HomeMy WebLinkAboutConsideration and action of Cottonwood Road impact fee request_21 Page 1 of 4 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Saunders, Policy and Planning Manager Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Consideration and action of Cottonwood Road widening impact fee credit request, IFCR1404. Cottonwood Road from Alpha Drive to Fallon Street. MEETING DATE: Monday, May 5, 2014 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Approve impact fee credit request IFCR1404 for construction of widening of Cottonwood Road from Alpha Drive to Fallon Street. Recommended motion: Finding the request to be consistent with the criteria for approval, I move to approve the requested impact fee credit IFCR-1404 in the amount of $1,958,319.00 from the transportation impact fee fund with the conditions as recommended by staff. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, BMC authorizes the City to conduct an impact fee program. This program includes mechanisms for impact fee credits. The City Commission has approved the widening of Cottonwood Road as a priority project for the use of transportation impact fees. The City has required a private development to construct a portion of this project as a condition of approval for site development. A request for impact fee credits to reimburse a private party for constructing the larger project widening Cottonwood Road has been received. The requested amount to be funded with impact fees is $1,958,319.00. This amount includes a 15% contingency for the impact fee portion of the project. If the Commission decides favorably on the impact fee credit request, the following five items are recommended conditions of approval: 1. The credit will be paid by check as a single amount. 2. An engineer’s estimate of project costs has been provided and results in a preliminary credit value of $1,958,319.00. A final value will be determined upon completion and acceptance of the work. 3. The check will not be issued until the construction has been completed, the work accepted by the City, and final costs including evidence of those costs is provided to and accepted by the City. 4. The Montana Department of Transportation shall accept all work related to this credit offer and within their jurisdiction prior to the credit payment being made. 5. The applicant shall agree in writing to the above listed conditions of approval prior to the credit offer becoming effective. 328 Page 2 of 4 BACKGROUND: Requirements for Impact Fee Credits The City’s impact fee program is established in Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. This local ordinance implements impact fees under the authorizing statute of Title 7, Chapter 6, Part 16 of the Montana Code Annotated. A mechanism for impact fee credits is required under state law and is implemented under Section 2.06.1690, BMC. To qualify for an impact fee credit, a proposed infrastructure construction project must meet certain criteria. If the criteria are not met then the project is not approved. Some of the criteria are adopted to ensure correct use of impact fees, and some are to help ensure that the impact fee program can operate smoothly and effectively. All of the criteria must be satisfied. Criteria 1) Capacity Expanding (beyond project related). Impact fees solely exist to create more infrastructure capacity to serve new development. This criteria ensures that a project is not maintenance or other ineligible activity. The measure of capacity expansion varies by infrastructure type. This is not a locally generated or flexible criteria. The proposed construction includes both capacity expanding and project related elements. The credit request submittal material has separated the costs for these two components. Only the impact fee eligible portions are the subject of the credit request. Staff will verify with the final bills that impact fees have only been used for appropriate work. A condition of approval includes this restriction. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. Criteria 2) Not Project Related. This criteria separates those capacity expanding improvements which are necessary for the minimum service to the installing development from those which expand capacity in the overall infrastructure systems. Compliance with minimum standards are included as “project related” improvements. Examples of project related improvements include local streets and minimum diameter water mains. This is not a locally generated or flexible criterion. A local definition of Project Related is established in Section 2.06.1630.A.14, BMC. The proposed construction includes both capacity expanding and project related elements. The credit request information has separated the costs for these two components. Only the impact fee eligible portions are the subject of the credit request. Staff will verify with the final bills that fees have only been used for appropriate work. A condition of approval includes this restriction. Staff finds this criterion has been met. For informational purposes: the project related non-impact fee eligible share of street improvements is divided into three components. 1) Town Pump will be directly responsible for an estimated $304,426.50 in project related improvements. This includes constructing portions of Cottonwood Road immediately adjacent to their property, pedestrian facility installation, and some stormwater improvements. 2) The second component is approximately $125,000 of street maintenance funds for reconditioning a portion of the existing area of Cottonwood Road. A portion of that existing surface will be milled out and replaced with new asphalt to properly shape the crown of the road due to the new cross section. A portion of signal modification costs which is not impact fee eligible is also included in this amount. 3) The third component is installation of sidewalk across existing 329 Page 3 of 4 developed areas where sidewalks have not been installed. This has not been estimated and is the sole responsibility of the adjacent landowners. Criteria 3) CIP Listed. The City prepares a Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to schedule the construction of infrastructure. The CIP provides a means to describe future work and its sequencing that can be available both to staff and the public. The CIP coordinates multiple funding sources, including impact fees, to support construction of major projects. The CIP contains a subset of the possible capacity expanding projects described in the facility plans. As a rolling five year document, the CIP provides a near term understanding of expected expansion work. The City Commission may amend the CIP at their discretion to add or remove projects or change the sequence in which they may occur. The project is included as a project in FY 2015. Staff finds that the criterion has been met. Criterion 4) CIP Funded. The impact fee CIP lists funding for capacity expanding projects over the next five years. Sometimes the City includes projects on the CIP which do not have full funds allocated to them. This may be due to a project spanning multiple years with initial phases at the latter end of the CIP, as an advisory of what projects are being considered as the next possibilities for funding, or to hold an option open for the Commission to adjust the CIP scheduling as needs in the community change. Projects which have no allocated funds need to be moved into the funded schedule before they are available for impact fee credits. The project is funded in FY 2015 for an appropriate amount. Staff finds that the criterion has been met. Criterion 5) Timely Request (before construction or dedication). The City Commission has stewardship for the paid impact fee funds and the City’s infrastructure. To enable the Commission to act deliberately in establishing the impact fee work program, the provisions of Chapter 2, Article 6, Division 9, BMC include a requirement that prior to undertaking work for which impact fee credits are desired an applicant must first get approval for impact fee credits. This enables the City Commission to manage the financial commitments of the City and the overall health of the impact fee program without unexpected surprises and funding commitments which interfere with high priority projects. The impact fee program is required to keep a positive projected fund balance at the end of the five year time horizon of the CIP. The applicant has submitted the required request for credit in a timely manner. Staff finds that this criterion has been met. Credit Types If a credit is requested and meets the adopted criteria, Section 2.06.1690.G provides for three different means to award a credit. The three options are described in the ordinance: “Upon receipt of such a written request, the city may, at its discretion: 1. Arrange for the reimbursement of such excess credit from the impact fee fund for the same type of service or facility from development impact fees paid by others; 2. Arrange for the reimbursement of such excess credit through the issuance of a promissory note payable in not more than ten years and bearing interest equal to the interest rate paid by the city for its long-term debt; or 330 Page 4 of 4 3. Reject the request for cash and provide credit. Such excess credit shall be valued at 100 percent of actual developer costs for the excess improvements, or at the actual appraised value of such excess improvements, at the city's option. The choice of which credit mechanism to use is at the discretion of the City. The credit applicant may indicate their preference. They prefer option 1 as it will provide the simplest and most expeditious processing of the request. UNRESOLVED ISSUES: None FISCAL EFFECTS: The commitment from the transportation impact fee fund is $1,958,319.00. Use of street maintenance funds of up to $125,000 is expected. ALTERNATIVES: 1) Grant the credit as requested. 2) Make findings as to why the credit does not meet the required criteria and do not approve the requested credit. Attachments: Initial credit application request form Cost estimate sheet Schematic street design Report compiled on: April 24, 2014 331 332 CITY OF BOZEMAN DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE CREDIT REQUEST Date Recieved Day _______ Month _______ Year _______ Streets Fire Water Wastewater Applicant Street/P.O. Box City/State/Zip Owner Street/P.O. Box City/State/Zip Legal Desc. Site Address Project Title Project Desc. Reason for Credit Request Excess Capacity Required Improvements Dedications Project Unrelated Off-Site Improvements Location of Credit Items Description of the basis and facts which create a qualification for Credit Prepared by: Address , being first duly sworn upon oath, states that all information contained in this request is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and all attatched materials and documents are correct and complete. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ________ day of ___________ , 20_____. Notary Public for the State of ___________________, residing at ___________________________________ My Commission Expires ________________________ Revised 12/2/2008 333 Development Impact Fee Credit Request Narrative Town Pump #8 Cottonwood @ Huffine On June 15th, 2013 Park Street Holding (Town Pump) submitted an application for preliminary site plan review for a new convenience store and fueling station on the southeast corner of Huffine Lane and Cottonwood Road. Both Huffine and Cottonwood are State Highways. A City condition of approval required Town Pump to widen Cottonwood Road along their frontage to the City of Bozeman arterial standard. During review of the proposed widening and required lane reconfiguration with Cottonwood it was determined that a potential dangerous situation would exist without correcting the lane alignments on the north side of the intersection. The City considered the situation and determined that, due to Cottonwood Road being an arterial; it would be in the best interest of the City to use impact fees to reconstructed Cottonwood Road, north of Huffine, to match the required lane configuration on the south. It would also eliminate the current bottleneck on Cottonwood between Huffine and Fallon Street. The project would be considered unrelated off-site improvements therefore be eligible for Impact Fee Credit. Cottonwood Road, north of Fallon was reconstructed to full arterial width with the development of Norton Ranch in 2009. The project will include improvements to Cottonwood Road between Fallon Street and Alpha Drive. 334 Project Name:Cottonwood Road Improvements PreliminaryConceptual Engineer's EstimateENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S PERCENTENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT TOTAL OF TOTALITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE SCHEDULE I REFERENCE1001 Mobilization / Demobilization 1 LS $68,266.67 $68,267 3.49% Average of S. 8th1002 Taxes, Bonds, Insurance 1 LS $29,833.33 $29,833 1.52% Average of S. 8th1003 Implementation of SWPPP 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000 0.51% Etimate1004 Existing Light Fixture Removal 0 EA $0 0.00% Not Included1005 Existing Light Fixture Relocation 0 EA $0 0.00% Not Included1006 Existing Sign Removal 2 EA $300.00 $600 0.03% Internal Estimate1007 Existing Sign Relocation 1 EA $500.00 $500 0.03% Internal Estimate1008 Existing Electric Line Relocation 0 LS $0 0.00% Not Included1009 Existing Gas Line Relocation 0 LS $0 0.00% Not Included1010 Existing Communication Line Relocation 0 LS $0 0.00% Not Included1011 Sodding 2,850 SY $4.50 $12,824 0.65% Internal Estimate1012 Irrigation - Medians 0 SY $0 0.00% Not Included1013 Irrigation - Well / Controls 0 EA $0 0.00% Not IncludedSUBTOTAL $122,0246.23%1101 Existing Asphalt Removal & Disposal (8" thick) 1,762 CY $12.27 $21,618 1.10% Average S. 8th1102 Existing Base Course Gravel Removal & Disposal 2,423 CY $12.27 $29,725 1.52% Average S. 8th1103 Existing Curb & Gutter Removal & Disposal 3,001 LF $1.92 $5,753 0.29% Average S. 8th1104 Existing Sidewalk Removal & Disposal 346 SY $12.75 $4,407 0.23% Average S. 8th1105 Existing Pedestrian Ramp Removel & Disposal 78 SY $12.75 $990 0.05% Average S. 8th1106 Existing Valley Gutter Removal & Disposal 249 LF $8.50 $2,117 0.11% Average S. 8th1107 Topsoil Removel - Clearing & Grubbing 10,090 SY $0.36 $3,646 0.19% MDT1108 Earthwork - Cut 12,132 CY $12.27 $148,823 7.60% Average of South 8th1109 Earthwork - Fill 0 CY $0 0.00% Not IncludedSUBTOTAL $217,07711.08%2101 Asphalt (4" thick) 11,648 SY $16.28 $189,668 9.69% Average S. 8th2102 Base Course Gravel 3,015 CY $24.23 $73,058 3.73% Average S. 8th2103 Sub-Base Gravel (24" thick) 8,706 CY $18.00 $156,704 8.00% Average S. 8th2104 Curb & Gutter - North 4,857 LF $11.00 $53,427 2.73% Average S. 8th2105 Curb & Gutter - Raised Median South 1,000 LF $11.00 $11,000 0.56% Average S. 8th2106 Sidewalk (6" thick)-City Responsibility 3,807 SF $7.50 $28,553 1.46% Internal Estimate2107 Sidewalk (6" thick)-Owner Responsibility 6,144 SF $0.00 $0 0.00% Not Included2108 Pedestrian Ramp 1,650 SF $5.52 $9,103 0.46% Average S. 8th2109 Valley Gutter 2,045 SF $12.50 $25,568 1.31% Internal Estimate2110 Median Concrete - North (4" thick) 7,605 SF $4.43 $33,715 1.72% Average S. 8th2111 Median Concrete - South (4" thick) 2,471 SF $4.43 $10,955 0.56% Average S. 8th2112 Signs - Permanent 9 EA $500.00 $4,500 0.23% Internal Estimate2113 Traffic Control 1 LS $50,000.00 $50,000 2.55% Internal Estimate2114 Geotextile Fabric 12,473 SY $2.50 $31,182 1.59% Internal Estimate2115 Road Striping - 4" wide Solid Yellow Epoxy Paint 2,418 LF $1.00 $2,418 0.12% Ross Road Bid Tab2116 Road Striping - 4" wide Striped White Epoxy Paint 1,612 LF $1.00 $1,612 0.08% Ross Road Bid Tab2117 Road Striping - 4" wide Solid White Epoxy Paint 0 LF $1.00 $0 0.00% Ross Road Bid Tab2118 Road Striping - 6" wide Solid White Epoxy Paint 2,066 LF $1.00 $2,066 0.11% Ross Road Bid Tab2119 Road Striping - 8" wide Solid White Inlaid Thermoplastic 1,614 LF $8.70 $14,044 0.72% Average S. 8th2120 Road Striping - 24" wide Solid White Inlaid Thermoplastic 316 LF $32.00 $10,112 0.52% Average S. 8thSUBTOTAL $707,68336.14%SCHEDULE IMISCELLANEOUS SCHEDULEROAD SCHEDULE - DEMOLITION & EXCAVATION TO SUBGRADEROAD SCHEDULE - IMPROVEMENTSWATER SCHEDULE335 Project Name:Cottonwood Road Improvements PreliminaryConceptual Engineer's EstimateENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S PERCENTENGINEER'S ENGINEER'S UNIT TOTAL OF TOTALITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE PRICE SCHEDULE I REFERENCESCHEDULE I2201 Valve Box Adjustment14EA $233.33 $3,267 0.17% Average S. 8th2202 Curb Stop Adjustment0EA$00.00% Not included2203 Fire Hydrant Relocation1EA $2,500.00 $2,500 0.13% Internal Estimate2204 Water Service Connection to Main2EA $2,500.00 $5,000 0.26% Internal Estimate2205 Water Service Stub90LF$25.00 $2,250 0.11% Internal Estimate2206 Rigid Board Insulation, 4" Thick by Trench Width0LF$00.00% Not includedSUBTOTAL $13,0170.66%2301 SS Manhole Rim & Cover Adjustment6EA $233.33 $1,400 0.07% Used water valve adjustment value2302 SS Service Connection to Main2EA $2,500.00 $5,000 0.26% Internal Estimate2303 SS Service Stub110LF$25.00 $2,750 0.14% Internal Estimate2304 Ridgid Board Insulation, 4" Thick by Trench Width0LF$00.00% Not includedSUBTOTAL$9,1500.47%2401 Storm Drainage Pipe - 12"200LF$40.00 $8,000 0.41% Average S. 8th2402 Storm Drainage Pipe - 15"700LF$55.00 $38,500 1.97% Estimate from 12" up to 15"2403 Storm Drainage Pipe South - 18" RCP918LF$68.00 $62,424 3.19% Estimate from 12" up to 15"2404 Storm Drain Manhole and Combination Inlet6EA $4,500.00 $27,000 1.38% Average S. 8th2405 Storm Drain Manhole - South1EA $4,500.00 $4,500 0.23% Average S. 8th2405 Pond Retrofit1LS $10,000.00 $10,000 0.51% Internal Estimate2406 Pond Easement Area Purchase from Landowner1LS $10,000.00 $10,000 0.51% Internal Estimate2407 Remove Existing Storm Sewer Manhole and Inlet2EA $1,160.00 $2,320 0.12% Average S. 8th2408 Remove Existing Storm Sewer Pipe100LF$12.00 $1,200 0.06% Average S. 8thSUBTOTAL $163,9448.37%2501 Street Lighting - North Huffine to Fallon1LS $113,775.00 $113,775 5.81% Marvin & Associates2502 Street Lighting - South Huffine to Alpha Drive1LS $58,435.00 $58,435 2.98% Marvin & Associates2503 Traffic Signal Modificatoins1LS $88,655.00 $88,655 4.53% Marvin & AssociatesSUBTOTAL $260,86513.32%SCHEDULE I-CONSTRUCTION COSTS TOTAL $1,493,75976.28%SCHEDULE I-15% CONTINGENCY $224,06411.44%2601 Engineering Design1LS $128,836.75 $128,837 6.58%Schedule I Const. Total × 7.5%2602 Construction Staking, Testing, & Inspection1LS $111,658.52 $111,659 5.70%Schedule I Const. Total × 6.5%SUBTOTAL $240,49512.28%SCHEDULE I-CONSTRUCTION TOAL + 15% CONTINGENCY + ENGINEERING FEES $1,958,319100.00%2401.A Storm Drainage Pipe - 15" 650 LF $55.00 $35,750 Estimate from 12" up to 15"2402.A Fallon Reconstruction - Pipe Crossing 1 LS $5,000.00 $5,000 Internal EstimateSUBTOTAL $40,750NOTES: - This Engineer's Estimate is preliminary and is intended to be used for discussion purposes only.STORM SEWER ALTERNATIVE SCHEDULESTORM SEWER SCHEDULESANITARY SEWER SCHEDULEENGINEERING FEESSTREET LIGHTING SCHEDULE336 ITEM Unit No. ITEM DESCRIPTION Quantity Unit Price Subtotal Cottonwood Improvements for Town Pump #8 Public Infrastructure Improvements Preliminary Cost Estimate Town Pump Share Roadway 10 Pavement Sawcut 1,102 LF $1.75 $1,928.50 11 Asphalt Removal & Disposal Off-Site 5,750 SF $1.50 $8,625.00 12 Clear & Grub (9" Stripping) Dispose Off Site 45,750 SF $0.18 $8,235.00 13 Excavation 29" Deep - Dispose off-site 2,315 CY $3.50 $8,102.50 14 Embankment-On Site Material 609 CY $4.25 $2,588.25 15 Curb & Gutter 1,560 LF $12.75 $19,890.00 16 Asphalt (5" thickness)25,175 SF $1.40 $35,245.00 17 1 1/2 " minus crushed gravel base course (6" thick) 466 CY $21.00 $9,786.00 18 6" minus uncrushed sub-base course (18" thick) 1,398 CY $14.00 $19,572.00 19 Woven Geofabric 2,798 SY $1.50 $4,197.00 20 PCC Sidewalk (6" M-4000 concrete, 3" gravel base) 3,067 SF $5.75 $17,635.25 21 Driveway Apron (7" M-4000 conc, 3" washed rock 745 SF $7.50 $5,587.50 22 Pedestrian Ramp (PCC)260 SF $7.50 $1,950.00 23 Detectable Warning Surface - 5' Wide 5 EA $550.00 $2,750.00 24 Signage 4 EA $475.00 $1,900.00 25 Topsoil - Boulevard (6" depth, blvd & slopes)26 CY $22.00 $572.00 26 Remove ext'g striping a. 8" White Epoxy 770 LF $1.50 $1,155.00py b. 24" White Thermoplastic 29 LF $22.50 $652.50 c. 24" White Epoxy 44 LF $5.00 $220.00 d. "ONLY" Text and Turn Arrow Thermoplastic 3 EA $50.00 $150.00 e. 4" Double Yellow Epoxy 1,122 LF $1.00 $1,122.00 f. 24" Yellow Epoxy 93 LF $5.00 $465.00 27 4" White Epoxy 921 LF $6.00 $5,526.00 28 4" White Dashed Epoxy (10' Lines, 15' Spacing)920 LF $6.00 $5,520.00 29 8" White Epoxy 386 LF $12.00 $4,632.00 30 24" White Epoxy 196 LF $36.00 $7,056.00 31 4" Double Yellow Epoxy 1,099 LF $6.00 $6,594.00 32 24" Yellow Epoxy 94 LF $36.00 $3,384.00 33 Pedestrian Crosswalk Striping (2'x5' stripe & space) 16 EA $360.00 $5,760.00 34 White Thermoplastic Symbols 7 EA $100.00 $700.00 35 Relocate Transmission Line Utility Poles (N.W.E.)1 LS $72,000.00 $72,000.00 Cottonwood Roadway Improvements Subtotal $263,500.50 Cottonwood Road Public Infrastructure Improvements Page 1 of 2337 ITEM Unit No. ITEM DESCRIPTION Quantity Unit Price Subtotal Cottonwood Improvements for Town Pump #8 Public Infrastructure Improvements Preliminary Cost Estimate Town Pump Share Storm Sewer 40 Curb Inlet 1 EA $3,250.00 $3,250.00 41 60" Dia. Flat Top SD Manhole 1 EA $4,500.00 $4,500.00 42 Connect to Ext'g SD Pipe 2 EA $300.00 $600.00 43 72" Dia. Flat Top SD Manhole 1 EA $5,000.00 $5,000.00 44 48" Dia. Flat Top Flow Control Manhole B 1 EA $2,450.00 $2,450.00 45 24" RCP Storm Sewer 35 LF $84.00 $2,940.00 46 18" PVC Storm Sewer 78 LF $68.00 $5,304.00 47 18" PVC FETS 1 EA $250.00 $250.00 48 18" x 15" PVC Wye 1 EA $50.00 $50.00 49 15" 45° Bend 1 EA $50.00 $50.00 50 15" PVC Storm Sewer 14 LF $20.00 $280.00 51 Remove Ext'g Culvert 21 LF $12.00 $252.00 52 Stormtank Detention Facility 24"H x 42'L x 15'W 1 LS $12,000.00 $16,000.00 Cottonwood Storm Sewer Subtotal $40,926.00 Cottonwood Roadway Improvements Subtotal $263,500.50 Cottonwood Storm Sewer Subtotal $40,926.00 Cottonwood Subtotal $304,426.50 Cottonwood Road Public Infrastructure Improvements Page 2 of 2338 339