HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014 GC-CM: RFP Formal Specs and AdvREQUEST FOR PROPOSALS GENERAL CONTRACTOR / CONSTRUCTION MANAGER SERVICES CITY OF BOZEMAN Police and Courts Facility Bozeman, MT City of Bozeman PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 March 26, 2014 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman I. INTRODUCTION The City of Bozeman (Owner), is seeking submissions from qualified General Contractor /Construction Manager (GC/CM) firms (Submitters) to undertake preconstruction and construction services for the new Community Police and Municipal Courts Building (the “Project”). Owner intends to enter into a GC/CM contract with the selected GC/CM firm that will include preconstruction services and identification of a GC/CM fee and fixed costs for general conditions work, with provisions for adding construction services through acceptance of a guaranteed maximum price (GMP). The GMP would include construction services through completion of the Project. Alternatively, Owner may, at its sole discretion, choose not to continue the GC/CM contract beyond the completion of preconstruction activities and solicit bids from qualified contractors for the construction of the Project. GC/CM selection information will be obtained from the Proposals submitted in response to this RFP document, interviews, and discussions with former and present clients of Submitters. When selected, the GC/CM will function as part of a team composed of the Owner, Architect, and others as determined by the Owner. This Request for Proposals shall not commit the Owner to enter into any agreement, to pay any expenses incurred in preparation of any response to this request, or to procure or contract for any supplies, goods or services. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any and all responses received as a result of this RFP if it is in the Owner’s best interest to do so. This Procurement is governed by the laws of the State of Montana and venue for all legal proceedings shall be the 18th Judicial District Court, Gallatin County. By offering to perform services under this Procurement, all Submitters agree to be bound by the laws of the State of Montana, and including, but not limited to, applicable wage rates, payments, gross receipts taxes, building codes, equal opportunity employment practices, safety, etc. The City of Bozeman makes reasonable accommodations for any known disability that may interfere with an applicant’s ability to compete in the bidding and/or selection process. In order for the city to make such accommodations, applicants must make known any needed accommodation to the city’s ADA coordinator James Goehrung at (406)582-3232. City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 2 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman II. PROJECT BACKGROUND AND DESCRIPTION Introduction The Project scope is to undertake pre-construction and construction services for the new Police and Municipal Courts building. The Owner intends to complete the programming and design for a new building to accommodate all services related to Bozeman’s municipal criminal justice functions including the police, municipal courts, city attorney, and victim/witness functions. The proposed site is on the current Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) shops site. Present authorization for the Project extends through completion of design only. The Owner intends to submit the Project to voter approval for funding in the November 2014 election. Project Location and Site The Owner is actively pursuing a land exchange with the MDT to acquire their property at 902 North Rouse and intends to construct the Project at that location. Design Considerations The Project is anticipated to be a unique, state-of-the-art criminal justice facility. The facility will primarily serve the residents of the City of Bozeman and will include both public and secure areas for the Bozeman Police Department and Bozeman Municipal Court but will not include detention services. The building will also include offices for the Bozeman City Attorney, Gallatin County Victim Witness program, as well as community, training and seminar spaces. The design must adhere to the city’s design standards and all applicable codes. Sustainability, life-cycle costs, maintainability, quality, and energy efficiency will be high priorities in the decision-making process for how this building will be designed and constructed. The building is expected to be submitted for a minimum of USGBC LEED Silver certification. For the design, the Owner has selected: Thinkone Architects 101 East Main Street, Studio 1 Bozeman, MT 59715 (406) 586-7020 bhanson@think1.com The Owner is ready to hire General Contractor / Construction Manager as the next step to informing and collaborating in the design process. The project is presently in the early Programming and Planning process. City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 3 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman The following is the intended timeline for the project: GC/CM Selection: Advertising dates: March 9, and 16, 2014 Receipt of Qualfication statements: No later than 5:00 p.m. MST on March 20, 2014 Review & Short-List by Committee: April 1, 2014 Issue RFP: March 26, 2014 Receive Proposals: April 9, 2014 Interviews & Selection: April 14, 2014 Design/Construction: Building Committee Meetings: It is the City’s intent to involve the GC/CM in the development of the Project as soon as possible after the successful negotiation of a contract. III. SCOPE OF PRECONSTRUCTION SERVICES Preconstruction services will be provided on a cost reimbursement basis up to a stated maximum. The specific scope of preconstruction services will be negotiated prior to signing the GC/CM contract. In general, preconstruction services are anticipated to include the following: 1. Participation in all design, coordination, and building committee meetings; 2. Review of all designs for constructability; 3. Work with the Owner and design team on phasing, scheduling, and other strategies to complete construction of this phase of the project on or before the stated date; 4. Coordination and gathering of input from subcontractors regarding constructability; 5. Review and cost evaluation at each phase of design taking into consideration schedule, phasing and market conditions; 6. Consult with, advise, assist, and provide recommendations to the Owner and design team on all aspects of the planning and design of the work; 7. Provide information, estimates, schemes, and participate in decisions regarding construction materials, methods, systems, phasing, sustainability and costs to assist in determinations which are aimed at providing the highest quality building, constructed using the most sustainable construction materials and practices, within the budget and schedule; 8. Actively participate in a value engineering process anticipated to be held at the end of design development; 9. Review the programming/planning and site selection documents and provide input and advice regarding scope and cost of the Project; 10. Review in-progress design and construction documents and provide input and advice on construction feasibility, alternative materials, costs and availability; 11. Review completed design and construction documents prior to subcontractor/supplier bidding/selection and suggest modifications to improve completeness and clarity and to eliminate construction change requests due to inconsistencies or omissions in the construction documents; 12. Provide input to the Owner and the design team regarding construction market bidding climate, status of key subcontract markets, and other relevant economic conditions; City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 4 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman 13. Recommend and actively source labor and material resources necessary to complete the project construction; 14. Provide input to the Owner and the design team regarding long lead time materials and equipment, impact on the construction schedule and strategies for mitigating the impact; 15. Prepare construction cost estimates for the Project at the schematic, design development and construction document design phases and, if appropriate, at other times throughout of the work; 16. Notify the Owner and design team immediately if construction cost estimates appear to be exceeding the construction budget, and reconcile each cost estimate with the Architect’s cost estimate, if required; 17. Furnish a final construction cost estimate for the Owner’s review and approval; 18. Develop a preliminary construction schedule; 19. Develop all subcontractor/supplier bid packages and perform all advertising and receipt of subcontractor/supplier bids; 20. Obtain bids per trade for the Owner’s review, unless otherwise approved by Owner in order to meet resourcing requirements, per GC/CM Contract. Self-performed work must be bid against at least two subcontractors, if readily available; 21. Upon execution of any early work amendment prior to a GMP agreement, undertake early material procurement, site preparation, and advance construction work. IV. SCOPE OF CONSTRUCTION SERVICES It is anticipated that the GMP will be requested during the construction documents phase but no construction activities shall commence until voter approval of a bond issue in November, 2014. The established GMP will be the maximum amount paid for the construction of the Project, unless scope changes are requested and approved by the Owner. Acceptance of the GMP will constitute completion of preconstruction services and the Owner and GC/CM agreement to enter into a GMP Agreement will initiate the construction period services for the Project. At the time of execution of the GMP Agreement, the GC/CM will be required to submit a 100% performance and a 100% payment bond for the amount of the GMP. The Owner retains the option to not commence or cancel the construction phase services, or to start a new process for the construction of the Project, or terminate the contract and negotiate a replacement contract with the next highest rated Submitter from this solicitation, or to conclude the GC/CM’s services at pre-construction and issue the Project on a lowest, responsible bidder method. The selected GC/CM will be required to comply (as a minimum allowable rate schedule) with the State of Montana prevailing wage rates adopted and effective at the time of signing the GMP Agreement. V. SELECTION PROCEDURE This RFP is the second of a multipart selection process. Under this RFP, the selection procedure is intended to evaluate the capabilities of interested GC/CM firms to provide services to the Owner for this project. The responses to this RFP will be evaluated by the selection committee in accordance with the criteria listed below. Interviews with the proposed teams will be held according to the schedule provided above. The GC/CM will be selected based on the overall merit of its proposal, information contained in RFP responses, references, interviews, and information obtained from any other reliable source. The following constitute the criteria for the selection committee to evaluate proposals. City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 5 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman 1. Firm Information (20 points) a. Firm Background Describe your firm’s history. Identify your senior management organization. Include information identifying the firm’s annual volume of business, financial/bonding capacities, and speak to the firm’s stability in the market place. Information identifying the firm’s strengths and weaknesses along with special capabilities that may be appropriate to this Project will assist in the evaluation. b. Firm Workload Provide the status for current and anticipated work within the firm in terms of time and magnitude for the time anticipated for this project, as it relates to availability of key personnel and your firm. Especially in view of the time constraints during both pre-construction and construction phases identified for this project. c. Firm Experience Describe your firm’s experience with projects of similar site, size, type, and complexity. Specifically note the delivery method for each project, total construction cost, building gross square footage, date of bid, and date of completion. Describe your firm’s experience working on similar publicly owned projects. What strategies did you employ to secure adequate labor and resources in order to fully complete the project on time and within budget? Provide information on LEED Silver, or higher, certified buildings that your firm has constructed. d. References (prerequisite, no points awardable) Provide detailed contact information for the Owner and Architect for the last three (3) contracts completed by your firm as well as two (2) current projects underway. e. Claims At any time in the last 10 years has your firm been assessed and paid liquidated damages after completion of a project under a construction contract with a public owner? f. Bonding (prerequisite, no points awardable) The GC/CM must be able to provide a Performance and Payment bond(s) in the amount of the total construction budget including GC/CM Fees and GMP and shall include a letter from a bonding company certifying the bonding capacity of the submitter. 2. The Project Team (25 points) a. Provide a list of names and define the relationship of management individuals that you will commit to this Project. Include project management, field management, superintendent(s), estimators, LEED accredited persons, project engineers, schedulers, etc. How will you organize your effort for this project and who would you assign during: i. Preconstruction/Design ii. Construction b. For each team member: i. Describe their responsibility on this Project. ii. Describe their experience and how it is relevant to this project. Demonstrate the proposed key personnel’s specific experience on projects of similar type, size and scope. iii. Indicate the amount of time commitment available to this Project during the preconstruction and construction phases. Will they be assigned full time? If not, what portion of their time will be utilized on this project? What other projects are they assigned to and for what duration? City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 6 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman iv. Identify their length of employment with your firm and, if less than three years, prior firm(s). v. Provide references with contact information for each team member’s last two projects in a similar role. c. A key personnel clause will be included in the GC/CM contract. This clause will require the project team identified in this proposal to be fully and completely engaged to the extent stipulated throughout the duration of this project, except for catastrophic events (e.g. termination of employment, illness, accident, death). 3. Project Management and Approach (30 points) Identify the specific methodology your firm will use in the administration of this Project, in both the preconstruction and construction phases. a. Describe your company’s ability and approach to: i. Managing costs during design and construction 1. Describe your cost management philosophies and techniques 2. For at least the last three completed GC/CM projects, provide history of estimates at the programming state, each design stage, final GMP, and final contract amount. Explain any extenuating circumstances, if necessary. ii. Integrate in to the design team iii. Assist the designers with: 1. Quality of the project documents 2. Constructability 3. Alternative methods and products 4. Budgets and estimating iv. Safely build a quality building on time and within budget v. Maintain good relations with the community and adjacent property owners b. Describe your approach to: i. Cost estimating 1. What methodology do you use? 2. How do you organize your estimate? 3. During design, how do you determine the final cost when not all work is shown? 4. Do you have in-house estimating staff? If so, what are their other responsibilities? How much of their time is spent in cost estimating? ii. Subcontractors 1. How do you ensure that this project will get appropriate response from the subcontracting community? 2. How much do you use subcontractors for cost information during the Preconstruction Phase? 3. When would you involve subcontractors in this project? Which ones? 4. How do you address subcontract bids that are different than the cost estimate iii. Value engineering iv. Budget reductions v. Planning and scheduling the construction work 1. Do you use critical path scheduling methods? City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 7 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman 2. How do you manage and schedule the procurement and the submittals process and its impact on field activities? 3. How do you track progress against the schedule during construction? 4. Do you use computer software to develop the schedule? If so, what kind? 5. Provide examples of the last schedule from two recently completed projects. vi. Project communication vii. Project safety – Has any state OSHA or federal OSHA cited and assessed penalties against your firm for any “serious”, “willful” or “repeat” volations of its safety or health regulations in the past five years? viii. Provide your construction change order overhead and profit mark-ups Selection of subcontractors and suppliers shall be performed in a manner to be negotiated in in the Pre-Construction Services Conditions after selection of the GC/CM and at the appropriate stage/phase of the design and construction process. Major subcontractors (e.g. mechanical, electrical, technology/data) may be selected by the GC/CM on a qualification, performance, or best value basis in conjunction with the Owner, Architect, and Engineers, as appropriate. Pricing and contracts may be awarded to qualified subcontractors on a low cost or best value basis in concurrence with the Owner. It should be noted that major subcontractor input may be desired during the design phase of the project in order to achieve the best value for the Owner. VI. SUBMITTAL OF INFORMATION Five (5) copies of the written response to this RFP must be received at: City of Bozeman Office of the City Clerk P.O. Box 1230 121 North Rouse Ave Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 By April 9, 2014; 5:00 p.m. MDT. ALL QUESTIONS AND CONTACTS REGARDING THIS RFP MUST BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING TO: Chuck Winn, Assistant City Manager PO Box 1230 Bozeman, MT 59771-1230 (406) 582-2350 cwinn@bozeman.net VII. INSTRUCTIONS TO SUBMITTERS Proposals must: 1. Follow the format outlined in the Selection Procedure, above. City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 8 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman 2. Be signed by an officer or principal of your firm. 3. Be contained in a document not to exceed 25 pages total (single or double-sided pages) including whatever pictures, charts, graphs, tables, and text the firm deems appropriate to be part of the review of the firm's qualifications. A separate transmittal letter, cover page, cover sheets, and dividers are exempted from the page limit. Page size is limited to 8-l/2 x 11 inches, with basic text information no smaller than 12-point type. 4. A copy of responses should be provided electronically in pdf format. VIII. INTERVIEWS Interviews of the GC/CM’s proposed project team will be held on Monday, April 14, 2014, in the City Commission Room in City Hall, 121 North Rouse in Bozeman. Each firm will be notified of the specific time for their interview. The format of the interview will be left up to the proposing firm; however, interviews will be one (1) hour and fifteen (15) inclusive of questions from the selection committee; with 15 minutes between interviews for transitions and set up between submitters. The GC/CM's proposed project manager, estimator, construction superintendant, and project engineer must be present at the interview. IX. FORM OF AGREEMENT The Owner will use a GC/CM Contract Form, Preconstruction Services, General Conditions, which will form the basis for the final agreement (GC/CM Contract) and will be subject to modification by the City. The General Conditions, as may be modified by any Supplemental Conditions, shall apply to the work of all subcontractors and to the work of the GC/CM to the extent that they do not conflict with the GC/CM Contract. The Owner reserves the right to negotiate all terms in the final contract, including but not limited to any terms or conditions of any Sample Contracts, which are in the best interests of the Owner considering cost effectiveness and the level of GC/CM time and effort required for the Project. Negotiated changes shall be (1) within the general scope of work described herein, (2) unlikely to affect the field of competition under this RFP, and (3) unlikely to substantially affect pricing of GC/CM Fees proposed in the evaluation process (proposed GC/CM Fees are not adjustable after GC/CM selection). It is the intention of the Owner to enter into a GC/CM Contract with the selected GC/CM. The initial scope of the GC/CM Contract will be limited to preconstruction activities only. However, the proposed GC/CM Fee and General Conditions Cost submitted in this Proposal will be applied to any construction services added to the contract by amendment. The preconstruction activities will include design constructability reviews, value engineering, estimating, cost estimate reconciliation with the Owner’s estimates, schedule and sequencing planning, and subcontractor bidding as more fully described above. The GC/CM will submit preliminary construction cost estimates at phases to be agreed upon. for the Owner’s review and approval. It is the Owner’s right to NOT PROCEED beyond each of the design phase reviews until budget reconciliation has been achieved between the Owner, Architect/Engineer, and the GC/CM. Acceptance or rejection of the final construction cost estimate will constitute completion of preconstruction activities. If construction services are added through acceptance of a GMP, an amendment to the GC/CM Contract will be executed. If any Early Work Amendments or GMP City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 9 of 10 Request for Proposals for GC/CM Services Police and Municipal Courts Facility City of Bozeman Contract/Amendment are are awarded, the necessary insurances and a 100% Payment bond and a 100% Performance bond for the completion of the awarded Work will be required as a condition of receiving a Notice To Proceed. If the Owner chooses not to continue the GC/CM Contract beyond the completion of preconstruction activities, the GC/CM’s compensation shall be limited to the preconstruction services maximum, not-to- exceed amount stated in the GC/CM Contract. END OF RFP City of Bozeman Police and Municipal Courts Building Page 10 of 10