HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 Commissioning Agent Police and Courts: Final Contract, RevisedREQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS COMMISSIONING SERVICES CITY OF BOZEMAN Police and Courts Facility Bozeman, MT City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 Amended April 21, 2014 Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 2 of 9 I. INTRODUCTION The City of Bozeman (Owner), is seeking qualifications and proposals for independent Commission Agent (CA) services to undertake preconstruction and construction services for the new Community Police and Municipal Courts Building (the “Project”). The CA will be hired directly by the Owner and shall work in coordination with the Project’s architectural and engineering firms (Design Team) and the General Contractor/Construction Manager to implement the commissioning process. The CA shall provide commissioning services during the design phase, the construction phase, the occupancy phase, and the post-occupancy operational warranty phase. The design development phase is scheduled to be completed by the end of June 2014. This Request for Proposals shall not commit the Owner to enter into any agreement, to pay any expenses incurred in preparation of any response to this request, or to procure or contract for any supplies, goods or services. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses received as a result of this RFP if it is in the Owner’s best interest to do so. This Procurement is governed by the laws of the State of Montana and venue for all legal proceedings shall be the 18th Judicial District Court, Gallatin County. By offering to perform services under this Procurement, all Submitters agree to be bound by the laws of the State of Montana, and including, but not limited to, applicable wage rates, payments, gross receipts taxes, building codes, equal opportunity employment practices, safety, etc. The City of Bozeman makes reasonable accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with an applicant’s ability to compete in the bidding and/or selection process. In order for the city to make such accommodations, applicants must make known any needed accommodation to the city’s ADA coordinator James Goehrung at (406)582-3232. Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 3 of 9 II. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION Introduction The Project scope is to undertake pre-construction and construction services for the new Police and Municipal Courts building. The Owner intends to complete the programming and design for a new building to accommodate all services related to Bozeman’s municipal criminal justice functions including the police, municipal courts, city attorney, and victim/witness functions. Project Location and Site The proposed site is on the current Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) shops site. Present authorization for the Project extends through completion of design only. The Owner intends to submit the Project to voter approval for funding in the November 2014 election. The Owner is actively pursuing a land exchange with the MDT to acquire their property at 902 North Rouse and intends to construct the Project at that location. Design Considerations The Project is anticipated to be a unique, state-of-the-art criminal justice facility. The facility will primarily serve the residents of the City of Bozeman and will include both public and secure areas for the Bozeman Police Department and Bozeman Municipal Court but will not include detention services. The building will also include offices for the Bozeman City Attorney, Gallatin County Victim Witness program, as well as community, training and seminar spaces. The commissioning process shall be an integral part of the building project and shall include the following systems throughout: (1) HVAC systems and associated energy management control systems; (2) lighting controls; (3) domestic hot water systems; (4) water using systems; (5) energy systems; (6) building envelope insulation systems; (7) fire protection systems; (8) fire alarm systems and may also include, photovoltaic, geothermal, co-generation, and any other energy efficient systems as may be included in the building. The design must adhere to the city’s design standards and all applicable codes. Sustainability, life-cycle costs, maintainability, quality, and energy efficiency will be high priorities in the decision-making process for how this building will be designed and constructed. The building is expected to be submitted for a minimum of USGBC LEED Silver certification. For the design, the Owner has selected: Thinkone Architects 101 East Main Street, Studio 1 Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) 586-7020 bhanson@think1.com The Owner is ready to hire the Commissioning Agent as the next step to informing and collaborating in the design process. The project is presently in the early Programming and Planning process. Final design, construction document development, and other post-bond activities will not occur prior to the Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 4 of 9 passage of a construction bond in the November 2014 election. The Owner retains the option to not commence or cancel the post-bond phase services, or terminate the contract and negotiate a replacement contract with the next highest rated Submitter from this solicitation, or to conclude the Commissioning Agent’s services at pre-construction services. The following is the intended timeline for the project: CA Selection: Advertising dates: April 12, and 19, 2014 Receipt of Qualfication statements: No later than 5:00 p.m. MST on April 25, 2014 Selection and contract negotiation: April 30, 2014 III. QUALIFICATIONS The Owner is seeking a CA who will commit to staffing this project with persons satisfying as many of the following qualifications as possible. The qualifications of the CA staff designated to work on this project shall be clearly defined in their response to this RFQ. 1. Demonstrated experience with high performance systems design and HVAC control optimization. 2. Demonstrated experience in the operation and troubleshooting of HVAC systems, energy management, control systems, fire protection systems, and fire alarm systems. 3. Demonstrated experience in the operation and troubleshooting of photovoltaic, geothermal, and co-generation systems. 4. Demonstrated experience in the oversight of testing and balancing of both air and water systems. 5. Demonstrated experience in the oversight of building operation and maintenance (O&M) training. 6. Demonstrated experience in the review and approval of O&M manuals prepared by trade contractors. 7. Demonstrated experience in monitoring and analyzing systems operation during warranty period. 8. Demonstrated experience in managing the commissioning process and the preparation of commissioning specifications. 9. Demonstrated experience in working successfully with Design Teams, Construction Managers and trade contractors. Qualifications submitted by respondents shall provide sufficient information to allow the Owner to evaluate the CA firm’s experience, the qualifications of staff designated for this project, and the availability of designated staff during the project’s duration. 1. Descriptions of at least three (3) relevant projects similar or larger to this Project including systems commissioned, construction costs, date of completion, and a client contact with title and phone number. 2. Description of recently completed projects that achieved LEED certification. Provide description of CA’s responsibility for LEED certification process. 3. Resume of lead person designated as the commissioning authority including documentation that demonstrates the lead person meets or exceeds the minimum qualifications listed above. 4. Resumes of other staff designated for roles on this project and statement of staff’s availability for project. Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 5 of 9 5. Narrative of the CA’s proposed approach to this project by phase including a description of all activities the CA will implement to verify and document that all designed systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained through the warranty period to meet the Owner’s project requirements and other performance requirements set out in the Construction Documents. IV. SCOPE OF SERVICES The CA shall lead the commissioning process and shall plan, schedule, review, coordinate and oversee the implementation of all commissioning process activities. The CA shall report to the Owner and coordinate with the Design Team and the Contractors throughout the commissioning process. The following is an outline of the commissioning process to be performed by CA, Design Team, Contractors, and Owner. Presently the project is funded only through the Design Development Phase, but it is the intent of the Owner to enter into contract with the CA for all phases of the Project. Schematic Design (SD) Phase 1. CA shall work with the Design Team to review current project status and assist in review of potential mechanical, electrical, and special systems to be incorporated in the design. Design Development (DD) Phase: 1. CA shall review and comment on Basis of Design (BOD) developed by the Design Team to evaluate if BOD meets the intent of the OPR and the initial design goals for compliance with the adopted standards. 2. CA shall assist the owner and design team in final selection of mechanical, electrical and special systems based on overall performance goals, long term operational costs, and long term maintenance costs. 3. CA shall develop Commissioning Plan with a list of all equipment to be commissioned, delineation of roles, and details on scope, timeline and deliverables through the process for review by the Owner and Design Team. 4. CA shall develop outline of O&M Manual Requirements, outline of Owner Training Requirements, and outline of Construction Verification Checklists for review by Owner and Design Team. 5. CA shall develop Commissioning Issues and Tracking Log for use by Owner, Design Team and CA. 6. CA shall review and comment on DD Documents by the Design Team to evaluate if Documents meet the intent of the OPR, comply with the design goals, and incorporate CA’s BOD comments. 7. CA shall attend Design Team coordination meetings as required to implement commissioning process. 8. CA shall prepare DD Commissioning Process Report for review and use by Owner and Design Team. Construction Documents (CD) Phases: 1. CA shall develop detailed Commissioning Requirements Specifications for incorporation as a separate Section in to CD Specifications by the Design Team. Commissioning Requirements shall include review comments by Owner and Design Team on the Commissioning Plan, O&M Manual Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 6 of 9 Requirements, Owner Training Requirements, and Construction Verification Checklists submitted by the CA during the DD Phase. 2. CA shall review and comment on CDs by the Design Team to evaluate if CDs meet the intent of the OPR, comply with the adopted standards, incorporate CA’s DD Documents review comments, and include references to CA’s Commissioning Requirements. 3. CA shall update Commissioning Issues and Tracking Log for use by Owner, Design Team and CA. 4. CA shall attend Design Team coordination meetings as required to implement commissioning process. 5. CA shall prepare CD Commissioning Process Report for review and use by Owner and Design Team. Construction Administration (CAdmin) Phase: 1. CA shall review and comment on Contractor submittals for systems covered in Commissioning Plan. CA shall review Submittals for compliance with CDs. CA’s review shall preceed and be superseded by Design Team reviews. Contractor Submittals may include project data, system layouts, Contractor’s Coordination Plans, and system O&M Manuals. 2. CA shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of the Contractor’s operations for systems being commissioned to determine, in general if the Work is being performed in accordance with CDs. 3. CA shall oversee Contractor’s balancing of air and water systems by observing testing of selected areas, reviewing completed balancing reports, and by random spot testing other areas to verify/document results. CA shall coordinate re-testing as necessary until performance is in satisfactory compliance with the CDs. 4. CA shall field check and document completion of Contractors Construction Verification Checklists. 5. CA shall establish sampling protocol for Fuctional Performance Testing by Contractor and document definicencies. CA shall coordinate HVAC systems optimization and re-testing as necessary until performance is in satisfactory compliance with designed performance goals defined in CDs. 6. CA shall oversee the Owner’s training sessions by Contractors, document training, and evaluate adequacy of training. CA shall coordinate additional training as necessary until personnel are adequately trained. 7. CA shall maintain Commissioning Issues and Tracking Log including testing and balancing issues, deficiencies, and non-conformance items for use by Owner, Design Team, Contractors, and CA. 8. CA will assist design team in all LEED specific documentation required for final certification process. 9. CA shall attend Construction Progress meetings as required to implement commissioning process. 10. CA shall prepare CA Commissioning Process Report for review and use by Owner and Design Team at Substantial Completion, which is when all significant construction commissioning issues shall be resolved. Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 7 of 9 Occupancy and Post-Occupancy Operational Warranty Phases: 1. CA shall oversee and document deferred seasonal testing by the Contractors that could not be done earlier. CA shall coordinate corrections and re-testing as necessary until performance is in compliance with the CDs. 2. CA shall consult with Owner’s operational personnel at appropriate intervals to determine that commissioned systems are operating properly and evaluate if additional personnel may be required. 3. Threee (3) months prior to warranty expiration CA shall perform post-occupancy functional performance testing of HVAC systems included in the Commissioning Plan to evaluate and document post-occupancy energy and operational performance as compared to designed performance goals defined in CDs. 4. CA shall oversee resolution of any warranty issues on commissioned systems during the warranty period. 5. CA shall prepare Final Commissioning Process Report for use by Owner and Design Team at end of warranty period. Final Commisioning Report shall incorporate review comments by Owner and Design Team on CAdmin Commissioning Report, the results of all post-occupancy testing and evaluations, and document resolutions to all items on the Commissioning Issues and Tracking Log. V. SELECTION PROCEDURE Under this RFP, the selection procedure is intended to evaluate the capabilities of interested CA firms to provide services to the Owner for this project. The responses to this RFP will be evaluated by the selection committee in accordance with the criteria listed below. The CA will be selected based on the overall merit of its proposal, information contained in RFP responses, references, interviews, and information obtained from any other reliable source. The following constitute the criteria for the selection committee to evaluate proposals. 1. Firm Information (20 Points) a. Firm Background Describe your firm’s history. Identify your senior management organization. Include information identifying the firm’s annual volume of business, financial/bonding capacities, and speak to the firm’s stability in the market place. Information identifying the firm’s strengths and weaknesses along with special capabilities that may be appropriate to this Project will assist in the evaluation. b. Firm Workload Provide the status for current and anticipated work within the firm in terms of time and magnitude for the time anticipated for this project, as it relates to availability of key personnel and your firm. Especially in view of the time constraints during both pre-construction and construction phases identified for this project. c. Firm Experience Descriptions of at least three (3) relevant projects similar or larger to this Project including systems commissioned, construction costs, date of completion, and a client contact with title and phone number. Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 8 of 9 2. The Project Team (25 Points) a. Resume of lead person designated as the commissioning authority including documentation that demonstrates the lead person meets or exceeds the minimum qualifications listed above. b. Resumes of other staff designated for roles on this project and statement of staff’s availability for project. 3. Project Approach (20 Points) a. Narrative of the CA’s proposed approach to this project by phase including a description of all activities the CA will implement to verify and document that all designed systems and assemblies are planned, designed, installed, tested, operated and maintained through the warranty period to meet the Owner’s project requirements and other performance requirements set out in the Construction Documents. VI. SUBMITTAL OF INFORMATION Three (3) copies of the written response to this RFP must be received at: City of Bozeman Office of the City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 121 North Rouse Ave Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 By April 25, 2014; 5:00 p.m. MDT. ALL QUESTIONS AND CONTACTS REGARDING THIS RFP MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO: Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 (406) 582-2350 cwinn@bozeman.net VII. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBMITTERS Proposals must: 1. Follow the format outlined in the Selection Procedure, above. 2. Be signed by an officer or principal of your firm. 3. Be contained in a document not to exceed 10 pages total (single or double-sided pages) including whatever pictures, charts, graphs, tables, and text the firm deems appropriate to be part of the review of the firm's qualifications. A separate transmittal letter, cover page, cover sheets, and dividers are exempted from the page limit. Page size is limited to 8-l/2 x 11 inches, with basic text information no smaller than 12-point type. 4. A copy of responses should be provided electronically in pdf format. Request for Proposals for Commissioning Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 9 of 9 IX. FORM OF AGREEMENT It is the intention of the Owner to enter into a CA Contract with the selected CA. The initial scope of the CA Contract will be limited to preconstruction activities only. However, the proposed CA Fee submitted in this Proposal will be applied to any subsequent services added to the contract by amendment. The preconstruction activities will include services described in Design Services above. If the Owner chooses not to continue the CA Contract beyond the completion of preconstruction activities, the CA’s compensation shall be limited to the preconstruction services maximum, not-to-exceed amount stated in the CA Contract. END OF COMMISSIONING RFP