HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-05-14 Table of Contents_1Table of Contents Agenda 5 April 14, 2014 04-14-14 Draft Minutes (su)9 April 21, 2014 04-21-14 City Commission Minutes 21 Authorize Payment of Accounts Payable Claims Claims Memo 30 Authorize Notice of Award to Williams Civil Construction in the amount of $526,812 for the 2014 Water Renovations Project Commission Memo for Water Renovations 31 Bid Tab for Water Renovations 32 Notice of Award for Water Renovations 33 Authorize Purchase Agreement with Solid Waste Systems of Spokane in the amount of $415,652.44 for one new refuse sideload packer and one new refuse sideload packer to be installed on an existing chassis Commission Memo: Sideload Packer 34 Purchase Agreement 36 Bid Tab Sheet 40 Appoint Mayor Krauss and Commissioner Pomeroy to review the Depository Bonds and Pledged Securities as of March 31, 2014 Commission Memorandum - Pledged Securities - Appoint Sub-Committee 0314 41 Depository Bonds & Securities 0314 42 Approve the City Manager’s reappointment of Bill Ranard to the Police Commission 5-14 Police Commission Appointment 44 Bryan, Police Commission, 3-14 45 Ranard, Police Commission application 3-14 46 Approve Amendment 3 to the Professional Services Agreement with Morrison Maierle for the North 7th Avenue Lighting Design and Construction Administration Commission Memorandum PSA III 47 Amendment No. 3 to PSA for N. 7th Ave Lighting Design and Construction 49 Approve Resolution 4512 relating to Financing of certain proposed projects, establishing compliance with reimbursement Bond Regulations under the Internal Revenue Code to fund the design, construction and financing costs of a remediation system at the Story Mill Landfill Commission Memo for Resolution 4512 65 Reimbursement Resolution 66 Finally Adopt Ordinance 1888, Bargain and Sale Deed between the City of Bozeman and the Montana Department of Transportation for the College Street from 19th to Main Street Project 1 Commission Memo - Ordinance 1888 70 Ordinance 1888 72 Attachments for Ordinance 1888, Sale Agreement with MDT for College Street project 76 Finally Adopt Ordinance 1889 approving the Simmental Zone Map Amendment to establish initial zoning designation of R-O (Residential Office District) on 4.718 acres located southeast of the intersection of Campbell Road and Springhill Road, Application Z13255 Ordinance 1889 Simmental Annexation zone map amendment cover memo 97 Ordinance 1889 99 Ordinance 1889 Exhibit A 104 Water Conservation Program Memo for water consersation program 105 Parker/Long Accessory Dwelling Unit Conditional Use Permit at 1640 Kenyon Drive, Application Z14080 (Quasi-Judicial) Z14080 Parker/Long ADU CUP Staff Report 111 Parker/Long ADU CUP Application Materials 128 Z14080 parkerlong adu cup application 133 Public Hearing on Protests for Special Improvement District (SID) No. 718 and Approval of Resolution 4527 to create SID No. 718 for the purpose of undertaking certain local improvements to Story Street between South Church Avenue and South Tracy Avenue and financing the costs thereof Commission Memo - Resolution No 4527 145 Resolution 4527 147 SID Protest Forms 151 Exhibit C 172 Norton East Ranch Phase IIA Major Subdivision Final Plat Workforce Housing Waiver Request Application, P14007 (Quasi -Judicial) Commission memo 173 Aerial plat phasing and workforce lots exhibit 175 Applicant Waiver request and agreement 176 CAHAB recommendation 178 CAHAB minutes 179 Final Plat workforce lots exhibit 182 Norton East Ranch Phase IIA Major Subdivision Final Plat, located west of Cottonwood Road between future extensions of Fallon Street and West Babcock Street, Application P14007 Commission memo for Norton Final Plat 183 Staff review memo for Norton Final Plat 185 Norton East Ranch, Phase IIA Final Plat 187 2 Trout Meadows, A Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat application to aggregate ten lots into two lots in Block 5 and to aggregate eleven lots and relocate open space in Block 6 and to remove the existing Restricted Size Lot designations from certain lots within these blocks in the existing Cattail Lake Subdivision, Phases 1 and 2, Application P14011 (Quasi- judicial) Trout Meadows, Phase 3, Major Sub - CC Staff Report 190 Trout Meadows, Phase 3, Major Sub - PB Minutes 210 Trout Meadows, Phase 3, Major Sub - PB Resolution 214 Trout Meadows, Phase 3, Major Sub - Application 217 Trout Meadows, Phase 3, Major Sub - Plats 220 Annie Subdivision Phase II, Lot 5 preliminary plat for a subsequent minor subdivision to allow the further subdivision of an existing 10.92 acre lot into two multi-household residential lots and one lot for a community center, located northeast of the intersection of North 27th Avenue and West Oak Street, Application P14017 (Quasi-Judicial) Staff report 224 Preliminary plat 245 Table of contents 246 Development review application 247 Checklist 249 Introduction 254 Platting certificate and certifications 255 Preliminary plat supplements 269 Weed plan 275 Stormwater 280 Agency response letters 290 Lighting plan 302 Provisional Adoption of Ordinance 1887 Amending Section 2.06.1460.F of the Bozeman Municipal Code Increasing the Assessment for the Bozeman Tourism Business Improvement District from $1.00 to $2.00 per Occupied Room Night CC Memo for Ordinance 1887 increasing the TBID levy from 1 to 2 dollars a night 5-5-14 DRAFT 4-23-14 304 Attach 1 Ordinance 1887 increasing the TBID levy from 1 to 2 dollars a night 5-5-14 FINAL 307 Attach 2 Resolution No. 4182 311 Attach 3 Ordinance 1765 314 Attach 4 11-5-2013 TBID Agenda 325 Consideration and action of Cottonwood Road widening impact fee credit request for Cottonwood Road from Alpha Drive to Fallon Street, Application IFCR1404 Cottonwood Road impact fee credit request IFCR1404 328 Application cover letter 332 Impact fee credit request form 333 Project narrative 334 Project impact fee cost sheet 335 3 Project other cost sheet 337 Schematic design 339 Appointment to the Impact Fee Advisory Committee 5-14 Impact Fee appointment memo 340 Carpenter, Impact Fee Committee Application 341 4