HomeMy WebLinkAboutPT LAND DESIGN REVIEW BOARD STAFF REPORT # Z-06230 PT LAND CUP WITH RELAXATIONS PUD PRELIMINARY PLAN Item: Zoning Application #Z-06230  An application for a Conditional Use Permit with relaxations for the PT Land Planned Unit Development Preliminary Plan to allow commercial development. The property, generally bounded by Baxter Lane, North 11th Avenue, West Oak Street, and North 15th Avenue, is legally described as Tract 2A COS 1215F, located in Section 1, T2S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The property is zoned B-2 (Community Business District). Owner/Applicant: PT Land, Jerry Perkins, 511 North Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715-5757. Representative: Morrison-Maierle, Inc., 3011 Palmer Street, Missoula, MT 59808. Date/Time: Design Review Board: Wednesday, October 25, 2006, 5:30 p.m., Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building, 20 East Olive Street, Bozeman, Montana Report By: Lanette Windemaker, AICP; Contract Planner Recommendation: Conditional Approval PROJECT LOCATION The property is generally bounded by Baxter Lane, North 11th Avenue, West Oak Street, and North 15th Avenue. The ~ 47 acre property is legally described as Tract 2A COS 1215F, located in Section 1, T2S, R5E, PMM, City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Montana. The property zoned B-2 (Community Business District) and falls within the Oak Street and the I-90 Entryway Overlay Districts. Please refer to the vicinity map on the following page. #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 2 PROPOSAL Application has been made the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) with relaxations for the PT Land Planned Unit Development (PUD) Preliminary Plan, ~ 47 acres to be developed as a commercial development. This proposal would allow 18 commercial and open space lots. American Federal Savings Bank is the initial phase of the PUD. The Design Review Board reviewed the Preapplication Plan at its March 22, 2006, public meeting. The applicant has requested the following relaxations: 1) 18.44.080.A General, to not build a sidewalk on the north side of Baxter Lane; 2) 18.44.080.A General, to build a 10-foot asphalt trail instead of a sidewalk on the south side of Baxter Lane; 3) 18.44.060 Street Improvement Standards, to build North 15th Avenue between Oak Street and Tschache Lane to a 65-foot wide collector standard instead of a 90-foot collector standard; 4) 18.44.060 Street Improvement Standards, to build North 15th Avenue between Patrick Street and Tschache Lane without a sidewalk on the west side; 5) 18.44 Transportation Facilities and Access, to not construct a planned collector street (North 15th Avenue) from Tschache Lane to Baxter Lane and to allow construction of a 30-foot wide private drive to serve as the connection between Tschache Lane to Baxter Lane. 6) 18.44.010.E. Dead-End Streets, to terminate Tschache Lane in a dead-end near the west property line; 7) 18.42.040.B. Block Length, to allow blocks of more than 400 feet in length due to topography, the presence of critical lands, and access control; 8) 18.42.040.B. Block Length, to allow Block 4 to exceed 1,320 feet in length; #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 3 9) 18.42.040.C. Block Width, to allow blocks of more than 400 feet in width to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation; 10) 18.42.040.D. Rights-Of-Way for Pedestrians, to not provide a right-of-way with pedestrian walk in Block 3 to divide a continuous block length in excess of 600 feet; 11) 18.42.100.B.6.a. Watercourse Setback, to permit on-site stormwater treatment facilities to be located in Zone 1; and 12) 18.42.100.B.3.c. Watercourse Setback, to reduce the watercourse setback from 50 to 35 feet along the Walton Stream/Ditch south of Tschache Lane. Note that this proposal is also undergoing concurrent review for a Major Subdivision Preliminary Plat to allow 18 lots for commercial and open space use. The subdivision and related relaxations will be evaluated by the DRC, the Planning Board, and the City Commission. ZONING DESIGNATION & LAND USES The subject property is zoned B-2 (Community Business District). The intent of the B-2 (Community Business District) is to provide for a broad range of mutually supportive retail and service functions located in clustered areas bordered on one or more sides by limited access arterial streets. The following land uses and zoning are adjacent to the subject property: North: B-2 (Community Business District) – I-90. East: B-2 (Community Business District).) – Oak Street Place PUD and Kenyon Noble PUD. South: R-O (Residential Office District) – office buildings. West: B-2 (Community Business District) –– Bridger Peaks Village PUD and Lowes PUD. ADOPTED GROWTH POLICY DESIGNATION The property is currently designated as “Regional Commercial and Services” in the Bozeman 2020 Community Plan. This classification provides areas for retail, education, health services, public administration and tourism for a multi-county region. These facilities should be located in proximity to significant transportation routes. It is appropriate that design guidelines be established to ensure compatibility with the remainder of the community. PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT INTENT AND REVIEW CRITERIA The intent of Section 18.54 “Planned Unit Development” is to promote maximum flexibility and innovation in the development of land and the design of development projects within the city. The applicant is proposing many relaxations from the city’s standards through the Planned Unit Development process and must therefore demonstrate a plan that will produce an environment, landscape quality and character superior to that produced under the existing standards. #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 4 DESIGN OBJECTIVES PLAN CRITERIA 1. Neighborhood Design (pages 9-14 of the Design Objectives Plan): A. Green Space - The existing watercourses, setbacks and wetlands are being preserved as green spaces. The stormwater detention facilities are located within the green space. The Oak Street setback will be landscaped to Design Objectives Plan standards. B. Auto Connections - Shared accesses are required on North 11th and North 15th Avenues. C. Pedestrian and Bicycle Connections - Sidewalks will connect to regional trails. The key pedestrian system along Oak Street will be continued. Sidewalks are provided along all internal street frontages. Relaxations (1, 4, and 5) have been requested to not provide pedestrian facilities on the north side of Baxter Lane and the west side of North 15th Avenue north of Patrick. In addition, a relaxation (10) have been requested to not provide mid block pedestrian facilities in Block 3. D. Street Character - The Oak Street setback has a coordinated landscaping design to help create a shared identity. 2. Site Design (pages 15-36 of the Design Objectives Plan): A. Natural Features - The existing watercourses, setbacks and wetlands are being preserved as green spaces. B. Views - This building should not significantly obstruct views. C. Cultural Resources – There are no known cultural resources. D. Topography – Site work is planned to protect topographic assets. E. Site Drainage – Storm drains are piped, with the stormwater detention facilities located in the green space. F. Building Placement – The buildings in this PUD are not clustered. The American Federal Savings Bank has been designed for maximum solar advantage and has a skylight incorporated. G. Outdoor Public Spaces – American Federal Savings Bank has designed an outdoor public space in front of the main entrance. H. Pedestrian and Bicycle Circulation Systems – Sidewalks will connect to regional trails. The key pedestrian system along Oak Street will be continued. Sidewalks are provided along all internal street frontages. Relaxations (1, 4, and 5) have been requested to not provide pedestrian facilities on the north side of Baxter Lane and the west side of North 15th Avenue north of Patrick. In addition, a relaxation (10) have been requested to not provide mid block pedestrian facilities in Block 3. I. Internal Automobile Circulation Systems - Shared accesses are required on North 11th and North 15th Avenues. J. Parking Lots – The parking for American Federal Savings Bank will be minimized through the use of landscaping in lieu of parking. K. Site Lighting – Lighting will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code. L. Utilities and Service Areas – Service areas are oriented away from the major streets and integrated into the building design. M. Landscape Design – Drought tolerant materials are proposed. N. Buffers – Landscaped buffers are provided and must be enhanced to buffer incompatible uses. #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 5 3. Building Design (pages 37-48 of the Design Objectives Plan): A. Building & Topography - The building follows the general lay of the land. B. Building Character - The building reflects the regional urban character. C. Primary Building Entrance - The primary building entrance faces west towards a pedestrian plaza and the parking area. D. Street Level Interest - Materials and details must be used as shown on the elevation study of the buildings to provide street level interest. E. Building Mass & Scale- The American Federal Savings Bank is approximately 21,000 square feet in total floor area with 14,718 on the main floor and 5,166 on the second floor, 37 feet in height for the overall mass with the second floor stepped back about 14 feet. F. Roof Form- The primary roof form is sloped with both hip and exposed gable ends. There are overhanging eaves and multiple roof planes. G. Building Materials- The plans depict brick veneer, cultured stone veneer, metallic insets, heavy timber accents, and asphalt or standing seam metal roof. Staff recommends use of the additional details (metallic insets, precast concrete insets and precast concrete bands) as shown on the elevation study rather than the color renderings. H. Building Complex - This PUD is divided into 4 areas which planned to use different rooflines and similar materials. I. Service Canopies- Not applicable. The policy is specific to gas station canopy design. J. Color- The guidelines recommend natural tones to blend in and reduce perceived scale. The primary building elements are in stone, wood, and earth tones with bolder colors in the signage. K. Utilities & Mechanical Equipment- The Bozeman Municipal Code and the Design Objectives Plan require all mechanical equipment to be screened from view. The elevations do not depict any roof top mounted mechanical equipment. The Final Site Plan for each building shall identify the location of all mechanical equipment and identify the method of screening. 4. Sign Design (pages 49-56 of the Design Objectives Plan): A. Sign Context & Position – A comprehensive sign plan is required for the American Federal Savings Bank property. All signs will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code. B. Sign Type –One freestanding sign is permitted per lot. All signs will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code C. Sign Materials – White backgrounds are not appropriate. All signs will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code. D. Sign Lighting – Internal illumination is discouraged. All signs will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code. E. Sign Content - All signs will comply with the Bozeman Municipal Code. F. Wall Murals - Not applicable. 5. Corridor Specific Guidelines: North 19th Avenue & Oak Street Corridor (pages 69-79 of the Design Objectives Plan) #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 6 1. Existing agricultural site features and/or resources should be integrated into a newer development when feasible - Not applicable. 2. Create a “green edge” along the front of the property - PT Land is responsible for the installation of landscaping within the 50 foot setback. The landscape plan will need to be revised to meet the minimum landscaping requirements for the North 19th Avenue and Oak Street corridors. 3. Minimize the impact of parking lots - A landscaped setback is provided to minimize the visual impact of the parking lot. 4. A detached pedestrian and bike boulevard trail shall be provided in the setback - PT Land is responsible for the installation of the path along Oak Street. 5. Provide safe and convenient pedestrian and bicycle circulation within and between projects – Sidewalks are provided along all internal street frontages. Relaxations (1, 4, and 5) have been requested to not provide pedestrian facilities on the north side of Baxter Lane and the west side of North 15th Avenue north of Patrick. In addition, a relaxation (10) have been requested to not provide mid block pedestrian facilities in Block 3. 6. Building Materials - The corridor specific guidelines suggest that wood and masonry are the preferred exterior wall finishes. The primary material proposed is brick veneer, cultured stone veneer, metallic insets, heavy timber accents, and asphalt or standing seam metal roof. Staff recommends requiring the use of the additional details (metallic insets, precast concrete insets and precast concrete bands) as shown on the elevation study rather than the color renderings. 7. Streetscape Elements - Streetscape elements will be provided with the installation of improvements for this PUD, site plan and subdivision. 8. Sign Type - Freestanding signs are proposed. A comprehensive sign plan is required for the American Federal Savings Plan property. 9. Sign Design Attributes - The signs will provide accent color and interest. Interstate 90 (pages 100-102 of the Design Objectives Plan): 1. The highway edge should be primarily “natural” in character with native trees and related plantings at interchanges - This property does not directly abut the highway however, the 50 foot landscaped setback from the road right-of-way will ensure a green area. 2. Provide site and building improvements to the side of the buildings that face the Interstate - Site plans will be review in accordance with Design Objectives Plan. 3. Reduce the visual impact of industrial operations - Site plans will be review in accordance with Design Objectives Plan. RECOMMENDATION The Design Review Board is established to evaluate aesthetic considerations of larger and more complex proposals which are likely to produce significant community impact and to provide recommendations regarding such proposals to the Planning Director or City Commission. The Board is empowered to recommend approval or conditional approval of the project with support of some or all of the requested relaxations or to forward a recommendation of denial. The Design Review #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 7 Board may determine that some conditions of approval are necessary to meet the intent of the Planned Unit Development and to mitigate the requested relaxations. Staff recommends the following conditions of approval: PT Land PUD Plan Conditions: 1. The Sign Design Criteria Guidelines shall address illumination and coloring in accordance with the Design Objectives Plan. Internal illumination of an entire sign panel should not allowed, however a system that backlights sign text only may be permitted. Light background colors on internally illuminated signs should be discouraged and a white background not permitted. 2. The Sign Design Criteria Guidelines shall restrict the freestanding signs in the Financial Institutions and Services (green), Service Warehouse Neighborhood (red) and Support Services Neighborhood (yellow) areas to low profile monument type signs in keeping with the sense of neighborhood intended to be created by this PUD, the transitioning of uses, and the residential adjacency. 3. The Development Guidelines shall include visual examples/photos/thumbnail sketches of such things as roof lines, materials, colors, architectural details, etc. 4. The Development Guidelines shall more clearly demonstrate how the differences between the Hospitality and Regional Anchor Neighbor (blue) and the Support Services Neighborhood (yellow) areas are to be achieved. 5. The Final PUD Plan shall demonstrate which lots are located with the entryway corridors. It appears that Lots 1-5, Block 1 may be located within the West Oak Street entryway corridor, and Lot 1, Block 4 and Lots 5 and 6, Block 3 may be located with the I-90 entryway corridor. 6. The landscape plan prepared and certified by a qualified landscape professional for the open space lots, Lots 2 and 3, Block 4, shall be submitted for review and approval as part of the Final PUD Plan in accordance with §18.78.100. Completion of the landscaping in the open space lots may be phased as proposed with the stormwater retention/detentions ponds and completed with Phase 5. 7. The Final PUD Plan shall require the construction of a mid block crossing on Lot 1, Block 4 at the time of site development in accordance with §18.42.040.D. Rights-Of-Way for Pedestrians. 8. The Final PUD Plan shall require the construction of a mid block crossing on Block 3 at the time of site development in accordance with §18.42.040.D. Rights-Of-Way for Pedestrians. The two lots responsible for construction of the mid-block crossing shall correspond to the right-of-way established with the Final Plat. 9. The Development Guidelines shall discuss landscaping requirements. At the time of site plan development, all lots shall achieve a minimum of 15 landscaping points. Per 18.48.060, Lots 1, #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 8 2, and 3, Block 1 have residential adjacency and shall achieve a minimum of 23 landscaping points. Screening is required for residential adjacency in accordance with §18.48.050.B and 060.B.3. 10. That the right to a use and occupancy permit shall be contingent upon the fulfillment of all general and special conditions imposed by the conditional use permit procedure pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.1 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. 11. That all of the special conditions shall constitute restrictions running with the land use, shall apply and be adhered to by the owner of the land, successors or assigns, shall be binding upon the owner of the land, his successors or assigns, shall be consented to in writing, and shall be recorded as such with the County Clerk and Recorder’s Office by the property owner prior to the issuance of any building permits, final site plan approval or commencement of the conditional use pursuant to Section 18.34.100.C.2 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. 12. The final PUD plan shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Unified Development Ordinance. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. PT Land PUD Plan Code Provisions: a. Per 18.80.1460, this property is not located adjacent to the I-90 interchange at North 7th Avenue, and therefore does not meet the definition for Interchange Zone. All reference to signage in the Interchange Zone shall be removed from the Sign Design Criteria Guidelines b. A qualified landscape professional shall either document that the current watercourse setback planting plan meets the requirements of Section 18.42.100 of the Bozeman Municipal Code or a watercourse setback planting plan shall be prepared by a qualified landscape professional and shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Department prior to the commencement of development or site preparation. The plan shall include a schedule for planting and landscaping as outlined for Zone 1 and Zone 2 outlined in Section 18.42.100 of the Bozeman Municipal Code. c. Per Section 18.36.090.E, all PUDs shall earn at least 20 performance points developed as open space, exclusive of required off-street parking lot interior landscape. Open space in the front yard setbacks for each zone may contribute to the required open space provision. A minimum amount of open space needs to be provided on every lot, and should be combined with the open space of adjacent lots to create a larger green space. The applicant shall document the provision of performance points. A table showing the computed PUD open space shall be included on the final plan. d. Per Section 18.36.090.E, non-residential PUD development in West Oak Street entryway corridors shall earn at least 30 performance points developed as open space, exclusive of required off-street parking lot interior landscape. Open space in the front yard setbacks for each #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 9 zone may contribute to the required open space provision. Property located outside, but adjacent to the entryway corridor overlay, which provide linked common open space areas, and contributes to the intent and purpose of this section may be applied towards the open space provisions based on the merits of the proposal and its ability to accomplish the goals and objectives of the North 19th Avenue/West Oak Street Corridor Master Plan. The applicant shall document the provision of performance points. A table showing the computed PUD open space shall be included on the final plan. e. Per 18.36.100 in accordance with the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19th Avenue / Oak Street Entryway Corridor, at least one-half of the required open space in West Oak Street entryway corridor, shall be in common ownership of the property owner’s association or in the form of common open space easements granted to the property owner’s association. Landscaping shall be required for all areas of the development which are to be in common ownership or designated as “common open space easements” located on individual lots or parcels of land, and in particular shall incorporate the required landscape for implementation of the greenway corridors. f. The applicant must submit seven (7) copies a Final PUD Plan within one (1) year of preliminary approval containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications to be reviewed and approved by the Planning Office. g. The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary plan approval has been satisfactorily addressed. American Federal Bank Site Plan Conditions: 1. The one freestanding sign shall be a low profile monument type sign in keeping with the sense of neighborhood intended to be created by this PUD, the transitioning of uses and the residential adjacency. 2. The building shall be built with the additional details (metallic insets, precast concrete insets and precast concrete bands) as shown on the elevation study rather than the simplified color renderings. 3. A material board/color palette for the building, including material samples and color chips, shall be subject to review and approval by the ADR and Planning Department prior to Final Site Plan approval. 4. The northern drive access at North 15th Avenue shall be designed and designated as shared access with the adjoining property to the north. 5. A city standard sidewalk shall be installed along the northern drive lane from North 15th Avenue to North 14th Avenue to divide a continuous block length in excess of 600 feet in accordance with §18.42.040.D. Rights-Of-Way for Pedestrians. #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 10 6. The parking lot and building shall not encroach into the 50 foot landscaped setback along Oak Street. 7. The front yard setback from North 15th Avenue shall be increased from the required 25 feet to 28.25 feet to provide landscaping in lieu of parking. 8. Trees shall not be located within 10 feet of sewer, water, and piped stormwater services. Sewer, water, and piped stormwater services shall be shown on the landscaping plans and approved by the Water/Sewer Superintendent. 9. Fire hydrants shall not be located within 10 feet of trees and light fixtures. Fire hydrants shall be shown on landscaping and lighting plans. 10. The final site plan shall comply with the standards identified and referenced in the Bozeman Municipal Code. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. American Federal Bank Site Plan Code Provisions: a. Per 18.18.050, parking areas shall have a minimum front yard setback of 25 feet from North 15th Avenue. b. Per 18.36.100 in accordance with the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19th Avenue / Oak Street Entryway Corridor, street trees characterized by a formal arrangement of large canopy boulevard trees shall be located in the street right-of-way boulevards subject to the following requirements: (1) One large canopy boulevard tree, a minimum of eight (8) feet in height or 1” caliper and planted at regular intervals of fifty (50) feet on center. (2) Acceptable large canopy boulevard trees include the following species: Ash, Patmore Green (Fraxinus pennsylvanica); Honeylocust, Seedless (Gleditsia triacanthos); Ash, Black (Fraxinus nigra); and Maple, Norway (Acer Platanoides). c. Per 18.36.100 in accordance with the Design Objectives Plan Update for North 19th Avenue / Oak Street Entryway Corridor, the Greenway corridors located in the 50-foot setback will be characterized by informal vegetative planting of trees, shrubs, berms and groundcover for every one hundred (100) feet of frontage along the entryway corridors as listed below. (1) A total of four (4) evergreen and deciduous trees at random or in cluster arrangements, with no more than fifty (50%) percent being deciduous, a minimum of 8-10 feet in height, or 1-1/2” caliper; (2) A total of two (2) small ornamental trees at random locations, a minimum of 8 feet in height, or 1-1/2” caliper; (3) A total of six (6) deciduous and/or coniferous large shrubs, of which three (3) shall be flowering shrubs, at random locations and a minimum of 8-1/2 feet in height at maturity, 2-3 #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 11 feet installation size; Or earth berms, an average of 3.5 feet in height, planted with shrubs or living ground cover so that the ground will be covered within 3 years. d. Per 18.42.150, additional information on the site lighting (cut sheets, etc.) is required to demonstrate compliance with the BMC. e. Per 18.42.170, the design and location of the trash enclosure is subject to review and approval by the City Sanitation Department, and must be shown on the final site plan. f. Per 18.44.100, sight vision triangles must be correctly depicted on the final site plan. g. Per 18.46.040.C.2, ADR staff approves a 5% reduction in the number of required parking spaces from 42 to 40 in exchange for the provision of 700 square feet of landscaping in addition to the required amount of landscaping. These improvements must be placed in the public right-of-way or yards directly facing the right-of-way. h. Per 18.48.050.B and 060.B.3, screening is required for residential adjacency along the west side in accordance with the landscaping standards. i. Per 18.52.060, a comprehensive sign plan is required for all commercial centers consisting of two or more tenant spaces on a lot and shall be designed in accordance with §18.52.070, BMC. j. Per 18.52.060, the total permitted signage shall not exceed 400 square feet, and one freestanding sign is permitted. The location of the freestanding sign shall be shown on the Final Site Plan and landscape plan. Signage is subject to ADR review and approval, and a sign permit. k. Per 18.34.140, seven (7) copies of the Final Site Plan containing all of the conditions, corrections and modifications shall be submitted for review and approval by the Planning Director within six (6) months of the date of preliminary approval. l. Per 18.64.100, a Building Permit must be obtained prior to the work, and must be obtained within one (1) year of Final Site Plan approval. Building Permits will not be issued until the Final Site Plan is approved. Minor site surface preparation and normal maintenance shall be allowed prior to submittal and approval of the Final Site Plan, providing that such activity does not include excavation for foundations or the removal of mature, healthy vegetation, and NO CONCRETE MAY BE POURED UNTIL A BUILDING PERMIT IS OBTAINED. m. The applicant shall submit with the application for Final Site Plan review and approval, a written narrative stating how each of the conditions of preliminary site plan approval has been satisfactorily addressed. CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends conditional approval of the Conditional Use Permit for the PT Land Planned Unit #Z-06230 PT Land CUP / PUD DRB Staff Report 12 Development Preliminary Plan application #Z-06230. The applicant must comply with all other provisions of the Bozeman Municipal Code, which are applicable to this project prior to receiving Final Site Plan, Final Plat or Building Permit approval. The applicant is advised that unmet code provisions, or code provisions that are not specifically listed as conditions of approval, does not, in any way, create a waiver or other relaxation of the lawful requirements of the Bozeman Municipal Code or state law. NOTE: Both the Design Review Board and Development Review Committee will forward a formal recommendation to the City Commission for consideration and final action on December 11, 2006. Attachments: Applicant’s Submittal. Cc: Morrison-Maierle, Molly Skorpik, 3011 Palmer Street, Missoula, MT 59808 Dave Hutchinson, P.O. Box 505, Solana Beach, CA 92075 American Federal Savings Bank, Larry Dreyer, P.O. Box 4999, Helena, MT 59604 Thinktank, Brian Caldwell, 600 North Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715-3001 planning zoning subdivision review  annexation  historic preservation  housing  grant administration  neighborhood coordination CITY OF BOZEMAN DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Alfred M. Stiff Professional Building 20 East Olive Street P.O. Box 1230 Bozeman, Montana 59771-1230 phone 406-582-2260 fax 406-582-2263 planning@bozeman.net www.bozeman.net February 4, 2008 Morrison-Maierle, Inc. Attn: Molly Skorpik 3011 Palmer St. Missoula, MT 59808 RE: The PT Lands PUD #Z-06230 Dear Sirs: On February 4, 2008, the Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Planned Unit Development (PUD) Application #Z-06230, with relaxations, was approved and signed by the Director of Planning & Community Development based on the fulfillment of conditions and code provisions. No modifications to the approved plans can be made without prior written approval from the Planning Office. Two copies of the approved and signed final PUD plan have been forwarded to the Building Department to be attached to your application for Building Permits. Please be aware that all lots, must be approved as Site Plans by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of building permits. The PT Lands PUD was NOT approved for the installation of infrastructure concurrently with Building Permits in accordance with Section 18.74.030.C of the Unified Development Ordinance. As such, no building permits may be issued until all infrastructure improvements are completed and accepted by the City If you have any questions, or if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to contact our office. Thank you. Sincerely, Brian Krueger Associate Planner cc: Dustin Johnson, Project Engineer PT Land, Jerry Perkins, 511 North Wallace Avenue, Bozeman, MT 59715-5757