at the palling places as set forth in the notice of election hereinafter contained, between the hours of lU:UU o'clock A.M. and 8:0u o'Clock ~.M., for the purpose of voting on the question of issuing Municipa.L Building Bonds. Said election Sha.LLbe held coincidenta.L1Y with the Primary Nominating Election on said day, and the judges and clerks of said Primary Nominating Election shall act as the judges and Clerks of sald bond election. ~ Section 3. At said e.Lection all, but only, the du.Ly registered and qualified electors of the City whose names appear upon the last preceding assessment roll for state and county taxes, as taxpayers upon property within the C1 ty, shall be enti tled to vote. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to give notice forthwith to the County Clerk of the call of said election. The County Clerk shaLL, after giving due notice of closing of the registration books, prepare printed lists of the registered voters entitled to vote at said election, and shall prepare precinct registers for such election for each precinct of the City in the form and manner required by law. Section 4. The purpose for which said bonds are proposed to be issued and the exact amount of bonds to be issued shall be set forth in the form of ballot hereinafter prescribed. The number of years through which such bonds are to be paid shall be twenty (zu) years. Section 5. The Clerk of the Commission is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of the call and hOlding of said election by PUbli- I cation, once each week for a period of not less than two (2) consecutive weeks Immedia telY preceding .the da te for hOlding said elec tion, one of such publications to be upon the Last day upon Wh1.ch such newspaper is issued before the election, in the Bozeman DailY Chronicle, pubLished at Bozeman, Montana, and by causing notice to be posted in at least three (3) of the most public places in each voting precinct in the City at least ten (lU) days prior to the date of said election, which notice so pub~ished and posted shall read substantialLY as fOllOWS: ~S9 NOTICE OF ELECTION CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on Tuesday, the 2nd day of June, 1~6<4:, an election will be held in and for the City of Bozeman, Montana, for the pur- pose of voting on the QUestion of issuing the bonds of the City of Bozeman for the following purpose and in the fOLLowing amoun t: I To erect, furnish and eqt1.ip a municipa..L building facili ty to house city administrative offices and the police and fire deparunent, the amount of bonds necessary to be issued for this purpose being estimated at $75,OOO.uO. The places of voting at said election in the City of Bozeman Wi..Ll be ~s fOllows: Precinc t No. Polling Place Address 1 Hawthorne School 11~ North Rouse 2 Armory Building 24 W. Mendenhall 3 Courthouse 311 West Main - 4 Willson Jr. High SChool 404 West Main 5 Emerson SchoOl III South Grand 6 City Hall 326 East Main 7 Longfellow SChool 516 South Tracy 8 Irving School 611 South 8th 9 Whittier School 511 North 5tn 10 Student Union Building 600 W. Garfield 11 Women's Club House 702 West Main I 12 Sou thside t'ark 710 South Fifth 34 Quonset Fieldhouse (MSC) The pails for said election Wi.Ll be opened at ..Lu:uO o'Clock a.m. and will remain open until ~:UU O'Clock p.nl. on said date of election. All, but only, the duly registered and qualified electors of the City whose names appear on the last preceding assessment roll for state and county taxes as taxpayers upon property within said City are entitled to vote at said election on the Questions of issuing bonds. Da ted this da y of , 196~. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION , Clerk Section 6. The Clerk of the Commission shall cause suitable ballots to be prepared for use at said eiection and shall distribute the same to the judges of e~ection in the respective precincts, together with the precinct regis ters supplied by the County Clerk and other necessary and proper election supY.Lies, which ballots shall be white in color and of convenient size, printed in accordance with R.C.M. 11-23u9, and shall read substantial..LY as follows: OFFIC IAL BALLOT CITY 01" BO.:EMAN, MOWrANA JUNE 2, 196~ I (INSTRUCTIONS TO VOTERS: Mark a cross (x) in the square opposite the word "FOR" if you wish to va te in favor of the proposition, or in the square opposite the word "AGAINST" if you wish to vote against the proposition.) PRO.POSITION . . . FOR the City of Bozeman, Montana, issuing and . . selling its general obligation bonds in the . . . amount of Pour Hundred Seven ty Pi ve 'l'housand Dollars ($475,uUU.UU), to be payable during a period of twenty (2U) years from the date of tneir issuance, the proceeds of such bonds to 260 be used to erect, furnish and equip a municipal building facility to house city administrative offices and the police and fire departments. . . . AGAINST the City of Bozeman, Montana, issuing . . and seLling its general obligation bonds in the . . . amount of Four Hundred Seventy Five ~housand DOllars ($4'lb,OOU.OV), to be payable durIng a period of twenty (~u) years from the da te of I their issuance, the proceeds of such bonds to be used to erect, furnish and equip a municipal building facility to house city administrative offices and the police and fire departments. Sec tion 7. The Clerk of the Commiss ion is au thorized and direc ted to fu.rnish to the judges of election all other necessary and convenient facilities and sUPPlies for sHid election and the returns thereof. Said election shall be conducted and the returns made in the same manner as other city elections. The votes cast at said bond election shall be counted separatelY from the votes cast in the regular primary nominating election, and the returns for said bond election shall be made separate from the returns for said general .Primary Nomina t1ng Election, and returns must be made separatelY for the proposition submitted at s&id election. Passed by the City COmY,ission and approved by the Mayor this ~ day of April, 1<;164. Approved: S/ R. Harrv Morrow " A TTSST : S/ C. K. Wilson Clerk of the Commission - - - - State of Monttina ) I County of Ga1lytln) ss. City of Bozeman ) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The Clty of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolntion No. 111-4, was published by title tind number in the Bozeman DailY Chronicle, a newspaper of generaL circulation printed and published in said Ci ty in the issue of 'the 13th day of Apri..l., 1964, and due proof of such pnblictltion is on fl1e iu m~ office. IN Wn'NESS WHEREOF I hereunto se t my hand and affix the corporate seaL of my off1ce this 14th day of April, lY64. ... ~~L~~/ Clerk'o th ity Commi sion - - - - .... - ------- I