HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1130 Bargain and Sale Deed .------- -- ----..--..- 2H? COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 113 () - A RESOV"TTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN I MonTANA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CLERK OP THE CITY COM~:TISSImT TO EXECUTE A BARGAIN AND SALE DEED. WHEREAS, the City of Bozeman by and through the City Commission, upon the recommendation and approval of the City Manager, has heretofore entered into negotiations with Alexander David Weaver and Allegra Florine Weaver for the sal.e of the hereinafter described property for the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Four and Thirty Pour Cents Dol.lars ($1,ijb4.34) cash; and, WHEREAS, it appears to the City Commission that it is to the best inter- est of the City of Bozeman to compl.ete said sale by the execution and delivery of a deed to said party. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE Cm$'ISSION OP THE CITY OP BOZErTAN AS FOLLOWS: That the Mayor of the City of Bozeman, R. Harry Morrow, be and he hereby is authorized for and on behalf of the City of Bozeman, and in consider- ation of the.sU111 of One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Four and Thirty Pour Cents Dollars (~ e54.34) in hand paid, to make and execute a deed transferring and conveyinf to Alexander David Weaver and Al.~egra Fl.orine Weaver, husband and . wife, the fO~lowing described real property situate in the City of Bozeman, County of Gal.l.atin, State of Montana, to-wi t: Lots 6 and 7 in Bl.OCk 4 of Western Subdivision, which is a portion of the Northeast Quarter of See tion 11, Township 2 South of Range 5 East, M.P.W. according to the official pl.at on fi~e and of record in the office of the County C~erk I and Recorder, Gal.l.atin County, Montana. PASSED AND AD01->TED by the City Commission at its reguLar meeting he~d on the 1.2th day of August, 1.964 . sf R. Harry Morrow Ma yor ATTEST: S/ C. K. Wil.son Cl.erk of the City Commission - - - - S ta te of ~ijon tana ) County of Gal.latin) ss. City of Bozeman ) I, C. K. W1Lson, Cl.erk of the Commission of The City of BozeT'll::ln, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1.13U, was publ.Ished by titLe and number in the Bozeman Dal~y Chronicl.e, a newspaper of general. circu~atlon printed and pub.Lished in said City in the issue of August 1.9th, 1.964, and due proof of SUCh pub~icatlon is on file in my office. IN WIT:t';TmS WIIEREO!~l I hereun to SB.t my hand and affix I the corpora te seal. of my office this 24th day of August, 1.964. c?: q;~'~~~A/ . K. v' lson - C~erk of the City Commission - - - - - - - -- --- .-- ----_.,,-