HomeMy WebLinkAboutNon-Discrimination Public Comment from Rob Pudner 4-29-14From:Robert Pudner To:Agenda Subject:NDO suggestion/Question Date:Monday, April 28, 2014 11:25:05 PM Dear City Commissioners, Thank you so much for taking the time to explore the issue of an LGBT-inclusiveNDO for Bozeman. I attended the meeting tonight and support the NDO for thereasons stated by many of my neighbors during the public comment period. One of the last women to speak mentioned that, as a straight woman, she wasprivileged to not fear for her job or housing situation. I’ve thought about this andrealized that not being LGBT does not exempt me from discrimination directedtowards LGBT individuals. If my employer suspects that I am homosexual ortransgender, even if this suspicion is false, I can currently lose my job. There is noway to know if a person is gay without asking them, so based on my understandingof this issue anyone is at risk of being denied public accommodations due to falsesuspicions. If an NDO were to pass, would it only protect LGBT community members fromdiscrimination or would it also protect individuals experiencing discrimination basedon a false suspicion that they are LGBT? If I were to hypothetically lose my jobbecause my employer believes I am gay, while I am actually heterosexual, would anNDO protect me? I believe all members of the Bozeman community should be protected fromdiscrimination, regardless of sexuality. It saddens me that my LGBT friends andneighbors must endure painful discrimination in this beautiful city, and it seems tome that the intent to discriminate based on sexuality (whether or not one’s sexualityis correctly assumed) must also be included in the proposed NDO. Thank you very much for considering all public input on this matter. Rob Pudner 909 W Olive St Apt B Bozeman, MT