HomeMy WebLinkAboutHeavy Civil In addition to the bid number provided, the contractor is asked to provide a construction time line outlining the critical steps and stages of the project and a calendar showing how the work will be completed. Upon award, the contractor will complete the contract document that was provided during the walk through, an electronic version can be provided. The contractor will also need to provide proof of insurance at the rates specified and a performance bond for the project. The job will be subject to both state and local rules including: state prevailing wage rates; 1% Mt. Dept. of Revenue Withholding; and City of Bozeman nondiscrimination resolution; and ]Heavy Construction.Prevailing Wages. BIDDER agrees to perform all the work described in the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS for the following lump sum: go TOTAL CONTRACT BID PRICE J $ `2, f (Written Bid Price Number) �+ , �ct The undersigned Bidder acknowledged receipt of the following Addenda, which have been considered in preparation of this Bid: No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated No. Dated Submitted this _ day of 2014. SIGNATURE OF BIDDER: 3 BTL] FORM Montana Contractor Registration Number— If an individual: doing business as If a Partnership: by Partner If a Corporation: " v, (a) by (Seal & Title �3I"-eeg� Attest) Business Address of Bidder: ee"), 13c) c e- If Bidder is a joint venture, other party must sign below. Montana License Number and Class If an Individual: doing business as If a Partnership: by —Partner If a Corporation: (a) Corporation by (Seal & Title Attest) 4 BID FORM NON-DISCRIMINATION AFFIRMATION FORM 1­144(1,, NVil, lk,jC-- [name of entity submitting]hereby affirms it will not discriminate on the bais of race, 'color,religion, creed, sex,age,marital status,national origin, or because of actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity or disability in the performance of work performed for the city of Bozeman,if a contract is awarded to it,and also recognizes the eventual contract,if awarded,will contain a provision prohibiting discrimination as described above and that this prohibition shall apply to the hiring and treatment of the 10�f_ [name of entity submitting] employees and to all subcontracts it enters io in performance of the agreement with the city of Bozeman. Signature of Bidder: Person authorized to sign on behalf of the bidder Document A310 TM - 2010 Conforms with The American Institute of Architects AIA Document 310 Bid Bond CONTRACTOR: SURETY: i'vaille,legal sulfas and oddrvss) Cvawe, lvgal Slows aad principalplave ref usme3s) Heavy Civil, Inc, Westchester Fire Insurance Company PC Box 168 436 Walnut Street, P. 0, Box 3.000 Belgrade, MT 59714 Pbiladephia, PA 19106 This document has important legal consequences.Consultation Mailing Address for Notices with an attorney is encouraged Westchester Fire Insurance Company with respect to its completion or OWNER: 436 Walnut Street, P. 0. Box 1000 modiricatiom 0"ame,kgillvalu�i Philadelphia, PA 19106 Any singular reference to City of Bozeman, Montana Contractor,Surety,Owner or 121 North Rouse Ave. other party shall be considered P, C. Box 1230 plural where applicable Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 BOND AMOUNT: $Ten Percent of the Total Amount of the Bid (10% of Amount Bid) PROJECT: (N'alkle,loca?lun or 44aldre,vs,w Pro)ccr 111110o..IJ wl) Bogert Pool Main Drain Replacement Project Bozeman, MT 59715 The Conlrmlw and Sarcl are bound 10 are 0"UCrill the MDOLInt,"et 1611il 00%0.lira(lie Payllent ol'ivhicll(lie Contractor rind Stlrul� bind ilicrirsvkvs.divit ficrts, succQssorsaird assigns,joiwh and severally,as provided herein 'file coilditiollsohIlis 130trd tire suclli(hat il'the Owneraccepts the bid of the ContrucTor within the time specified.in the bid documents,or vviOlin such time period as nitiv be agreed 14)11) tile owle'r and Contractor,and thc Contractor either(1)enters info acontract with the 0woer in accordance with tkre teriils ofsoch bid,curd gives such bond or bond,;as may be speci(led in the bidding or Corilract Documents,with a sorely i,id i 11 [led in the jurisdiciion of file 11m.iQC1 and()il)er\viw acceptable to the Owner,l6ftlic 1ifllftii perlotmance of.soch Contract and for the prompt pav rilcrii of labor and material llurnishcd ln The 1)1-0SCC%rti0n therQofor(3)pays To[lie Owner the diflf"renee,not to execed the amount of this l3ond,beocan the awouin specified in said bid nand SLICh larger Amount 1101-villicl)the Owner may in good 1*fliih contract wilb another party to per fbirru the 0%ork covered by said bid,then dais obligatiorishall be null and void,orlwr%%ise to remain in full force and effitCL'FIN sruetv lierelly Waives any notice of an a,,retniient bcrdyccll the and Contractor to extend the tints in which the Owner may accept the Laid.iaiv er of notice by the surcly shall not apply tea am exteirsion eNQ"dingsbctv(60)dray sin the aggregate beyond the time for acceptance ofbids specillcd in the bid documents,;and the Owncrand Coinractor shall obtain the Surety's VonsQnt filr air e-Mension heyond SIX(y(60)days. ll'this flood is issued in connection Nx 1111a subcontractor's bid to;I Colllraetotr,the term('0111MLIOr in this Bund shall IN deemed to be Subcomractor and lbe tcrill Owner shall.be Likened to be Contractor. Nk"hen this Bond has been 1urrrishcd to comply with a statutory or other legal NquirculCut in file location oftlw,Project,any provision in this flond conflictin@,with said blalutofy or legal requirenwin shill be deemed deleted 1wrefrorn ttnd provisions conforming to Stich statutory or other legal requircnreni shall be cleaned incorporated hi rein,4Yllcn so furnished,tile intent is that this florid shall be construed as a Auhrtkiry bond and not as a common lit" bund. Signed and sealed this 10 da.) of April 2014 Heavy Civil, Inc, (Title) 7 Westoepter Fire Insurance Company �i, (Seal) tlhow I%.v)Donna K. Tucek Z- Surety Account Manager Richard(htl�e) B, Deming, AttXrn S.00541AS 6110 Power of WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCECOMPANY Attorney Know all men by these,presents:That rrYRSmIESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY;a corporation of"the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania PLtrsuatlt 10 the hollowing Itesoltrtion,adopted by the.Board ofDirectors of the said Company on December 11,2006,to wit! RESOLVED, relate to the execution,for real on WWI`or the Company,of bands,undertaking �rxxagnitrutocs,gotatracts and othcr Aorition,SormrUonvnts or the Company onterod iota the ordlnat)Caere,ufbUsincsf(each a'Writlara Comnulntcnr'"). (1) Each of Ute CloUr man,the president and tie Vice Presidents.oftilc Company is hetoby authorwd to exectag any Written Commitment for and on behojrQf etc Comporsh,reader thcxuai orthe Cumpanu or otltarrvixe- -. - (2) Fwh duly uppomtcd aimney-in-facl orth;e C'.nmpany tg€crcby aadhGriked in uxecuia env Written Commitment for and on behalf orae Companyunder ttexeal of the Carny+An}or otturw isp,tq jfru or,tenl Ghat nuvh acloni as aulltarar.Sd isy(lpcgnortorpowars ptovidOd for to auSfipursorhs Wnl4orrrrpPoa(rtmadza as such allorncyanract (1) Eaoti al'the C"haarnaan,tru ptesitlom and the Vide Presidents of t€e Company is beteby nuthorized,for and an behalf of the Company,to appoint in-An ng AnV person€hes attomey4q fact a3:tho Compainv with ruil,pgv,ora and atabonly to occulisjor and on behalf oNhc Company%under'the searorthe Com'p'any or otherwise,such WriaenC:ohtndtm¢ntx nj'ttta('pntPiuty'as may irexlxtciftoit3n xnsh.rvtittcrr appoininav iL wftich, fteSlrtCiyipn n(ny bo by jdm nal typd:ar Blas$bf tyrittart Comtinotu niy or by speciaoalion of Ong or more p erticudar.w'r CYeaL ananrilutoms, 141 Each of the Chalrman,the PfesideatandVicp:presidents ofan:company iob crvby,audionzA,for and on beheir or the company,to dileliare in writing my okbg eltictr of the Company ft corhoriky to esocutc,rot and tar behalf of the Company,under the Company's seal or otherwise;,such Written Commitments of the Company as area specified in such written delegation;which speclkation may bo by general typo or cloys of Writtsn Commiunems or byspeciricotton of nae or more Ps+uculm Written Commilmea s. 01 Tho signoturt of Anyofficcr or!othcr person nxccotin,p.any writ€en Comardtmem or appointaicrit or delegationpursuant to tris Resolution,and the seal of the Company,may be ao;xed by raesimtke:on SUCK l Written Comnuimentor wrinual aPpohaunent or ijolegation.. FURTHER REueOLVED,that the rorosoing Resolution shall nor be doctnrd to be an cxyluaive statemard.ortte powers and authority ofofricers,ermdoyons and ober parsons to act t'®rand on behalf of the Comparty,and such Resplutim shel#nol fimittx otherwise,sfTociftexcrcisq of ahy such power or aaahoti€yotherwise validly granted or v67ed � -- Does hereby nominate,constitute and appoint Bryan D Hall,Deborah L D-oneman,Donna K Tucek,Julie A Bennett,.Mark Collins,Richard B Dintong,.Tyler P Delaney,William R Price,all of the City of13OZEMAN,Montana,each individually if there be mote than one named,its true and lawful attorney-in-fact,to make, execute,scat and deliver omits behalf,and as its act and deed any and all bonds,undertakings,recognfzances,contracts.and other writings in the nature thereof in periaftios not exceeding One millionTwo hundred Fifty thousand dollars&zero cents($1,250,000Ob)and the execution of such wTilfngs.in.pursuance of these presents shall be as binding upon said Company,as:fully and amply as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged by the regularly elected affects of the Company at its principal officer IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the said Stephen M.Haney,Vice-President,has hereunto subscribed his natne rand affixed the Corporate seat of the said NYESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE C=OMPANY this 7 day ofrebtuary 2013- WE,STCkWSTER.FII3E INSURANCE COMPANY wpho M.t4my..YkO Pt'c ideat COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA ss. . On this 7 day ofFebrvgy,AD,2€13 bofore me,a Nlrtary Public of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in and for the County of Philadelphia c(me Stephen M.I'lancy,Vice-PTesident Of the AYESTCIIk S`fER FIIkE INSURANCE COMPANY to me personally known lobe the individual and ofiw er who oxcotud the preceding instrument,and Ire acknowledgtid that he executed the.samto,and that the seal affixed to the preceding lristrurnent is the corporate seal of"said Company;that (lye said corporate seat acrd his si riatute wore duly affixt l by the authority and direction cif the said corporation,and that Resolution,adopted by the Board of Directors of said Company,rofetred to iii the.preced'untig instrument,is now in f"orce,: IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,I have)serpunto set my hand and affixed my official seal,at the City of Philadelphia the day and year first above written. I1Ii AFAR.SK fe " oww Vol !Wauary Pltritta . i I,the undersigned Assistant Secretary of the WE.STC':IESTER FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY,do hereby certi that the r)riglfsal Pt7WEli OF ATTORNEY,of i which the foroguinI;is a substantially true and correct copy;is.in frill force and effect. 1n witness whereof;I have hereunto subscribed my name as Assistant Secret ry,and affixed tike corporate seal of the:Corporation,.this day ofaAp;C il, 2014 yr I't "` 'W'itl,tntt L.IGeIL}.A,t,Ers'acn$ t�re4pr�+ THIS POWE P C) ATTORNEY MAY NO.T BE USED TO EXECUTE ANY BOND WITH AN INCEPTIONI DATE At'TER February 07,2415. r� Z o p THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT LIST'S VARIOUS SECURITY FEATURES THAT WILL PROTECT AGAINST COPY COUNTERFEIT AND ALTERATION,.