HomeMy WebLinkAboutNon-Discrimination Public Comment from Nancy Flikkema 5-1-14 My name is Nancy Thompson Flikkema, address 86 Mint Trail, Bozeman, MT. I was born and raised in Bozeman and have been fortunate enough to spend my life here. I have seen many changes in the evolution of our town, from cowboys holding hippies down to cut their hair, to my sister having to get married in my parents' home out of concern for safety because her husband-to-be is black, to the first Pride Parade with police protection because of threats made against the gay, lesbian and transgender people walking in the parade. We are definitely evolving into a better place because of changing attitudes, but the fight against bigotry isn't over yet. That is why I am am strongly in favor of the Non Discrimination Act. My son was chosen by God to be one of the 10-15% of all humans to be born gay. I have always felt that he is the perfect example of how it's not a life-style choice. No conservative Republican — at that time - farm kid would ever CHOOSE to put himself through the misery caused by part of his family and many in the valley 13 years ago. am tired of having to remember not to mention where my son works at the same time I mention he is gay. No person should have to worry about being fired because he/she is LGBT. It needs to stop now. met a lovely middle age lesbian couple at a church gathering yesterday who feel they cannot testify tonight because of safety issues in giving their home address. We, as a community, must do better. As a Christian, I work to follow Jesus' example of loving: from John 13:34 & 35: So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples." There are no exceptions listed by Jesus. would prefer to have the exclusions for religious, nonprofit schools taken out of the NDO, but I do understand negotiation and compromise. Thank you for your time, and please vote in favor of the Non Discrimination Act.