HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORTHERN ROCKIESNorthern Rockies PUD #Z-00171 Design Review Board Staff Report 1 CITY OF BOZEMAN DESIGN REVIEW BOARD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM: PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAN APPLICATION #Z- 00171. A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPLICATION TO ESTABLISH A UNIFIED PLAN FOR ARCHITECTURAL AND LANDSCAPE PLANS FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF A 7 LOT OFFICE COMPLEX ON ELLIS STREET AND ZONED "R-O" (RESIDENTIAL OFFICE). APPLICANT: CAMPBELL/LUSIN, LLC, 3499 BRIDGER CANYON ROAD, BOZEMAN, MT 59715 REPRESENTATIVE: C&H ENGINEERING AND SURVEYING, 2415 WEST MAIN STREET, BOZEMAN, MT 59718 DATE/TIME: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 3:30 P.M. IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM, ALFRED M. STIFF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING, CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 20 EAST OLIVE STREET, BOZEMAN, MT. REPORT BY: JAMI MORRIS, ASSISTANT PLANNER RECOMMENDATION: CONDITIONAL APPROVAL PROJECT LOCATION The subject property is located near the southeast corner of the intersection of Highland Boulevard and Ellis Street and is legally described as Tract C, COS 1177C, SE3 , SW3 , Section 8, T2S, R6E, City of Bozeman. The property is zoned "R-O" (Residential Office). Please refer to the vicinity map. Adjacent properties are zoned and developed as follows: NORTH: "B-P" - (across Ellis Street) City of Bozeman Softball Complex, Life of Montana SOUTH: "R-S" - vacant Deaconess property EAST: "R-O" - vacant Life of Montana property, Comstock Apartments WEST: "R-2" - vacant Deaconess property Northern Rockies PUD #Z-00171 Design Review Board Staff Report 2 PROPOSAL AND BACKGROUND Application has been made for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan on property located on Ellis Street. The property is zoned "R-O" (Residential Office). The subject property is currently vacant. The development proposal is for the construction of a coordinated 7 lot medical office complex and is undergoing concurrent subdivision review. The proposed development would provide a grass boulevard, a new sidewalk, street frontage trees in addition to the required yard landscaping and improvements along Ellis Street to the eastern property line. The site will provide three driveway accesses to the subdivision, two of which will be maintained as the subdivision=s private street. The proposed signage for the development exceeds the standards outlined in the zoning ordinance. Additional language will be required in the covenants that will minimize the actual amount of signage permitted in order to conform to the City of Bozeman requirements. Only one low profile sign will be permitted at each entrance to the subdivision and they will maintain a five foot setback from the right-of-way line. The square footage and total amount of signage allowable has been outlined by staff and identified as code provisions. It is the intent of the city through the use of the planned unit development concept (PUD), to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. Per Bozeman Zoning Ordinance Section 18.54 the Design Review Board (DRB) is established to evaluate aesthetic considerations of larger and more complex proposals which are likely to produce significant community impact, including Conditional Use Permits located within overlay districts, and is empowered to recommend approval, conditional approval or denial of a Certificate of Appropriateness to the City Commission for such Conditional Use Permit applications. The following list identifies the issues that relate to the Planned Unit Development design and have been identified by Staff as conditions for approval: 1. Only one low-profile sign per ingress/egress shall be permitted for the complex. 2. The applicant shall provide a bound copy of the Architectural Guidelines with a table of contents that identifies each chapter and page numbers. The modified guidelines shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval prior to PUD final plan approval. 3. The Architectural Guidelines and the Final Site Plan shall contain a typical light detail and specifications outlining the style of light, the height, the type and wattage of the bulb and a polar distribution chart for the parking, pedestrian circulation area and wall mounted light fixtures. 4. No trash enclosures are permitted in front of parking stalls. Furthermore, The location and size shall be approved by the City=s Sanitation Foreman (Dept.) prior to Final Site Plan approval. If a private garbage service will be utilized instead of City garbage service, a copy of the proposed Final Site Plan showing the Northern Rockies PUD #Z-00171 Design Review Board Staff Report 3 location for the enclosure shall be submitted to the private company for their review and approval. 5. Any phasing, proposed by the developer, shall be depicted on the Final Site Plan. 6. The amount of stormwater detention/retention ponds within the required front yard setback shall be limited to not more than one-third of the lineal frontage of the subdivision and shall not exceed a depth of 1-1/2 feet and a slope of 1:4. 7. The roof pitch of any building within the PUD shall maintain a roof pitch no less than 6:12 for principal buildings and 4:12 for accessory buildings. . Code Provisions: 13. Per Section 18.65.070.B "Business and Office Zones (B-1, R-O)," the maximum allowable total signage for a lot shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in the R-O district and shall have a minimum setback of five feet from the right-of-way line. Wall signs in the R-O district are not to exceed a total signage allowance of half of a square foot per linear foot of building frontage minus any area devoted to freestanding and/or projecting signs. 14. Additional landscaping shall be provided within the rear setback of the complex in order to provide screening for the future residential development to the south, per Section 18.49.060.B.3 "Additional Screening Requirements." APPLICABLE REVIEW CRITERIA A. Section 18.54 Planned Unit Development In approving a Planned Unit Development, the City Commission is charged with finding that criteria outlined in Section 18.54.100 are adequately addressed and may consider any conditions deemed necessary to protect public health, safety and welfare. Planning staff has evaluated the application against the applicable Planned Unit Development review criteria and offers the following summary review comments below. All Development 1. Is the development compatible with, and sensitive to, the immediate environment of the site and the adjacent neighborhoods relative to architectural design, building bulk and height, neighborhood identity, landscaping, historical character, orientation of buildings on the site and visual integrity? Other than the softball complex, the adjacent properties are all vacant. Some of the larger buildings in the vicinity include: Life of Montana, Deaconess Hospital and Comstock Apartments. Most of these two story buildings have expansive flat roofs. The maximum building height in the R-O district is 38 feet for buildings with a roof pitch of 3:12 or greater. With the hospital in close proximity, the neighborhood provides a hub for medical care. The proposed project will provide additional health care services with a majority of the building space being devoted to medical office space. Additional landscaping will need to be provided on the south side of the development to provide a buffer between Northern Rockies PUD #Z-00171 Design Review Board Staff Report 4 the campus setting proposed and any future residential growth. The PUD ensures that by relaxing the City=s zoning standards that the developer will provide excellence in design which includes, but is not limited to, building and landscaping. Since every development within the PUD will undergo review, the visual integrity of the area should not be compromised. 2. Does the development comply with all city design standards, requirements and specifications for the following services: water supply, sanitary supply, fire protection, flood hazard areas, telephone, cable television, trails/walks/bike ways, irrigation companies, electricity, natural gas, storm drainage, streets? The development does comply with city standards. For instance, the water and sewer will be extended from Haggerty Lane to the site, the entire site lies outside of the 500 year flood plain and adequate facilities exist to provide utilities to the site. In addition, a sidewalk will be installed to run east to west along the property line and with continued development of Ellis Street, the trail system will eventually connect Highland Boulevard and Haggerty Lane. 3. Is the exterior lighting, except for warning, emergency or traffic signals, installed in such a manner that the light source is obscured to prevent excessive glare on public streets and walkways or into any residential area? One of the conditions of approval addresses the need for a light plan for the development. In the plan the developer will be required to identify street lighting along Ellis Street, parking lot lights and wall mounted lights that are in conformance with City=s Zoning Ordinance. 4. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) arranged on the site so that activities are integrated with the organizational scheme of the community and neighborhood? The site will provide a functional plan for ingress and egress. The private road depicted on the site plan passes through the center of the subdivision with buildings and open space on each side. The design allows for maximum density and efficient use of the property while maintaining the required amount of open space for the public. The site plan reserves open space for a common area as well as open space within the lots to allow courtyards to be incorporated into the building plans. 5. Are the elements of the site plan (e.g., buildings, circulation, open space and landscaping, etc.) designed and arranged to produce an efficient, functionally organized, and cohesive planned unit development? The site plan and the Architectural Guidelines demonstrate a connection between buildings for pedestrian circulation through the use of pedestrian walkways and a functional path of travel along Ellis Street integrated with the landscaping. 6. Open space The site plan fulfills the 30% open space requirement with the landscaped with landscaped front yard setbacks, interior courtyards and two sites that will provide picnic tables, landscaping and other outdoor design elements. Northern Rockies PUD #Z-00171 Design Review Board Staff Report 5 7. Is the active recreational area suitably located and accessible to the residential units is intended to serve and is adequate screening provided to ensure privacy and quiet for neighboring residential uses? The common areas are centrally located for the benefit of each lot within the subdivision and adequate screening will be provided on the south side of the property in order to comply with the conditions for approval. 8. Is the pedestrian circulation system designed to assure that pedestrians can move safely and easily both within the site and between properties and activities within the neighborhood area? The site plan indicates crosswalks between each lot and within the parking lots that will specify areas for pedestrian circulation. 9. Does the pedestrian circulation system incorporate design features to enhance convenience, safety and amenity across parking lots and streets, including, but not limited to, paving patterns, grade differences, landscaping and lighting? The pedestrian circulation system within the parking areas will be distinguished by the change in materials as indicated by the crosshatch pattern on the plan. 10. Does the landscape plan enhance the appearance of vehicular use, open space and pedestrian areas which contribute to their usage and visual appearance? The landscaping along Ellis Street and within the development will enhance the appearance of the site which is currently void of trees. 11. Does the landscaping plan enhance the building(s)? The perimeter of each building will be landscaped. Each plan will be reviewed by the Planning Department prior to development to ensure a unified landscaping plan. Residential 1. Is the project within two thousand feet of an existing or approved neighborhood service center, public school, day care center, major employment center, or public neighborhood or community park? The project is within 800 feet of Deaconess Hospital which is a major employment center and the softball complex is across Ellis Street to the northwest of the property. 2. If the project contains limited commercial developments as defined above, is the project located at the intersection of arterial streets, or arterial and collector streets? The project is due east of the Highland Boulevard/Ellis Street intersection and will be serviced by Highland Boulevard which is a minor arterial, Haggerty Lane (will not be paved completely) which is a collector street and Ellis Street which is a local street. Northern Rockies PUD #Z-00171 Design Review Board Staff Report 6 3. If the project contains limited commercial development as defined above, has the project been sited and designed such that the activities present will not detrimentally affect the adjacent residential neighborhood and have the commercial activities been developed at a scale compatible with residential development? The nearest existing residential developments are at either end of Highland Boulevard and are not immediately adjacent to this property. Developing the property for medical offices and general office space with the potential for daycare facilities is consistent with the Life of Montana and Deaconess Hospital developments. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION During the Concept Plan PUD review (the project was originally named Highland Medical Center) the Design Review Board reviewed this project and offered the following comments: 1) there should be a focal point to the development which could be provided through the design of the open space; 2) there should be a common theme for the building layout, perhaps group the buildings in order to produce a focal point; and 3) the project needed concentrated internal green space and the board recommended providing two common areas. The Board should consider whether the preliminary plan has fulfilled the previous recommendations and that the objectives of the Planned Unit Development, as they relate to design, have been achieved. The Final Site Plan review of each lot will be the responsibility of the Administrative Design Review staff. Therefore, if the Board has any concerns they should be addressed prior to the City Commission hearing. The recommendations of Design Review Board and the Development Review Committee will be forwarded to the City Commission for its consideration and final action at a public hearing held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, March 19, 2001. Attachments: Exhibit A - Applicant=s Submittal including Architectural Guidelines Exhibit B - Letter from adjoining property owner cc: Campbell/Lusin, LLC, 3499 Bridger Canyon Road, Bozeman, MT 59715 Gary Lusin, 3200 East Hollyhock, Belgrade, MT 59714 C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 2415 West Main Street, Bozeman, MT 59718 Bayliss Architects, 212 South Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 planning  zoning subdivision review  annexation  historic preservation  housing  grant administration  neighborhood coordination August 24, 2001 Gary Lusin 3200 East Hollyhock Belgrade, MT 59714 Re: Northern Rockies PUD Dear Bayliss: On August 24, 2001, the Final Site Plan for the planned improvements for Northern Rockies Subdivision Zoning Planned Unit Development was approved and signed by the Director of Planning & Community Development based on the fulfillment of conditions and code provisions. Adherence to the conditions of approval and the outlined code provisions is mandatory. Enclosed you will find an approved site plan signed by the Planning Director. No modifications to the approved plans can be made without prior written approval from the Planning Office. If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our office at 582-2360. Thank you for your participation in the development review process, and good luck with your project! Sincerely, Jami Morris Assistant Planner Cc: C&H Engineering and Surveying, Inc., 2415 West Main Street, Suite 1, Bozeman, MT 59718 Campbell/Lusin, LLC, 3499 Bridger Canyon Road, Bozeman, MT 59715 Bayliss Ward, Bayliss Architects, 212 South Tracy Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715 CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Street address: Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street Mailing address: P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1240 Phone: (406) 582-2360 Fax: (406) 582-2363 E-mail: planning@bozeman.net World wide web: www.bozeman.net