HomeMy WebLinkAboutNon-Discrimination Public Comment from Lieveka White 4-28-14 For numerous reasons, I am in support of the NDO. The outpouring of opposition in our community has been alarming and disappointing to me. It also tells me that there is that much more of a need for an NDO than I ever would have thought. Until we can come to an agreement that being a LGBTQ is not a choice, it will be difficult to move forward. That's where the NDO comes in....it helps us move forward and stop/hinder discrimination. By allowing churches and faith based organizations to be exempt from the NDO, I think you have gone above and beyond to not step on anyone's religious rights...they can still practice their religion and discriminate against those who don't agree with them. LGBTQ people have been depicted in these meetings by people opposing the NDO as monsters and terrible people. It has made me quite emotional. How would they feel if someone were talking about them or their children or friends or family members in such away? Try to listen to some of those hateful statements and internalize it--- no wonder so many of our LGBTQ youth (and adults for that matter)struggle with depression and some commit suicide---they are told they are sick and wrong and useless, terrible people. All,for feeling a certain way--- really? It's true,there are some terrible things and awful people in this world, however, LGBTQ's are not it and generalizations are getting us nowhere. Leaving transgender out of an NDO would not be helpful either. It's not a hair color---they don't "choose"to some days be a woman and some days "choose"to be a man. I think if you take the time to talk to a transgender, they want to be one gender at all times. It's up to us as a society to recognize who they are and let them live their lives in the best way they can. And for those parents who are against the NDO,you want to know what to say to your children or how to explain it? Teach them love and acceptance---after that,there's nothing to explain. Chances are your children won't ask....because at the heart of it, children are very accepting little human beings and don't notice who's in love with who and who's not or why. And, what do they care who is in the stall next to them in the bathroom? Aren't we all there to do the same thing anyway? am the mom of a 3%year old boy and my heart would be broken if he were ever to bully or discriminate against someone who is "different"from him or vice versa---whatever that difference may be. Our country doesn't grow based on all of us being the same and thinking inside the same box. We all have our own likes, dislikes, quirks & differences. Individualism and originality are beautiful things. I want a world where individualism is accepted and an environment is fostered to let people be who they are....no matter what. And not discriminated against for their choices. I can't wait for the day my son can look back on this and wonder how it was ever an issue, and find it ridiculous we ever even had to fight for these kinds of rights. Thank you for your time and seriousness in this matter. Lieveka White 15 Mineral Ave Bozeman, MT 59718 Iwhitel5@gmail.com 406-581-6717