HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1155 Municipal Building Bonds :U;1 CO:MMISSICN RESOLUTION NO. Ilb5 RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING THE FORM AND DETAILS OF $475,000 MUNICIPAL BUILDING BONDS AND THEI~ EXECUTION AND 'ELI VERY BE IT RESOLVED by the iJi ty (.;ommis sian of the C1 ty of .l:;)ozeman, Mon tana as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the City of Bozeman I has been duly authorized by proceed:~gs conforming with law to issue and deliver the bonds hereafter described, and said bonds have been properly advertised for sale and sold to Piper, Jaffray and Hopwood, Ir c., of M:"nneapo.Lis, Mirnesota, and associates, at a price of par Plus accrued interest p.LUS a premium of $6.00 for bonds bearing interest at the rates specified be.LOw, being a net interest cost of $162,599, and 1 t is proper and des lrab..l.e that the form and details thereof be prescribed and re- corded in the minutes of this Commission. 2. Pursuant to such proceedings and sale,', the City of Bozeman shall forth- wi th issue its negotiable coupon Municipal Building Donds in the aggregate principal amount of $4?5,UOO, being 475 bonds in denomInation of $l,UOO each, numbered 1 throur;h 475, all dated as of JUlY 1, .L964. The bonds shall mature seriall~ in numerical order of serial numbers on July 1 in the amount of $19,UUO in lD65, and '24,000 in each of the years 1966 through 1984. Bonds numbered 1 through 115 shall be payable as afore" said without option of prior payment, bu t bonds numbered 116 through 4'15 shall each be subject to call for redemption and prepayment at the option of the City in inverse order of serial numbers a t par plus accrlled interes t on July .L, 1969, and on any interest due date thereafter upon notice of' call for redemption given by publ.ication and mailing in the. tj,me and manner prescribed in Rev! sed Codes of Montana, .L947, 3.ection 11-2326. .B'or the purpose of giving such mailed notices.. the Director of Finance and his successors in office shall ma intain a register snowing the names and addresses of the holders of' such prepayable bonds and the serial numbers of the bonds held by each insofar as such information is made available to them. ~aid bonds shall bear interest at the fOJl.owing rates per annum: Seria.L Numbers Ma tur.i ty Years PrIncipal Amount Rate - 1 ..... 259 1965 through 19'15 $259, UUO 3.00% 260 -- 331 1976 through 19'18 72,uvu 3.10% 332 -- 427 1979 through 1982 96, uO 0 3.20% 428 -- 475 19B3 and 1984 48,uuO 3.25% I In addition, al.L bonds shal.L bear addi tiona 1 interes t, re pre sen ted by a separa te "'Blf: coupon a ttached to each bond, for the period from Jan. 26, 1965 to JU.Ly 1, 1965, rate of 2~ per annum. Al.L such interest shall be payab.Le on January 1, 196 5 , and semi- annually thereafter on e8ch July 1 and January 1. Principal and interest Sh~l.L be City payable at the First National Bank of Saint j,;aul, in St. PauL, Minnesota, and the hereby agrees to pay the reaJ:.)nable and. customary chHrges of said bank for the receipt and disbursement of such moneys. 3. Said bonds shall be forthwith preoared for execution under the direction of the Director of l"inance and the purchasers I attorneys, but at the expense of said purchasers, and shall be in substantially the foL.LOwing form: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF MONTANA COUNrrY OF GALLATIN CITY OF BOZEMAN ~roNICI~AL BUILDING BOND. No. $1,000 KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE .!!RESENTS that the \"/ity of bozeman, Galla tin County, Montana, aCknowl.edges itseif indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer the sum of ONE THOUSAND DULLARS on the 1st day of July, 19 , or, if this bond is prepayab.Le as stated below, on a date prior thereto on which it shaJ.l have been du.LY called for redemption, and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until said principa.L sum is paid, or if this bons is prepayab.Le, unt il it has been duly ca lIed for redemption, /:it the basic rate of per cent J ( %) per annum, and, for the period from January 26, 1965, to JUlY 1, 196b, only, at the additionHl rate of two and fifty-hundredths per cent (2.5V%) per annum.. a.Ll I interes~ payable on January 1, 1965, and seimannua.L1y thereafter on each July land January 1, interest to maturity being payabLe in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of "the interest coupons appurtenant hereto, which D,re in two sets, one represen ting the in teres t pa yeb.Le to maturity at said basic rate, and the other (desig- nated as coupon No. B-1) representing interest at said additional rate for the .Limited period above stated. Botn vrinc.L!Jal and interest are Payab.Le at the First NationaL Bank of Saint PauL, in St. Faul, Minnesota, in any coin or currency of' the United States of America which on the res.lJective dates of paJT!11ent is legal tender for pub.Lic and pri- va te debts. For the prompt and full payment of such principal and interest as \.he same respective.LY becnme due, the fU.Ll faith, credit and un.Limited taxing powers of the Clty of Bozem~n have been and are hereby irrevocably p~edged. -- :)62 This bond is one of an issue of bonds in ~ne tutal principaL ~mount of $4'75,UUO.. aLL of Ltke date and tenor except as to seriaL numbers, matur1ty dates.. interes t rate, and redempti on pri viLege.. a,ll issued by said C1 ty for tne pur.t-'ose of erect:i,ng.. furnishing and equipp.Lng a municlVd.l build1ng f'acili ty.. ctnd is issued pur- suant to t he favorable vote of more than tne required m<:t,1ority of the quaJ.ified elec- tors of' said C1 ty voting on the question a tan eLeCLl8l) duly ,~nd legally called and heJ.d tuerein and pursuant to and in fU.11 c(JId'ormity wi tn the Cousti tut10n and 1l:1WS of the Sttite 01:' Montana thereun~o enHbJ.ing. Bonds of this issue beHrlng a serial number trom 1 through 115 are payable I at their respective stated matui'" -;:~ dates without option of prior payment. Bonds of th1s issue bearing a serial number from 116 though 475, being tnose having s tBted maturi toy dates occurring in the years 1970 through .1984, are each sub,j~ct to redemp- tion and prepayment a t par and accrued int ere s t, a t the opti on of the City, on July 1, 1969, and on any interest due date thereafter 1J.pon notice given as provided in Revi sed Codes of Man tana 1947, Section 11-2326. Holders of pr apa ya b.Le bonds of' this issue may regia tar the ir names and addresses and the serial numbers of their bonds wtth the Director of 1"1nance of bozeman, Montana, for the purpose of receiving mailed notice of such call for redemption. IT IS EEREBY CERTIFIED ANDRECI'lTED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Consti tution and laws of the ota te of Man tana, to be done, to happen to exist, and to be performed preceden t to and in the i 8 suence of tnis bond, in order to make it the valid and b1nding general obligation of the Vity according to i ts terms, have been done, have happened, do axis t, and have been .r:e rformed in regula r and due form.. time and manner as so required; that a direct, annual, irrepealable tax has been ordered levied upon all of the taxable property in said Oi ty in amounts s uffi cien t to pay the principal hereof and the interest hereon when and as the same become due; and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness of said City to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitations. IN VI/[ TNESS WHEREOF the City of Bozeman.. Mntana, has caused this bond to be executed in its behalf by the manual signa tures of its Mayor and its Director of Finan.ce, a ttested by the Clerk of its City Commis sian, seal ed wi th its cortyora te seal, an.d registered by the Director of' ,C"inance, and ha s caus ed the appurtenant in- terest coupons and ~he c er tiflca te tiS to t he opinion of bondcounse 1 on the reverse side hereof to be executed and authentica ted wi th li thographed or engraved facsimiles of the signature of said officers, and has caused this bond to be da ted as of July 1, 1964. J' ~/ I /yr7{(/ >;l{f~~ a yor C ATTEST: ..Le rk of Dir ector of ,C"inanc e "1M (SEAL) (Form of Coupon) No. $ On t he 1s t day 0 f January (July), 19 , the City of B~eman, M-',n t9 na, will pay to bearer a t the First Na tional Bank of Sain t PaUl, in St. 1-'aul.. Minnes ota, the sum shown hereon in lawful money of the United States of America, for interest then due on its Municipal Building Bond dated July 1, 1964, No. (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) Clerk of City Commission Director of Finance Ma yor Coupons numbered 11 and upward shall also contain the words: "Unless the bond mentioned below has been called for earlier redemption"!. (On Bank of Each Bond) REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify the t the wi thin bond has been fully regis tered in my office as required by law. Director of Finance I Bozeman, M:m t ana (Form of certificate to be printed on the back of each bond after the opinion of bond counsel) We certify that the ab~e is a full, true and correct c08Y of the legal opinion rendered by bond co ...,el on the 1s sue of bonds of the '1 ty of Qozaman, Mon tana, which includes the within bond, dated as of the date of delivery of and pa ymen t for the bonds. (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) (Facsimile signature) Clerk of (Jity Commission Director of Finance Ma yor :U;3 4. Wnen the bonds have been so prepared.. they shall be executed in be- half of the Gity byt the manual signatures of the Mayor Hnd Director of Finance" attested by the Clerk of its Gity Commission.. and sealed with the seal of the City; and the interest coupons and the certificate as to the opinion of bond counsel on the back of each bond shall be executed and authenticated by lithographed or engraved facsiniles of the signatures of said officers.. and said bonds shall be registered in accordance with Section 11-2318 of Revised Codes of Montana 1947. When we executed l:ind registered.. the Director of' Finance Shall deliver them or cause them to be delivered.. to the purchasers thereof upon receipt of the purchase price I above specified.. .a nd "Ghe purchasers Shal.l not be Obligated. tD see to the applica tion of the In'neys so paid. 'l'he sale of said bonds on such terms is hereby in all respects ratified.. confirmed and approved. 5. The f'u.1l fai th and credit and the un.1imi ted taxing powers of "the Gi ty shall be and are hereby pledged for the prompt and full payment of the principal of' and interest on said bonds as such payments become due. In order to provide moneys for such payments, there aha 11 be and is hereby ordered and directed to be levied an annual tax which shall be sufficient.. with other moneys avai.1ab.1e therefor, ~o pay the jnterest on said bonds as it becomes due and to provide a sinking fund forpayment of the principal of the bonds at their respective maturi ties.. and it is hereby made the duty of the proper officers to see to t he levy and collection of' such taxes suff'icient in amount f'or said purposes and to cause the proceeds of such levies to be applied in payment of such prin~ipal and interest. 6. ~he officers of the City of Bozeman are hereby authorized and directed to f'urn1.sh to the purchasers of said bonds and to the attorneys approving legality tnereof.. certified copies of Hll proceedings relati~ to the issuance of said bonds and such other certif~ca tes Cind affidavi ts as may be required to show the right, power and authority of the Gity to issue said bonds; and a~l statements contained in or shown c:,y such instruments.. including any heretofor furnisned, snall constitute repre- sentations of the City as to the truth of the statements so made. 7. All prior resolutions of this Commission which in t1.ny way are incon- sistent herewlth, if there be any such, are hereby amended so as to conform with the provisions he reof and as s () amended are fJe reby readopted and confirmed. '1'1:1i s resolution is immediately necessary for the preservation of the peace, hea.Lth and safety of the Ci ty, whe refore an emergency exis ts.. and this resolution shall 'be in f'ull force and effect from and af'ter its passage and ap~roval. Passed and adO. .pted b.:'.' .t...he Ci ty Commission of' tho ~i t,Y4eman, M.O. ntana, this 10th day of November, .L904 .// C, ~/, I ///. ..' /---') .. ...~ Approved:/[// ~J(ffiCJ--r-r-rcJ // ,..~ r /./< May /, . ... //_----__...-__".-._~_I>1 iH . or A rf'rnJ:;' C> fT1 . ..:..../~"... -^, / ;;;7 ,> z:: / -- .1.-'-'U '. . .. ~, <(/ ( '. I Acting Clerk of ttlY ommiss1:m I The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Langohr.. and upon vote being taken thereon.. the following voted A;LE: Mayor Morrow.. Commissioner Sedivy and Commissioner Langohr; and the f'o.Llowing voted NO; None. whereupon said resolution was decLared duly I~ssed by a majori ty of the whole number of members of the Commission, and "the Mayor; beillg present affixed his slgnature thereto in approval thereof, I::\nd the Clerk of the Gi ty Gommission signed in a ttes ta tion thereof. STATE OF MONTANA ) )ss. COUNTY OF GA:,LATnn I, the unders~gned, being duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City Commission of the Gity of bozeman, Montana, hereby attest and certif'y that (1) as such off'icer, I ha ve the legal cus tody of the origlnal record from which the attached an:1 foregoing extract was transcribed; (2) I have carefu.lly compared said extract with said origjna.1 record; (3) I find said extract to be a true, correct and complete transcript from the original minutes of' a meeting of the Gity Commission of said City held on the date indicated in said extract.. insofar as they re18te to $475,OUO Municipal Building Bonds of the City; and If 4) said mee tin'!,. was du ly he .1d.. pursuan t t.o call and notice the reof as req1..1.ired by law. WITNESS my hand officially as such Cle rk of the C1 ty Cormnis sian and the seal of said City this 18th day of November, 1964. ., " .' /' I ~.... ~-/ .... / 0;,"-'-- t;?'-"y-."'<:,""/ -z:::;t ";- SEAL :~64 State of Montana ) Oounty of Gallatin)ss. C1 ty of Dozeman ) Acting I Harold A. FrysJ..ie,/Clerk of the Commission of the City of bozeman, do hereby certify tha t the foregoing Resol- utlon NO.1155, was pub.lis hed by title and number in me Bozeman I Daily Chronicle, a new~p8per of general. circulation printed and pubJ..ished in said City in the issue of November 23rd, 1964, and due proof of such publication is on file in my of fice . IN WITNE3.S WHEREOF I hereun to set my haw and affix the corporate seal of my office this 19th day of ,Tanuary, 1~165 . h.d . / .../ ,". .1 ~.;tI<"/' ,Z:( ">;?7':.r/~ C/fl? / Acting Cl'rk of the Oi ty Commission I I