HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 4517 Fund the Story Mill Park, Submitted by Trust for Public Land from TOPS Bond fund soz�dr V 9� co COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4517 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, TO FUND THE STORY MILL PARK, SUBMITTED BY THE TRUST FOR PUBLIC LAND, FROM MONIES WITHIN THE TRAILS, OPEN SPACE AND PARKS BOND FUND. WHEREAS, in Resolution No. 4386 the City Commission committed to the designation of an advisory board or committee to review and make recommendations to the Commission on proposals for use of Trails, Open Space, and Parks bond fund (TOP Bond Fund) as said fund was approved by the voters of the City of Bozeman on November 6, 2012; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 2013 the Bozeman City Commission appointed the Trails, Open Space and Parks Committee (TOP Committee) to assist the City Commission with the duties stated within Resolution No. 4386; and WHEREAS, the TOP Committee has reviewed and scored the Story Mill Park Project (the "Project") utilizing the City Commission approved evaluation criteria established within Resolution No. 4471 and found that the Project collectively scored on average more than five affirmative evaluations on the Rough Cut Matrix and over 60% of the total points possible on each of the Community Benefit Matrix and the Prevailing Characteristics Parks Matrix; and WHEREAS, this Project aligns and is consistent with goals set forth in the City of Bozeman Parks, Recreation Open Space and Trails (PROST)plan; and WHEREAS, this Project fulfills goals set forth in the Bozeman Community Plan by connecting the community using trails; ensures that parkland size, location, and suitability and development promote usability; and uses parks and open space to protect critical and sensitive lands. Page 1 of 5 Resolution 4517, Story Mill Park NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana: Section 1 Approval of Funding/Authority: The Commission hereby authorizes allocating funds from the TOP Bond Fund for the Project in the total amount not to exceed $4,500,000 (four million five hundred thousand dollars). Of the $4,500,000, the Commission allocates up to $2,650,000 for the acquisition of up to approximately 54 acres of land immediately west of the Story Mill Spur and Southeast of Bridger Drive as show on Exhibit A (Story Mill Park Ownership Parcel Map) including land shown as "Proposed Park Owned by TPL" and "Proposed Park Under Contract to TPL" and up to $1,850,000 to fund park improvements to the land to be completed through the Park Master Planning Process. Authorization of funds under this Resolution is contingent upon: (i) the City entering into a binding Memorandum of Understanding with TPL describing the financial and in-kind contributions proposed by TPL; and (ii) closing on a purchase and sale agreement for the property. Section 2 The Commission hereby concurs with the determinations of the TOP Committee for the Project and finds the Project meets or exceeds the requirements for TOP Bond Funding as established in Resolution No. 4471. The Commission finds the Project included in this Resolution fulfills the intent, findings, policy, and purposes of the Open Space Land and Voluntary Conservation Easement Act (Title 76, Chpt. 6, MCA) (the Act). Any real property acquired using TOP Bond proceeds pursuant to this Resolution is hereby designated as open space land for purposes of compliance with the Act. Section 3 Project: The Project, located west of Story Mill Spur and Southeast of Bridger Drive and bisected by East Griffin Drive, will create the largest City owned park (a+/- 54 acre park) which will serve predominately as a natural park that retains the open space and scenic character of the site and which is inspired by the theme of rivers and water systems. The primary goals of the Project are: • Create +/- 20 acres of active parkland north of East Griffin Drive and accessible by Bridger Drive that may include park amenities such as parking, sheltered picnic tables, Page 2 of 5 Resolution 4517, Story Mill Park benches, restrooms, signage and fencing, playgrounds and play areas, an off leash dog park as well as a network of trails. • Create +/-34 acres of passive recreation area south of East Griffin Drive with trails that will traverse wetlands and a significant wildlife sanctuary area. • Create Trail connections throughout the park that will provide a central hub for other northeast Bozeman destinations, including the Story Mill Spur, East Gallatin Recreation Area, Story Hills, Gallatin County, Cherry River fishing access and the Trail to the "M". • Improve Water Quality through wetland and stream restoration projects that restore the ecological functionality of the wetlands and the East Gallatin River, enhance habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife, while providing a significant educational opportunity by serving as a "living classroom" for visitors of all ages who will be able to witness the multi-year process of renewal and restoration and learn about the importance of wetlands to water quality and ecological health. Section 4 Title and Administration. The City of Bozeman will own, manage and maintain the completed Project and any and all site amenities associated with the Project. The completed Project will be managed and maintained by the City Department of Parks and Recreation. The City may enter into contracts with other persons or entities for development or management of any aspect of developing the Project including but not limited to wetlands restoration, building demolition, site preparation, development of amenities, etc. Section 5 Funding. The total cost of the Project is $8,200,000. The TOP Committee recommends up to $4,500,000 in Top Bond funding and this Resolution authorizes the expenditure of up to $4,500,000. The Trust for Public Land has committed $3,700,000 towards the project. TPL's commitment will be memorialized in a binding Memorandum of Agreement to be approved by the City Commission prior to conveyance of the property. Section 6 TOP Committee Evaluation. A majority of the TOP Committee approves the use of TOP Bond Funds for the Project. The TOP Committee scores are as follows: Page 3 of 5 Resolution 4517, Story Mill Park TOP-ROUGH CUT MATRIX: Story Mill Park Total Criterion Mbr 1 Mbr 2 Mbr 3 Mbr 4 Mbr 5 Yeses Ballot Language 1 1 1 1 1 5 Identified in PROST 1 1 1 1 1 5 Aligns with Bozeman Community Plan 1 1 1 1 1 5 Balances types of Parks,Trails&Open Space 1 0 1 1 1 4 Maintenance Requirements or Needs Feasible 1 0 1 1 1 4 Long-Term Investment for City 1 0 1 1 1 4 Feasible Partnership Opportunity 1 0 1 1 1 4 Opportunity to Leverage Bond Funds 1 0 1 1 1 4 Total Yeses 8 3 8 8 8 35 *One point for each yes vote COMMUNITY BENEFIT MATRIX: Story Mill Park Total Mmbr Mmbr Mmbr Mmbr Total Possible #1 #2 #3 Mmbr#4 #5 Points Points Percentage Variety 5 4 5 5 5 24 25 96.00% Distribution 4 4 5 5 5 23 25 92.00% Enhancement 5 3 5 5 5 23 25 92.00% Balance 4 3 5 5 5 22 25 88.00% Leverage 3 0 4 4 5 16 25 68.00% Connections 5 4 5 5 5 24 25 96.00% Total Points 26 18 29 29 30 132 150 88.00% Tot. Possible Pts. 30 30 30 30 30 150 100.00 Percentage -T 86.67% 60.00% 96.67% 96.67% % 88.00% PREVAILING CHARACTERISTICS MATRIX: PARKS;Story Mill Park Total Mmbr Mmbr Mmbr Mmbr Total Possible Criterion #1 #2 #3 #4 Mmbr#5 Points Points Percentage PROST Plan 30 18 24 30 30 132 150 88.00% Outdoor Recreation 25 25 25 20 25 120 125 96.00% Easy Access 25 25 25 25 25 125 125 100,00% Aesthetic Value 20 12 16 12 16 76 100 76.00% Fair Price 12 0 20 16 20 68 100 68.00% Total Points 112 80 110 103 116 521 600 86.83% Tot. Possible Points 120 120 120 120 120 600 Percentage 93.33% 66.67% 91.67% 85.83% 96.67% 86.83% Page 4 of 5 Resolution 4517, Story Mill Park PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 24th day of March, 2014. JVFRtV K. KRAUSS Mayor ATTEST: STA ;`isle City rk APPROVED AS TO FORM: GRE LIVAN City A orney Page 5 of 5 1