HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Lawn Care Education: Robyn Egloff Design, submittal �� | �� design, ` [�� ���/� �� �� / �� | | inc.`~ � . . ~~ �� ~~ . . ~~. Robyn Eg|off,Creauve Kendra CaUanune, Project Manager Becky Edwards, Public Relations | muyneg|ofI'dee|gno yahoo.com | kendmcaUanuneo gml | beckyo eunenoworeauve.com � 406.209£858 406.570£613 406.570.9427 PROPOSAL February 26, 2014 To: City ofBozeman Public Works Department RE: Direct Solicitation for Proposal — Lawn Care and Riparian Area Education and Outreach Program 1. Name, address and contact information ofthe consultant. robyneg|offdesign, inc. (red, inc.) 35UUBergamot Court Bozeman, MT59715 Robyn Eg|off— President, Creative 408'209'8888. robyneg|offdes|gnLayehoozom Kendra CeUenUne— Project Manager, Media Buyer 408'570'8813. kendreceUent|neLdgme|icom Becky Edwards— Public Relations 408'570'9427. beckyLdsunsnowcreet|vezom 2. Project Management Chart. CLIENT Brian Heaston/ City of Bozeman PROJECT MANAGER manages every project,the conduit from the agency to client'keeps work flowing/on budgeU on time,takes assignments from the client CREATIVE OUTREACH/ design,prod tion, ` ` ` ` ` MEDIA �� EDUCATION print vendor scuivi paid media research, robyn eg�o��es�gn. �nc 3. Qualifications and experience of individuals performing the tasks. robyn egloff design, inc. is a full-service, graphic design shop founded in 2008 by Robyn Egloff. Robyn has 13+years of experience in creative services, including graphic design, art direction, and production management. Previous clients include Big Sky Resort, First Interstate Bank and Travel Montana (now the Montana Office of Tourism). Her time working at a successful advertising agency brought a full understanding of how brand identity and development are created and executed from start to finish and applied across all mediums. Robyn's current client list includes the City of Bozeman Public Works Department, City of Bozeman Solid Waste Division, Great Falls Clinic, Zone 4 Magazine, Center for Large Landscape Conservation and National Parks Conservation Association Yellowstone Field Office. In addition, she contracts work through MercuryCSC(formerly Mercury Advertising)where she works on clients such as First Interstate Bank, Montana Office of Tourism, and Southeast Montana Tourism Region. Services included are brand development, brand identity(including logo and stationery package), logos, annual reports, catalogs, brochures,web development, interactive media,advertising and print bidding and purchasing. Kendra Callantine& Company is a marketing and media consulting firm formed in 2013 by Kendra Callantine. Kendra has over 20 years of experience in comprehensive project management, brand identity and media buying. A fourth generation Montanan, Kendra encompasses over a decade of experience working with Montana media and local organizations through her work at MercuryCSC and currently as a consultant. Kendra's client roster includes current and former clients such as: City of Bozeman Public Works Department, City of Bozeman Solid Waste Department, City of Bozeman Office of Sustainability, Great Falls Clinic, Montana Office of Tourism, Southeast Montana Tourism Region, Bozeman Chamber and Visitors Bureau, Big Sky Resort, First Interstate Bank and Big Sky Chamber and Visitors Bureau,among others. Kendra has established relationships with media sales and managers for local and regional television, radio and print outlets, as well two decades of experience with printing companies and project management. Sun Snow Creative is a communications and advocacy consulting firm founded in 2010 by Becky Edwards. Becky has over a decade of high-level public relations and marketing experience. Her in- house experience in the marketing department at Simms Fishing Products and as Public Relations Executive for the Montana Office of Tourism during her tenure at MercuryCSC, provided her with a wealth of experience creating a brand identity, honing her strategic communication skills, and effectively strategizing communication campaigns and driving that message to consumers through traditional earned media as well as interactive social media. Becky's current and previous clients include: City of Bozeman Public Works Department, Resource Media, Gallatin Association of Realtors, CoolWorks, Gardiner Gateway Project, Partners Creative, Western Conservation Foundation, Bozeman Ice Festival,Whitefish Legacy Partners, City of Bozeman Office of Sustainability and Montana Conservation Voters, among others. Becky has extensive experience creating and implementing communications plans with large-scale government agencies. During her tenure with the Montana Office of Tourism while at MercuryCSC,the public relations plan she spearheaded resulted in a leap of ROI from $5 million to $14 million in equivalent earned media value in just three years. Robyn, Kendra and Becky are all available via phone, email and for meetings as needed. 4. No more than eight typewritten single-spaced pages that fully describe the consultant's detailed proposal to meet the overall purpose of the grant contract, its task descriptions, and deliverables. PURPOSE: The goal of the 319 grant is to develop an education and outreach(E/O)program to promote understanding of lawn care and riparian area Best Management Practices(BMPs)in the Bozeman area. The program shall be targeted to specific property owners and land managers that have the potential to substantially reduce nonpoint source pollution through BMP implementation. Proposed Approach: red, inc. recommends developing two clear education and outreach efforts centered around reducing point source contaminants to address two distinct needs: promote healthy lawn care practices which reduce nutrient loading to Bozeman waterways (which also promotes stormwater system health), and the other focused on educating property owners regarding riparian area buffers and their pollution-filtering benefits, and enhance their usage. These two outreach efforts have very different audiences:the lawn care outreach effort targets all Bozeman property owners,the latter focused on land owners directly adjacent to waterways within the City of Bozeman boundary. The city-wide lawn care outreach effort aims to educate and promote best practices regarding implications of snowmelt and stormwater runoff as nutrients, soil sediment, grass clippings, pet feces, etc. are washed into city streets and into the stormwater system. Within the `old town' of Bozeman, stormwater pipes flow directly into Bozeman Creek with no filtration system, in the newer subdivisions there are settling ponds which offer a margin of filtration, however many contaminants still migrate into waterways. A general, city-wide public outreach effort will not only increase awareness for improving water quality in our local waterways, but also promote awareness of low visibility infrastructure: the stormwater system. As the City of Bozeman makes the transition to a full-fledged utility to manage and maintain stormwater,the community and city staff will benefit from additional education surrounding stormwater and its direct implication to all local waterways,especially the East Gallatin River. Riparian buffer education and outreach will be targeted to property owners adjacent to flowing waters within City of Bozeman property boundaries. Large landowners such as sod farms, city parks and golf courses will be the focus, however specific property owners, irrespective of size,who are identified as potential champions and/or who have visibly apparent issues with riparian area degradation,will also be targeted in outreach efforts. Outreach and education efforts will be centered on offering best practice suggestions and general information regarding the importance of healthy riparian buffers relating to water quality. red, inc.will coordinate with the City of Bozeman to evaluate current educational materials, make alterations if needed, and create new materials as necessary. Since grant funds are limited,we will create our plan with efficiency to ensure that all aspects of each campaign are as value-packed as possible. Possible new materials may include a rack card for lawn care best practices, general stormwater health awareness, and examples of riparian area buffers and the positive effects these have on water quality. In addition to hard copy materials, red, inc. also recommends creating a page within the City of Bozeman Water Resources and Conservation website to direct traffic and to locate more information. Large components of each outreach effort will be partnerships with other water quality groups with a vested interest in the Bozeman community. These groups will be integral in not only assisting in creating best practices for stormwater health and riparian areas, but also in continuing to dispense materials and messages that are created as a result of these two outreach efforts. Such groups include: Greater Gallatin Watershed Council,Gallatin Valley Land Trust,Trout Unlimited, Montana Outdoor Science School, Gallatin Local Water Quality District, and more. TASK 1 — PROJECT PLANNING AND COORDINATION DESCRIPTION:Contractor shall research and identify land management uses in the greater Bozeman area that have the potential to substantially reduce nonpoint source pollution through BMP implementation. Targeted land uses may include golf courses,sod farms, the City of Bozeman's public parks, Montana State University property, local school property, and other commercial and residential properties. From the list of identified land uses, Contractor shall contact a minimum of ten property owners and land managers about current land management practices to guide the development of the education and outreach program described in Task 2, and to solicit participation in the education and outreach program. Proposed Approach: At the conclusion of a print, online and earned media outreach effort, red, inc. will assist COB with holding an education outreach roundtable. Specific attendees such as golf courses, landscape companies, HOAs and neighborhood committees will be targeted specifically, however the meeting will be advertised to the community and media and open to the public. Outreach to riparian area landowners will be much more targeted. Talking points and a general information rack card will be created as well as a `hit list' of contacts including private landowners, golf courses, City Parks, etc. Individual visits may be utilized, and a smaller, invite-only roundtable will be held with COB staff and riparian buffer experts (possibly Montana Trout Unlimited). The focus of the visits and roundtable will be educating landowners on best practices. Task 1 Funding: 319 Funds $2,000 Non-Federal Match $2,000 Proposed Allocation of Funding: Apply 100% of 319 funds and $1,000 of match to fund the efforts of red, inc./consultant($3,000). Remaining $1,000 match to be in-kind time for Brian Heaston and other city staff as appropriate. Task 1 Deliverables: 1)A list of specific individuals, organizations, schools, and universities, municipalities and other entities that were identified and contacted for participation in the education and outreach project. 2)Summary of meeting notes with each contacted property owner and/or land manager. Additionally attendees acquiring information such as general knowledge of subject matter as well as campaign effectiveness will complete surveys. 3) red, inc. will assist in organizing, planning, prepping COB staff and contacting media regarding each roundtable event. red, inc. will work with COB staff on contacting riparian area property owners on an individual basis as well. TASK 2 — EDUCATION AND OUTREACH PROGRAM DESCRIPTION:Contractor shall develop an education and outreach program targeted to property owners and land managers identified in Task 1. Contractor shall coordinate with local water quality protection groups, including the Greater Gallatin Watershed Council, the Gallatin Local Water Quality District, and Montana State University Extension Water Quality, and other stakeholders in developing the education and outreach program. Contractor shall obtain DEQ's approval in writing for any contracted services related to the development of the education and outreach program. Contractor shall ensure that participants receive background information on NPS pollution in the Bozeman area,proposed solutions, and BMPs for proper lawn care and riparian restoration through presentations and printed handouts.Additional outreach may include direct mailings, on-site visits, web- based presentations, or other media-outlet presentations. Contractor shall provide resources for participants interested in pursuing BMP implementation. Proposed Approach: Two specific outreach efforts will be created to increase exposure and awareness of stormwater health as it relates to lawn care runoff, and riparian buffers positive impact on waterway health. red, inc. will first identify partners such as Trout Unlimited, GGWC, Gallatin Valley Land Trust,and more and work with COB staff and experts from partnership groups to determine best talking points/messaging for each outreach effort. For the citywide lawn care/stormwater health outreach effort, a print, online, earned media and collateral campaign will be developed with a respective budget. The timing will be focused on spring/early summer of 2014,with a possible smaller push in fall/early winter 2014. Immediately after the outreach effort ends in media outlets (early summer 2014), COB will hold the educational roundtable for general community attendance as well as a media opportunity. red, inc. will assist in creating a survey and gathering information from attendees, as well as assisting COB staff with creating a presentation and talking points. red, inc. will utilize existing materials as much as possible to economize the project. A collateral piece will be created with a specific risk and call to action regarding best practices for lawn care and resultant water quality implications. The riparian outreach and education will be much more sniper-style and targeted to large groups such as City Parks and golf courses, but not limited to these groups. Specific general landowners near waterways within city boundaries will also be contacted.A sheet of talking points will be created and used during initial contact with land owners (possibly in person). Information will be logged and analyzed from these meetings, and a more comprehensive collateral piece including best practices for creating riparian buffers will be created and disseminated during a larger roundtable discussion. Again, red, inc. will assist in creating a survey to be administered during this roundtable to acquire more information from attendees. As with the lawn care campaign, red, inc. will identify and engage possible partner organizations to expand reach. Task 2 Funding: 319 Funds $7,000 Non-Federal Match $7,000 Proposed Allocation of Funding: Apply 100% of 319 funds and $5,000 of non-federal match to fund the efforts of red, inc./consultant ($13,000). Remaining $1,000 match to be in-kind time for Brian Heaston and other city staff as appropriate. Task 2 Deliverables: 1)A list of individuals, organizations, agencies, and other entities participating in the education and outreach program. 2)A draft copy(ies) of each educational material(s) produced to be reviewed by the DEQ Project Manager. 3)A final version of each educational material(s) produced in electronic and hard copy format. 4) Presentation agendas, photos,surveys,talking points and attendee sign-in sheets TASK 3 — PROJECT EFFECTIVENESS EVALUATION DESCRIPTION:Contractor shall monitor the effectiveness of education and outreach activities through follow-up surveys with project participants. Contractor shall work with the DEQ Project Manager and partner groups to prepare a survey that captures the level of participation,subject awareness, and the likeliness of BMP implementation. Proposed Approach: red, inc.will work with COB staff to coordinate two roundtable discussions/community education events. These events will follow two educational outreach efforts focused on lawn/landscaping runoff/stormwater contaminants and riparian area health. Surveys will be prepared and presented to attendees to gather information as well as gauge success of outreach efforts. Additionally, red, inc.will provide website metrics associated with the dedicated web page at Bozeman.net to gauge engagement. Task 3 Funding: 319 Funds $1,000 Non-Federal Match $2,000 Proposed Allocation of Funding: Apply 100% of 319 funds and 100% of non-federal match to fund the efforts of red, inc./consultant ($3,000). Remaining $1,000 match to be in-kind time for Brian Heaston and other city staff as appropriate. Task 3 Deliverables: 1)A draft copy of the survey for review by DEQ Project Manager. 2)A final copy of the survey. 3)Survey results and summary of project effectiveness to be included in Final Report prepared for Task 4,Contract Administration. TASK 4— PROJECT ADMINISTRATION DESCRIPTION:Contractor shall oversee and be accountable for the completion of all tasks. Contractor shall prepare and submit attachment B-billing statements,status reports, annual reports, and a final report(details are listed below). Contractor shall maintain regular contact as defined by the DEQ project manager. Proposed Approach: red, inc.will work with COB staff to complete billing on a monthly or quarterly cycle,whichever COB and the DEQ administrator prefer. Additionally, red, inc. will work in close consort with COB staff to ensure DEQ has final approval of all outreach materials and has electronic copies of all materials created. Red, inc. will work with COB staff to create a project-end report summarizing the entire outreach and education effort and data evaluating its effectiveness, as well as quarterly report documenting status, completed tasks and next objectives. Task 4 Funding: 319 Funds $0,000 Non-Federal Match $3,000 Proposed Allocation of Funding: Apply $2,000 of non-federal match to fund the efforts of red, inc./consultant($2,000). Task 4 Deliverables: Contractor shall submit to DEQ the following deliverables as described in the Task 4. Description: Status Reports,Annual Reports,Attachment B-Billing Statement and a Final Report. Contractor shall ensure that all reports are written clearly, and require only a minimal amount of editing by the DEQ project manager. 5. Proposed general time schedule, including start and completion dates for each primary task required of the grant contract. red, inc. proposes that outreach to the community and private land owners commence during the spring and early summer months,when we are experiencing,typically,the highest stormwater runoff. Additionally most property owners are commencing with spring yard cleanup and outdoor"cleanup" activities that can effect what flows to the stormwater system. iMVtliiiiiliiiindmmiimii iiiuIIIIXd MVtliilVI wmw MJ�� w mm nnmm u`u mmmoi uumoiJ�ulu �u��10Pd a of u �u iGwJiou%d Outreach Effort for Lawn Care Education Possible Autumn Lawn Care (Print media,online media,collateral) Campaign Roundtable-end of June or early July Outreach Effostfor Riparian Education, (;Collateral) f Survey data: Reviewed,...... campaign summaries complete end. of July Once the contract is awarded,we will meet with key individuals to gather additional information and begin the planning process for the proposed outreach efforts. The outreach effort for lawn care education will begin with a print and online campaign starting in early to mid-April and will run through the month of June. Print ads will run in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on a rotating insertion schedule, online ads will run in the Bozeman Magpie and OutsideBozeman.com during the months of April, May and June. Collateral efforts may include a statement staffer printed and distributed in the City of Bozeman utility bills in May and a rack card that will be available to the public and distributed at the roundtable held at the end of June or in early July. The outreach effort for lawn care education will culminate in a roundtable held the end of June or beginning of July. Riparian outreach efforts to property owners will begin in April or early May and will continue through June,with personal contact and conversations with select property owners. A rack card will be created for sharing with property owners and partner organizations. It will also be available at the roundtable. The roundtable event will be held the end of July. At the end of July, a completed survey and outreach summary will be completed. Depending on available funding,we propose to push additional outreach effort towards the public regarding Autumn leaf care and stormwater health as we head into the winter months. This would potentially begin in September and may run through October. 6. Billable rates for individuals performing tasks and estimated costs for production of creative materials or media buys proposed All billable services will be billed out at a rate of$75/hour. Media will be marked up at an industry standard rate of 15%. Other outside services (photography, printing, etc.)will be marked up at an industry standard rate of 30%. Estimated costs: Media (print and online)_ $3,280 Collateral (statement stuffer and rack cards)_ $1,948 Additional hard costs (psa recording, photography, etc.)_ $300-1,000 Estimated consulting, project management, production and creative costs= $14,772-15,472 7.A completed and signed Non-Discrimination Affirmation Form Completed and signed Non-Discrimination Affirmation Form is signed and included with this proposal. NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFJRMATJON FORM 1 ,•Jnamc of enlity suihnu�ilhngi hereby a gins it will not disci iminate on the basis of race, coW, req.i, iuon, creed, , , ape, ma.rital status,rq ;tieNraal Origin„ or bec•aA.G"roe f actual or perceived sexual fientation, �rider Wentlity or disability In the,performalrlee of word eTform"I for the city of Bozeman, its a contract is awarded to it.and also recognizes the eventual contract,if awarded, will contain a provision prohi iti.:li discrimination as described, above and that this prohibition shall apply to the liii�ring and treatment, of the "��� d °w;� �arM, i " ""i� : . Nm� �'r, .,d° �tif w i�ur.u��q�a I employees and to all subcontracts it entea i�ltca in perfm 'ante Of the agreement with the city of N aem ,°) w � � t .re 3idder; � w _` o� a o Personrauthorizml to rsipp un b uha if ofllm biddeu-