HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1127 Municipal Building Bonds 290 RESOLUTION NO. 1127 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of The City of Bozeman, I ~,ron t8na, tha t the Ci ty issue its $;4'75,uOO Municipal Building Bonds in accordance with authority conferred by the voters at the Special City Election held June 2, 1964. Said bonds shall be issued for the purpose of erecting, furnishing and equipping a municipal. building facility to house city administrative offices and the police and fire department, shall bear interest as the maximum rate of 6% per annum, shall be dated as of the 1st day of July or January next preceding their date of deLivery, and shall be payable over a period of 2u years. They may be redeemed in full, at the option of the City, on any interest payment date from and after l.U years from the date of issue. 'llhey shall be executed by the signa tures of the Mayor and the Director of Finance, attested by the Clerk of the Commission, and sealed with the official corporate seal of the City, and the ap~lrtenant coupons shall be executed by printed or lithographed facsimiles of the signatures of the same officers. Preference shall be l7iven to amortization bonds, but in case it shall be found advantageous to issue bonds in serial form, the y shall be in the denomina tion of I $l,OUO each. The form of notice of sale of said bonds on file with the Clerk of the Commission is hereby adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOL\lED tha tit is inad visa ble to proceed immediatelY with the sale of said bonds, and the date, time and place of sale shall ther"fore be fixed by further resolution of this Commission. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session of said Commission held on the 1st day of July, 1964. 3/ R. I-Iarry Morrow Ma yor ATTEST: sj C. K. Wilson Clerk of the City Commission - - - - - - - I "~ .,. -.... .- - . - -