HomeMy WebLinkAboutAmendment to FY2015 Transportation Impact Fee CIPPage 1 of 4 Commission Memorandum REPORT TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commission FROM: Chris Saunders, Policy and Planning Manager Wendy Thomas, Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Amendment to the FY 2015 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to add the widening of W. Babcock Street from Water Lily Drive to Laurel Parkway and to add the widening of Laurel Parkway from Fallon Street to Durston Road. MEETING DATE: April 14, 2014 AGENDA ITEM TYPE: Action RECOMMENDATION: Amend the FY 2015 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to add the widening of W. Babcock Street from Water Lily Drive to Laurel Parkway and to add the widening of Laurel Parkway from Fallon Street to Durston Road. RECOMMENDED MOTIONS: Amendment 1) Having heard and considered the evidence and public testimony, I find the addition of the expansion of 0.25 miles of West Babcock Street from Water Lily Drive to Laurel Parkway is consistent with the requirements of the impact fee program. Therefore, I move to add these system improvements to the FY 2015 Transportation Capital Improvements Program list and provide for funding in the estimated amount of $49,600. Amendment 2) Having heard and considered the evidence and public testimony, I find the addition of the expansion of 0.78 miles of Laurel Parkway from Durston Road to Fallon Street is consistent with the requirements of the impact fee program. Therefore, I move to add these system improvements to the FY 2015 Transportation Capital Improvements Program list and provide for funding in the estimated amount of $152,400. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The impact fee program funds the expansion of water, sewer, transportation, and fire/EMS infrastructure. The Capital Improvement Program (CIP) is the process by which the City Commission schedules projects and commits funds. An amendment to the transportation schedule of projects is proposed. Impact Fee Advisory Committee. The committee considered these amendments at their meeting on March 27, 2014. A quorum was not present. The members present informally discussed the proposed changes and concurred that they were consistent with the purpose and requirements of the impact fee program. No vote was taken as a quorum was not present. 211 Page 2 of 4 Unresolved issues: None Alternatives: 1. Amend the CIP as suggested. 2. Amend the CIP for a smaller portion of Laurel Parkway than is recommended. 3. Do not amend the CIP. Amendment 1) Amend the FY 2015 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program to add the expansion of 0.25 miles of West Babcock Street from Water Lily Drive to Laurel Parkway. The proposed CIP amendment will fund the installation of a center turn lane at the time the street is initially constructed, which is the least cost option to obtain the additional street capacity. The project would allow the construction of the new streets with the center turn lane as depicted in the City’s adopted long range transportation plan (LRTP), the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan (2007 Update). The turn lane adds approximately 33% additional capacity per Table 9-1 of the transportation plan compared to a two lane road. To widen a street from two (2) lanes to three (3) lanes after it is constructed is one of the most costly ways to add capacity. Therefore, it is advantageous to the City to fund the widening now with the initial street construction. The City’s major street system is established through the long range transportation planning process. The map of the major street network is shown on Figure 9-2, Existing Major Street Network and Future Right-Of-Way Corridor Needs, see attached. West Babcock Street is depicted as a collector street east of Cottonwood and is constructed to a collector standard west of Cottonwood. The proposed project will continue a collector section to the intersection with Laurel Parkway. The existing portion of West Babcock Street from Cottonwood to Water Lily Drive was oversized to construct the center turn lane with impact fee funds under credit request IFCR-1101. The map of the major street network is shown on Figure 9-2, Existing Major Street Network and Future Right-Of-Way Corridor Needs, see attached. The functional classification of streets and recommended cross sections are described in more detail in Chapter 9 in the LRTP. This amendment will support the next phase of the Norton East Ranch Subdivision. The expected alignment of West Babcock Street is depicted in fuscia on the attached amendment vicinity map. A master plan of the major streets in the Norton East Ranch Subdivision was required as part of the annexation of the area. The extension of West Babcock Street is depicted on the master plan at the time the City Commission approved the annexation. A copy of the master plan is attached. The non-impact fee eligible portion of the project will be provided as a subdivision project improvement. No other funding is expected to be required. Amendment 2) Amend the FY 2015 Transportation Impact Fee Capital Improvement Program to add the expansion of 0.78 miles of Laurel Parkway from Durston Road to Fallon Street. Installing the center turn lane at the time the street is initially constructed is the least cost option to construct the additional street capacity. The turn lane adds approximately 33% additional capacity per Table 9-1 of the transportation plan compared to a two lane road. To widen a street from two (2) lanes to three (3) lanes after it is constructed is one of the most costly ways to add 212 Page 3 of 4 capacity. Therefore, it is advantageous to the City to fund the widening now with the initial street construction. The City’s major street system is established through the long range transportation planning process. The map of the major street network is shown on Figure 9-2, Existing Major Street Network and Future Right-Of-Way Corridor Needs. Laurel Parkway north of Durston Road is shown as a collector. The functional classification of streets and recommended cross sections are described in more detail in Chapter 9 in the LRTP. The right-of-way for Laurel Parkway south of Durston Road was granted to the City by easement and is the appropriate width for a collector. Collector streets are typically located midway between arterial streets. As shown on the attached amendment vicinity map, Laurel Parkway is midway between Cottonwood Road and Gooch Hill Road which are both arterial streets. The area is zoned for significant potential residential density with accompanying traffic generation. The Laurel Parkway anticipated alignment is depicted in yellow on the attached amendment vicinity map. This amendment will support the next phases of the Norton East Ranch Subdivision and Valley West Subdivision. The extension of Laurel Parkway goes all the way from Huffine Lane north to Durston Road. The present proposal does not include the section south of Fallon Street since that would include a new, likely signalized, intersection with Huffine Lane which significantly changes the cost for the street widening now under consideration. At the time the landowner develops adjacent to Huffine the City Commission may consider the use of impact fees. The non-impact fee eligible portion of the presently proposed project will be provided as subdivision project improvements. No other funding is expected to be required. It is expected that the first segment of the project to be constructed will be between Fallon Street and West Babcock Street. BACKGROUND: This item proposes two amendments to the Transportation Impact Fee CIP. The City has adopted transportation impact fees to help provide for additional capacity in the arterial and collector streets to provide service to new development within the community. The fees are spent to widen streets, install intersection control, and take related actions to increase capacity. A full description of the impact fee program is given in Division 2.06.9, Impact Fees, in the Bozeman Municipal Code. The City has established five criteria which must be satisfied before expending impact fees. See 2.06.1690, BMC. These are: • Capacity expansion • Not project related • Timely request • Capital Improvement Program listed • Capital Improvement Program funded Listing and funding on the CIP indicates that a particular project is a community priority. The amendments to the CIP facilitate a future impact fee credit request by private parties to expand authorized road segments. The individual projects would then be funded by a combination of 213 Page 4 of 4 public and private funds with each bearing its proportionate share. Final cost share is determined at the conclusion of the project when all final costs have been determined. FISCAL EFFECTS: The final designs of the projects have not been completed and therefore final cost information is not available. A preliminary cost estimate for each project provided. The addition of these projects will preliminarily commit the City to funding these road widening projects. A separate impact fee credit request will need to be received and approved before the funds are actually committed. Initial estimate for the widening of West Babcock Street is $49,600. Initial estimate for the widening of Laurel Parkway is $152,400. The Transportation impact fee fund has an adequate balance to support these two projects without displacing another project or reaching a negative balance. Attachments: Vicinity map of the amendment locations Proposed CIP listing sheet for West Babcock Street Proposed CIP listing sheet for Laurel Parkway Norton Ranch annexation master plan Figure 9-2 of the Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan Update 2007 Report compiled on: April 3, 2014 214 HUFFINE LN DURSTON RD GOOCH HILL RD N COTTONWOOD RD FALLON ST S COTTONWOOD RD W BABCOCK ST STAFFORD AVE ANNIE ST ROSA WAY LOXLEY DR WATER LILY DR GLENWOOD DR SHADOWGLEN DR CLASSICAL WAY BEMBRICK ST POND LILY DR STONE FLY DR BULL FROG DR JONI ST ANNIE ST GLENWOOD DR Legend Laurel Parkway CIP amendmentWest Babcock CIP amendmentStreet Classification (existing) Principal Arterial Minor Arterial CollectorParcelsCity Limits Transportation CIP AmendmentVicinity MapRevised: This map was created by theCity of BozemanDepartment of Planningand Community Development ¯1 inch = 833 feet Intended for Planning purposes onlysome layers may not line up properly. 215 Street Impact Fee Capital Improvement PlanDRAFT:  Proposed AmendmentFinancial SummaryCurrent YearFY14FY15FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19UnscheduledProjected Beginning Reserve Balance Dedicated to CIP10,216,098$   7,741,098$         3,972,167$     3,896,937$    392,003$      1,417,970$      Plus:  Impact Fee Revenues Dedicated to CIP981,000$        1,485,069$         1,514,770$     1,545,066$    1,575,967$   1,607,486$    ‐$                      Plus:  Urban Funds:  SIF09, Kagy (Willson to 19th)260,000$         2,400,000$      Plus:  Local Share of Intersections (40% of Total)300,000$            300,000$         300,000$       300,000$      600,000$          Plus:  SID or other sources 1,475,000$         950,000$         600,000$         Less:  City Share of  SIF06, College (Main to 19th)(3,106,000)$      Less:  Scheduled CIP Project Costs(350,000)$       (7,029,000)$       (3,100,000)$    (8,350,000)$  (850,000)$     (1,600,000)$   (24,225,000)$    Projected Year‐End Cash Dedicated to CIP7,741,098$     3,972,167$         3,896,937$     392,003$       1,417,970$   2,025,457$    (24,225,000)$    Assumptions Made for Revenue Estimates:Current YearFY14FY15FY16FY17FY18FY19Estimated Annual Street Impact Fee Revenues981,000$            1,455,950$            1,485,069$       1,514,770$       1,545,066$      1,575,967$         Estimated Annual Increase0.0%2%2%2%2%2%Total Estimated Revenues981,000$            1,485,069$            1,514,770$       1,545,066$       1,575,967$      1,607,486$       Current Revenues Dedicated to CIP %100.0%100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%  Plus:  Increase Dedicated to Street Capacity Expansion CIP0.0%0.0%0.0%0.0% 0.0%0.0%Total % Dedicated to CIP100 0%100 0%100 0%100 0%100 0%100 0%ProjectedProjected  Total % Dedicated to CIP100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%100.0%Total Estimated Revenues Dedicated to CIP981,000$            1,485,069$            1,514,770$       1,545,066$       1,575,967$      1,607,486$       26,000,00021,000,00016,000,00011,000,0006,000,0001,000,000FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY19 UnscheduledStreet Impact Fee Projects 216 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY15FY17FY18FY19Impact Fees StreetsSIF01STREET IFRIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION$100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000SIF02STREET IFBAXTER LANE, 19TH TO  COTTONWOOD$3,350,000SIF05STREET IFCOLLEGE STREET 8TH AVENUE TO 19TH AVENUE)$3,300,000SIF08STREET IFDURSTON ROAD, FOWLER AVE. TO FERGUSON AVE.$1,500,000SIF09STREET IFKAGY BOULEVARD, WILLSON AVENUE TO 19TH AVENUE$650,000$6,000,000SIF21STREET IFGRAF STREET CONNECTION$1,000,000SIF23STREET IFHIGHLAND BOULEVARD, MAIN ST. TO KAGY BLVD.$7,600,000SIF34STREET IFFOWLER CONNECTION$1,500,000SIF36STREET IFCOTTONWOOD ‐ BABCOCK TO OAK$200,000$1,100,000SIF37STREET IFTRANSPORTATION PLAN UPDATE$125,000SIF38STREET IFFERGUSON ‐ BAXTER TO OAK$100,000$500,000SIF43STREET IFSOUTH 11TH AVE, OPPORTUNITY TO ARNOLD$275,000SIF46STREET IFOAK STREET, NEW HOLLAND TO FERGUSON$4,800,000SIF47STREET IFN 27TH AVE, TSCHACHE TO OAK STREET$2,200,000SIF48STREET IFWIDENING OF COTTONWOOD ROAD FROM FALLON STREET TO ALPHA DRIVE$1,927,000SIF49STREET IFWIDEN W. BABCOCK STREET BETWEEN WATER LILY DRIVE AND LAUREL PARKWAY$49,600SIF50STREET IFWIDEN LAUREL PARKWAY FROM DURSTON ROAD TO FALLON STREET$152,400$6,279,000$2,350,000$7,600,000$100,000$100,000$20,400,000Impact Fees StreetsSIF20STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL 7TH AVE. & KAGY BLVD.$650,000217 CIP PROJECT FUPROJ.DEPARTMENTPROJECT NAMEFY16UnscheduledFY15FY17FY18FY19SIF24STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL, HIGHLAND BLVD. AND ELLIS ST.$500,000SIF25STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL, HIGHLAND BOULEVARD AND KAGY BOULEVARD$750,000SIF27STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL, COTTONWOOD ROAD & DURSTON AVENUE$500,000SIF32STREET INTINTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS, MANLEY ROAD & GRIFFIN DRIVE$925,000SIF33STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL, N. 7TH AVENUE AND GRIFFIN DRIVE$500,000SIF39STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL ‐ FERGUSON & DURSTON$750,000SIF40STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL ‐ MAIN & BROADWAY$750,000SIF41STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL ‐ FERGUSON & BABCOCK$750,000SIF42STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL ‐ BAXTER & DAVIS$750,000SIF44STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL, FERGUSON & OAK STREETS$750,000SIF45STREET INTINTERSECTION CONTROL, OAK AND 27TH AVENUE$750,000$750,000$750,000$750,000$750,000$1,500,000$3,825,000Summary for  Impact Fees Streets (29 items)Totals by year:$7,029,000 $3,100,000 $8,350,000$24,225,000FY15FY16FY17UnscheduledFY19$1,600,000$850,000FY18218 CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF48 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME Widening of Cottonwood Road from Fallon Street to Alpha Drive FY15 $1,927,000 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Widen Cottonwood Road from 2 and 3 lane sections to five lanes. This will match the section presently existing from Babcock to Fallon Street. This widening is required to ensure the configuration of Cottonwood Road on either side of Huffine Lane is consistent as required by the Montana Department of Transportation who have jurisdiction over Huffine Lane and south Cottonwood Road. This project will also include installation of bicycle lanes and completion of sidewalk connections on both sides of Cottonwood Road. This will complete the full build out of a principal arterial in a rapidly developing area of the community and leverage private development improvements. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED This project is needed to enable a Commission approved site development to proceed. The City could take no action which would prevent the private development from being constructed. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Traffic on Cottonwood Road is rapidly increasing with four new subdivisions in near proximity at different stages in the review and development process. As a principal arterial, Cottonwood Road is one of the primary routes for travel within Bozeman and becomes a state highway south of Huffine Lane. The proposed project will provide additional traffic capacity in a rapidly growing area and will create a more functional roadway with a consistent cross section through its largest intersection at Huffine Lane. The overall project will also coordinate improvements in association with adjacent private development to complete key links in the City's pedestrian and bicycle systems. This would also support the future development of project SIF36 which is scheduled for construction in FY 2016. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Routine O&M will be required once constructed. FUNDING SOURCES Impact fees are estimated at $1,702,000. Private development south of Huffine Lane will construction approximately $100,000 of project related improvements. Street maintenance funds (gas tax) may contribute approximately $125,000 for simultaneous coordinated repair work on existing lanes of Cottonwood Road north of Huffine Lane. The exact extent of the maintenance component has not been decided. These companion funds have not yet been committed. Three adjacent developments which deferred installation of sidewalks with prior development will be required to install those at the same time as the widening project is completed. New Replacement Equipment Project FY17 FY18 FY19 219 CIP Project Fund Impact Fees Streets PROJECT NUMBER SIF49 DEPARTMENT STREET IF PROJECT NAME Widen W. Babcock Street between Water Lily Drive and Laurel Parkway FY15 $49,600 FY16 Unscheduled DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Expand 0.25 miles of West Babcock Street from Water Lily Drive to Laurel Parkway from 2 lanes to 3 lanes in conjunction with initial street construction. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Wait until a future date and widen the street after initial construction which would substantially elevate project costs. ADVANTAGES OF APPROVAL Installing the center turn lane at the time the street is initially constructed is the least cost option to obtain the additional street capacity. The project would allow the construction of the new streets with the center turn lane as depicted in the City’s adopted Transportation Plan. The turn lane adds approximately 33% additional capacity per Table 9-1 of the transportation plan compared to a two lane road. To later widen a street from 2 lanes to 3 lanes after it is constructed is one of the most costly ways to add capacity. Therefore, it is very cost advantageous to the City to fund this widening now to occur with the initial street construction. ADDITIONAL OPERATING COSTS IN THE FUTURE, IF FUNDED Routine O&M will be required once constructed. FUNDING SOURCES Impact fees estimated at $49,600. Balance of the work will be a subdivision project improvement. New Replacement Equipment Project FY17 FY18 FY19 220 221 0 5,0002,500 Feet Interpretation of MapThis map presents the Recommended Major Street Network. It shows how the street network should develop over time and is intended to be used as a planning tool. It will assist in theevaluation of long-term traffic needs when planning future developments. The route alignments shown are conceptual in nature.The actual alignments may vary based on development patterns, geographic features, and other issues unknown at this time. The community planners will strive to designthe roads to fit the character of the landscape and minimize impacts on natural features such as wetlands, mature trees, and riparian corridors.Most of these routes are not recommended for construction at this time. The development of these conceptual routes will take decades to become reality, and will only become roadsif traffic needs materialize as a result of development in the area. Many of the existing roads identified as arterial routes are currently functioning as collectors or local streets and will beupgraded as traffic needs increase.It is important to note that although this major street network is recommended as part of the Transportation Plan, it does not reflect the federally approved functional classification criteriawhich is based on current conditions rather than anticipated future conditions. Existing Major Street Network andFuture Right-Of-Way Corridor NeedsFigure 9-2 Greater Bozeman Area Transportation Plan(2007 Update)Legend Local Roadway Detail Area Urban Boundary City Boundary Interstate Principal Arterial Minor Arterial Collector Future Principal Arterial* Future Minor Arterial* Future Collector* Note:Future links identified where no roadcurrently exists will be constructed asthe surrounding are develops. 222