HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1102 Memoriam to President Kennedy 242 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1102 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, GALL,A TIN COUNTY, MONTANA IN MEMORIAM TO ~RESIDENT I JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY. WHEREAS, President John F. Kennedy, thirty-fifty ~resident of the United States, was struck down on Friday, November 22, 1963 by a hidden assassin and was taken from us by God's will, and WHEREAS, we, like all American citizens and civilized people everywhere, are shocked and horrified beyond expression at this untimely and senseless loss of our great President and the dynamic leadership upon which the United States and the world is so much dependent. NOW, THEFEJi'ORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Tha tit is the desire of this City administration to take official note of this dark tragedy and express its extreme feeling of outraged grief; That the reverence and munility of John F. Kennedy, his sense of ,jus tice, his patience and forebearance, his devotion to duty, to his coun try, and to his family are in the highest tradition of our American way of life and will be an ever.Lasting inspira tion to all men; and Tha t we rededica te oursel ve s to those qualities and to this Na tion 's basic principles of ,justice and liberty and ever strive to elimina te the opportunity for the perpetration of such dastardly acts of the assassin, of the misguided, and of the mean and the vicious. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that our deepest sympathies go out to the President's bereaved widow, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy and their children and to the President's family, and that this Resolution be spread on the I minutes of this Commission and a properly certified copy be apprpriately transmitted to Mrs. Kennedy. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission at its regular meeting he.Ld on the 27th day of November, 1963. sl Fred M. Staudaher FRED M. STA UDAHER, Ma yor S( Edmund .P. Sedivy EDMUND P. SEDIVY, Commissioner sl R. Harr~ Morrow R. HARRY MOR OW, vommissioner s/ Oscar E. Cutting OSCAR E CUTTING, City Manager ATTEST: I . s/ C. K. Wilson C. K. WILSON I Clerk of The City Commission ... - - - - - -- - -