HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1145 Creates SID No. 430 :\:\4 COW~ISSION RESuLUTION NO. 1145 A RESOLUTIuN OF' THE C01'IMISSION OF THE CITY OP BOZEMAN, MONTANA, LEVYING AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENS" OF TAXES UPON ALL THE PROPERTY IN St'ECIAL D"PROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 430 IN THE C1 TY OF BOZEMAN, COUNTY OF GALLATIN) STATE OJ:<' MOl"TAHA, TO DEFRAY THE COST OF COFSTRUCTING AND MAKING THE IMPROVE1\'ENTS WITHIN SAID S,l-'ECIAL IM1-'ROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. WHEREAS, ~e City Commission of the Oity of Bozeman, did on the 27th I day of March 1963, duiy and regularly pass Commission Resolution No. 1069 entitied: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF' THE CITY OF' BOZEMAN DE- CLARIVG IT TO BE THE INTENTION OT<' TI-IE CITY OF BOZEMAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DIS'l'PICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT NO. 430 OF THE CI TY OF BOZEMAN FOR TIlE l-'UR1'OSE OF CON- STRTTCTnm AND INSTALLING A J)A VE1\1ENT PROJECT ON SOUTH TRACY AVENUE FRONT THE END OF EXISTING 1-'AV~"'1I'n<:NT, BEnG 150 FEET NORTH OF CLEVELA:ND STREET SOUTH 'T'O T H'2 SOUTH LH'E OF :LOT 4 BLOCK" A" OF LANGOHR' S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND CLEVE- LinD S'l'REE'f !:'rct"," SOUTH VIILLSON A 'ffiNUE rm SOUTH TRACY AVENUE, SAID FA VEMENT PRO,TECT TO INCLUDE COI\rS~l'R1JCrrrON AND INSTALLA'I'ION OF' A S.TOl7T"T SEWER LINE, COHBTNATION C':1NCTIETE CURBS AND G1JT'I'ERS, GRA VEL BASE COUR.SE, CRUSHED GRA:VEL CUSHION COURSE, AND B ITUM- INUS SURFACE COURSE. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 17th day of April, 1963, duly pass Commission Resolution No. 1075, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN CII'J".T COMNfISSION CREATTFG A SPECIAL IMPROVE~i'ENT DI STRICT TO 'IE KNOWN AS S.PECIAL DFROVE- MENT DISTRICT NO. 430 OF TIlE CITY OF BuZEMAN FOR ~'}jE PUHPOSE OF' CONSTRtJC'l'ING AND INSTALJ,Jum A PAVEi\IENT F'RO,JEC'l' 01'.1 SOUTH TRACY AVENUE PRO" TEE END OF EXIST~JJG FA VEMENT, BEING 15v FEET NORTH OF' CLEVEIAND STREET SOUTH TO THE S.OUTH LINE OF Lor 4 13L jCK "A" OP LANGOHRS EIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF' BOZEIt'AN Al'm CLEVELAND STREET :F'Rm" SOUTH WILLSON A VENUE TO SOUTH TRACY AVENUE. which Commission Resolutions Nos. lu69 and 1075, passed as aforesaid, are I hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further partic- ulars in respect tofue boundaries of said district, the charac ter of the improvements to be constructed therein, the estimated cost of said im- provements and the method of assessing the cost against the property- within said district; and WHEREAS, said improvements as contempia ted in said Commission Resolutions Nos. 1069 and l.u75 have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terms and condi tions of Commission Resolutions Nos. 1069 and 1075, and the total cost of said improvements $0 constructed is the sum of Twen ty Thousand Nine Hu.ndred Forty Ntne and 52/l0U dOllars ($20,949.52.) NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to t he p:rovisions of Sections of Sections 5225 to 5277.5 and 5485, R.C.','., 1935 and amendments thereto BE IT RESOLVED A:ND IT IS HEREBY ORDERED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, STATE OF' MONTANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in said Special Im~;'rovemen t Dis tri c t No. 43v, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amountingto the sum of Twenty ~housand Nine Hundrad Forty Nine and 52/100 dOllars ($2u,949.S2) upon all the property in said Special Improvement District No. 43v) that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land wi th the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvements and the amount of each parti.al pay-men t to be made and the day when the same shall. be deiinuuent is set rorth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached marked Schedule "A \I, and made a part hereor; t.h8. t the several sums set opposite the names or the owners and the described lots and parcels or I of land be, and the same are hereby resi-iecti vely lev1.ed and assessed upon and against said described lots and parceis of land to derray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements within said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected rrom the respective owners of said lots and parcels of iand described in said assessment list, SChedule "A" as reauired by law; that the payment of said roms shall be made in twenty instalLments and the payment of said installments shall extend over a period of nineteen years; that the payment of the respective annual instal~ments shall be made on or before the 3uth day of November of each year until payment of all installments together with the interest thereon, shall be madej that said sums shali be paid and the collect1on thereof shall be made in the manner and i.n ~ccordance with the BW governing the ...........~:..... .~ ... ~ r= ....;:) collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such assess- ments when the same become due Hnd payab~e shall make such persons and said lots and parcels of land 11ab.le to the pena 1 tie s provided by la w relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. That the regular session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman to held in the Commis sion Chamber in the City Hall of said I Ci ty on the 28th day of October, 1964, at 1: LJu 0 'e loc k P. M. , be, an d the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to the final adoption of this Resolution wi~l be heard by said Commission. Section 3. That the Clerk of the Co:rnmission of The City of Bozeman be, and he is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and naking the improvements in the said Special Improvement District No. 430 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a-period of five (5) days; that said Notice shall state the time and place at "Which objections will be heard by the Comnission to the final adoption of ~1is Resolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of the City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 21st day of October 1964. Attest: IL~jJ d ~;rdv ~ ~...n'n A.. ~~e A t g Clerk 0 City Commission Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at session thereof held on the 28th October 1964. I Attest: ;;i l-/ h ~J!r' -~ /';>-""~. . ,- ~7.&- ~ " ~~iA I g er 0 t e City Commission -----~---~-------------- 1! 0 TIC E HEAR ruG, F mAL ADOPT ION OF C0M11ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1145, LEVYING ASSESSMENT SPECIAL IUPROVE1~T DISTRICT NO. 430, CITY OF BOZEMAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING .AND INSTALLING APAVEM.ENT PROJECT ON SOUTH TRACY AVENUE FROM THE END OF EXISTING PAVEMENT, BEING 150 FEET NORTH OF CLEVELA1TD STREET SOvTH TO THE SOUTH LmE OF LOT 4 BLOCX "An OF IJiNGOHR'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, AND CLE"IJ1JLAND STREET FROM SOUTH WILLSON AVENUE TO SOUTH TRACY AVENUE. l:OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman held on the 21st day of October, 1964, Commission Resolution No. 1145, was provisionally passed and adopved; that said Commission Resolution levies and assesses a special assessment of taxes upon all the prbperty in Special Improvement District No. 430, in said City, to defray the cost and expenses of constructing and nnking the improvements within said District, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the center line of South Tracy Avenue 150 feet North of the North line of Cleveland Street; thence easterly along the South line of Lot 5, Block 2, Dudley's First Addition, to a point 130 feet East of the East line of South Tracy Avenue; thence southerly 130 feet from and parallel to the East line of South I Traoy Avenue to a point on the city limits line, said line being also the South line of Lot 11, Block 2, Springdell Addition; thence westerly along said oity limits line and the South line of Lot 11, Block 2, Springdell Addition, to the East line of' South Tracy Avenue; thence westerly across South Tracy Avenue to the southeast corner of Lot 4, Block A, Langohr's First Addition; thence westerly along the South line of said Lot 4 to a point 130 feet West of the West line of South Tracy Avenue; thence north!rly 130 feet from and parallel to the West line of South Tracy Avenue to a point 20 feet South of the South liDe of Lot 2, Block A, Langohr's First Addition; thence westerly along the extension of the South line of Lot 6, Blook 8, Butte Addition to the southeast corner of said Lot 6, Block 8; thence along the South line of said Lot 6, Block 8 to a point on the east line of South Willson Avenue; thence northerly along the East line of South Willson Avenue to a point 150 feet from the North line of West Cleveland Street; thence easterly 150 fe8t from and parallel to :):\6 the North line of West Cleveland Street to the point of beginning. That~ said Commission Resolution No. 1145 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of the Co]ronission~ subject to inspection for a period of five days (5) by any persons interested. That Wednesday~ the 28th day of October, 1964, at 1:00 o'clock P.M., of sald day at the regular session of the said oommission of the City of Bozeman~ at the Commission Room, in the City Hall Building of said City~ has been designated as the time and plaoe when and where the said Commiss ion will hear and pass upon any and I all objeotions that may be made to the final passage and adoption of said Resolution No. 1145~ and the le'V:ying of said assessment~ and that said Resolution will be finally passed and adopted at said regular session. All persons interested are referred to Commission Resolution No. 1069, deolaring it at be the intention of the Commission to oreate Speoial Improvement District No. 430, and Commission Resolution No. 1075, creating Special Improvement District No. 430, for constructing and making the improvements therein. Dated this 21st day of Ootober 1964. ss~on -- - - - ~ - ~ - - State of Montana ~ss County of Gallatin I Harold A. Fryslie. Acting Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman~ Hereby oertify that the foregoing Notice was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of October 23rd, 1964, and due proof of such publication is on file in Mf office. m WITNESS 'NHEREOF I HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND Affix the corporate seal of my office this 27th day of October, 1964. I!:. '.;t " #~ecf(/z-~~<, I ./ sl Harold A.~ J.e Acting Clerk of e Commission I ._...n