HomeMy WebLinkAboutMSUIC_TCC Submittal Package_4 14 14MONTANA STATE UNIVERSITY INNOVATION CAMPUS April 23rd, 2014 Project Circulation Study Exhibits for the Bozeman Transportation Coordinating Committee Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.142MSU aerial campuscore60 ac ■ MSU has a contiguous campus core that is pedestrian focused. Vehicular circulation is kept to the perimeter to further emphasize the experience ■ The MSU Innovation Campus is a university related research park and an extension of MSU. The Innovation Campus seeks to create a pedestri-an experience that mirrors the MSU campus Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.143original master plan - 2012 Campus Goals: ■ Create a collaborative environment with a defined campus core - an 'ener-gy' center with a 'sense of place' and connectivity ■ Minimalize vehicular interruptions to provide a more pedestrian/campus experience. Reduce pedestrian conflicts by reducing through traffic from major roadways. Place parking on the 'perime-ter' while shielding from internal/external view ■ Provide a sense of security/safety to patrons while still allowing vehicular and pedestrian public access in and out of the project ■ Provide interface with the surrounding community and contribute to the overall neighborhood aesthetic ■ Produce a high-tech research and development campus that provides high paying jobs to the community ■ Protect and enhance sensitive natural environments. Allow for the ability to construct a natural trail adjacent to the wetlands for pedestrian connectivity ■ Incorporate innovative approaches to building construction, storm-water, and site development ■ Use building massings to enframe space, create pedestrian plazas and greenways, and provide form to streets by creating an attractive 'streetscape' both to internal and external roads Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.144revised campus core diagram parking onperimeter parking onperimeter parking onperimeter campus core pedestrianconnections pedestrianconnections natural openspace trailconnections parking onperimeter entryfeature openspace ■ During project meetings with the City of Bozeman planning staff to discuss the original master plan concept, the plan-ning staff expressed concerns related to community interface. As a result, the plan was revisited to take into consid-eration greater community integration and increased trail connections through the site communityinterface communityinterface Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.145revised concept diagram parking parking parking parking focalbuilding park wetlandarea connector trail stormwaterdetention centralgreen plaza entryfeature College Garfield campuscore communityinterface communityinterface ■ This page highlights a revised concept which was shared with various members of the City of Bozeman staff ■ The concept was generally well received. The major concern expressed was the City would request the ability to include a through street from College to Garfield ■ According to the Greater Bozeman 2007 Transportation Plan, this through street needs to be a collector with a 90' ROW Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.146 aligned with27th Avenue 27th collector diagram overlay ■ Various options were studied for a 27th Avenue collector that may accommodate the needs of the City and the goals of the campus ■ The layout depicted on this page is consi-sitent with the alignment shown on the 2007 Transportation Plan ■ This layout allows for larger contiguous parcels that are not divided by streets providing a safer pedestrian environment. This facilitates pedestrian connections and enhanced collaboration between building users. This option aligns more closely with university related research park goals com-pared with other studied options ■ Vehicular network is addressed without dominance Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.147current site diagram Garfield College ParkingArea PotentialBuildingPad (typ.) 27th Avenue ■ Vehicular circulation is accommo-dated north/south without dissecting the pedestrian campus ■ Parking areas are placed in interior courtyards, screening them from view ■ A strong streetscape environment is created ■ Greenspace areas are created along the west boundary to buffer uses ■ Ability will be provided for an outside entity to construct a natural trail in Zone 2 of the wetland buffer to traverse the site north/south ■ NOTE: Right of Way will be dedi-cated for 27th Avenue north of its in-tersection with Technology Boulevard. The actual roadway will be construct-ed in the future only as required when loading on 27th mandates installation as determined by a traffic study. Ini-tially, a trail will be constructed in this dedicated ROW that will join with the constructed portion of 27th Avenue to provide a pedestrian connection from College to Garfield ParkingArea ParkingArea Technology Blvd. StormwaterInfiltration (typ.) GreenspaceBuffer Park WetlandArea NaturalTrail FutureStreetIf Required PotentialBuildingPad (typ.) EntryFeature Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.148roadway and wetland area calculations Roadway & Wetland Acreages Garfield College Roadway and Associated Setbacks - 7.3 acres Wetland and Required Buffer5.5 acres Total Site+-42 ac Collector3.2 ac Technology Blvd.4.3 ac ■ All areas listed above comprise +- 40% of the total site which represents a significant amount that is unavail-able for development. This creates a hardship on the property in order to achieve development goals. Vari-ances, as required, will be requested and leniency sought as a result of this hardship Greenspace Buffer/Park3.8 acres Park GreenspaceBuffer Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.149city zoning projectsite BP - Business ParkPLI - Public Lands/Inst.B-2 - Community Busin. Pages 9 - 16 show how traffic can be dispersed in and around the inno-vation campus in order to serve the community needs and the goals of the project ■ Zoning around the site includes PLI lands to the south of the project. This land is owned by the State (MSU) Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1410MSU long-rangeframework plan 57Chapter 4: Elements and Principles of the Framework Plan 'SBNFXPSL1MBO%JTUSJDUT.BQ projectsite ■ MSU plans to use this PLI land for agricultural use. Agricultural use by nature generates minimal traffic ■ According to the Framework Plan, this agricultural use should be insulat-ed from private use Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1411MSU long-range development plan projectsite Agricultural ■ The MSU Long Range Development Plan shows minimal use in and through their site reducing the need for 27th to connect with College in the near future 27th Avenue Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1412existing circulation Existing Paved Road Existing Gravel Road Legend College Garfield Huffine 19thKagy Lincoln Stucky27th (Gravel)FolwerTechnology29thprojectsiteProfessional 23rd■ 27th Aveune is currently gravel and is not continuous to the southern communities ■ Existing road framework around the site allows traffic to disperse around the site. Users will not be inconve-nienced from current patterns without 27th through the site ■ Currently, those traveling south from the west commonly use Fowler to access Garfield to 19th. Those from the north use 23rd to College, and those from the east generally use 19th Avenue. Thus, the need for the community to traverse through the site is fairly minimal Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.14132007 transportation plan future connections Principal Arterial S 19th AveJohnson Kagy Stucky W Lincoln Garfield Patterson FowlerCollegeHuffine projectsite Goldenstein Blackwood 27th Minor Arterial Collector 27th Avenue Collector LegendCollector as shown on the 2007 Plan ■ According to the 2007 Greater Boz-eman Area Transportation Plan, 27th Avenue is shown as a "future collector" Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1414traffic dispersal patterns Principal Arterial S 19th AveJohnson Kagy Stucky W Lincoln Garfield Patterson FowlerCollegeHuffine projectsite Goldenstein Blackwood 27th Minor Arterial Collector 27th Avenue Collector Legend see detailpage 10 local streets traffic flowdiagram ■ Traffic is gathered from local streets to Collector Streets. Collectors funnel traffic to Arterials. Arterials are designed to conduct major traffic to destination points Collectors serve to effi-ciently move traffic from local streets to arterials Traffic is dispersed from 27th to 19th Avenue or-Fowler/Cottonwood Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1415detail traffic dispersal patterns Principal Arterial College Minor Arterial Collector 27th Avenue Collector Legend Garfield Lincoln Kagy Stucky 19th27thHuffine FowlerTechnologyprojectsite to southerncommunities funnel trafficto arterialsfunnel trafficto arterials traffic to/fromwest traffic to/fromeastMSU agriculturalland - minimal traffic funnel trafficto arterials andthrough commercial areas Future Traffic Signal - MDT Existing Traffic Signal ■ Most traffic traveling north on 27th Avenue should be dispersed from 27th at Kagy. North of Kagy, MSU agricultural lands will produce min-imal traffic. This will ease the traffic burden of 27th Avenue at Garfield Street and the project site ■ Vehicles from the west traveling south can use Fowler ■ Vehicles from the east traveling south use 19th ■ Vehicles from the north use 23rd to flow east on College move traffic through commercial areas23rd Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1416MSUIC proposed circulationExisting Local Street Legend to BozemanGateway Existing Arterial Street Proposed Bicycle Route in Roadway/Sidewalk in ROW Existing Trail/Walk 23rd College Garfield ResearchTechnology19th29thto Folwer Huffine ‘businessloop’ 27thAvenue Proposed Pathway Future Sidewalk Existing Collector Street MSUIC Proposed Street traffic from Huffinecan use 29th traffic at 23rd can use Technology/Research traffic from Garfield to 23rd can use Research/Technology most traffic east can be directed to 19th Avenuemost traffic west can be directed to Fowler Bicycle/Pedestrian Route in27th Avenue ROW ability will be provided for pedestrians to traverse site from College to Garfield in the wetland buffer Future Street Connection (if required) traffic from College/Garfield to/from 29th can use Tech-nology to traverse project traffic from Garfield to College can use 29th Montana State UniversityInnovation CampusSite CirculationStudy03.14.1417MSUIC phasing plan Phasing Plan Garfield College Phase One - Summer 2014 Constructionfuturephase futurephasefuturephase futurephase Phase one will include access path and utilities within the ROW in this section. Roadway north of its intersection with Technology Boulevard will be part of a future phase - if required Wetland rehabilitation