HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1128 Taxable Property, Year 1965 ,~ 2~Jl COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1128 - A RESOLUTIOJlT OF THE C01iTl'FSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN DETERMINING THE AMOUNT OF C ITv TAX~~S l"OR ALL PURPOSES, GENE~AL AND S~ECrAL, TO BE LEV- IED AND ASSESSED ON TAXABLE l)ROPERTY IN THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STA TE OF 1,IfONTANA, PUR THE FISCAL YEAR EN'DING .TUNE 3uth, 1 'd6 5 . I See tion 1. Tha t , pursuant to the provisions of Section 84-47Ul, Poli tical Code, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, there 1s hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percenttIDJ of the assessed value of the taxabl.e property of 'T'he Ci ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, as fixed and found by the Board of County Commissioners of Gal.latin County, fuontana, sitting as a Coun ty Boa rd of Eoua l.iza tion for the current fiscal year ending June 3u, 1965, a tax of 30.0 mill.s for General. Muni- cipal and Administrative purposes, which levy shall-oe-distributed as follows: General Municipal and Adminis tra ti ve Purposes, (See tion 84-4'{Ul, Poli tical Code, R.C.M., 194'1 ) (a) Execu ti ve, POl.ice, fire and other purposes 20.0 Mills (b) Street and Al.ley Purposes lu.u Mills (Section 32-2ul, H.C.M., 194'1) - Total 3U.0 Mi..1.1s See tion 2. Tha t, pursuan t to the provisions of Section 44-3ul POl.itical Code, R.C.Uf., 1947, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxabl.e percentum of the assessed vallIe of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, Sta te of Montana, for the current fiscal year ending June 3u, 1.965, for the support and mainten8nce of the free publ.ic library of The C1 ty of Bozeman a SpOCf::\. il tax of 3.1 mills on each dol.l.ar of taxable percent'l1m of the assessed vaiue thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Library I:<lmd and shal.l be disbursed as provided by Section 2.08.200 of the Bozeman.Municipal Oode; See tion 3. Tha t , pursuant to the provisions of Section 84-4~Ul., Political Code, Revised Codes of Monta~a 1.847, the r e is hereby levied and assessed on the taxabl.e percentum of the assessed val.ue of the taxable property of The City of Bozem8T~, Montana, for the current fiscal year ending June 3U, 1965, for the purpose of maintining public parks in said Oity a special tax of ~ Mi1.1S on the taxable percentum of the assessed val.ue of the taxable property of 'The Ci ty I of Boz em8 n and the mone y derived therefrom s ha 11 be pa id in to the Park Fund and f1hall be disbursed as provided by Section 2.u8.220 of the Bozeman Municipal Code; Section 4. 'l'ha t, pursuan t to the provis ions of Sec tion 1.1-1912, R. C. :':., 194'( there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable percentum of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within tne l.imits of The City of Bozem~n for the current fiscal. year ending June 3u, 1.96b, ~ special tax of l..~ MillS on the dol.lur of such taxabl.e percentl~ of the assessed valuation fior the purposes of maint~ining the DisabiL: ty and t'ension Pund of tIle Fire Department Relief Associ~tion of The City of Bozeman, and s&id tax when so cO..1.1ected sh~ll be paid into the Dls~bi~ity and Pension ~~nd of the Fir6 Vey~rt- ment Relief Association of the City of Bozeman; Section 5. 'l'ha t , pUrS'llanL LO the provisions of Section 1.1-1.823, H.C.M., 1.94'1, there is hereby l.evied and assessed upon the taxa bl.e percentum of the assessed value of Dl.l property witnin The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending ,Tune 3u, J.:16b, a special tax of u.9 1'.111..1.8 and the money derived. therefrom Sha.Ll be paid into the POlice Reserve Fund pursuant to the provisions of Commission Resolution No. 451; See tion 6. 'I'ha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-3u6, H.C.~~., 1947, there is hereby l.evied and assessed upon the taxable percentum of the assessed value of all property wIthin The City of Dozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 3u, 1<;16b, a special tax of 1.4 Mil.lS and the money deri vec1 therefrom shaLL be paid into the Cemetery ~and shal.l be disbursed as provided by Section of the Bozel"1an Municipal Code; See tion ? Tha t , pursuen t to the provisions of Section ll-lJl.l, R.C.rr., 1947, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property within the City of Bozeman, for the I current fiscal. year ending June 3v, l:i65, for the purpose of provid:lng band concerts for the entertainment of the people of sald City, a sVecial tax of u.5 Mills on each doliar of the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxa b Ie property of The City of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Band Fund of said City and shal.l be disbursed as provided by Section 8.04.030 of the Bozeman Municipal Code; Sec tion 13. Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6H-6u3 R.C.M., 194'7, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxa bl.e percan turn of tl1.e assessed value of all. property within 'l'he City of Bozerr,an for the current fis- cal year ending ,June 3u, 1965, a special. tax of 1.4 MiLLs and the money derived tJlerefrom shal.l be paid into the Publ.ic Employee'Shetirement System Fund and sha 11 be disbursed to pa y the City I s share of employee 's re tiremen t and admini- strative costs to the Public Employees RetireMent System. -' --. ~~}2 Section lu. '1'hf;1 t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 1-804, R.C.M., 194'7, there Is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed va.1ue of all. the taxab.1e property wi thin the .lirni ts of The Ci ty of Bozeman for the fiscal year ending June 3uth, .1965, a special tax of U.l Millon the doLLar of such assessed valua tion for the purpose of maintaining ana opera ting an Airport, an(~ shall be disbursed as directed by the Commission of the City of Bozeman; Sec tion 11. 'l'ha t , pursnant to the provisions of Section .1.1-2322, R.C.M., 1947, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed va.1.ue of all tax- abLe property within the limits of The City of 0oze~an for the fiscal year end- I ing June 3uth, .196b, a tax of 3.4 Mills on the dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of providing a"""'!IT'nking Fund for the payment of interest and principal due on the outstandlng General ObLigation DondR of the City of Bozeman. Sec tion 12. 'l'ha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 84-4729, R.C.'M., 194'7, the totul levy of taxes for the current fiscal year ending June 3u, 1965, by reason of the foregoing de termina tion, will and shaLL be as follows: General Municipal & Admin1.strative Purposes: (a) Execu ti ve, police, fire & other purposes ( Se c . 1) 2v.0 Mills (b) Street and Alley Purposes (Sec. 1) 10.0 Maintenance of Pree J:'ub.1ic Library (Sec. 2) 3.1 Maintenance of Public Parks (Se c . 3) 6.u Maintaining DisabiLt ty and Pension Fund (Sec. 4) ..L.\::J (Fire Dept. Re~lef Association) Police Peserve Fund (Sec. 5) 0.9 Maintenance of Cemetery (Sec. 6) 1.4 Pub~ic Band Concerts (::'>ec. 7) u.5 Pub~ic Emp..Loyees Hetirement (Sec. S) 1.4 Spec ial Improl.remen t Dis t. Revolving Fund (8ec. 9) 2.0 Maintenance of Airport (Sec. 10) 0.1 Sinking Fund (Genll. Obligation Bonds) (Sec. 11) 3.4 TOTAL 50.7 Mills Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 5th day of A~gust, 1964. S! R. Harry Morrow Ma yor ATTEST: I Sj C. K. WLLson Clerk of the City Commission - - - - State of Montana ) County of Gallatin) ss. City of Bozerran ) I, C. K. Wilson, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1128, was published by title and number in the Bozeman DailY ChronicLe, a newspaper aD general circulation printed and pubLished in said C1 ty in the issue of August lOth, 1964, and due proof of such publication .:1s on file in my office. IN WITNT<;SE3 WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 12th day of August, 1964. c:~' ~~ ~~<-/ C.lerk the i ty ommission - - - - - I