HomeMy WebLinkAbout7b_Soils_12661.pdf �--IEPOR LAUREL GLEN SUBDIVISION West. Dnarston Road Bozeman, Montana Prepared ll)y-. Kea!1/MMID� r3 MY I ; ALLIED ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 32 Discovery Drive Bozeman, MT 59718 Phone (406) 582-0221 Fax (406) 582-5770 TABLE OF CONTENTS 4 INTRODUCTION......................... SITE DESCRIPTION,................. GEOLOGY.......................... EXPLORATIONS,TESTING,AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS...........................................................................................3 SubsurfaceExplorations...............................................................................................................................................................3 Laboratory"resting................................................................................................................................................................ .4 SoilConditions..................................................................................................................................................................... .....5 Groundwater Conditions.................... GEOTECHNICAL ANALYSIS............................. General.............................................................................,.....................................................,........................................................S .................. ... 8 GENERAL CONSTRUCTION RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................................................................................8 TopsoilStripping and Reuse.........................................................................................................................................................8 GroundwaterDewatering..............................................................................................................................................................9 Moisture Sensitivity of Fine-Grained Soils..................................................................................................................................9 Frost Susceptibility of Fine-Grained Soils........................................................................... ..................................................... 10 UNDERGROUND UTILITY RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................................ 12 Foundation 12 ton Support of Utility Lines.............................................................................................. ...................................... ThrustRestraint............................................................................................................................................I................I............ 12 PipeBedding/Trench Backfrll.................................................................................................................................................... 13 ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTION RECOMMENDATIONS..................................................................................................... lgl General......................... FOUNDATION AND SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS.............................. ................................................................................. 18 Potential for Liquefaction in the Native Sandy Gravel............................................................................................................... 18 SeismicDesign Factors............................................................................................................................................ . 1S .................. Footings...................................................................................................................................................................................... 19 LateralEarth Pressures/Wal)Backfill.........................................................................................................................................20 Interior Concrete Slabs.............................. ....... ExteriorConcrete Slabs..............................................................................................................................................................23 FOUNDATION-RELATED FILL MATERIALS..........................................................................................................................24 Sandy(Pitrun)Gravel ................................................................................................................................................................24 WashedOr Screened Crushed Rock...........................................................................................................................................24 On-site Generated Fill .......................................................................»......................................................................................25 FillPlacement and Compaction.......................................................................................................................... SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE ...........................................................................................................................26 SurfaceDrainam.......................................................................................................................................................................26 SubsurfaceDrainage........................................................................................................................... LIMITATIONS..............................................................................................................................................................................27 REFERENCES......................................... TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont.) SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (ATTACHED TO BACK OF REPORT) List Of Figures Figure 1--Vicinity Map Figure 2—Site Plan of Existing Conditions with Test Pit Locations Figure 3—Site Plan of Proposed Subdivision Layout with'Test Pit Locations Figure 4—Environmental Geology Map Figure 5—Thickness of Topsoil at Each'rest Pit Location Figure G—Depth to Gravel at Each'Pest Pit Location Figure 7—Depth to Groundwater at Each Test Pit Location Figure 8—NRCS Soil Map Figure 9—Foundation Excavation,Drainage&Bacidill Detail for a Crawl Space Application Figure IQ—Foundation Excavation,Drainage S BackCill Detail for an Interior Slab Application List Of Appendices Appendix A—Test Pit Logs Appendix B—Laboratory Test Results Appendix C_—Important Information About Your Geotechnical Report i 5'Pr� ALLIED ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. INTRODUCTION Allied Engineering Services, Inc. has performed a geotechnical evaluation for the property lying within the boundary limits of the Laurel Glen Subdivision, a proposed 156.96-acre, mixed-use development west of Bozeman. This site lies adjacent to and north of Durston Road between the intersections of Cottonwood and Gooch Hill Roads. Our project scope consisted of an on-site subsurface investigation; an engineering analysis of existing soil and groundwater conditions; and the preparation of this report. The primary purposes of our work were to characterize the site's subsurface conditions; and provide the project's Civil Engineer (Allied Engineering) with geotechnical recommendations for use in the design and installation of the subdivision's infrastructure (water, sewer, and storm drainage) and street improvements. In addition, general foundation-related recommendations are presented herein. These shall serve as a guide for future Owners, Architects, Structural Engineers and Contractors (associated with this site) in the planning, design and construction of residential and commercial structures. In summary, the site's primary geotechnical-related issues are the widespread shallow groundwater conditions (specifically the depth to seasonal high groundwater); its thickness of organic topsoil; and an intermediate layer of silt that is both moisture sensitive (ie. generally becomes softer and subsequently weaker with increased moisture content) and frost susceptible. As a result of these conditions, the construction items that will need to be addressed during the design of the utility and road improvements include: 1) groundwater dewaterinb; 2) foundation support, pipe restraint, and trench backfill for underground utilities; 3) preparation, separation, stabilization and reinforcement of subgrade soils under pavement sections; and 4) subsurface drainage. For building construction, the presence of structurally competent gravelly soils at shallow depths makes foundation support a non-issue. However, high groundwater levels, which are expected to range between one and four feet below the ground surface throughout much of Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Par t Laurel Glcn Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Roed,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 the site, will greatly affect and control foundation design. Buildings with full basements or below grade interior slabs will not be suitable. It will be critical to minimize the depth to which crawl spaces extend below the natural ground surface in order to reduce the potential for moisture problems. As an added precaution in crawl space applications, we recommend the installation of footing drains. In cases where these subsurface drainage improvements cannot be implernented, we recommend the elimination of components in the crawl space essential to the operation of the structure. In some areas across the site, fill material will be required to raise finished grades and create a greater separation to high groundwater elevations. SITE DESCRIPTION The project site, located approximately one-mile west of Bozeman, encompasses 156.96 acres of property north of Durston Road between the intersections of Cottonwood and Gooch Hill Roads (see Figure 1). Its location is legally described as being in the "W 1/z, SE '/ and E '/z, SW 1/a, Section 4, T.2 S., R. 5 E., P.M.M., Gallatin County, Montana". The properties to be included within the subdivision are currently platted as Lots I through 3 of Minor Subdivision No, 201. The site is primarily comprised of upland terrain that slopes towards the north/northwest at grades of less than two percent. Two permanently flowing waterways, Batter Creel: and a tributary to Aajkcr Creek, meander through the eastern half and southwestern corner of the site. Adjacent wetland environments border each of these natural creek channels. A third surface water feature, the Baxter Ditch, crosses the northeastern tip of the site. With the exception of the farmhouse and outbuildings (in the site's southeastern comer), the property is undeveloped and has been used for agriculture purposes in past years, most recently for crop production and livestock grazing. Figure 2 is a site plan of the property showing existing topographical and physical conditions. Laurel Glen Subdivision will be a mixed-use neighborhood consisting of residential and community business lots, public parks, and open space conservation lands. The proposed layout of the development is provided on the site plan in Figure 3. Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Page 2 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30 2002 GEOLOGY According to an environmental geology map for the Gallatin Valley, (Slagle, et al, 1995), the site is underlain by the Bozeman alluvial fan complex, an extensive geologic formation (QTa) of Quaternary and Tertiary-age (see Figure 4). It is composed of a heterogeneous mixture of fine to coarse-grained sediments (ranging in size from clays to boulders) that were primarily eroded from the southward lying Gallatin Range, transported into the valley by fluvial processes, and deposited as a thick accumulation of intermixed materials. Well-graded, sandy gravels (with abundant cobbles) predominately comprise the deposit; however, occasional lenses of fine sands, silts and clays do exist. Throughout the Bozeman area, the gravelly fan materials are typically encountered at depths of less than ten feet below the ground surface. Overlying the ,gravels is a layer of silts and clays that are of primarily flood-plain origin. These fine-grained soils are blanketed by organic-rich topsoil of variable thickness. The alluvial fan materials cover semi- consolidated beds of Tertiary-aged clays, sills, sands, and gravels, which are generally considered to be "bedrock". EXPLORATIONS,TESTING, AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Subsurface Explorations Soil and groundwater conditions were thoroughly investigated across the site on November 27 and 29, 2001 under the combined direction of Lee Evans and Craig Madson, professional engineers at Allied Engineering. Subsurface explorations were excavated using a CAT Turbo 426 backhoe provided by Kolnik Excavation; and consisted of thirty-seven test pits ranging in depth from four to nine feet. They are defined as TP-1;TP-3 through TP-13; TP-15 through TP- 36; TP-39; 'I'P-41; and TP-42. In order to avoid either negative impacts to jurisdictional, creek/wetland environments or potential conflicts with home site utility lines, the following pits were unable to be completed: TP-2, TP-14, TP-37, TP-38, and TP-40. Tile approximate locations of the excavated pits are shown in relation to the site's existing conditions on Figure 2 and with respect to the proposed subdivision layout on Figure 3. Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Page 3 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project;00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30, 2002 i During the investigation, soil stratigraphy and groundwater depth were visually characterized and measured in each pit. The relative densities of the exposed soils were estimated based on the ease or difficulty of digging, probing of the test pit walls, pocket penetrometer values, and overall stability of the completed excavation. Representative soil samples were collected from several pits for laboratory testing and geotechnical analysis. In addition, four shallow monitoring wells were installed at the corners of the site in TP-1, TP-6, TP-31, and TP-36. The wells, which terminate approximately seven to eight feet below the ground surface, are comprised of four-inch, perforated PVC piping wrapped with a geotextile filter fabric. The purpose of these wells is to provide access points for the collection of additional site-specific groundwater measurements if desired in the future. Individual detailed logs for all pits are contained in Appendix A. Each log provides Pertinent field information, including soil depths and descriptions, groundwater conditions, relative density data, and sample locations. In addition, laboratory test results for samples (that were tested) are presented on the logs for the particular excavations in which the samples were obtained from. Based on the spatial distribution of the excavated pits and the relative uniformity of the site's subsurface conditions, it is our opinion that. the level of field investigation was sufficient to satisfy the project scope. We were not able to excavate in either of the two- creelUwetland complexes that traverse through the site; therefore, the exact conditions that underlie these lowland areas are unknown. Ilowever, we fully expect the soil and groundwater characteristics in the immediate vicinity of these permanent surface water features to include a thick layer of organic topsoil and a very shallow groundwatcr table. Laboratory Testing Laboratory testing was performed on numerous samples obtained from the test pits. The p6rnary purpose of these tests, which were conducted in accordance with appropriate ASTM procedures, was to accurately determine the engineering classifications and properties of the soil samples. Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Pa-e 4 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30 2002 I Ilowever, the abundance of testing also served to confirm the uniformity of soil characteristics across the site. The testing schedule included the following analyses: moisture contents, grain size distributions, atterberg limits, moisture-density relationships (ie. standard proctors), and California bearing ratios. A complete set of test results is provided in Appendix B. As previously stated, they are also presented on the appropriate logs in Appendix A. Soil Conditions Based on our excavations, soil conditions appear to be consistent with the site's mapped geology as described earlier in the report. Soil stratio aphy usually consisted of the following three distinct layers (with increasing depth): black topsoil, brown silt, and gravel deposits. The most significant compositional variation in the silt layer was observed in TP-39. In this pit, brownish orange to bluish green clay was encountered rather than silt. Only in a few locations across the site were the intermediate silts and clays found to be non-existent (topsoil overlaid gravels). Detailed descriptions of the soil conditions for each pit are presented on the logs in Appendix A. For convenience, a generalized summary of the site's three soil regimes is provided below A well-developed topsoil layer, consisting of soft to medium stiff, dark brown to black, organic clayey silt and ranging from one to five feet in thickness. was pronunent across the entire site. Throughout the majority of the site, its thickness was typically less than two feet. However, upland areas were found that had thicker topsoils, most notably along the proposed alignment for Oak Street. In general, topsoil was most thick (> 2.0 feet) in the vicinity of the creek/wetland complexes (lowlands). See Figure 5 for the thickness of topsoil at each test pit location. A layer of brown, clayey silt having a non-uniform thickness and containing minimal sands, pebbles or small gravels, under laid the surface soils. The consistency of the silt, which was highly variable, appeared to be directly affected by soil moisture conditions (ie. it is moisture sensitive). In some pits, the upper portions of this layer were dry to slightly moist. Throughout these areas, the silt was very stiff to hard and could hardly be removed with a rock hammer (pick). As soil moisture increased with depth due to the presence of shallow groundwater, the Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Pane 5 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-1SS Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 1. consistency of the silts dramatically decreased. It was not uncommon to transition from hard to very soft silts in the same pit, with the softer silts being able to be penetrated with one's fingers. Occasionally, the upper silts are contaminated with topsoils that have leached from above. The lower-most six inches of these soils are typically intermixed with frequent 3"-minus gravels. Underlying the silt layer is the sandy gravel materials of alluvial fan origin, which were encountered at depths of two to eight feet. See Figure 6 for the depth to gravel at each test pit location. Generally, the upper portion of this deposit contained silty or clayey gravels (ditty) of medium density. With increasing depth, the gravels appeared to become denser and typically contained less firie-grained materials (le. they were cleaner). Rounded cobbles up to eight inches in size are abundant throughout the deposit. Based on laboratory testing, the silts that comprise the topsoil and the intermediate layer are compositionally very different. The standard proctor results for samples of each soil type provide evidence that a material variation exists. The topsoil has a maximum dry density of 79.9 PCF (pounds per cubic foot) at an optimum moisture content of 33.4 percent. The maximum dry density of the intermediate silt is 110.6 PCP' at an optimum moisture content of 20.5 percent. Even though their material content differs, the California bearing ratio (CBR) results for each of the above referenced samples indicates that their soil strength (for subgrade applications) is very similar. According to testing results, the topsoil has a soaked CBR value of 2.92 percent at 0.1 inches of penetration. This compares to 12.95 percent value for the intermediate silt tested under identical conditions. Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was encountered in all but three. pits (TP-11,TP-17, and TP-29) and ranged from a minimum of three feet in TP-18 to a maximum of at least eight feet in TP-17 (the bottom of this eight-foot excavation was dry). Across the majority of the site, groundwater depths were consistently between four and five feet below the ground surface. See Figure 7 or the logs in Appendix A for the depth to groundwater at each test pit location. It is important to note that Allied Engineering Services.Inc. Page 6 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 these shallow groundwater depths were not only observed in late November (which is usually the period of the year that groundwater is at its lowest elevation), but also at a time in which the Bozeman area is experiencing on-going drought-like conditions. For these reasons, it is surprising that the groundwater table continues to remain this close to the ground surface. During a typical year groundwater conditions would likely be higher. It is widely known that groundwater levels fluctuate seasonally and usually peak during late spring to mid summer seasons (May, June, July). Spring run-off, precipitation, and agricultural irrigation are the main factors affecting the timing and depth of the seasonal high water table. Since it is rare that subsurface explorations are conducted on the specific date that high groundwater occurs, field indicators observed in soil profiles are often used to obtain a rough estimate of the maximum elevation that groundwater may reach. These indicators include the presence of mottles (orangish to reddish concretions) and the depth of roots (ie, typically they do not extend below the groundwater table). In our excavations, mottling was not observed; however, average root depth in most pits ranged between two and four feet. According to Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NI:CS) data, many of the sail types that have been mapped on the site are commonly found in areas that exhibit high groundwater conditions (see Figure 8). Approximately 50 percent of the site contains soils that typically have high water tables extending within one to four feet of the ground surface (soil types 448A, 457A, 511A, 537A, 509B, 510B). The remaining 50 percent of the site's soils have estimated high groundwater tables of at least six feet or below (soil types 748A and 45313). For the most part, the site-specific groundwater data we collected during our explorations corresponds with the groundwater characteristics for these mapped soil types. However, it appears that this soils mapping is not entirely accurate, particularly with respect to soil types 748A and 453B. Sliallow groundwater between the depths of four and five feet was found throughout much of the area that was mapped as normally having high groundwater tables greater than six feet. In summary, the shallow groundwater conditions that are promunent throughout the entire site will be a major issue during the construction of all site improvements. 'Ale fully anticipate Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page 7 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 l seasonal high groundwater will rise to elevations substantially above the depths measured in our explorations. Based on information we have gathered from the surrounding area, groundwater could rise on the order of 2.0 to 3.0 feet higher than our recorded measurements. It is important to note that this range in potential groundwater rise is an estimate only. Actual depths to seasonal high groundwater will vary. For this reason, the finished floors of concrete slabs and the depths of crawl spaces must be set conservatively above anticipated high groundwater depths in order to reduce potential water-related foundation problerns. As an added precaution for crawl space applications, we recommend the installation of subsurface drainage improvements. If these are not possible, we recommend (at the very least) the elimination of components within the crawl space that could be negatively affected or severely damaged by water. The placement of fill material may be required to raise finished grades and create a greater separation between high groundwater elevations, particularly throughout the lowland areas of the site. Finally, we recommend including a statement on the final plat indicating the presence of high groundwater. GEOTECIINICAL ANALYSIS General Geotechnical analyses were performed for the purposes of 1) estimating the liquefaction potential of the native sandy gravels; 2) establishing seismic design criteria; 3) defining adequate foundation materials, allowable beating pressures for minimal settlements, and lateral earth pressures; 4) determining requirements for the support of concrete slabs and asphalt pavements; S) clarifying the suitability of on-site soils for re-use as fill; and 6) recommending necessary subsurface drainage improvements. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION RFCOMiYIENDATIONS Topsoil Stripping and Reuse In general and unless otherwise noted, all black organic topsoil, which ranges from one to five- Allied En ineerine Services, Inc. Paae 8 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-18 5 Durston Road,Bozeman,NIT January 30 2002 l feet in thickness, should be stripped from within the construction limits. These soils are not structurally competent for foundation bearing and should never be left in place under footings. They may provide suitable support for concrete slabs and asphalt pavement sections as long as the provisions as detailed later in this report are adhered to. Final site grading and the reclamation of disturbed construction areas are the only recommended uses for this material. Groundwater Dewatering Due to the shallow groundwater conditions that underlie the site, dewatering will be an important aspect during the construction of the subdivision's infrastructure and street improvements; and during general building construction on the subdivision's individual properties. Obviously, the amount of dewatering that will be needed for each of these above referenced activities will depend on location and the time of year that construction commences. Based on the anticipated depth of the utility lines (water, sewer and storm drainage), dewatering is expected to be essential along most installations. Some dewatering may also need to be accomplished for street construction in certain areas of the site, primarily in the vicinity of the creek/wetland complexes. Since all building footings will be required to bear either directly or indirectly on the native sandy gravels (see foundation recommendations later in this report), dewatering will probably be necessary for foundation earthwork/construction throughout the majority of the site. Moisture Sensitivity of Fine-Grained Soils Based on our explorations, the intermediate layer of brown, clayey silt is extremely moisture sensitive. When dry to slightly moist conditions persist, this soil is very hard. However,the soil becomes substantially softer with only minimal increases in moisture content. Along with this negative change in consistency, the strength of the soil decreases and it subsequently becomes structurally weak with respect to its support capacity. In addition, compaction of these soils is impossible when they are overly moist. (Drying of fine-grained soils can take long periods of time under certain weather conditions, particularly during spring, fall; or winter months.) For these reasons, we expect that these soils will be quite problematic and potentially unworkable during construction, especially if they are naturally wet as a result of high groundwater Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Pave 9 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 I conditions or if they are allowed to be excessively wetted by precipitation or construction watering. Since the properties of the topsoil are very similar to that of the intermediate silts, we anticipate that the moisture sensitivity of the topsoil will also be an issue. Frost Susceptibility of Fine-Grained Soils According to our laboratory testing, the topsoil and the intermediate layer of brown silt appear to be frost susceptible materials. Since shallow groundwater conditions persist across the site during cold weather months, the potential exists for the subdivision's paved roadways to be negatively impacted by frost heaving. The extent to which this may occur is difficult to accurately predict as it depends on multiple variables. In most of our explorations, the groundwater table was in the upper portions of the gravel deposit. However, a few areas were observed where the water level actually extended into the silt layer. Generally, site locations that have the greatest separation between groundwater and the fine-grained soils during the winter season will be the least likely to undergo frost heaving. The layer of unsaturated gravels will act as a hydraulic barrier and limit the capillary rise of groundwater into the silts. In sharp contrast, frost heaving could be significant wherever groundwater is within the silts or near the eravel/silt boundary. The subgrade geotextile separator fabric and the thick asphalt pavement section, both of which are recommended and addressed later in this report, should reduce the potential for frost heaving impacts. However, to further limit the frost susceptibility of the upper silty soils, consideration should be given toward the installation of subsurface drainage improvements and the placement of insulation boards under- streets in specific high groundwater areas. Further details regarding these recommendations are provided below: ➢ Since the subdivision's utility lines will be placed under the streets, we feel subsurface drainage improvements, which would permit some permanent dewatering to occur in the vicinity of the streets after construction is complete, can feasibly be incorporated into the utility installations. Our recommendation involves enhancing and protecting the drainage capacity of the required bedding gravel that surrounds the deepest utility line, tapping it in several locations with sub-drain piping, and daylighting these drains in the site's Allied EnyincerinQ Services, Inc. Pa-c 10 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project;00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30 2002 natural drainages. It is our understanding that the water main improvements will be placed below the sewer mains at depths of approximately eight feet below finished grade. Based on the layout of the roadways, several creek crossings are proposed. We recommend that at least one daylight point be installed downstream at each of these crossings. If possible, it would be preferable to tap the bedding and daylight the drains on each side of the crossings. The bedding gravel for the water main and sub-drain piping improvements should consist of a non-plastic and free-draining material that complies with Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (MPWSS). We recommend the use of a washed or screened, crushed rock. All bedding gravel that surrounds the water mains and sub-drain lines should be completely encased and secured in an approved non-woven filter fabric. In cases where the water mains are founded in the native gravels, the filter fabric needs to only be placed over the top of the piping/bedding installation. The sub-drain lines should be comprised of slotted PE or perforated PVC piping that is installed at a minimum grade and daylighted above the flow line of the natural drainages. Provisions should be made to screen the outlet of these lines to prevent the entry of animals. The minimum size of the drain lines should be six inches. Final pipe sizes will depend on the number of discharge locations and the horizontal separation distances between them. ➢ In addition to the subsurface drainage improvements, it would be beneficial to install insulation boards under the roadways in areas where groundwater is expected to encroach within three to four feet of finished elevations during the cold weather months. Based on our current monitoring data and the anticipated roadway grades, it appears the areas that meet this criterion may be limited. However, our continued groundwater monitoring throughout the winter season will better confirm the areas that this recommendation will be most applicable for. The boards should be a minimum of two inches thick, be comprised of polystyrene insulation, and be installed across the full width of the subgrade surface below the roadway. They should be placed above the woven geotextile separator fabric that is recommended in a later section of this report. A bid item should be included for insulation board. Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Page I 1 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,.Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 I UNDERGROUND UTILITY RECOMMENDATIONS Foundation Support of Utility Lines For most utility installations, we expect the native trench subgrade materials to range from wet, medium dense, sandy gravel to very moist/wet, soft, clayey silt. (Possible exceptions include the trench subgrade for shallow culverts or other storm drain piping applications.) The most suitable material for the support of all utility lines is the lower gravels. In sharp contrast, none of the site's silty soils (intermediate brown silts or black silty topsoils) are recommended for direct utility line placement. This is due to their extreme moisture sensitivity and subsequent reduction in soil strength (ie. support capacity) under wet conditions. Therefore, if the bottom of any Utility excavation ends in either of these silty soil types, we recommend that at least 18 inches of the fine-grained subgrade materials be over-excavated and replaced with suitable stabilizing aggregate meeting Type 2 pipe bedding requirements as per the Montana Public Works Standard Specifications (NIPWSS). The thickness of the required 18-inch over-excavation can be reduced accordingly in all areas where the Type 2 bedding will be supported directly on the native gravels. We recommend a bid item be included for Type 2 bedding. In all areas where the bottom of the excavation terminates within the transition zone between the gravels and the silts, the trench sub grade may consist of a mixture of materials having a variable density/consistency. If medium dense gravels comprise the majority of the material, trench subgrade support should be suitable. However, if soft silts are of a higher percentage, trench subgrades should be improved and strengthened as described above. Thrust Restraint Thrust restraint will be an important issue if water .main piping is installed within the moisture sensitive, intermediate layer of silt (or clay). According to our explorations, this scenario may occur in certain areas, especially in the site's northwest corner where gravel depths are greatest (> 6 feet). For all piping installed in these soil conditions, we recommend that thrust protection be provided by a combination of concrete thrust blocks AND mega-lug joint restraints fittings. Allied Enoineerin`Services, Inc. Page 12 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 l Based on previous experience with these soils, the size of the thrust blocks should be increased by a minimum of 50 percent over the specified dimensions given in MPWSS. Mega-lug joint restraints should be installed at each fitting connection. In addition, mega-lug or compression cauplers may be necessary to restrain the piping connections (bell and spigot) near fittings, especially those that could be. subjected to high thrust forces such as 90-degree bends or valves. We recommend an analysis be performed using the EBBA Iron software for the purpose of deternining whether additional thrust restraint is needed at pipe connections. All fittings to be used on the project site should be analyzed since fitting size and geometry will control the required pipe length to be restrained. For the analysis, the input parameters for soil type and safety factor should be ML and 1.5 —2.0, respectively. Pipe Bedding/Trench Baci fill The sandy gravels encountered across the site contained abundant cobbles that generally ranged up to eight inches in size. In order to prevent the utility lines from being point loaded by these cobbles, we recommend that Type I and Select Type 1 bedding be used in accordance with the material and placement requirements in MPWSS. Since shallow groundwater conditions exist throughout the site, both the Type 1 and Select Type 1 bedding materials should be free draining and non-plastic. (None of the native, on-site materials will meet the material specifications for Type 1 or Select Type 1 bedding.) Even with adequate bedding in place, care must be taken when backfilling with cobbly soils. Cobbles dropped from several feet above the piping could cause damage via impact. The upper two feet of trench backfill above the bedding should be placed carefully to protect the piping in these backfill conditions. Trench backfill can consist of any native material. other than topsoil, that is not overly wet. All materials must be able to be re-compacted to the project specifications. The degree of backfill compaction shall be dependent on the final use of finished ground surface. Under paved surfaces, Type A backfill sliall be compacted to 95 percent of ASTM D-698. -Where compaction is less important, such as through areas that will not be improved, Type B backfill shall be compacted to 90 percent of A.STM D-698. These requirements are consistent with MPWS S. Allied Engineering Services.Inc. Pace 13 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 Based on our explorations, the gravels will most certainly be wet when excavated. These materials should dry fairly quickly and be suitable for trench backfill. However, the fine-grained silts will present the most problems for backfilling. Depending on groundwater depths at the time of construction, the moisture condition of these materials will likely range from dry to wet. If the excavated materials have moisture contents substantially above about 20 percent,which is optimum based on laboratory testing, they will need to be dried in order for maximum compaction to be achieved. As previously stated, the drying of these materials could take a very long time, especially if they are overly wet and cool climatic conditions exist (spring, fall, or winter seasons). The material will most likely have to be spread out and periodically scarified to expedite drying. As a precaution, we recommend a bid item be included for imported trench bacicfill in case the native fine-grained silts cannot be dried in a timely manner and subsequently are determined unusable. ASPRA LT PAVEMENT SECTION RECOMM,NDATIONS General According to preliminary layout and design of the subdivision, the new street improvements will primarily have finished asphalt elevations that closely match or exceed existing grades. In order to limit conflicts with high groundwater and reduce the potential for soft subgrade soils, we recommend that finished roadway grades be kept as high as possible. Street grades should not be set below the natural topography. Since gravel depths across the site are rarely less than three feet below the ground surface, we are assuming that in most areas the asphalt pavement sections will be supported on the upper fine-grained soils. However, we also explored the possibility of allowing sonic of the lesser organic topsoils to be left in place under the pavement section, particularly in the lowland areas near the creeks and wetlands where road grades are expected to be substantially elevated. Sub-excavation and replacement of topsoil within these areas will be very difficult due to its excessive thickness and the shallow seasonal high groundwater conditions. According to laboratory testing results, the California bearing ratio for the intermediate Iayer of brown silt is 2.95 percent (CBR is a design value that represents subgrade soil strength), while the CBR value for the topsoil is 2.92 percent. Thus, the soil strengths of the Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Page 14 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 I intermediate silts and the topsoils are almost identical. Remember, both of these silty soils are extremely moisture sensitive; therefore, construction sequencing will be critical, especially if wet conditions persist. As previously stated, these soils will noticeably soften and become quite problematic under increased moisture conditions. Based on the above CBR test results, we have designed a thickened asphalt paving section that can be supported on either the intermediate silts or topsoils. Using conservative estimates for- soil strength (CBR = 2.9) and vehicular equivalent single axle loadings (ESAL = 150,000), the compacted design thickness for a pavement section that will provide a minimum 20-year service life is 30 inches. A breakdown of the asphalt pavement section components follows: cable 1. Design Thickness Of The Asphalt Pavement&cfion MATFRIAL COMPACTED TBICKNES, fIN) Asphalt 3.0 Base Course Gravel 3.0 Sub-Base Course Gravel 24.0 TOTAL 30.0 Generally, we recommend that all topsoil he removed under roads. Throughout the majority of the site's upland areas, topsoil was typically found to be less than 1.5 feet thick (see Figure 5). Since the roadways in these areas are expected to he designed approximately one-foot above existing grades, most topsoil will be stripped in order to achieve subgrade elevations. The need for additional topsoil stripping (and replacement of sub,ade material) should be limited for the implementation of the 30-inch pavement section. As previously stated, there are areas on the site, most notably near the creeks and wetlands, where shallow groundwater conditions will make the stripping of thick topsoils and subsequent subgrade preparations very costly and difficult. In locations where fill materials will have to be placed to raise subgrade elevations, it will be acceptable to strip only the most organic topsoils (usually the upper 6 to 12 inches) and construct the roads according to the following provisions. Prior to the placement of fill, it is recommended that the remaining topsoils be reinforced with a structural geo--nd and separated with a woven geotextile fabric. Geogrid and fabric specifications are provided later in this Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page IS Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,NIT January 30 2002 1 section. If the subgrade fill materials to be used meet sub-base gravel recommendations, the placement of a second geotextile fabric at the subgrade/sub-base gravel interface, as detailed below, will not he necessary. It is strongly recommended that. a qualified geotechnical engineer be on-site whenever road construction occurs over topsoil subgrade materials. The above referenced geogrid and fabric recommendations apply to all subgrades comprised of topsoil. The pavement design presented above assumes the subgrade soils are dry and stable (ie. the upper eight inches of native soil can be compacted to 95 percent of ASTM D-698). Prior to the placement of the asphalt pavement section, the compacted subgrade surface should be proof-- rolled to ensure its structural competence. Any saturated materials or soft spots observed in the subgrade should be sub-excavated and replaced with suitable compacted fill. We recommend a bid item be included for subexcavationtreplacement below subgrade. If necessary, select on-site generated fill can be used to raise the existing grade beneath the proposed asphalted areas to planned subgrade elevations. The sub-base and base course materials that comprise the paving section shall consist of six-inch n-iinus uncrushed gravel and 1-1/2-inch minus crushed gravel, respectively. Both of these gravel courses shall meet the material and gradation specifications as presented in MPWSS, Sections 02234 and 02235. The placement (eight-inch maximum thickness of loose lifts) and compaction (95 percent of ASTM D-698) of these materials shall also be in strict accordance with the above referenced standard specifications. For all streets within the subdivision, we recommend that the asphalt pavement section be separated from the fine-grained subgrade soils (silts) with an approved woven geotextile fabric (Amoco 2004 'Woven Fabric or approved equivalent). The fabric shall be placed at the interface between sub-base gravels and subgrade materials; and installed in accordance with manufacturers recommendations. The primary purpose of the fabric is for separation (ie. it will limit subgrade contamination in the sub-base gravels; and it will maintain the original thickness of the sub-base gravels by preventing their downward mig ration into the subgrade); while its secondary function is stabilization (ie. it will increase the effective support capacity of the low strength subgrade soils). Allied En-ineerinLy Services. Inc. Page 16 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 l If during construction the subgrade soils are found to be overly moist and unstable (ic. they can not be. compacted or they pump/rut under heavy construction traffic), the above referenced pavement section design will be inadequate. Optional methods for re-stabilizing and reinforcing the subgrade soils prior to placement of the design section include: Allow the subgrade soils to dry out. For fine-grained soils, this is best accomplished by frequently scarifying them during warm climatic conditions. Even though this is the least expensive method, minimal precipitation can severely hinder it effectiveness and may cause delays. Prior to the stoppage of work at the end of the clay, all scarified soils should be re-rolled with a smooth dnim roller to seal them against moisture infiltration. In order to expedite construction under wet conditions when the drying of subgrade materials is not an option, we recommend a minimum six-inch over-excavation of the subgrade soils and replacement with compacted engineered fill. The engineered fill material should be sandy gravel that meets the same requirements as the sub-base course. The location of the required geotextile separator fabric, which is addressed above, should be moved to the over-excavated subgrade surface. An alternative to the over-excavation of unstable subgrade materials is the installation of an approved geogrid (Tensar biaxial BXl 100 geogrid or approved equal). The primary purpose of this product, which shall be installed according to manufacturers recommendations, is to provide reinforcement to the soft subgrade soils. It shall be placed directly over the soft subgrade (no over-excavation is necessary) and covered with the required geotextile separator fabric as described above (Arnoco 2004 or approved equal). The most likely areas where geogrids could be beneficial are within the boundaries of the creek/wetland complexes where topsoil could be. most thick. Other potential applications for geogrids include placement over soft utility trenches. We recommend a bid item be included for geogrid since its use is probable. Allied Bnaineering Services, Inc. Page 17 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project;00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 FOUNDATION AND SLAB RECOMMENDATIONS Potential for Liquefaction in the Native Sandy Gravel At this time, there is no universally accepted criterion for judging the susceptibility of a given soil to liquefaction. However, the soils most susceptible to liquefaction are loose, saturated, uniformly graded, sand and gravel deposits. In general, liquefaction typically occurs in these soils when dynamic loading (usually from earthquakes) temporarily creates excess pore water pressures and decreased effective stresses. In the most critical state, effective stresses become zero and the soil temporarily "liquefies" and loses all shear strength and is subject to "flowing". The silty, sandy gravel encountered in the test pit excavations was relatively well graded; and ranged from medium dense to very dense with increased depth. Given the gradation and density of these native gravels, it appears this material is not susceptible to liquefaction. While empirical methods exist that relate standard penetration test results (N-values) to liquefaction potential (Seed and Ydriss, 1982), we feel that additional evaluation of this geotechnical aspect is unnecessary for this site. This professional opinion is based upon our confirmation of the actual site conditions; and from our general knowledge regarding the unique geological conditions that must exist in order to allow the liquefaction phenomena to occur. Seismic Design Factors One of the requirements of the Structural Engineer may be a determination of the soil profile and a seismic zone factor (Z) for the area for the purposes of performing a seismic analysis. The 1997 UBC defines six different types of soil profiles depending on the subsurface conditions present. Based on our explorations, the soil profile type under the site is considered to be SD, providing all footing, improvements bear on cither the medium dense, native sandy gravels or on compacted structural fill (that is supported on the native gravels). The site is located in Seismic Zone 3 with an associated seismic zone factor(Z) of 0.30. Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page 18 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 Footings General recommendations for Foundation support are depicted on Figures 9 and 10; and include: )> As previously stated, the entire site is underlain by a medium dense to dense, gravel deposit at depths ranging from two to eight feet below the ground surface. Since these gravels are the most structurally competent material under the site for use as foundation support, they are the "target" bearing material for all building improvements. For this reason, all footings are reconvliended to either bear directly on these native materials; or indirectly on them via structural fill (the structural fill must be supported on the target foundation material and extended up to the base of the footing). Since crawl space depths must be minimized in order to prevent water-related foundation problems from occurring during high groundwater seasons, we anticipate that most footings will be installed at shallow elevations. Gravel depths across the majority of the site are typically at least three feet below the ground surface. Therefore, it appears structural fill will be required for foundation support at many of the site's building locations > None of the upper silty soils (including the black silty topsoil or the brown intermediate silts) are suitable for foundation support as a result of their moisture sensitivity and the site's high groundwater environment. They have a great susceptibility for non-uniform soils bearing capacity and their potential for settlement (total and differential) is highly likely under foundation loading conditions, These issues are magnified during wet years or high groundwater seasons. For the above reasons, we feel all native materials lying above the gravels should never be utilized for footing support. D Prior to footing construction or placement of structural fill, the tipper surface of the medium dense, gravelly soils should be checked and approved by a qualified geotechnical engineer to ensure subgrade suitability. Compaction of these subQrade materials to 97 percent of ASTM D-698 is recommended; however. this will be impossible unless the gravels are dewatered well below the gravel surface. At a Allied EnOneerin- Services,Inc. Pam 19 Laurel Glcn Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,13ozernan,M`i' January 30, 2002 I minimum, these materials should be proof rolled to determine if soft spots exist. If unsuitable materials are found, they should be removed/replaced with compacted structural fill that bears on denser gravels. ➢ Acceptable structural fill materials for use under footings include sandy (pitrun) gravel or washed or crushed screened rock. According to local suppliers, the cubic yard unit prices for each of these materials delivered to the site are as follows: sandy (pit-run) gravel ($7.50) and crushed rock ($10.00). The minimum width of the structural fill should be equal to the width of the footing plus the thickness (depth) of the fill rnaterial, but it should not be less than four feet wide. Material and compaction recommendations for structural fill under footings are provided in a following section. ➢ Exterior column footings and heavy masonry structures should bear at the same elevation with the same criteria as building footings (see specific recommendations above). Exterior foundations walls must have four-foot (min) of cover measured from the base of the footing to lowest adjacent exterior grade in order to prevent freeze-thaw problems. Assuming the above footing recommendations are followed, the allowable bearing pressure for shallow foundations is 2500 pounds per square foot (pso. Strip footings with a minimum width of 18 inches and spread footings with a minimum width of 24 inches are recommended. Allowable bearing pressures from transient loading due to wind or seismic forces may be increased by 50 percent. We estimate that these above referenced bearing pressure will result in total settlements of less than 3/ inch, with only minor differential settlements. We should be consulted to review any particular loading conditions that may require higher bearing pressures. Lateral Earth PressuresMIall Backfill Any buried foundation walls fixed at the top should be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 60 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), Cantilevered retaining walls, which are not connected to the Allied Enginecring Services,Inc. Paoe 20 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman, MT January 30,2002 i structure, may be designed for an equivalent fluid pressure of 45 pcf. These values only apply to retaining walls with backfill slopes less than ten percent; and to walls that are not externally loaded by surface or foundation pressures applied above or behind the wall. The above referenced design pressures assume all walls are backfilled and drained as described herein. We should be retained to evaluate lateral earth pressures for specific geometries or loading conditions that do not meet the above-described criteria. The lateral earth loads provided are for static conditions and should be factored appropriately to represent lateral earth pressures during seismic events. Lateral forces from wind, seismic loadings, or from earth pressures on the opposite side of the building will be resisted by passive earth pressure against the buried portions of structures and by friction against the bottom. Passive earth pressures in compacted backfill can be assumed to have a maximum equivalent fluid pressure of 290 pcf. A coefficient of friction of 0.5 shall be assumed between cast-in-place concrete and the native subgrade soils (or structural fill). Actual footing loads (not factored or allowable loads) should be used in calculating frictional resistance to sliding at the base. The above values for friction have no built in factor of safety, so an appropriate factor of safety for each particular load case should be used in all subsequent calculations. Wall backfill can consist of any non-overly wet, on-site generated fill material other than topsoil (le. the use of low permeable topsoil as exterior backfill should be limited to the upper-most one- foot within landscape areas). To avoid damage to foundation walls during backfill, only hand- operated, compaction equipment is recommended within three feet of any wall that is not buried on both sides. Material and compaction recommendations for wall backfill materials are provided in a following section. Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page 21 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 Interior Concrete Slabs General recommendations for interior slab support are depicted on Figure 10; and include: As a rule, all organic topsoils should be removed from beneath interior concrete slabs. Since the topsoil thickness across much of the site is less than two feet, the stripping of these soils should not present too many problems nor should it add substantial cost to the project. In some locations on the site, topsoils ranged between 2.0 to 4.5 feet in depth. For slab applications within these areas, we recommend at a minimum that the upper two feet of these soils be removed since they generally contained the most organic matter. i The native fine-grained soils that underlie the stripped topsoil will provide suitable slab support as long as they are not overly wet. For conservancy, the upper eight inches of slab subgrade soils should be compacted to 95 percent of ASTM D-698. However, proof rolling of the subgrade surface with heavy equipment is usually adequate to detennine whether the soils are in an unyielding condition and able to provide the required support. If areas of tile. subgrade are found to be soft, they should be removed and replaced with compacted fill materials of proper suitability. Any material placed for the purpose of raising slab elevations should be compacted as prescribed above. Material and compaction recommendations for slab support fill materials are provided herein. At a rrvnimum, the uppermost 18 inches of material under slabs should be a compacted engineered fill section that includes 12 inches of structural fill and six inches of washed or screened, crushed rock. If subgrade conditions are found to be too severe or if the slab will be subjected to vehicular loading, this recommended thickness will have to be increased on a case-by-case basis. In addition, wet subgrade conditions may warrant the use of a geotextile separator- fabric (Amoco 2004 Woven Fabric or approved equivalent) at the base of the engineered fill section. This fabric will prevent the movement of structural fill materials into the subgrade soils. The purpose of the structural fill layer is to improve subgrade soil strengths and serve as a stable construction platform on which Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Page 22 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,Mf January 30,2002 I work can be conducted. It will protect the native subgrade soils against rutting in wet conditions; and help to bridge the slab over possible irregularities in the subgrade, which typically occur near foundation walls and utility trenches. The crushed rock layer will allow for the establishment of a uniform grade at slab elevations, increase the support capacity of the underlying soils, and promote free subsurface drainage. If exterior footing drains are installed, the rock layer should be hydraulically connected to them to allow any water that accumulates under the slab to adequately drain. To prevent a build up of moisture under floor coverings and subsequent loss of bonding of the floor covering to the slab, we recommend a polyethylene vapor barrier be placed immediately under all slabs that will receive floor coverings that are less permeable than the concrete. This practice should be implemented with strict specifications for concrete to minimize the water in the mix. By utilizing water/cement ratios of 0.4 or less in conjunction with additives to enhance workability and the use of curing compounds to slow the drying rate, curling of the slab can be adequately controlled. Although many practitioners advocate burying the vapor barrier under a layer of sand or gravel "blotter" to reduce curling of the slab, this practice often times traps additional moisture between the slab and the vapor barrier which requires even longer periods of drying prior to placing the floor cover than would the recommended method. Exterior Concrete Slabs General recommendations for exterior slabs are depicted on Figures 9 and 10; and include: ➢ The subgrade support of exterior slabs is identical to that recommended for interior slabs (ie. removal of organic soils, verification of an unyielding upper surface via compaction or proof-rolling, excavation and replacement of soft spots, and use of fill materials). ➢ A minimum six-inch layer of compacted, washed or screened, crushed rock is recommended for placement under exterior slabs for reasons similar to those given for Allied Engineering Services, Inc. Page 23 Laurel Glen Subdivision Projert:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 l interior slabs. In addition to the crushed rock, all exterior slabs that will be subjected to repeated, vehicular loadings, such as parking lots or roadways, should be constructed on a sub-base layer of sandy (pitrun) gravel having a minimum compacted thickness of twelve inches. The sub-base thickness may have to be increased for heavy loading applications, such as truck traffic. Exterior slabs should grade away from foundation walls at a minimum of two percent. FOUNDATION-:RELATED FILL MATERIALS Material, usage, placement, and compaction recommendations are provided below for foundation-related fills that may be necessary for this project site. Our compaction recommendations are presented for general applications (ie. structural fill under footings, slab support, and wall backfill), not for specific material types. Sandy (pitrun) Gravel Sandy gravel should be an organic free, well-graded Material that has 100 percent passing a six- inch screen and less than 20 percent -finer than a #200 sieve. fines should be non-plastic. Material meeting this specification can be used as structural fill under footings and slabs. Washed or Screened Crushed Rock Washed or screened crushed rock should be a clean, durable material that has 100 percent passing the one-inch screen and less than one percent finer than the#100 standard sieve. At least 50 percent of its particles shall have fractured faces. Similar to the sandy gravel, this material can be used as structural fill under footings and as slab support. Allied Encineerine Services. Inc. Page 24 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman, MT January 30, 2002 On-Site Generated Fill On-site gcnerated fill should be a select material that excludes organics (topsoil), fat clays and rocks larger than six inches. The silty, sandy gravels meet these criteria and therefore can be readily used. However, the finer grained sands, silts, and clays overlying the gravels will only be acceptable provided their moisture content is near optimum. Suitable on-site fill materials can be used as slab support and wall backf-ill,but should never be placed under footings. Pill Placement and Compaction Regardless whether fill materials are imported or on-site generated, they should all be placed in uniform, horizontal lifts and compacted to an unyielding condition. In general, the thickness of each layer of fill prior to compaction should not exceed eight inches for heavy equipment compactors and four inches for hand-operated, walk-behind, mechanical compactors. The moisture content of the material at the time of compaction should be within +/- 2% of optimum. Provided below are compaction recommendations for general foundation applications. These recommendations, which are presented as a percentage of the maximum dry density of the material being placed as defined in ASTM D-698, apply to each of the above referenced fill materials. A common misconception is that washed or screened, crushed rock does not require compaction. This material can easily be compacted using a vibratory compactor (ic. plate compactor or smooth drum roller). While it is not moisture sensitive, it does require compaction. Table 2. Compaction Recommendations (Application Vs. Percent Compaction) APPLICATION p7o COMPACTION Structural Fill Under Footings 97 Slab Support 95 Wall Backfill 95 Allied Engineerintz Services,Inc. Page 25 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30 2002 l SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE General recommendations for drainage are depicted on Figures 9 and 10; and include: Surface Drainage In general, site grading needs to establish positive drainage away from all building improvements. Concrete walks and drives located next to the foundation walls should be sloped away at a minimum grade of two percent. In adjacent landscaped areas (yards, beds, etc), the recommended grade away from the wall is five percent nunimum for at least ten feet. In order to further limit the potential of moisture infiltration along Nvalls, the upper-most one-foot of backfill in landscape areas should be low permeable topsail. Finally, roof drainage should be discharged away from foundation footprints. Subsurface Drainage Since seasonal high groundwater has historically encroached within shallow depths (one to four feet below the ground surface) across much of the site, the best solution for limiting Moisture- related, foundation issues is to conservatively set interior floor slabs or crawl space depths above potential high groundwater elevations. In order to further reduce the risk of water problems, we recommend the following subsurface drainage improvements be installed: > Buried concrete foundation walls should be coated and damp-proofed with a suitable commercial sealant designed for foundation applications. A minimum of six inches of washed or screened, crushed rock and a polyethylene vapor barxier shall be placed under all interior concrete slabs AND on the excavated floor of all crawl spaces. The rock layer will serve as a capillary break and as a drainage media to transmit water to the perimeter of the foundation footprint. Allied rngtneering Services, Inc. Pace 26 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 l ➢ As previously stated, minimizing crawl space depths will be the most effective way to prevent moisture problems. However, as an added precaution, we also recommend incorporating foundation sub-drains into the design. The elevation of these drains, which can be laid level, sliall be equal to or below the base of the footing. All drain limes should be four-inch slotted or perforated, PVC or PE piping that is bedded in six inches (min.) of washed or screened, crushed rock(around its circumference); and encased in an approved non-woven filter fabric. Footing drains should gravity discharge down-slope and away from any structure in an approved location. If this is not possible due to site constraints or topography, we recommend the use of a sump chamber and a mechanical pumping system. In cases where subsurface drainage improvements are not installed, we recommend (at the very least) that all components that could be negatively affected or severely damaged by water be eliminated from the crawl space, particularly those essential to the operation of the structure. LIMITATIONS Presented herein are general gcotechnical-related recommendations for the property encompassed by the proposed Laurel Glen Subdivision. Our recommendations are based on previous engineering experience with similar geologic environments; and specific soil and groundwater conditions encountered in on-site explorations. If subsurface conditions, inconsistent with our field findings, are uncovered during construction, we should be advised immediately so we can reconsider our recommendations if needed. This report was prepared for the Owners, Architects, Engineers, and Contractors who are associated with this site; and should be utilized during the planning, design and consiniction of underground utilities, roadways, parking lots, and buildings. It should be made available to other parties for information on factual data only and not as a warranty of actual subsurface conditions such as those interpreted herein. Allied Bnginee.rine Services,Inc. Page 27 Laurel Glen Subdivision Project:00-185 Durston Road,Bozeman,MT January 30,2002 We appreciate the opportunity to perform these services. PIease call if you have any questions. Sincerely, Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Lee S. Evans, PE Craig Madson, PE Geotechnica],.-ngineer Geolechnical Engineer LEA SCOT 1 F`,f'°=J J ��,• ffll�oJoz. REFERENCES Seed, H.B., and Idtiss, I.M. (1982). "Ground Motion and Soil Liquefaction During Earthquakes", Monograph Series, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, University of California, Berkeley, California. Slagle, Steven E., (1995), "Geohydrologic Conditions And Land tlse in The Gallatin Valley, Southwestern Montana, 1992-93, U.S. Department Of The Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Setvbozu'rojects\2000\0D•185 LtuTel G1en\Gcotechnical\Report\00-I959eotechrpt.doc Allied Engineering Services,Inc. Page 28 LIST OF FIGURES Figure I — Vicinity Map Figure 2 — Site Plan of Existing Conditions with Test Pit Locations Figure 3 — Site Plan of Proposed Subdivision Layout with Test Pit Locations Fig it re 4 — Environmental Geology Map Figure 5 — Thickness of Topsoil at Each Test Pit Location Figure 6 — Depth. to Gravel at Each Test Pit Location Figure 7 — Depth to Groundwater at Each Test Pit Location Figure 8 — NRCS Soil Map Figure 9 — Foundation Excavation, Drainage & Backfill Detail for a Crawl Space Application Figure 10 — Foundation Excavation, Drainage cot Backfill Detail for an Interior Slab Application r AIM rl 282 Iv -as all ,M ca I ON I OR 00 00,In" no 0 n- MIN me 21 ow Wn m a a rm 0 0 ra maw c ca. ow a am rx nQ if m 12 IS ra rl o ■ S3 K3 IM Sm Cm N In 5. x In KU • ii 00. la C5Z .5 Elm Alm No N x 1139 Em law am a ih 7 no rr cm 11,10 1■1 I'll. .1. 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'•�Pi[ �' � �;a.�:a. :F�O',i,- I 0 5 1. ,` •• `j:b: .�.pa s• o: .�• G -irk.r'•p�,4 4�� '. ..GRADE I .' �1°'1�1.�"••tAJ.u��'� � '4:. 01 70 R d ?:P• n t v, y, o'�� •�r � 1.2 . d�"� �' v .�",��S,U.B.D•�I�IS'f 0�1� t;; fo . : ::dr .1i•:i p eJzl;l' r ��;ia?r�erxu-..vs.:1.:•I'l�aa:rl3Fzati,+.s. ..�r.,�l'i 'b•"di P' ✓ 0 5 5 10 trt Park - ctuage rA Al." Dis sal nt kr.: si pia• 11.0 ,a. 16CIS N 5 QO44 NN Ira 8.7 •s0 X4JJa< LEGEND 0 6000 12000 18000 Qal = FLUVIAL DEPOSITS ((QUATERNARY) SCALE: 1 INCH = 6000FEET QTo = ALLUVIAL FAN DEPOSITS (QUATERNARY & TERTIARY) BASE MAP: GEOHYDROLOGIC CONDITIONS & LAND USE IN THE GAL_LATIN VALLEY, SOUTHWESTERN MONTANA; BY: STEVEN E SLAGLE, 1995 LAUREL (GLEN SUB. �" �,_ FIGURE 4 c, `L Civil Lngi°ccring UOLMUZIINIT DRIVE DRA%4 BY: 1JC E?1 TVIRONIAENTAL GEOLOGY M. F ALLIED Land Surveying PI(04E(W6)9]A2]I DAIt. 12/200) 7t Gcolcchnical Engineering, FAX 1401 W.577P BOZEIAAN11, MONTAINZA ua�ItcaaRlNc PROJECT k 00"185 f1CURE 4.DN1. TP-36 TP-35 TP-34 i.f TP-33 TP-32 TP-31 TP-42 `A�,�,.. ,r s LEGEND 1 TPA i c TEST PIT LOCATION TP-28 TP-29 TP-30 J g TP-26 — "I 25 TP-27 TP-41 NOTE Y TP-2,TP-14,TP-37, TP-38, & ' TP-40 WERE NOT EXCAVATED .-..- - -........-.. _.._.._.._...-.. -19 `DTP-22 i TP-21 DTP-20 --TP-24 ` TP-23 ' TP-39 i i TP-1 Ei !( T 15 TP-13 TP-18 i = i TP 10 TP 9 TP-8 TP-7 TP-12 TP- 1 JC TPA DTP- TP 5 i TP-3 , 3 UURST<)ti ROAD ` UO'LE11AN CITY U>111 PROACT oo—tas No. RENSoras DRAWN BY DATE o zoo Ao0 �rxt LAUREL GLEN SUBDIVISION -' Civil Engineering DATE t/2oo2 "-�'. `• g 32 DISCOVERY DRIVE x FIGURE 3 -SITE PLAN OF PROPOSED SUBDIVISION LAYOUT s�L�� Land Surveying BOZEMAN.NIT 59718 FIGURE 3.dog SCALD: t 1801 � 4M F1�i WITH TEST PIT LOCATIONS �,�,jED Cicotechnical Engineering PHONE(a0b)582-0221 PROJECT ENGaNEER LE DRAWN BY: t� ENGINEERING Structural Engineering FAXfaOG)582-3770 BOZEMAN,MONTANA scm�v,caa.l a. DESIGNED BY LE RENEWED BY: LE TP-36 TP-35 TP-34 i TP-33 TP-32 TP-31 5.5' iK 5.5' j3.75' 3.0' i< TP-42 ii i p 3.0' LEGEND i TP-1 TP-25 §' TP-26 � TP-27 '= TP-28 - TP-29 TP-30 _ 01 N ,.� � � ''• � 3.0' 3.0' � � �- GRAVEL DEPTH (FT) 6 5 ' S.754.5 ; 3.5 AT TEST PIT LOCATION I TP-41 4. i TP-24 TP-23 ; TP-22 `� TP-21 TP-20 TP-19 2.5' 6.0 03.5' i 5.5' 2.75' 4.25' i : y TP-39 TP-17 TP-16 ! TP-15 TP-13 TP-18 _ 6.0' 2.5' i 3.0' 3 5' i ; 1 TP-12 TP-11 TP-10 ;' TP-9 - TP-8 TP-7 3.0' 5.5' 4.0' 2.0' V _ 3.75' 3.75'� f =1 _ 6 TP-5 TP-4 TP-3 TP-1 5 2 2.75' 3.0' iTF� 2 �4 5` 5.0' ocl5ro, fi0-1p •• ••• ' 110ME IAN CITY LIMITS �2 r� C' NO. REVISIONS DRAWN BY DATE 0 200 400 600 PROJECT k 00-185 _ LA 7•;f7•,T;L '�L;i';N SUBDIVISION Tex Civil Engineering PI 'V.�a!C: �i� -, 33 DISCOVERY DRIVE DATE: 1/2002 - _- - -�`��Mi Land Surveying 90ZEMAN.MT59718 FIGURE 6.dvq SCAT F•. IINCH 400 FEET T PHONE(406)582.0221 FIGURE 6-DEPTH TO GRAVEL A7'EACH TEST PIT LOCATION ALLIEY� Gcotechnicaf Engineering PROJECT ENGINEER:LE DRAWN BY: LJG C•ZEMAN,AIOIV�ANA CNGINEERIPIG Structural Engineering FAX(406)532-5970 DESIGNED BY: LE REVIEWED BY: LE s¢.av,cr,wc. rq -35 TP-33 4j",, TP-32-TP-31 TP-34 3.51 5.0 -TP-36- 7.0 5.0 T 4L51' 15 4.01 H TP-42 4.25 -M LEGEND 'IF TP-1 4.25' 29-TP-30- TP-25 TP-26 TP-28 1 ($� GROUNDWATER DEPTH (FT) 51 4.25"$ ' 6.5' 6.5' u 6.0' VA AT TEST PIT LOCATION TP-41 3.75' NOTE: GROUNDWATER DATA WAS OBTAINED ........... ON NOVEMBER 27 & 29, 2001 TP TP-21 TP-20- TP-19 TP-24 -23 TP-22$ 5 4.0- 6.0' .0' 4.5'F4.0' 7.0 TP-39 4.0' FT ----------- TP-17- TP-1 6 TP-15 TP-13 4.25-0 TP-1 8 >8.0' -0-3.75' 4.0'- A �i TP-12 TP-1 0 TP-9 = TP-8 TP-7 5.0, 4.5' qr>75-1 F4.5' w 14.5' A TP-5 TP-4 il .+1 4.5 4.25 P-3.�,., = TP-1 TP-6 (V ' 1 '0 3.5' 4.5 ROAD -nmrNIAN CITY LIMITS NO. REVI—Vwn ,[)RAWN BY DATE 0 200 400 600 Engineering PROJECT A 00-185 Civi I E '2 01SCOVERY DRIVE DATE-- 1/2002 LAUREL GLEN SUBDIVISION , 10--1 Land Surveying 13OZENIAM NIT S9718 FIGURE 7.dai SCALE: I INCH 400 FEET PHONE(406)582.0221 Gcotechnical Engineering FIGURE 7- DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER AT EACH TEST PIT LOCATION ALLIED FAX 006)582.3-170 PROJECT ENC I'll LJG ENGINEEPING Structural Engineering DESIGNED BY; LE RENIM-0 BY: LE BOZEMAN,MONTANA --aRvl.-Zs.1— 1 zf �"r''n -+gm'i is°' ,r 3_Uc.�` # 5 .,G+. 4 a�aKti $ A '. r5.� F. _ irS1�yW��.j :. �'+��d3','t..cy f _-.:� ...t xr•• P 11.-a10 4'��kc._ ` �? i -- ! g V �'F} ; _' t aSdii•NYCib�. :�# � rs a: - s ✓f ,.. •�S ! •: l q�hi�.'•r.wr e Y kr. `, z Jc..• f 3,Nuti7. '. r ..f r1. f - t r,. •,�Sy.� t",�C-. Y-� �r`;±' �' �yR{.y.+��1Q• '�S£. 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IQ IIII=IIU-IDI=IIII-IIII -UU=IIII IIUII-IIII Q . �IIIIaUII-IIII,„IUI=IUlallll_I III�IIII I• H .a M rr�! (J11rJ�r ,��11i - .0•_0 _ :O :Q � '" �; _ to c + 1tr'rfl+rlr'rr Q 0• "Q " 0: Q O dl �12 a u, F 11}. •0. C •4d �o 0 0 0 •- 3 a 0 ' ° 'o � c p r ° ri IIII:,: � •0' •0 - ,_a ,� N ¢) N O 4l I I I N C ' Z Z 3=� III , . 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W U ``r O , [ •C � }" .0 L o o E o o 0 E > ODE o oa E � CD W Q E c W c •- `A U Q" �' c o c $ d r c , a� W c o'o Q LZ z4 F. c y � dam F: L U :t F]+ cu r W k i-7 ? a 0 r� p '7 o d�K o 0 0 cv 1-4 E via NR r4 r/j 4o I t z Z C:3 CIO 00 r n vi cD Ln f f t4(j u ul 0 f r c"n CIJ D L rw D 0 f CO Z CO tj 'n cL - 9 a D CD 0 0 u 0 119j.vm% E v. cj C3 ul E 0 -1Z aj u cj 1w dj iz, E r% 43 c* n Z5 v) cpj -cl at) > r bb s cq u C; ci -Iz � y Liu N a cis Ll o apcn Cl C, GNU c Tfr• r � r 'rl� ttil :'r j1 I t > tl C!J v � CO C1 CZ E-' O Uj)H.T.d3a r4 v o _ CKI o N O O x x Q S3'IdY�I'd5 U U (0 7 < d O 213.WA% }O vi 0 C ..J � '• .. E V a p CO E u � � W � � � •G � a � t7 cu `C as o a a in cl 01 It G,CA, •' ,u.. W a cl u cn o " r o o cn y qc > , c H �, C ✓ ai W o Q T L n'•o 0 0 � a o � An t- v M con C. i~ i r.'O o Co _m � � co � t+ 1''' r F 1 t t f' a � ° —._ - - — C7 cQa 1 a f W c U f , ' 1 °If `f 1' 1 T � rrt � ` � '(i ❑ o Cl ^ r r•' i i 1 C a v O 1'l { f{ 1 j f Q , y Pi N - 4tF�+, V v v w ° UA HUM r f 7 0 0o G cv 0 Q * �4 U S3'1dKVS Q UU UO m m a �aadm pro c o x a a o F h a E 3 m c o U v? N an >1 o o v tt wl- in U ° p � ° ana, o a � W o �; a � rzc W x E f in A irr a is a to y ti C t-iOn c o a ,ri > W Q co C= U +D Ww 6 v] o o ' c .° o o a vi o nc �' z C <U L O N trrrrlr ; rrr�l , � 1 �' f '�1 ,it t O � •r 0 o r LED v , :. ,.� � L Q , 0 O In � N co o > O 1 (/t �� 1 (/t o ° o r •a ° O ' � z ,-� •;�;' t• ;' `• ' 1. ; O �� ° o ��lr'rrF•'JJ( t r . of 0 0 V v t rr� V `� i i' ! 'rti i'!• d O ° o U 4l p n v o CZI WWI ? f 0 i i' tt i' t; o o JU QF O E-J a U H x r 1r t ' O �4 (.L 1)N.LdHa N v 0 00 a N O S9`IdY�'S U U 0 dW O ,LK3 NON ZIB LVM% aU 0 p E O a ocj v > O E a .0 M .`� c o ° ni `c � PG � � Lv� c: v noo W z o G ro u W r. u - a [L a -C) O y �u G� c nnC7 roa G �, n � v o 0 0 c t � w w ,1 ! ! a a w pp ' 1 i t 1 ( 1_ 0 + 9 r 0 Q 1. O 1 �rf t i j 1 l] -.0 !!ri lrltflrri U'j 0 r r'? rr�! f 1 I G T L ; o f{ ? f,'r r w � a 0 tU �° o w w r ' 0 o �. ° W r ' vj '!{' t iflrri a �o W U (1J)H.Ld3Q u' W 04 .i x Q .Nc STIMNVS U U C7 ¢ ¢ O .Lhi:I.LNUa �_ 219XVM% U 0 — to ^ o 'p N C vv o En z of Q �-' o T c � CL) -� ¢ u J w U � ino .aE Uj U q Q n L J � W A q . CO coo o �!! 1 ,:?r--,-•ram --- r vj to to 13 cn o a°', �i'(r; . t,r i 1. 1•�t �' J; t,`t;•;(1, l,`;;1 i' J;.'. ° ° ono ar~i N f ;tl�; tr ,rJ(•r•ftlt E1!+tt! �!+!rt J, p p o a �' fill r','fi'i/J 1,'„ 1. ?,';'1 (l, 0 O U +'it 't(tl irtrl`! irfJ!(°� irltl' f irJtr` � � ° ftl > � , r.Jt',I •!! f � rJ,, , +'r if ( ° Q v '`-' W W f�itl!!' !f;,rJtt'.l irllJ f�irtfJfli (Jtr` o � O � q r! rrf( , 0 to J r t ,: !+ ff+rf 1(lot o ; r '!(fl ' ! ilttJ' O ° p G, :� + +' 1; +''t+' 1• r't;i + �• r'•tt i J ;r : 0 y u cla u ,a U t,+ J ,• f•+ + 1 ,�•r s't+ J ,r : , J I•; s , f o Cz � O° a C7 q r;r 1; jfrri i'( It l 1. :. O o ° c W N ' ',`J!! ;t ! '!!! (,tlliil (tr !�';'!! !'+ Coll ,..., O ;r ( ; f;r ( ,rt ;,ist , � t;r J• a o r Q ,t Hx r: Hoy (.I^I)FItdHCI r, oo o N h Cam s 2i 3J.dM°/V z W 1•I G � H Ld +, � o R cu a O ^�, rj ai O aj Qj c a, ,p a R g o m n. "' one ° v, � m h u � on, oili.: 43 �, O Fl. u in .ter L O �_ a Q on O a• 67 a 'v, on r W. C, ,z >1 O ? _ a` onn a, avj a i o o a Cl 0 c .� ct A > C 'D .i0 W in .� a it J W w O O T v G O ccl c1 u ` c 0.M G _ rs i to n n o (� ooEon oo � oo � � Cj � � W o f� In c L.�, o . cl �,, O bA y 6 d �• L W n � o 1a >, o -a o c a g � ' Ca vv. a �_ - h n C7 u 7 v O~ O y Q Cy A•1 w � II � O 0 W ip v� N d _ uo ; o a w a F- O %p - — r r , OO G � O 00 i cif U z w 0 _ z ' A � n cl p, .L. U m S�IdWVS U U C7 P�4 O itssa.rto� xr cn �t�.tdm Rio G ayy oLi a� r z O > > o c D m ai o ri H tn o -U u c1 O C w LLJ cn .] o p., o c, � o a •� vj G a y U A A A�Y ri (n n CDs A a o �" -gar H cq COO Cf) C) C) 00 co L. CL) C-4 v 10 0 cl at 0 a!Vi C. v v as .10 j C, (9)Ct--)Z 0j)H.Ld3a cv a w (D r4 0 0 u u 0 G < l< 0 IRSIROD zz 'd&IM% cr) k- a cn 'D cl CU Cl (U C-4 M..c = C', > cl Ei w 1 2 (n C9 > �K w § d MCCU QJ C.3 Ls tn .0 0 44 > tr L. ca C=; Cl. All, h G cat J u o f� � II II II II O r i fi N r r E Con : . i ,, a ° °. c 1 r r i; o d . o y c 00 00 OOP � >4 b U u 0 0 0 � +r1. r'•I• ' 1. !'. ° � ° o Leh � �c v,V3 a C1 r � cq cl co ° ° ° cl ci Oo L q r(�r1� ' !r Zr`!l' 1 i rlfl' 0 0° p �Q 0 z o _ , , r+ f � 0 E-� Z 'r1 tt , rjl• 1: Q ° � /� a U d O r E-� O (14)Hld3CI N �r --- a N w w m x x Q �Of.Y zz �2)oh m as a usiVm% A co �, -- ti n .o a o u aGi 2s o Q O a � o o a. v G u E .X G .,O_, jci n .D GL G j 'E ' ro y 0 6 In G r aQ � c: ,O O ai G ,.�-. a .0 00 ry as O G x O cGi (1! 7 a� "� i .0 ..� G a! �"^ r 'O cVGY Li.] a iy ooE n � � �- � � = aE � v � w p q nCD wT r-�z U Q V) E ~ i bA n c� El w p, w. � n 7 r.+ V] ti M i II II M O C yy V (VVCf I 1 � •y� •u1 W • rlll j 'rr'+1 I 1+ V Q C '� � f 'r{'I 1 f 'f j' ° •� rj � � C, a c Cn ` 't O G l> 0 �' `oCD no N Cl) � i N t CD Do if C-4 f (1 ' rr f1' cn tl w a J en r f r r f + C� •[ M F O Gr q E e ' J ° H C� o - vo ci .)E:FV) - W z U ;fJjl1 1, 0' Q � ov a Coo o z f,rl ( tf1/: v �C4 Oa o 00 z ., v v� c p r O G A c Id E2 o 'vr N (11)H Ld:ld 00 C� c•r p O .I.t�3.l.P1U:7 a ldaidm pro Cl w „C i ox � � 7 CTaCT,, F•• i CS � �y d '5 n � w " o 7 a �+ � ' z G w /wI✓ f 1a ACE - AEr, o one bye fit Q cs n ` t~ v vi tr H U Q 7 y D X C ^ G �•• fA L wu n 2:16 .K on o G > chi 1z U f:ra A o on.o Z N r, d qq� Q O O O DO H C5 a ca v M p , t , o , t [ C4 00 0o r 0 h O l f , o 0w fsa cd P� n lz cz vr , W 1 r:; a 0 0 0 v] cv t { !j' ' ! 0. ,0 0 0 0 O }� II `1} 11A)Hidgd N oo O N O O Q mo INSINOD 21 .ldM% m - CD cil .0 w E a E > �, ►n r w 0 t0 C a � G .o a, Q u u U w M Cl In ,n 0 �"�` A O r Jew r 000QC4s O n sir �n � o il 'r}•!'illrr'! ' t r d !ir ilj t.' ri r !1; r;til 1. 1: fil li rt ril f 1i p , 00 00 Z Iflrli1! rl 'rl'! itrrf:'!', ! ir!1! - O j! ,ji t ,11, ri !!;1i t'i/1 :i r•(;r D� 0 I" .� H � 1 r i f;1 / , ri 1 r , '•' (i, r ; :f ! ; 0 1 �i � U ' •' r '(rtr i ! r!!'! rt 'rr' ! ! ! 'r�� ! i ! rrl� a � 0 ��•1 O i1 'rl' ! •' 1`r!'! i t 'r('! •' f 'rrs ('i Irr/° 0 Ql ° a irir . tir / 1. ar:r !• '1!il 1. 1; r� If t- '1 t ( l•�r'i� 1•ri N i l �r l r t'l �i' r r t' �+� f.. 1 >ir j :.rr trr ! rir 1; cs r o r`n r I W ' � � li,l ' /• ! i l'rf` + i f,rrl'! ' rrl ' , Ir,1� o � � lit U Q ' I ;it , ll 1,rstrj lis'(;l r :'r; r � � �' i� ! ' /t!i} ( ' !1`:I t ! 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'� � TJ T r�ii 4 v y a ooc > w t O v� —n c a no0 0 o v W cc v -,� W '- a CIO in p `y A WE, C/ � m t= � .A C O ^ ^j to p � � O T C W b v r' O rL, N N 0 `i ► �,�r A cn S ,y O r r , r, r r;', i , ❑ r. j � W 00 ci rr ; f;',,jr( .l, Q ! M coo > d C� ,•% ( rirrl;lrSlrrl;� r' r• ; � •° � H 11 Q '� Lq (.[.d)ludac0 0Q Wx S�"1d3N 1�S Q < O .Lt�t3.Lt10J UalvM%u �. 25 bA ra-a u a in Ij,a u a 1 ca N ,n rr� u CL a '� z In n w a QJ C ai O in rV'. cu d f� a v Cl `n c n o 00 v C3 CoC ^v cc G E I d wu i Cl) � n ." •o il, .0 � > ih p a I m � OC) �� •I.'`rijr. f::�;i;jl. ,',i;,, ir, t::rf'.` r ! !, ,`�' � � ...� �_ �� wCl) � +t••r r lrrr l 1 ' , 1 (`}',r' , �(7 1 r 7 1 )r' � �� �j 7 °u �c 'CI ¢� jjlrili 7 J; r) }:Iri J!'J; O rrrlirrlrr E1r1rI 'r /rlrt1lr /r } 4 (�00 co r r' 1 r' r, ( ' r' i 1 ' ! i o 0 o o 0 Nab a m 40 ?' ?ro 0 i Q 'n coa, .`..' W a N U �'! ; f1(rI! jf1( (' li.rifr'! ifitif �° a p �, � � oou W > 0 `to Vic . n V (Q�] A Q n w �t;il` 1 fr';i'll !;'fi 7! J• !:1fi! ! 1 !, D O U C�Cn V1 '—. {1.. Q 10 �1 0 a•- !•i!r i r 1 ' ?!I I! /N irr?E j''?,r !f !Ir ?• I I 80 s / ! Ir,r(! ! f ! f' ! ;,f,!!�rr � (�(lf ° D o i cli ° D acu E+ c Y O z ? rrrlif ?r!,i! rr ?d!,i ' !i ? '?,il !' ?. Q° O (� AVVV r 1 1 t , 0 �o (I ! t !1' O n L aaaaCIO v (7 Q il1 (, il ! 1; filf !} fll1; Oro N ??r,�r ' 7 `r II ? rl? r ? r? I; i ?• _ er 0 O W u r1v6«i F.., z i�:r,'171. !r;l•ijJ /;rr,7'�J. I:'fi7jr.�j, � � O p c .- r: v a E-' � M OC�UU a O > p 1jr:�� 1 r�?J`rIr 1 (?:illy 1r'?)triii 1r'1' ;u u 0 I Ems- 0 W Uj)Fud;IQ N v co o N Q Qpin� Wvto� Uo� (>O� .--. U U S31djAIVS o V y �`-' boy d d O ?KWA% _ N m o PCL cu 00 cl [ L y O CU ov o a o M � :n c c � u � y o �� yoe � 0 .o a E a c a E .0 L v d a o '0 QIn W W In06 in 1 �� QJ i� o cEoac C3o Dom (� y (10 '� CA 'O -r'....2! C •O �Ti r t�'cn Z ,� N M U.T E"' r� 7 <W" 0 0 0 ^ -1 M � C 'ram LJ lit 0o I r �• ! i,a � zCI D ca ❑ U + r r �.. r (r •r.' ( a 1 19 M N i' 1• i!'+ �'1. 1;'r r r, i.; O p ❑ t > 1 a 0 IT , f--� t r r' !.°t i r' 1• t',i i l (1• P O C/1 C,r rco , fl, U F- 0 (.L.I)H.Ld3Cr N w w 0 x W � � O S3'1dIAIVS U U (D d Q O .Lt�13.LPiOJ ,d3j.VM% m � O is v kn C y 7 O Kr o m ,4 Fr p •O �, q •- •. bD r r I"� W G, U Ri �•-' �- W t= y �� v'o o a 7 lW-1 w 3 :~ uo Q Q � u U E day � � w} � Q L a � o C,3 .c r c c 'n o an E- ,. ...�z u Q a o E Z:�.�` a 4 'o C7 u 00 � 0 ca p. tri f 'r1' 1 i 1 r .y a� 0 r , F• r: , � C? P - Iti;l trz�,rr; ! l;rr; v o o� � n � 0 ° O 0 v; 1 v cis 0 U: p W 22 ' u Y Do or ° a E a rI' r ! r w W U (. j)iudw oO O N o x w � x � SaId1NVS d Q O .t�tair�!oo m po 2IJ HM% lu 'C vai m CIO N M G\ o N 0 4 O .0 E O rn y r O in p E � � r a � • n ,•c E -� n Vr� C c w W (, " co .° -.3c:s w G>i2 E ., ;naEan in ;� o � E o � y W Q U 79 ��� u i oo F C� Q.w n c �s P, t7a CU LY•t � r � ' o 0 D EA O cs O [il V d^^, ca : N it trirrl , a o � F- ° cl N rY-r 'IT cn r 0 uo O Ua)I-aclaa N 00 N _. x 0 � S9"idlN'dS C�`� Q O .Lrta.Lt�o� A-,q LVM% 1 d ci o rGO ca O o _ G O c G ri O. �o S z a y n > E v o w a aLi ots tab Cl - ' �+ a ai w O CA y O a ooEon " " avaL, ,n H o c a o A Q F O C/) ¢z u r N M td n I a //\\ �' 0 •s a) 0 D D In N 00 uj Dco z 4 O aj O ❑ D I (~ d Q O D o o w ,-, U ' Oa ° o U r w 0 O 4 ° Ong, T . 0 O ❑ D t `� U4 ❑ 0 i n Cl z ' W O w U O > P, O ° ° f- W w a x � o (J..:!)HJ.d:lG N r 00 c_> tv W W W x x W Boa S3,ldjNvs o a � O d ¢ O a1 W .a ?l3IWA% z cli CJ �' Oaj W kn u y v P a O N ti T. C o C O C A a y + O [f in z O Novi > S �- no y � v +- o � 00 ^o c v u W ,7 �^ z y .1 C G + u y a O r. H .o 0 o Z w „ •cu � W p� A� oo v > °�� ' Qs y cU/.) o c c Q —.A 4A(x. •i tVl A St O .r N t7 O O O q «s P-c G7 v M O (l Q n� 0 D p�J D 0 0 0 0 a C() o d O 0 o b a 0 a o 0 0 b d O� N o OO , ( �J U O --- -- O i j' r d Q7 O r'�11t ! D 4 �} 0 ° 0 O °l a D D a W a 0 0 ° 0 0 _l W ° ono � v < ------- o Q 00 0 V ti 0 O o o a Q �. ® Ila 0 0 0 ° 0 a s c rrr r f l 0 00 0 ° o r , o ci U D 0 (a Q 0 D 0 �! r 2 Z U tr1illJ a 0 OO c t7 a 0 QO 00 a p Oo ]4 0 = [ Lri d r rI a 0Do a ° a Don 0 0 o oo o N I.r o ,n O U H W lu W O r : t / Q r c� OA)H Ld3a N 0 a N o 0 0 c7 Sd"Id1Nb+S � � O IRS UROD 'd UVM% b a n N cCi v orn � F tr ; > v G Q M s ❑ o. n : o a h N a 0; C > �^ C4 c o 2 Cy r� Qm n O 0 0 N C7 m w o y d " L cn-J M A ii u p O L .E'. .y 0., o �' a •_ S o O vj a ae a rr'Cr o :d cz E .A • � r r r V' JGGVJ � C o° r_h Z ! r? c Caj N Q L trl'1 I rat ?. Q o ° Q �" .o W CV Q n � r-•a km , •' N �' O�, C,rd o i (/c�•�) c r r J p o In o ° b o b v v o `.r, `!• r i r f!� 0� o � 0 z � as � >•. 0 ,n 4n N a v ' 1• r; 1, o q � Oev H �f cl n o ��1/ W O it 1. I,l ace � W W (LI)If1dSa C11 o °o o ro 0 O Q � W N N 1 r $3^rdWt+S .r,rl�.t.rtoo m a� .a 21:�,LVM C V G I w V y Z o E �L+ a F tom, cu cl CIS ' � � aa ? r4 r a s (i�`a'o � o c`• ,ai o 0 on � > ctl c z- ° .A Q N-, r ;� ,.ar Q � cn c � tin rn .o C7 u Z; ^ �' 'ry can E--• t7 c si. r; r Qj f r.,l: r i 1 rj•' ; it 1' lfl N tzml COO as : : . ❑ ❑ O r f a w � E O ate., Q it r. i D 0 _ - - u 1 0 cq c7 4 O U f 1 i`t ,'• i` 1 rl ,, ` ! - D 0 o vi 'C acy 'I , D E~� o o � a V) N r1 1 i t�'.t lr(f J�l to, ❑ D -— �G �-;�ri E° .'�. f� O rfJ'ri',i (i`tf;;tSi,, C OV O > °i lrlrt ; r !r(1', D D Im W)1.1.Lc13Q N M O N O Q 53"IdIKVS U U (� < � O IN31 ROD AEUVM% uCU 5i t •^ C O O y L o f C O u p a o S E u ro ° O ,n u o v u �' >, gyp., •� .-. r"' q G W � W cl cry O + C n " c]. 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V ° GA,-, �W61 O O O a.. i r•� N cn Q o fl. o W3 N 0000 _ O ti N Z D ,D o O o D 4 W v a , O p U a w W 0 T O CS v p o cq D 0 — — O x v DCo cQ ~ as v x o �- n o� C Ocli E' F 0 a �d U O H w w a w (J�)I11d�Q cv r m o N 0 00 Q U coo •L�13.1.�10� acl CD i 5, o Q^ o IV o O o (Ac _ a x rrTT11 o a a. W S N , 06 000 m + 0 ~ � N D .a Q U 04 cl O D o � w ce cn Q N o w (Id)H_Ld3CI mo o0 o N S3'7dINVS A,4 Q O .LPi3Zr`I0� 21�LdM% ci e , y p ✓ W L v , c C Q + ro CD �. n� ctl LZ, C U O bA C C ,.,� y c2 �l' �p �•, O �s p ] o - c o � W a a o L n A 00 cc o o u C ul - t 4 O T cu acl rcn Laboratory Testing Results Test Residts—Allied Engineering Services, kc. m' Mois¢affe Content Anadysis GraL,:r. Sizw Dis(aibu i®nn Awflysis Attwberg ILimmi$Amlysis Test Rv,,,Wts—N`I[L?Emginvefiaag&Gouseienct,Enc. Moisium-Density lRe-latio nship (Cadi€omia Heuing11 a io AnnaI ysis CO N V" 00 O o O N U'3 Q> 10 O CDalp• U (co of CR U) M M r LoN N O (p N M 0) 00 (C) CD b C? (O r N (c7 x r co 0. r r CO CO r- r NP m 1 C) (D M co ct M O 0.7 N (n !:S (D 'CN IL M � r' M CD Co 00M M r M r N O if) M N co 0) co O co r u MGM NO ° G CID C) O � G _ _ _ r� O N d (0 M N Cl N c'') CO CD m Cp . �i Q C) d CO •c- LO m U) F— p T W (C) 4') V• r- M 0) CV N (D C') rn Q � or- (Y) Lr) r � Quo r` COVncl? - o w v1 � r 'nri mw `r' � �� cp ° `;' � � 0)rl- Il N lZ cn f- � � 4 N M r co CC) O r M lC) CO �t o CD Cn Cn (O N {� (C) �- O CO m In °t (O C M r) r� co rV U M r r- r- (f) O _ O 03 O m .-- w N V] h N U r rL Lo r Ul F- Ntio � o� 0 no (D �ra) �o CV O in `t r CO h (O lO CO cC) N `; M a O) (o A C? '? 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XDPUI APORsuld < 2 2 m m D- CL U)10 10 cn snrnd U-S U) pLA QS w FL 1:4 MIA TIN N,21 'wi,,, � �j'j il� U, ?I 0 T WINN.", ui U) VW _j CN co EU �D CO z 0 0 T; IT U) ao m 2 E p p =1 XaPul /'4P11sc1d CL < - w m 0 m o CL CL U) 0 U) U) ti LO N tll co E E :3 W FL -j V) ----------__j O Fong. Ll 00 I®r"4*91 R, 04 LLI Lu Cf) (j) �2 03 CD -Z, CO .My. L: 0 0 W U) cu a, ID CD C3O C) 0 co T cm CL C3 . G3 ' 2 a E 0)I., — = XOPUI A11011SLId 0 w m 0 CL n- WIMIC (f) CD CU E n (U m co (4 eg.- AR. tip tlr U) z 7 co zr- ---Iff co Cl) tr) co U) co -c- a --. -11 - , TR L: N :3 c - �E rn Cl E W P E a Q) W (1) Co (1) 'a Cb L) -a in < 2 co E ro 16 6 Xopul APaIISCId < iL (n 0 0 co Job No. 98-146 Date 12119101 I Project Allied Engineerin_q Source of Material Lab No. Point ID and Depth TP-36 3,0 Description of Material Silty CLAY CL-ML Test Method AASHTOT-99 Rammer Type Manual, 5.5# TEST RESULTS AT TERBERG LIMITS Maximum Dry Density 'I00.6PCF LL PL P1 Optimum Water Content 20.5% % % 103.0 Curves of'100% Saturation R 1 - For Specific Gravity Equal to: Y102.0 2.70 0 S101.0 T 11100.0 P 0 U 99.0 n d I — s 98.0 P e r 97.0 C U b 96.0 F 95.0 0 0 t 94.0 -- — 93,0 _ 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 WATER CONTENT(Percent Dry Weight) I� ©, MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP \,,r NTL Engineering&Geoscience Plate No.2 a :nK Great Falls,Ml' 59405 Job No. 98-146 Date 12/19/01 Project Allied Engineering Source of Material Lab No. Point ID and Depth TP-21 3.0 Description of Material SILT MIL Test Method AASHTO T-99 Rammer Type Manual,5.5 It TEST RESULTS ATTERBERG LIMITS Maximum Dry Density 79.7PCF LL PL PI Optimum Water Content 33.4% % a/, % T Curves of 100% Saturation 86 I For Specific Gravity C R Y Equal to: v u I 2.70 E 84 N s T 82 Y I P £30 0 �•- n d 78 P e 76 r C n 74 F 72 0 0 t 70 68 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 WATER CONTENT(Percent(Dry Weight) MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP NTl_ Engineering & Geoscience Plate No. 1 �,R.t Great Falls, MT 59405 65 -- -F f 60 S5 — -- 50 4S —— 40 s T R 35 E S S 30 P s i 25 — 20 15 I - 10 —* -- J 0 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 PENETRATION,In Specimen Identification Classification DD7 MC% 0 TP-213.0 - CBR: 2.9211. @ 0.1" (Soaked) Swelled: 2.42% (10#Surcharge) Tested at Dry Density=75.0 pcf, MC=35.2% Moisture Content of Top 1" Layer--41.3 PROJECT I Allied Engineering JOB NO. 98-146 DATE 12M 9101 - CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST NTL Engineering &Geoscience Plate No. 3 Great Falls,MT 59405 65 - -- _ 130 55 50 45 — 4D --- s T R 35 E - - S s P 30 25 20 15 — 10 5 0 0. 0 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 PENETRA?ION,in Specimen Identification Classification I QD I MC% -. . - - _ - �. .._.TP=36.------_.�...0_----- -• ---• -----Silty_.C�4Y•WL-114�� ._-•----•- --- CBR: 2.95% @ 0.11, (Soaked) Swelled: 1.07% (10#i Surcharge) Tested at Dry Density=96.6 pcf, MC=20.5% Moisture Content of Top 1" Layer-30.2% I PROJECT Allied Engineering JOB NO. 98-146 _ DATE 12119/01 CALIFORNIA BEARING RATIO TEST NTL Engineering & Geoscience Plate No.4 Great Falls, MT 59405 APPENDIX C Important Information About Four Geotechnical Report ALLIED ENGINEERING drawl ClwS, INC. finl)oAtant Innforimation about your Geoteehnical Report CONSULTING SERVICES ARE PERI=ORMED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES AND FOR SPECIFIC CLIENTS. Consultants prepare reports to meet the specific needs of specific individuals. A report prepared for a civil engineer may not be adequate for a construction contractor or even another civil engineer. Unless indicated otherwise,your consultant prepared your report expressly for you and expressly for the purposes you indicated. No one other than you should apply this report for its intended purpose without first conferring with the consultant. No party should apply this report for any purpose other than that originally contemplated without first conferring with the consultant. THE CONSUL;I'ANTS REPORT IS BASED ON PROJECT-SPECIFIC FACTORS. A geotechnical report is based on a subsurface exploration pinn designed to consider a unique set of project-specific factors. Depending on the project,these may include:the general nature of the structure and property involved;its size and configuration; its historical use and practice; the location of the structure on the site and its orientation; other improvements such as access roads, parking lots, and underground utilities; and the additional risk created by scope-of-service limitations imposed by the client, To help avoid costly problems, ask the consulttrnt to evaluate how any factors that change subsequent to the date of the report may affect the recommendations. Unless your consultant indicates otherwise,your report should not be used: 1)when the nature of the proposed project is changed (for example, if an office building will be erected instead of a parking garage, of if a refrigerated warehouse will be built instead of an unrefrigerated one,or chemicals are discovered on or near the site);2)when the size,elevation,or configuration of the proposed project is altered;3)when the location or orientation of the proposed project is modified; 4) when there is a change of ownership; or 5) for application to an adjacent site. Consultants cannot accept responsibility for problems that may occur if they are not consulted after factors,which were considered in the development of the report,have changed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS CAN CHANGE. Subsurface conditions may be,affected as a result of natural processes or human activity. Because a geotechnical report is based on conditions that existed at the time of subsurface exploration, construction decisions should not be based on a report whose adequacy may have been affected by time. Ask the consultant to advise if additional tests are desirable before construction starts; for example,groundwater conditions commonly vary seasonally and nearby cuts or fills can affect the stability of sloping terrain. Construction operations at or adjacent to the site and natural events such as floods, earthquakes,or groundwater fluctuations may also affect subsurface conditions and, thus, the continuing adequacy of a geotechnical report. The consultant should be kept apprised of any such events,and should be consulted to determine if additional tests are necessary. MOST RECOMMENDATIONS ARE PROFESSIONAL JUDGEMENTS. Site exploration and-testing-identifies-actual-surfacc-and subsuifacrconditions only at those paints where samples are taken.3 re data was extrapolated by your consultant, who then applied judgment to render an opinion about over-all subsurface conditions. The actual interface between materials may be far more gradual or abrupt than your report indicates. Actual conditions in areas not sampled may differ from those predicted in your report. While nothing can be done to prevent such situations,you and your consultant can work together to help reduce their impacts. Retaining your consultant to observe subsurface construction operations can be particularly beneficial in this respect. A REPORT'S CONCLUSIONS ARE PRELIMINARY, The conclusions contained in your consultant's report are preliminary because they must be based on the assumption that conditions revealed through selective exploratory sampling are indicative of actual conditions throughout a site. A more complete view of subsurface conditions is often revealed during earthwork; therefore, you should retain your consultant to observe earthwork and to provide revised recommendations if necessary. Only the consultant who prepared the report if fully familiar with the background information needed to determine whether or not the report's recommendations based on those Laurel Glen Subdivision Project: 00-185 Bozentalt,AfantaTta 1Vo vein ber26,2001 conclusions arc valid and whether or not the contractor is abiding by applicable recommendations. The consultant who developed your report cannot assume responsibility to liability for the adequacy of the report's recommendations if another party is retained to observe construction. THE CONSULTANT'S REPORT 1S SUBJECT TO MISINTERPRETATION. Costly problems can occur when other design professionals develop their plans based on misinterpretation of a gcotechnical report. To help avoid these problems,the consultant should be retained to work with other project design professionals to explain relevant gcotechnical, geological, and hydrogeological findings and to review the adequacy of their plans and specifications relative to these issues. BORING LOGS AND/OR MONITORING WELL DATA SHOULD NOT BE SEPARATED FROM THE REPORT. Final boring logs developed by the consultant are based upon interpretation of field logs(assembled by site personnel),field test results, and laboratory and/or office evaluation of field samples and data. Only final boring logs and data are customarily included in geotechnical/environmental reports. These final logs should not, under any circumstances,be redrawn for inclusion in Architectural or other design drawings,because drafters may commit errors or omissions in the transfer process. To reduce the likelihood of boring log or monitoring well misinterpretation, contractors should be given ready access to the complete gcotechnical report prepared or authorized for their use. if access is provided only to the report prepared for you,you should advise contractors of the report's limitations,assuming that a contractor was not one of the specific persons for whom the report was prepared, and that developing construction cost estimates was not one of the specific purposes for which it was prepared. While a contractor may gain important knowledge from a report prepared for another party, the contractor should discuss the report with your consultant and perform the additional or alternative work believed necessary to obtain the data specifically appropriate for construction cost estimating purposes. Some clients hold the mistaken impression that simply disclaiming responsibility for the accuracy of subsurface information ahvays insulates them fTom attendant liability, Providing the best available information to contractors helps prevent costly construction problems and the adversarial attitudes that aggravate thern to a disproportionate scale. READ RESPONSIBILITY CLAUSES CLOSELY. Because geotechnical engineering is based extensively on judgment and opinion,it is far less exact than other design disciplines. This situation has resulted in wholly unwarranted claims being lodged against consultants. To help prevent this problem consultants have developed a number of clauses for use in their contracts, reports and other documents. These responsibility clauses are not exculpatory clauses designed to transfer the consultant's liabilities to other parties; rather, they ore definition clauses that identify where the consultant's responsibilities begin and end. Their use helps all parties involved recognize their individual responsibilities and take appropriate action. Some of these definitive clauses are likely to appear in your report,and you are encouraged to read them closely. Your consultant,will be pleased to give full and frank answers to your questions. RETENTION OF SOIL SAMPLES. The consultant will typically retain soil samples for one month after issuing the geotechnical report. If you would like,to hold the samples for a longer period of time, you should make specific arrangements to have the samples held longer or arrange to take charge of the samples yourself. 111c W590 on info makg0 PmYisled Wb.A-WE Association of Engineering Firms practicing in the Geosciences,Silver Spring,Maryland D:U\GSAdmin\Fortms Important Information about your Gtotechnical Repomdoc Allied lnincering Sen4ces, Inc. Page 2 000 909 006 909 006 909 OOL S09 009 909 009 SO9 001, 909 0oE0909 OOb 505 OOt8509 0 00 •� t 0rn t, 7� S v g g pN_� ur Y �v S 8 f17 � i Q C f0 C cC 0 LO C7 o a 4�- • 'z-.. �m w+ '• S z k''i!),�,�'u .i ` n. �f�c �^rrj�vM �f �l e��ti� ��i'�ty•`f:, :. 4 v u p �fn c SM'r tic. z ZU 0000909 008 909 0096909 0016909 000 909 r 009 909 0OY6909 00E 909 00 909 h 00109 �� tiM O— W Q7 O 00 o t) rn En v o wo crnE � � 5 N � t °' o> � g � wa Q E ,� L co o ta� E cUgocx m z d 1Q O o ILLO y ` O C 0 O p E ?`c od Z42) =N N C 0 a a N>. (L @ C 7 Q1 W f6 N d$ N Q E 'c o ,oJ din U' m i ca Ta>,w Z � d = � o � o 0 C Q7 T N U/_,,q 1tl f0 O C7/N C � mdE aoT �?! °�� E oa >vD y ���pp N @ V� 1p L C Q.G C �7 y d M N •= w 41 d a0' •O C O O 2 a LrO 'p> 7 01 S 'Q1 01 7 n O _N — 47 E N E 0 5 o E ton U � '5 (n 0 u o m C m c o N C CV o N a C� o U ; �U N— o N G `p a y ) i. Z H a c ro = m I « « •O in a A vl c E O `C CC li a. C yv i y d �cp yy ° y m L" w 2 � m > 3 G b % U ? rn r0 :D Ul J O LL C w a o c v d � CL aai a v pq E x w '° ar a d p� ag N 9 U c ? a 3 T v� a ci Q t4 ° I I! O a x v c u v � � o � � Nc � Tpp' $_ o N � rn C m 00 U U 0aJ J d. N N y wN tq N N G C C O a I•...I o 07 O Z V �I� Soil Map—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision l lWalp Unit- l^egand Gallatin County Area,Montana(MT622) Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acros In AOI Percent of AOI 448A Hyalite-Beaverton complex, 14.5 8.8% moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes 453E Amslerdam-Quagle silt looms, 44.3 26.7% 0 to 4 percent slopes 457A Turner loam,moderately wet,0 24.1 14.5% to 2 percent slopes 509B Enbar loam,0 to 4 percent 4.5 2.7% slopes 510B` Meadowcreek loam,0 to 4 OA 0.2% percent slopes 511A Fairway silt loam,0 to 2 percent 1.1 0.7% slopes 537A Lamoose silt loam,0 to 2 41.4 24.9% percent slopes 748A Hyalite-Beaverton complex,0 to 35.5 21.4% 4 percent slopes lTotals for Area of Interest(AOI) I 165.81 100.0% 115t)A Natural Rosourcos Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/1012007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Map Unit Description(Brief,Generated)—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivislon l «iWeip Unit Description (Brief, Generated) The map units delineated on the detailed soil maps in a soil survey represent the soils or miscellaneous areas in the survey area.The map unit descriptions in this report, along with the maps, can be used to determine the composition and properties of a unit. A map unit delineation on a soil map represents an area dominated by one or more major kinds of soil or miscellaneous areas. A map unit is identified and named according to the taxonomic classification of the dominant soils. Within a taxonomic class there are precisely defined limits for the properties of the soils. On the landscape, however, the soils are natural phenomena, and they have the characteristic variability of all natural phenomena. Thus, the range of some observed properties may extend beyond the limits defined for a taxonomic class. Areas of soils of a single taxonomic class rarely, if ever, can be mapped without including areas of other taxonomic classes. Consequently,every map unit is made up of the soils or miscellaneous areas for which it is named and some minor components that belong to taxonomic classes other than those of the major soils. The Map Unit Description (Brief, Generated) report displays a generated description of the major soils that occur in a map unit. Descriptions of non-soil (miscellaneous areas) and minor map unit components are not included.This description is generated from the underlying soil attribute data. Additional information about the map units described in this report is available in other Soil Data Mart reports, which give properties of the soils and the limitations, capabilities, and potentials for many uses.Also,the narratives that accompany the Soil Data Mart reports define some of the properties included in the map unit descriptions. Report—Map Unit (Description (Bri& , Genera tech Gallatin County Area, Montana Map Unit: 448A—Hyalite-Beaverton complex,moderately wet, 0 to 2 percent slopes Component: Hyalite (70%) The Hyalite component makes up 70 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on alluvial fans, stream terraces. The parent material consists of loamy alluvium.Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 Inches. Tile natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches is low.Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 72 inches during May, June,July,August. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 3 percent.This component is in the R044XS354MT Shallow To Gravel (swgr) 15-19"f.z. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. Irrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 Inches, typically, does not exceed 3 percent. t l51)� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2,0 8/10/2007 ® Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 6 Map Unit Description(Brief,Generated)—Gallalin County Aura,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivlslon 1 Component: Beaverton (20%) The Beaverton component makes up 20 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on stream terraces, alluvial fans. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained.Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches is low. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded.A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 72 inches during May, June, July,August. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent.This component is in the R044XS354MT Shallow To Gravel (swgr) 15-19" P.z. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 6s. Irrigated land capability classification is 4s. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches,typically, does not exceed 10 percent. Component: Beaverton (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Beaverton soil is a minor component. Component: Meadowcreek (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. The Meadowcreek soil is a minor component. Map Unit: 453B—Amsterdam-Quagle silt loams, 0 to 4 percent slopes Component: Amsterdam (60%) The Amsterdam component makes up 60 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 4 percent. This component is on stream terraces.The parent material consists of Icess. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches.Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 3 percent. This component is in the R044XS355MT Silty (si) 15-19" P.z. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. Irrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches,typically, does not exceed 25 percent. Component: Quagle(30%) USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 811012007 �� Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 6 Map Unit Description(Brief,Generated)-Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision I The Quagle component makes up 30 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 4 percent.This component is on stream terraces.The parent material consists of silty calcareous loess. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained.Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This component is in the R044XS357M"f Limy(ly) 15-19" Rz. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. Irrigated land capability classification is 4e.This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches,typically, does not exceed 25 percent. Component: Beanlake (6%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. The Beanlake soil is 6 minor component. Component: Meagher(4%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.Tile Meagher soil is a minor component. Map Unit: 457A—Turner loam, moderately wet, 0 to 2 percent slopes Component: Turner(85%) The Turner component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on stream terraces.The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches is low. Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded.A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 72 inches during May, .June, July,August. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 3 percent.This component is in the R044XS355MT Silty(si) 15-19"Rz.ecological site.Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. Irrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches, typically, does not exceed 10 percent. Component: Beaverton (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Beaverton soil is a minor-component. Component: Meadowcreek (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Meadowcreek soil is a minor component. Component: Turner(5%) usM Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 `� Conservation 5ervico National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 6 Map Unit Description(Oflef,Generated)—Gallatln County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision I Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Turner soil is a minor component, Map Unit: 509B—Enbar loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes Component: Enbar(85%) The F_nbar component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 4 percent. This component is on flood plains.The parent material consists of loamy alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. 'I'he natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained.Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 Inches is moderate. Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is rarely flooded. It is not ponded.A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during April,May,June,July.Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 4 percent. This component is in the R044XS359MT Subirrigated (sb) 15-19" P.z. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3w. Irrigated land capability classification is 3w.Phis soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches, typically, does not exceed 5 percent. Component: Nythar(10%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. The Nythar soil is a minor component. Component: Straw(5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.Tile Straw soil is a minor component. Map Unit: 510B---Meadowcreel< loam, 0 to 4 percent slopes Component: Meadowcreek(85%) The Meadowcreek component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 4 percent. This component is on stream terraces. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained.Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches is low.Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during April, May, June. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 4 percent.This cornpanent is in the R044XS359MT Subirrigated (sb) 15-19" P.z.ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 3e. Irrigated land capability classification is 2e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. Component: Blossberg (10%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Blossberg soil is a minor component. USSDDrDAA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/1012007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 6 Map Unit Description(Brief,Generated)-Gallalin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Component: Beaverton (5%) Generated brief soil descriptlons are created for major components.The Beaverton soil is a minor component. Map Unit: 511A—Fairway silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Component: Fairway (85%) The Fairway component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent. This component is on stream terraces.The parent material consists of loamy alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches, The natural drainage class is somewhat poorly drained.Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is high. Shrink-swell potential is low. This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded.A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 33 inches during April, May, June. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 4 percent. This component is in the R044XS343MT Subirrigated (sb)9-14" P.z.ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. Irrigated land capability classification is 4e.This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches, typically, does not exceed 10 percent. Component: Blossberg (10%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Blossberg soil is a minor component. Component: Mcadowcreek(5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. The Meadowcreek soil is a minor component. Map Unit: 537A—Lamoose silt loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes Component: Lai-noose(85%) The Lamoose component makes up 85 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 2 percent.This component is on stream terraces. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is poorly drained. Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches Is low. Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is not flooded_ It is not ponded.A seasonal zone of water saturation is at 18 inches during April, May, June,July. Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 5 percent_ This component is in the R044XS349MT Wet Meadow(wm) 9-14" P.z. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 5w. This soil meets hydric criteria. Component: Bonebasin (10%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components.The Bonobasin soil is a rninor component. USDA Natural Resourcos Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 �i Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 6 of 6 Map Unit Description(Brief,Genera led)-Gallatin County Area,Montana laurel Glen Subdivision I Component: Meadowcreek (5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. Tile Meadowcreek soil is a minor component. Map Unit: 748A—Hyalite-Beaverton complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes Component: Hyalite(70%) The Hyalite component makes up 70 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 4 percent. This component is on alluvial fans, stream terraces. The parent material consists of loamy alluvium.Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 inches. The natural drainage class is well drained. Water movement In the most restrictive layer is moderately high.Available water to a depth of 60 inches is low.Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded. There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches.Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 3 percent.This component is in the R044XS354MT Shallow To Gravel (swgr) 15-19" Rz. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 4e. Irrigated land capability classification is 3e. This soil does not meet hydric criteria The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches, typically, does not exceed 3 percent. Component: Beaverton (20%) The Beaverton component makes up 20 percent of the map unit. Slopes are 0 to 4 percent. This component is on alluvial fans, stream terraces. The parent material consists of alluvium. Depth to a root restrictive layer is greater than 60 Inches. The natural drainage class is well drained.Water movement in the most restrictive layer is moderately high. Available water to a depth of 60 inches is low. Shrink-swell potential is low.This soil is not flooded. It is not ponded.There is no zone of water saturation within a depth of 72 inches.Organic matter content in the surface horizon is about 2 percent. This component is in the R044XS354M'r Shallow To Gravel (swgr) 15-19" P.z. ecological site. Nonirrigated land capability classification is 6s. Irrigated land capability classification is 4s. This soil does not meet hydric criteria. The calcium carbonate equivalent within 40 inches,typically, does not exceed 10 percent. Component: Hyalite(5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. The Hyalite soil is a minor component. Component: Turner(5%) Generated brief soil descriptions are created for major components. Tile Turner soil is a minor component. Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Gallatin County Area, Montana Survey Area Data: Version 8, May 1, 2007 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/1012007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 6 of 6 Roads and Streets,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping—Gallatin Laurel Glen Subdivision County Area.Montana I Roads zind Sotvee-'�I'.s, SGteMow E-3ccavavn®ns, and Lawns and Landscaping Soil properties influence the development of building sites, including the selection of the site,the design of the structure,construction,performance after construction, and maintenance.This table shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect local roads and streets, shallow excavations, and lawns and landscaping. The ratings in the table are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the extent to which the soils are limited by all of the soil features that affect building site development. Not limited indicates that the soil has features that are very favorable for the specified use. Good performance and very low maintenance can be expected. Somewhat limited indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified use. The limitations can be overcome or minimized by special planning, design, or installation. Fair performance and moderate maintenance can be expected. Very limited indicates that the soil has one or more features that are unfavorable for the specified use. The limitations generally cannot be overcome without major soil reclamation, special design, or expensive installation procedures. Poor performance and high maintenance can be expected. Numerical ratings in the table indicate the severity of individual limitations.The ratings are shown as decimal fractions ranging from 0.01 to 1.00. They indicate gradations between the point at which a soil feature has the greatest negative impact on the use (1.00)and the point at which the soil feature is not a limitation (0.00). Local roads and streets have an all-weather surface and carry automobile and light truck traffic all year.They have a subgrade of cut orfill soil material;a base of gravel, crushed rock,or soil material stabilized by lime or cement;and a surface of flexible material(asphalt), rigid material(concrete),or gravel with a binder.The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect the ease of excavation and grading and the traffic-supporting capacity. The properties that affect the ease of excavation and grading are depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, depth to a water table, ponding,flooding, the amount of large stones, and slope.The properties that affect the traffic-supporting capacity are soil strength (as inferred from the AASHTO group index number), subsidence, linear extensibility (shrink-swell potential), the potential for frost action, depth to a water table, and ponding. Shallow excavations are trenches or holes dug to a maximum depth of 5 or 6 feet for graves, utility lines, open ditches, or other purposes. The ratings are based on the soil properties that influence the ease of digging and the resistance to sloughing. Depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan,the amount of large stones,and dense layers influence the ease of digging, filling, and compacting. Depth to the seasonal high water table,flooding, and ponding may restrict the period when excavations can be made. Slope influences the ease of using machinery. Soil texture, depth to the water table,and linear extensibility (shrink-swell potential) influence the resistance to sloughing. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/1012007 `i� Conservation Servico National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Roads and Streets,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping—Gallatin Laurel Glen Subdivision County Area,Montana i !_awns and landscaping require soils on which turf and ornamental trees and shrubs can be established and maintained. Irrigation is not considered in the ratings. The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect plant growth and trafficabilily after vegetation is established.The properties that affect plant growth are reaction; depth to a water table;ponding; depth to bedrock or a cemented pan;the available water capacity in the upper 40 inches;the content of salts, sodium, or calcium carbonate; and sulfidic materials. The properties that affect trafficability are flooding,depth to a water table,ponding,slope,stoniness,and the amount of sand, clay, or organic matter in the surface layer. Information in this table is intended for land use planning, for evaluating land use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example, estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil between the surface and a depth of 5 to 7 feet. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteria were not considered in preparing the information in this table. Local ordinances and regulations should be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. Report--Roads and Streets, Shallow Excavations, and Lawns and (Landscaping [The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation.The numbers in the value columns range from 0.01 to 1.00.The larger the value,the greater the potential limitation.Tile table shows only the top five limitations for any given soil. The soil may have additional limitations] Roads and Streets,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping—Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Local roads and streots Shallow excavations Lawns and landscaping name map unit Rating class and Vahro Rating class and Value Rating class and Valuo limiting features limiting features limiting features 448A—Hyalite- Beaverton complex, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes 11yalite 70 Somewhat limited Very limited Somewhat limited Frost action 0.50 Cutbanks cave 1.00 Droughty 0.01 Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.01 Beaverton 20 Somewhat limited Very limited Somewhat limited Frost action 0.50 Cutbanks cave 1.00 Large stones content 0.84 Large stones content 0.20 Large stones content 0.20 Droughty• 0.64 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/1012007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Roads and Streets,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping-Gallatin Laurel Glen Subdivision County Area,Montana Roads and Streets,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping-Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soll Pct.of Local roads and streets Shallow excavations Lawns and landscaping name map unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features limiting features 453B—Amsterdam- Quagle silt loams,0 to 4 percent slopes Amsterdam 60 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Not limited Frost action 0.50 Cutbanks cave 0.10 Quagle 30 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Not limited Frost action 0.50 Culbanks cave 0.10 457A—Turner loam, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Turner 85 Somewhat limited Very limited Somewhat limited Shrink-swell 0.50 Culbanks cave 1.00 Large stones content 0.01 Frost action 0.50 509E—Enbar loam,0 to 4 percent slopes Enbar 85 Very limited Very limited Not limited Frost action 1.00 Cutbanks cave 1.00 Flooding 0.40 Depth to saturated 0.99 zone 510B—Meadowcreek loam,0 to 4 percent slopes Meadowcreek 85 Very limited Very limited Not limited Frost action 1.00 Culbanks cave 1.00 Depth to saturated 0.99 zone 511A—Felrway silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Fairway 85 Very limited Very limited Not limited Frost action 1.00 Culbanks cave 1.00 Law strength 0.22 Depth to saturated 0.99 zone 537A—Lamoose silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Lamoose 85 Very limited Very limited Somewhat limited Frost action 1.00 Depth to saturated 1.00 Depth to saturated 0,75 zone zone Depth to saturated 0.75 Cutbanks cave 1.00 zone uSl�n Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Roads and Streets,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping-Gallatin Laurel Glen Subdivision County Area,t4onlana Roads and Stroots,Shallow Excavations,and Lawns and Landscaping-Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Local roads and streets Shallow excavations Lawns and landscaping name map unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value Rating class and valuo limiting features Ilmiting features limiting features 748A—Hyalite- Beaverton complex. 0to 4 percent slopes Hyalite 70 Somewhat limited Very limited Somewhat limited Frost action 0.50 Cutbanks cave 1.00 Droughty 0.01 Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.01 Beaverton 20 Somewhat limited Very limited Somewhat limited Frost action 0.50 Cutbanks cave 1.00 Large slonos content 0.84 Large stones content ' 0.20 Large stones content 0.20 Droughty 0.54 Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Gallatin County Area, Montana Survey Area Data: Version 8, May 1, 2007 LISDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 811012007 Consorvation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 Dwellings and Small Commercial Sulldings—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision I Dwellings and Srn-a l Golf merciai Buildings Soil properties influence the development of building sites, including the selection of the site,the design of the structure,construction,performance after construction, and maintenance.This table shows the degree and kind of soil limitations that affect dwellings and small Cornmercial buildings. The ratings in the table are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the extent to which the soils are limited by all of the soil features that affect building site development. Not limited indicates that the soil has features that are very favorable for the specified use. Good performance and very low maintenance can be expected. Somewhat limited indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified use. The limitations can be overcome or minimized by special planning, design, or installation. Fair performance and moderate maintenance can be expected. Very limited indicates that the soil has one or more features that are unfavorable for the specified use. The limitations generally cannot be overcome without major soil reclannation, special design, or expensive installation procedures. Poor performance and high maintenance can be expected. Numerical ratings in the table indicate the severity of individual limitations.The ratings are shown as decimal fractions ranging from 0.01 to 1.00.They indicate gradations between the point at which a soil feature has the greatest negative impact on the use(1.00)and the point at which the soil feature is not a limitation (0.00). Dwellings are single-family houses of three stories or less, For dwellings without basements, the foundation is assumed to consist of spread footings of reinforced concrete built on undisturbed soil at a depth of 2 feet or at the depth of maximum frost penetration,whichever is deeper. For dwellings with basements, the foundation is assumed to consist of spread footings of reinforced concrete built oil undisturbed soil at a depth of about 7 feet.The ratings for dwellings are based on the soil properties that affect the capacity of the soil to support a load without movement and on the properties that affect excavation and construction costs.The properties that affect the load-supporting capacity include depth to a water table, ponding, flooding, subsidence, linear extensibility(shrink-swell potential), and compressibility. Compressibility is inferred from the Unified classification. The properties that affect the ease and amount of excavation include depth to a water table, ponding, flooding, slope, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, and the amount and size of rock fragments. Small commercial buildings are structures that are less than three stories high and do not have basements.The foundation is assumed to consist of spread footings of reinforced concrete built on undisturbed soil at a depth of 2 feet or at the depth of maximum frost penetration,whichever is deeper. The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect the capacity of the soil to support a load without movement and on the properties that affect excavation and construction costs.The properties that affect the load-supporting capacity include depth to a water table, ponding, flooding, subsidence, linear extensibility (shrink-swell potential), and compressibility(which is inferred from the Unified classification).The properties that affect the ease and amount of excavation include flooding, depth to a water table, ponding, slope, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, and the amount and size of rock fragments. U Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Pagel of 3 Dwellings and Small Commercial Buildings-Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Information in this table is intended for land use planning, for evaluating land use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example,estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil between the surface and a depth of 5 to 7 feet. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteria were not considered in preparing the information in this table. Local ordinances and regulations should be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. Report—®welHngs and Small Commercial Buildings (The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation.The numbers in the value columns range from 0.01 to 1.00.The larger the value,the greater the potential limitation.The table shows only the top five limitations for any given soil.The soil may have additional limitations] Dwellings and Small Commercial Buildings-Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Dwollings without basomonts Dwollings with basements Small commercial buildings name map unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features limiting features 4411A—Hyalite- Beaverton complex, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Hyalite 70 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.02 Beaverton 20 Somewhat limited Somewhat limlted Somewhat limited Large stones content 0.20 Large stones content 0.20 Large stones content 0.20 453B--Amsterdam- Quagle silt loams,0 to 4 percent slopes Amsterdam 60 Not limited Not limited Not limited Quagle 30 Not limited Not limited Not limited 457A--Turner loam, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Turner v 85 Somewhat limited Not limited Somewhat limited Shrink-swell 0.50 Shrink-swell 0.50 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/1012007 a Consorvation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Dwellings and Small Commercial Buildings-Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Dwollings and Small Commurcial Buildings-Gallatin County Aroa,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Dwellings without basomonts Dwollings with basomonts Small commercial buildings name map unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features limiting features 509E—Enbar loam.0 to 4 percent slopes Enbar 85 Very limited Very limited Very limited Flooding 1.00 Flooding 1.00 Flooding 1.00 Depth to saturated 0.99 zone 5108—Meadowcreek loam,0 to 4 percent slopes Meadowcreek 85 Not limited Somewhat limited Not limited Depth to saturated 0.99 -zone 5,11A—Fairway silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Fairway 85 Not limited Somewhat limited Not limited Depth to saturated 0.99 zone 537A—Lamoose sill loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Lamoose 85 Somewhat limited Very limited Somewhat limited Depth to saturated 0.98 Depth to saturated 1.00 Depth to saturated 0.98 zone zone zone 748A—Hyallte- Beaverton complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes Hyalite 70 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.02 Large stones content 0.02 Beaverton 20 Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Somewhat limited Large stones content 0.20 Large stones content 0.20 Large stones content 0.20 Data Source Information Sail Survey Area: Gallatin County Area, Montana Survey Area Data: Version a, May 1, 2007 Irson Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 0/10/2007 —� Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Source of Reclarnation Material,Roadfill,and Topsoil—Gallalin County Area, Laurel Glen Subdivision Montana I SOLH'Ge 0M Reclamation PQ�i�i�elra�l, Floaaiffl, and Topsoil This table gives information about the soils as potential sources of reclamation material, roadfill, and topsoil. Normal compaction, minor processing, and other standard construction practices are assumed. The soils are rated good, fair, or poor as potential sources of reclamation material, roadfill, and topsoil.The features that limit the soils as sources of these materials are specified in the table. Numerical ratings between 0.00 and 0.99 are given after the specified features.These numbers indicate the degree to which the features limit the soils as sources of topsoil, reclamation material, or roadfill. The lower the number, the greater the limitation. Reclamation material is used in areas that have been drastically disturbed by surface mining or similar activities.When these areas are reclaimed, layers of soil material or unconsolidated geological material, or both, are replaced in a vertical sequence. The reconstructed soil favors plant growth.The ratings in the table do not apply to quarries and other mined areas that require an offsite source of reconstruction material. The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect erosion and stability of the surface and the productive potential of the reconstructed soil_These properties include the content of sodium,salts,and calcium carbonate; reaction; available water capacity; erodibility; texture; content of rock fragments; and content of organic matter and other features that affect fertility. Roadfill is soil material that is excavated in one place and used in road embankments in another place. In this table,the soils are rated as a source of roadfill for low embankments, generally less than G feet High and less exacting in design than higher embankments. The ratings are for the whole soil,from the surface to a depth of about 5 feet. It is assumed that soil layers will be mixed when the soil material is excavated and spread. The ratings are based on the amount of suitable material and on soil properties that affect the ease of excavation and the performance of the material after it is in place. The thickness of the suitable material is a major consideration. The ease of excavation is affected by large stones, depth to a water table,and slope. How well the soil performs in place after it has been compacted and drained is determined by its strength (as inferred from the AASFITO classification of the soil) and linear extensibility (shrink-swell potential). Topsoil is used to cover an area so that vegetation can be established and maintained. The upper 40 inches of a soil is evaluated for use as topsoil. Also evaluated is the reclamation potential of the borrow area.The ratings are based on the soil properties that affect plant growth;the ease of excavating, loading, and spreading the material; and reclamation of the borrow area.Toxic substances, soil reaction, and the properties that are inferred from soil texture, such as available water capacity and fertility, affect plant growth.The ease of excavating, loading, and spreading is affected by rock fragments, slope, depth to a water table, soil texture, and thickness of suitable material. Reclamation of the borrow area is affected by slope, depth to a water table, rock fragments, depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, and toxic material. The surface layer of most soils is generally preferred for topsoil because of its organic matter content. Organic matter greatly increases the absorption and retention of moisture and nutrients for plant growth. U Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 Conservation Sorvice National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Source of Reclamation Material,Roadfill,and Topsoll-Gallatin County Area, Laurel Glen Subdivision Montana l Information in this table is intended for land use planning, for evaluating land use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example, estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil between the surface and a depth of 5 to 7 feet. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteria were not considered in preparing the information in this table. Local ordinances and regulations should be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. Report—Source of Reclamation I hat-etrial, Roadfill, and Topsoil [The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation.The numbers in the value columns range from 0.00 to 0.99. The smaller the value,the greater the limitation] Sourco.of Reclamation Materlal,Roadfill,and Topsoil-Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Potential as a source of Potential as a source of Potential as a sourco of name map reclamation matorial roadfill topsoil unit —-- Rating class aril Value Rating class and Valuo Rating class and Value limiting features limiting foaturos limiting foaluros 448A—Hyalite- Beaverton complex, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Hyallte 70 Fair Fair Poor Organic matter 0.13 Cobble content 0.30 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.00 content low fragments) Too sandy 0.38 Rock fragments 0.00 Draughty 0.49 Too sandy 0.38 Cobble content 0.81 Beaverton 20 Fair Fair Poor Organic matter 0.13 Cobble content 0.02 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.00 content low 'fragments) Droughty 0.14 Rock fragments .0.00 Cobble content 0.70 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 Conservation Servico National Cooperative Sol[Survey Page 2 of 4 Source of Reclamation Material,Roadfill,and Topsoil-Gallatin County Area, Laurel Glen Subdivision Montana l_ Source of Reclamation Material,Roadfill,and Topsoil-Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Potential as a source of Potential as a source of Potential as a sourco of namo map reclamation material roadflll topsoil unit Rating class and Value Rating class and Value Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features limiting features 453B—,Amsterdam- Quagle slit loarns,0 to 4 percent slopes Amsterdam 60 Fair Good Fair Carbonate content 0.68 No carbonate 0.99 limitation Organic matter 0.88 content low Water erosion 0.90 Quagle 30 Fair Good pair, Organic matter 0.50 Carbonate content 0.88 content low Carbonate content 0.66 Water erosion 0.99• 457A—Turner loam, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Turner 85 Fair Good Poor Organic matter 0.13 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.00 content low fragments) Droughty 0.93 Rock fragments 0.50 Watererosion 0.99 5096—Enbar loam,0 to 4 percent slopes Enber 85 Fair Fair Poor Organic matter 0.88 Wetness depth 0.98 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.00 content low fragments) Water erosion 0.99 Rock fragments 0.97 Wetness depth 0.98 510B—Meadowcreek loam,0 to 4 percent slopes Meadowcreek 85 Fair Fair Poor Organic matter 0.13 Wetness depth 0.98 Hard to reclaim(rock 0,00 content low fragments) Droughty 0.86 Wetness depth 0.98 Water erosion 0.99 No rock fragments 1,00 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 Source of Reclamation Material,Roadfill,and Topsoil-Gallatin County Area, Laurel Glen Subdivision Montana Source of Reclamation Material,Roadfill,and Topsoil-Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil Pct.of Potential as a source of Potential as a source of Potontlal as a source of name map reclamation material roadflll topsoll unit — Rating class and Value Rating class and Valuo Rating class and Value limiting features limiting features limiting features 511A—Fairway silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Fairway 85 Fair Fair Fair Water erosion 0.99 Low strength 0.78 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.68 fragments) Wetness depth 0,98 Wetness depth 0.98 637A—Lamoose silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Lamoose 85 Fair fair Poor Organic matter 0.13 Wetness depth 0.14 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.00 content low fragments) Droughty 0.99 Rock fragments 0.13 Wetness depth 0.14 748A—Hyallle- Beaverton complex, 0 to 4 percent slopes Hyalite 70 Fair Fair Poor Organic matter 0.13 Cobble content 0.30 Hard to reclaim(rock 0.00 content low fragments) Too sandy 0.38 Rock fragments 0.00 Droughty 0.49 Too sandy 0.38 Cobble content 0.81 Beaverton 20 Fair Fair Poor': Organic matter;. 0.13 Cobble content 0.02 Hard to reclaim(rock 0,00 content low fragments) Droughty 0.14 Rock fragments 0.00 Cobble content "0.70 Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Gallatin County Area, Montana Survey Area Data: Version 8, May 1, 2007 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 ::;X- Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 4 of 4 Source of Sand and Gravel—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision l Source of Sand and Gravel This table gives information about the soils as potential sources of gravel and sand. Normal compaction, minor processing, and other standard construction practices are assumed. Sand and gravel are natural aggregates suitable for commercial use with a minimum of processing. They are used in many kinds of construction. Specifications for each use vary widely. Only the likelihood of finding material in suitable quantity is evaluated.The suitability of the material for specific purposes is not evaluated, nor are factors that affect excavation of the material. The properties used to evaluate the soil as a source of sand or gravel are gradation of grain sizes (as indicated by the Unified classification of the soil), the thickness of suitable material, and the content of rock fragments. If the bottom layer of the soil contains sand or gravel, the soil is considered a likely source regardless of thickness. The assumption is that the sand or gravel layer below the depth of observation exceeds the minimum thickness. The ratings are for the whole soil, from the surface to a depth of about 6 feet. The soils are rated good, fair, or poor as potential sources of sand and gravel.A rating of goad or fair means that the source material is likely to be in or below the soil. The bottom layer and the thickest layer of the soils are assigned numerical ratings.These ratings indicate the likelihood that the layer is a Source of sand or gravel.The number 0.00 indicates that the layer is a poor source.The number 1.00 indicates that the layer is a good source.A number between 0.00 and 1.00 indicates the degree to which the layer is a likely source. Information in this table is intended for land use planning,for evaluating land use alternatives, and for planning site investigations prior to design and construction. The information, however, has limitations. For example, estimates and other data generally apply only to that part of the soil between the surface and a depth of 5 to 7 feet. Because of the map scale, small areas of different soils may be included within the mapped areas of a specific soil. The information is not site specific and does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation of the soils or for testing and analysis by personnel experienced in the design and construction of engineering works. Government ordinances and regulations that restrict certain land uses or impose specific design criteriawere not considered in preparing the information in this table. Local ordinances and regulations should be considered in planning, in site selection, and in design. Report—Source of Sand rand Gravel [The information in this table indicates the dominant soil condition but does not eliminate the need for onsite investigation.The numbers in the value columns range from 0.00 to 0.99. The larger the value, the greater the likelihood that the bottom layer or thickest layer of the soil is a source of sand or gravel] MDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 E1110/2007 c� Conservation Service Natlonal Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 Source of Sand and Gravel—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Source of Sand and Gravel—Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil name Pet.of Potential as a source of gravel Potential as a source of sand map unit Rating class and limiting Valuo Rating class and limiting Value features features 448A—Hyalite-Beaverton complex,moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Hyalite 70 Poor Poor Bottom layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.00 Beaverton. 20 Poor Poor Thickest layer. 0..00 Thickest layer: 0.00 :Bottom layer 0.00 Bettom layer 0.00 453B—Amsterdam-Quegle sill loams,0 to 4 percent slopes Amsterdam 80 Poor Poor Bottom layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Ouagle 30' Poor Poor Bollom layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.00 Thickest layer :0,00. Thickest layer 0.00 457A—Turner loam, moderately wet,0 to 2 percent slopes Turner 85 Fair Fair Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.19 Bottom layer 0.08 5098—Enbar loam,0 to 4 percent slopes Enbar 85 Fair Fair Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.03 Bottom layer 0.19 Bottom layer 0.12 510B—Meadowcreek learn,0 to 4 percent slopes Meadowcreek 85 Fair Fair Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.38 Bottom layer 0.82 511 A—Fairway silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Fairway 85 Poor Fair W Thickest layer 0,00 Thickest layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.64 SDn Natural Resources Web Soll Survey 2.0 8/1012007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Source of Sand and Gravel—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision ( Sourco of Sand and Gravel—Gallatin County Area,Montana Map symbol and soil name Pct.of Potontial as a source of gravel Potontial as a source of sand map unit Rating class and limiting Value Rating class and limiting Valuo foatures features 637A—Lemoose silt loam,0 to 2 percent slopes Lamoose 85 Fair Fair Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.26 Bottom layer 0.07 748A—Hyalite-Beaverton complex,0 to 4 percent slopes Hyalite 70 Poor Poor Bottom layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Thickest layer 0.00 Bottom layer 0.00 Beaverton 20 Poor Poor Thickest layer 0.00 Thickestlayer 0.00. Bottom layer ;0.00 Bottom layer. -0.00 Data Source Information Soil Survey Area: Gallatin County Area, Montana Survey Area Data: Version 8, May 1, 2007 I USDA Natural Rosources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8110/2007 MEN Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Engineering Properties-Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision ( Engineering Properdes This table gives the engineering classifications and the range of engineering properties for the layers of each soil in the survey area. Depth to the upper and lower boundaries of each layer is indicated. Texture is given in the standard terms used by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. These terms are defined according to percentages of sand, silt, and clay In the fraction of the soil that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter."Loam,"for example, is soil that is 7 to 27 percent clay, 28 to 50 percent silt, and less than 52 percent sand. If the content of particles coarser than sand is 15 percent or more, an appropriate modifier is added, for example, "gravelly." Classification of the soils is determined according to the Unified soil classification system(ASTM, 2005) and the system adopted by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials(AASHTO, 2004). The Unified system classifies soils according to properties that affect their use as construction material. Soils are classified according to particle-size distribution of the fraction less than 3 inches in diameter and according to plasticity index, liquid limit, and organic matter content. Sandy and gravelly soils are identified as GW, GP, GM, GC, SW,SP, SM, and SC; silty and clayey soils as ML, CL,OL, MH, CH, and OH; and highly organic soils as PT. Soils exhibiting engineering properties of two groups can have a dual classification, for example, CL-ML. The AASFITO system classifies soils according to those properties that affect roadway construction and maintenance. In this system,the fraction of a mineral soil that is less than 3 inches in diameter is classified in one of seven groups from A-1 through A-7 on the basis of particle-size distribution,liquid limit,and plasticity index. Soils in group A-1 are coarse grained and low in content of fines (silt and clay). At the other extreme, soils in group A-7 are fine grained. Highly organic soils are classified in group A-B on the basis of visual inspection. If laboratory data are available,the A-1, A-2,and A-7 groups are further classified as A-1-a, A-1-b, A-2-4,A-2-5, A-2-6, A-2-7, A-7-5, orA-7-6.As an additional refinement,the suitability of a soil as subgrade material can be indicated by a group index number. Group index numbers range from 0 for the best subgrade material to 20 or higher for(he poorest. Rock fragments larger than 10 inches in diameter and 3 to 10 inches in diameter are indicated as a percentage of the total soil on a dry-weight basis.The percentages are estimates determined mainly by converting volume percentage in the field to weight percentage. Percentage (of soil particles)passing designated sieves is the percentage of the soil fraction less than 3 inches in diameter based on an ovendry weight.The sieves, numbers 4, 10,40, and 200(USA Standard Series), have openings of 4.76,2.00, 0.420,and 0.074 millimeters,respectively.Estimates are based on laboratory tests of soils sampled in the survey area and in nearby areas and on estimates made in the field. Liquid limit and plasticity index(Atterberg limits) indicate the plasticity characteristics of a soil.The estimates are based on test data from the survey area or from nearby areas and on field examination. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 811012007 m Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 9 Engineering Properties—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision References: American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). 2004.Standard specifications for transportation materials and methods of sampling and testing. 24th edition. American Society for Testing and Materials(ASTM). 2005.Standard classification of soils for engineering purposes,ASTM Standard D2487-00. USDA Natural Rusourcos Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 2EE5 Conservation Service Nalional Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 9 C O in 'O .YI 7 a) X U 0 w U vO N .N C � O � O N Q) tt1 Op Q n. '- d Q_ NI a n In ."f z rn ) z Z d J M M N M M N I Of IN O a) N to N _� a) cq E In c7 0 0 U)to v N L6 �h co v u) C w > In O Om O O O toai C) 0) 0? 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LrL CO EL to 47 Z Z to O O OU N to — a J Q' Q, M (1) m to CD 0 0 h0 " m d ClV' -� — th 6 th o &n to d th o d N N N (V N. N N I N M co O O O to O O t0 O b N O to N O m m O) co 9 0) - f�• 1- t` tt) Ih 6 o d th 6 6 c5 th o I-- coco rl r- w .m In c) v d c O O U O O O Q O b b O U to to O to tf) N th th th 6 th lh OO in th th 6 in 0) 0) Q) O T (n O). t0 to tp C - N a O O O O IL O O O O O O tT O CDC) C) t7 4 U-) to U U B - ------ a) (U0 2 O b O C O C, O C', 6 th 6tCJ O co (0 t0 N ` b N Z Q .3 C1 C L o O O COj O v - - --- o a --C. 0 0 0 o d b o a E c Lu U. A o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o b 0 0 U) o O m CD co � Q o o a s a a a d .Q ' a ¢ Q ¢ z to p tm w J J U 0. 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Z Z ,n ui Z ui tci a o ^ J r - N N N N O N N I rr to O O N N h h C!, h n o o t') C> d o 0 E In ,n in v o n tp o c m V IO to O IO O IO o_ o 0 y ti e, 4 O O O d Lh b [A t0 (0 h h O) to N C N m O O C7 O O C C) to T T U1 ^ ^ J) O C3t lil O O M C _ N O C N d O S 4 O O i0 O to CL tO O O T C 0 In ko In to C3 CD 0 to N 0) tP N d' O :i } IC N qj O N Q M o o d d d o o d o IN cn E a, rn to U L° ai )tl c li v a u) m o O O O O O p U a _E N � � Q Q Q p I a u Q I-t d d Q Q Q n Q Q U _j En -i �U U� U U v�tnC7 c • r( CN N N 7 O t7 O N E O W T 03 m v tea) y 7 ro > titu— ro >. EZ5 roy o Z-6_0 y E n�) Z c m m E cnC aim m E Em o om v C m > M N m w 0 a, > In • ° C N J J > J J �j to fn U) N Ou N 2 N N to 2rn 2 C 0) pp N O f0 O C a d N N W In OO to t0 N O N Y _ O N 4 v N R m to c a) a) oN zc°� _ro E mu Win, O m to o m O C O N CL N C7 E a v v m < to E m tv O d N c c y to E a m N CL p- m m a. n ° to Q ° tmi o, C) W In^ ,n c tU C C W C t7 .y 'S T7 .t] t - o rn x o 0 m u y n to to t+ a m rn a co m v i E f 7 M V J — till Lh N N O N C) 0tr)0 to E l7 O _ C N >> Ln un o O1 n �t C ti r �t) f uG'! N C LU «f U O O C N V' p O to i R. r r In C O tf1 t(1 O CO M N N N LT O M C Q N p(n C O_ C:) O T Ln U C, N c_ r 0 4 _ fa ._ o o n � o O U T I i Ii m p N O Q Q tf? N Q r f0 Q d z a U�C9C70 �C9C9 m U U U' C rn -6 c f0 _T C L N q1 U T C > o rn E ro w x � N Q O T 7 T f9 Q7 Ln E :N ro rn E o E rnZ.°i to E c A � anti cn ? a O U o E N N n to N ^ O c0 0 o F O N R7 N N (� N N U b N o z L) _ LO N IIJJ O O O n E Em 0 m y C E a w tt7 p N d m r CD cc 41 tt J c — N C cn c lL 0 N b a� > r- M .0 x C)0 N d ._ O O z z In - 7 Z W N lLJ a cr M M M M LO J N com N I N N I I C o cn o u) to u) o N N n w r- N to a to o o d n o E to W v w N Lh c m >) 0 to o 0 0 0 o cn o 0 a a) 0) ao in q coto. L9 c 0 m o C) C) - N C� O) cn to to cb cD d cO O O O � O m co c0 M M n d' N N C A) N u O C) C ) U) co to to cli O to tol�t O) h t�- ti p al W M M c1 n VO c0�) M toCl N L U Q a) o o )n in n c�'i y toi U)i o v) c _ C £ CD C) OO � Cl) toN N N A(n N L C, N 7 7 C l. A is 'o a. !tl O O O O O O O O O (n 0 O U o U) ¢ Q a o N V- lV Q r- f- !9 oz o V) Ts J UU) U � U 0 (n d (n U) a_J ��UU.T ,zed � zS_.d U, a J J c..3U S ��UU 60 C)v)C9C9C9 M.C9fnfn (AC)(9 c U U U U (1) V) U) cv E m a > > W 13 ca C O E TJ 1Nr) c > N c o m E (0a > ca b -.Do o T := m - v N a >.0 m O n a c 0 'V) O .-�` TC p N -N .0 IOD N N N O O V O V N 6) � E o > uEE� u � �� ? () ZE.E c4E E � >� c ro �v a .ten -a 0 �`o N I Ci U > > U y > N — — o ¢ G 6 N (l� to O cn. O to a Ln a) n ti w u) (� N O a d 6 �i N d It1 N - - N 0 ro b U N C U N C C > Q~) C N )a CO a Z U a) �ro 0m mo T E E o N V) C T x b T Q CDN 0 yI E a > O CL 4 O c) N I IL w C" W w 4) 4) C O) C W Physical Soil PropvrUes—Gallatin Counly Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision I Physical Soil Properties This table shows estimates of some physical characteristics and features that affect soil behavior.These estimates are given for the layers of each soil in the survey area.The estimates are based on field observations and on test data for these and similar soils. Depth to the upper and lower boundaries of each layer is indicated. Particle size is the effective diameter of a soil particle as measured by sedimentation, sieving, or micrometric methods. Particle sizes are expressed as classes with specific effective diameter class limits. The broad classes are sand, silt, and clay, ranging from the larger to the smaller. Sand as a soil separate consists of mineral soil particles that are 0.05 millimeter to 2 millimeters in diameter. In this table,the estimated sand content of each soil layer is given as a percentage,by weight,of the soil material that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. Silt as a soil separate consists of mineral soil particles that are 0.002 to 0.05 millimeter in diameter. In this table, the estimated silt content of each soil layer is given as a percentage, by weight, of the soil material that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. Clay as a soil separate consists of mineral soil particles that are less than 0.002 millimeter in diameter. In this table, the estimated clay content of each soil layer is given as a percentage,by weight, of the soil material that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. The content of sand, silt, and clay affects the physical behavior of a soil. Particle size is important for engineering and agronomic interpretations,for determination of soil hydrologic qualities, and for soil classification. The amount and kind of clay affect the fertility and physical condition of the soil and the ability of the soil to adsorb cations and to retain moisture.They influence shrink- swell potential, saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat), plasticity, the ease of soil dispersion, and other soil properties. The amount and kind of clay In a soil also affect tillage and earthmoving operations. Moist bulk density is the weight of soil (ovendry)per unit volume. Volume is measured when the soil is at field moisture capacity, that is,the moisture content at 1/3-or 1/10-bar(33kPa or 10kPa) moisture tension.Weight is determined after the soil is dried at 105 degrees C. In the table,the estimated moist bulk density of each soil horizon is expressed in grams per cubic centimeter of soil material that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter. Bulk density data are used to compute linear extensibility, shrink-swell potential,available water capacity, total pore space, and other soil properties.The moist bulk density of a soil indicates the pore space available for water and roots. Depending on soil texture,a bulk density of more than 1.4 can restrict water storage and root penetration. Moist bull(density is influenced by texture, kind of clay, content of organic matter, and soil structure. Saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksal) refers to the ease with which pores in a saturated soil transmit water.The estimates in the table are expressed in terms of micrometers per second. They are based on soil characteristics observed in the field, particularly structure, porosity, and texture. Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) is considered in the design of soil drainage systems and septic tank absorption fields, USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 811012007 � Conservation Sorvico National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 7 Physical Soil Properties—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision I Available water capacity refers to the quantity of water that the soil is capable of storing for use by plants. The capacity for water storage is given in inches of water per inch of soil for each soil layer.The capacity varies,depending on soil properties that affect retention of water. The most important properties are the content of organic matter,soil texture,bulk density,and soil structure,Available water capacity is an important factor in the choice of plants or crops to be grown and in the design and management of irrigation systems.Available water capacity is not an estimate of the quantity of water actually available to plants at any given time. Linear extensibility refers to the change in length of an unconfined clod as moisture content is decreased from a moist to a dry state. It is an expression of the volume change between the water content of the clod at 1/3-or 1/1 0-bar tension(33kPa or 10kPa tension)and oven dryness. The volume change is reported in the table as percent change for the whole soil.The amount and type of clay minerals in the soil influence volume change. Linear extensibility is used to determine the shrink-swell potential of soils.The shrink-swell potential is low if the soil has a linear extensibility of less than 3 percent; moderate if 3 to 6 percent;high if 6 to 9 percent;and very high if more than 9 percent. If the linear extensibility is more than 3, shrinking and swelling can cause damage to buildings, roads, and other structures and to plant roots. Special design commonly is needed. Organic matter is the plant and animal residue in the soil at various stages of decomposition. In this table, the estimated content of organic matter is expressed as a percentage, by weight, of the soil material that is less than 2 millimeters in diameter.The content of organic matter in a soil can be maintained by returning crop residue to the soil. Organic matter has a positive effect on available water capacity,water infiltration, soil organism activity,and tilth.It is a source of nitrogen and other nutrients for crops and soil organisms. Erosion factors are shown in the table as the K factor(Kw and Kf) and the T factor. Erosion factor K indicates the susceptibility of a soil to sheet and rill erosion by water.Factor is one of sixfactors used in the Universal Soil Loss Equation(USLE) and the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE)to predict the average annual rate of soil loss by sheet and rill erosion in tons per acre per year, The estimates are based primarily on percentage of silt, sand, and organic matter and on soil structure and Ksat.Values of K range from 0.02 to 0.69. Other factors being equal,the higher the value,the more susceptible the soil is to sheet and rill erosion by water. Erosion factor Kw indicates the erodibility of the whole soil.The estimates are modified by the presence of rock fragments. Erosion factor 1<f indicates the erodibility of the fine-earth fraction, or the material less than 2 millimeters in size. Erosion factor,T is an estimate of the maximum average annual rate of soil erosion by wind and/or water that can occur without affecting crop productivity over a sustained period.The rate is in tons per acre per year. Wind erodibility groups are made up of soils that have similar properties affecting their susceptibility to wind erosion in cultivated areas. The soils assigned to group 1 are the most susceptible to wind erosion, and those assigned to group 8 are the least susceptible,The groups are described in the"National Soil Survey Handbook." USDA Natural Resources Web Sall Survey 2.0 8110/2007 F '1 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 7 Physical Soil Properlies-Gallatin County Area,Montana laurel Glen Subdivision l Wind erodibility index is a numerical value indicating the susceptibility of soil to wind erosion,or the tons per acre per year that can be expected to be lost to wind erosion. There is a close correlation between wind erosion and the texture of the surface layer, the size and durability of surface clods, rock fragments, organic matter, and a calcareous reaction. Soil moisture and frozen soil layers also influence wind erosion. Reference: United States Department of Agriculture,Natural Resources Conservation Service. National soil survey handbook, title 430-VI. (littp:/Isoils.usda.gov) IJ� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 7 C O .N .Z 'O ,q o a> � •t U t1 N C] O O CL tU y J v O m 0 v <O l0 12 O ~ 1+ 1 CM N Y I CO N N N t` t- N O N MO O Cl)C'1 M (? CM O Y N � U) U N 4 O O U1 ci O O q O Un O O h Cn N(T Q CL t0 m �' M M � O M 0 E O O O "1 6 Q U) a O N O o O O O C cu c o � _ N to ui N N N N( CV N N O d O O O O C. - C� O CO M M O O O O O C; �./n C N O U > CA O) h oo CO O v m q o o R 9. C? o o 0 o tin o .o v>U O O O O O O O O O 3 C a a u m v m o o 'o. r1 w j � � O v iJ o -(-? c� Z 0 o a o o a r N o U) c c a •( `r `? o a p fn 0 O O O V o 0: 4. O c7 1J N N N L ro V v v v v v � u N O t O 7 N \ N V aO', toa� to V �- n m o o cd C) o d d Ln kn 'O (? M U) CD N V, Ln I •0 to a r, M L N n In M ,^ U N M M N O N M O 4'J co N th rS d N N c� m ro .�, o I I I I I I I I I N ` Q C U C cvA k o ao o � aQ v C O N In Of C, 1n N .4) .. 0 a 6 C6 N .O in N N =U cl JC�� .O Po _ C x N N C - T C �a a W O a (1 d O (au) Q> N I � E o �; 2 > d � mcciE3 m N LJ y T LL c 0 .y 'v ' c U 0- X N(A _ c.n 0 a d ' a [L cli co CC) 00 J d Y W K Y CL L� C_ Sl 70 O OI d J' co V (D (D O U) U) M I Y U - w C M �1' M t CM CQ M M m (O IN M N O _ 3 N f` (n f` f` r- f` Y It (O cC f` U) W x M Y M I 1; M M (? M I [y N O N I M O U � N U N C] O 0 E O O (h O 0 0 O U) O 4 !) Up N a O N O O O M O O N C 0 _O C d ;j qCj Q. 01 O> O) m .M (7� O O T Cl (n N N N fV N N (A ul N N IN N d fl o o d o; -o- d o 0 0 0 o d d O c a a 00 0 0 00 m m 0 _ 0 06 � — — 0 V d �. c ro y, ¢ o o o rn o rn rn' m co co m N N N (V r N r r r r r O N •- O — N io 3 a c(i Q o 0 0 0 09 0 0 0 o q d o N U c0 ft- (D � OD (b: (b' (� � N (D v V' .n O U, Q r )- r o O d U f 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N C m O ❑. 0 > O O Z O ` Q 0 a a a O O (7 O r O O O 0_ 7 ` 7 O 00 O O C) O O O O O O O vv 0 v v v vt .� � � v v Y v y 0 cli in L o o d d d 6 o c o d o �' r r00 �n u o K, 0 0 0 0 0 00 o N o o N �- V r to O O U) O O U) O O O O O IA (A O .0 �N Y•N U (l Y V: U) c i (? -V; M U) U) U) M 4) f` p, D a G •- r .-- .- r r r r r a- r A d Cl� Q O 10 In O '(n d O O In If) (n 1n O p r IN IN c- N (n (h Cli (n (() r ti O Imo• O (A U) 00 h to O f- fh N M N N IN N r' N Cl) C) N N (b N 2 I I I I I I L. I III I I I I u C V C 7 a 0 cli CD.U N a (OD cm ' 2 in 0 C Z- O r0-6Y r N a b Q)U i6 CO O ( Q (D r N O N V y V (� N a7 (U 'Jf p E _ K 0. (� d A C E'_ O to E C N 2 d A N Q h El VEI•O U)O C TN) d N O C r-0 C �� Il �f O N b A] E N m p N N Q N 6 97 `y E Co N n- � m �QClna to a F- own fif N UJ fJ U r 1- n 0 .N .y a c go w u - x��� o 6 d N 00 p� R t n O qi al _J J O M d M U w w ti f` O co I- O co N CDC � lh Cl) N N c7 N N M N O 1� In M 1- M O co M O M O N v_ rn ro Q �i Ch 4 ui C? 14 q o p o 0 o C o to o n CS N O N O V N C7 ro G G _ O w wej m rn m CA m m rn m m Q N N N N (V N (V N N O� m o (� (3 6 6 6 6 6 6 aO Cj o Cl CD Ci Cj C? O N o 0 nw V � a C ro m C N O V' M Cli (n m C Cl! O N N O N O — d 2 [7 C O O O 4 O O O O O a d Um` Q U Or .M- O - - O ��'- - NO d U O O O O O O O O O w fq N O r J C, V y O O O f1 •p V Q V v .O V• '- .'t Y r O C U r r (n U CD O O O CDO O Q COD vi �p V' V' � � V' V' V' V• V' N L VI Y .N U V, � Lq N M in c r r al to a CO h h O h h N N N ("? O N N O U Cb CL o Ch CO o C}� Cb to 0 4 C a (a C_ m N a o N 0 - ti ri m i z U w x w N Q NN u-- (7q U E a) V' n C, T O CL U2 a t n N .q m O o G> q o O CJ O GI Cl c N N E w al. N— O C7 CC o - . co 1� QC7 N O a N I M E U 'O I 9 U 2 U ` o m y [j] w ro w v Q z a`i .0 Q a E Q. � m o CL z V) a M tits ' LL o (n LO u� (1) — U CL .N .0 G O a_ x r, oo co v v a= a coo o rn y to O ~ U _ Cl) N O x N M 7 04 C) r M I- � � Oy N M O O N O- O o lU U_ y C N O O O O t0 O O t0 )O f➢ �+ U O)In Q. M M O O N O O O O O A C C O t. _ C to 0) O) (7) O) O) (n O) O Q N ui ui N N N N N N- d O O P O O 6 6 O O O C O C6 ri O o 0 o t7 0 ?0 a o O Q) a y U ex o 9 9 o 9 o 0 0 0 'a n u o2 to C a o o 0 0 U ci o 0 0 o o 0 C) c) °7 � c to ° nri 'a u.+'-� v C. a o 0 o Z o ro b o 0 0 o r d b C ,� O O O O LM u O p N V V t0 � _T n N n o a •- w r 0 Q r Q m 0 0 0 c) 0 0 C) m to O 4�- N ro u h to to n to oo U °� Q N cm r� N o tv t� o C U - N N CODN N O O C L. R1 Nrk I I I O C r m . ur- Nt0 t9 ) to07 tt�� �.1 N �N V co O = 2 U tU V N U) U) O ds c E c in O 0 �) a N y W- 8 r t a Soil Features—Gallatin County Area.Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Soul Features This table gives estimates of various soil features. The estimates are used in land use planning that involves engineering considerations. A restrictive layer is a nearly continuous layer that has one or more physical, chemical, or thermal properties that significantly impede the movement of water and air through the soil or that restrict roots or otherwise provide an unfavorable root environment. Examples are bedrock, cemented layers, dense layers, and frozen layers.The table indicates the hardness and thickness of the restrictive layer, both of which significantly affect the ease of excavation. Depth to top is the vertical distance from the soil surface to the upper boundary of the restrictive layer. Subsidence is the settlement of organic soils or of saturated mineral soils of very low density. Subsidence generally results from either desiccation and shrinkage, or oxidation of organic material,or both,following drainage.Subsidence takes place gradually, usually over a period of several years. The table shows the expected initial subsidence,which usually is a result of drainage,and total subsidence,which results from a combination of factors. Potential for frost action is the likelihood of upward or lateral expansion of the soil caused by the formation of segregated ice lenses(frost heave)and the subsequent collapse of the soil and toss of strength on thawing. Frost action occurs when moisture moves into the freezing zone of the soil. Temperature, texture, density, saturated hydraulic conductivity(Ksat), content of organic matter,and depth to the water table are the most important factors considered in evaluating the potential for frost action. It is assumed that the soil is not insulated by vegetation or snow and is not artificially drained. Silty and highly structured, clayey soils that have a high water table in winter are the most susceptible to frost action. Well drained, very gravelly, or very sandy soils are the least susceptible. Frost heave and low soil strength during thawing cause damage to pavements and other rigid structures. Risk of corrosion pertains to potential soil-induced electrochemical or chemical action that corrodes or weakens uncoated steel or concrete. The rate of corrosion of uncoated steel is related to such factors as soil moisture, particle-size distribution, acidity, and electrical conductivity of the soil. The rate of corrosion of concrete is based mainly on the sulfate and sodium content, texture, moisture content,and acidity of the soil.Special site examination and design may be needed if the combination of factors results in a severe hazard of corrosion. The steel or concrete in installations that intersect soil boundaries or soil layers is more susceptible to corrosion than the steel or concrete in installations that are entirely within one kind of soil or within one soil layer. For uncoated steel, the risk of corrosion, expressed as low, moderate, or high, is based on soil drainage class, total acidity, electrical resistivity near field capacity, and electrical conductivity of the saturation extract. For concrete, the risk of corrosion also is expressed as low, moderate, or high. It is based on soil texture, acidity, and amount of sulfates in the saturation extract. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 ' Conservation Sorvico National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 / o : §\ ) f D ° D- o . ° t ® § R � $ ) § f \ / k \ 0 ; $ j 0 - � k ] § ] \ ) | | | I I I 2 / § �A z .0 - \_ 21 C | | | | | 2\ 0 \ G th «G to 0 «f A � £ ) 2 LL . G \ j ® 2 � m - -- — LL \ $ ) Q) ) j\ �} CC) � - —� 2 » a 2-1C ° k � / m E j/ k E © � \E \ to k� a) LU 0 �) \. \ k\ �{ //j /� \/ k� k ) /\� � ® �� < � E §\\ \ 2 � [{ \ � 3 -Jr § £ SE _7 £ ±. oo� { A @ ■ � / §o] 2 § 2 � LL A § . / / -� wn a) 8t e @® � �/ f J § 4 \§ ) \ � r § & f g a 2 )2 : _ n , ; m | I I I [ ( o U) ( ) ( \ S 3 � - 3 ~ u \ ° Cl C CD / J4 > a % { I I I I E 4-0 § � ° E v \ l 9 g r / \ . e @ a) _ ( \ 0� 0 � $ §k � 2 - -- U) 9 \ 0 ƒ ] m g \ m/ \ 7 \ $ \ \ zo d me o » E § ® / $ e / f- y/ _ # /\\ k (f af� /2 m } �\ � o ) [ E § ° ° | >\§ j §} / & � � ` � /{ § 2 §cor § m I \ . 2 Q � j . .a U- k Water Feature s-Gallatln County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision I Water Features This table gives estimates of various soil water features. The estimates are used in land use planning that involves engineering considerations. Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation,are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The four hydrologic soil groups are: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate(low runoff potential)when thoroughly wet.These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet.These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained orwell drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture.These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate(high runoff potential)when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (AID, BID, or CID),the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Surface runoff refers to the loss of water from an area by flow over the land surface. Surface runoff classes are based on slope, climate, and vegetative cover. The concept indicates relative runoff for very specific conditions. It is assumed that the surface of the soil is bare and that the retention of surface water resulting from irregularities in the ground surface is minimal.The classes are negligible,very low, low, medium, high, and very high. The months in the table indicate the portion of the year in which a water table, ponding, and/or flooding is most likely to be a concern. Water table refers to a saturated zone in the soil.The water features table indicates, by month,depth to the top(upperlimit)and base(lowerlimit)of the saturated zone in most years. Estimates of the upper and lower limits are based mainly on observations of the water table at selected sites and on evidence of a saturated zone, namely grayish colors or mottles (redoxirnorphic features) in the soil.A saturated zone that lasts for less than a month is not considered a water table. USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8110/2007 2�5 Consorvation Service Natlonal Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 5 Water Features—Gallatin County Area,Montano Laurel Glen Subdivision ( Ponding is standing water in a closed depression. Unless a drainage system is installed, the water is removed only by percolation,transpiration, or evaporation. The table indicates surface waterdepth and the duration and frequency of ponding. Duration is expressed as very brief if less than 2 days, brief if 2 to 7 days, long if 7 to 30 days, and very long if more than 30 days. frequency is expressed as none, rare, occasional, and frequent. None means that ponding is not probable;rare that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions(the chance of ponding is nearly 0 percent to 5 percent in any year); occasional that it occurs, on the average, once or less in 2 years (the chance of ponding is 5 to 50 percent in any year); and frequent that it occurs, on the average, more than once in 2 years (the chance of ponding is more than 50 percent in any year). Flooding is the temporary inundation of an area caused by overflowing streams,by runoff frorn adjacent slopes, or by tides. Water standing for short periods after rainfall or snowmelt is not considered flooding, and water standing in swamps and marshes is considered ponding rather than flooding. Duration and frequency are estimated. Duration is expressed as extremely brief if 0.1 hour to 4 hours, very brief if 4 hours to 2 days, brief if 2 to 7 days, long if 7 to 30 days,and very long if more than 30 days.Frequency is expressed as none,very rare, rare, occasional,frequent,and very frequent.None means that flooding is not probable; very rare that it is very unlikely but possible under extremely unusual weather conditions (the chance of flooding is less than 'I percent in any year); rare that it is unlikely but possible under unusual weather conditions(the chance of flooding is 1 to 5 percent in any year);occasional that it occurs infrequently under normal weather conditions (the chance of flooding is 5 to 50 percent in any year); frequent that It is likely to occur often under normal weather conditions(the chance of flooding is more than 50 percent in any year but is less than 50 percent in all months in any year); and very frequent that it is likely to occur very often under normal weather conditions (the chance of flooding is more than 50 percent in all months of any year). The information is based on evidence in the soil profile, namely thin strata of gravel, sand, silt, or clay deposited by floodwater; irregular decrease in organic matter content with increasing depth;and little or no horizon development. Also considered are local information about the extent and levels of flooding and the relation of each soil on the landscape to historic floods. Information on the extent of flooding based on soil data is less specific than that provided by detailed engineering surveys that delineate flood-prone areas at specific flood frequency levels. t15D,� Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2,0 8/10/2007 `� Conservation Servico National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 5 G O CNC .r 0 _ p> U O O U oGi cm m co q' N 113 41 41 4) N N N N al Of a1 CD N J O) C C C C C C C C C C C Q (1. 0 u I I zzzzz z z z zzzz O UL G O 3 0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I U N 7 rr N N N N -N 'O1 N .0 a) IV N N 41 a! C Ca C G G G- G C C c C C C U. z z z z z zz z z z z z z z 0 +_ C o c L° O � a o I I I I l I I I I I I I I I N U.0 N � C, Q E > cn _ N C N t y O N O 0 O (D C7 U U O O 0 O O N O C J t^D A (D (^O (D W (0 I I (CD (^O (D (6 C0 LL O 0 iu ro C — aDi0 E j c m 3 — iv o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o N d oi c6 c6 C[) a0 CQ CO CO CO CO CO CU d d d a d a o d o 0 o z -q v� 1a w C N O 3 4, N 7 N G ❑ ID N (TOO) (u L T c C C'In mm C T G U 7 N � I � U O � U O y' c M -U O1 N N ;amT 2 T o c 2 � m �-+ o ai N W oC N U T N CU N N 47 N O , � C dwN Q= N .Bc N > u n a A 0 0 E z f ° v E 4Q y U( U ml� r Y.C v U N G N T O Q .p y .i0 C N E E NN �J v1111 41 3 T [1 N N 'C Q N N P 0) (D C, I N � o Q Q1 0 I (U a aEo N 0 'v N QON E v 8 0 2 al u�� Q (i E n F� <` u' v N N N 3 O .N U SI _) C T C7 w C9 as N o N O O al O' al N a) al a) Q) CU a1 C_J N N Ol F C C C (' C: C C C C C n. J c LL'O O LL. O w a � 0 N ,iU m m m rn m m m I I I 1 1 1 I I 1 1 u cr c of m (1) a al m m m m a) m m C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C LL O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O z z z z z z z z z z z z z z 2 Z z O) C O 'O A C r O 7 a a I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 1 I I I I d m U C O T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Y N 7 N { O O C1 O O [7 O O O C. (7 O O O � O p O ja O c 0 (n (n (n (n N (n n (n v> o 0 0 0 v b C7 Ci C7 m cn m CM Cn C'7 M CV (V CV N o d d d a o o 6 6 o o a o o z CV CV N CV N N N CV CV CV (U N IL r N CO t9 C N ,C N L ,C C ,C C u 0 c u rn CL m U m ° M o s m p c — — o v o o V o 22 E b � N ro o n n o :rn rt Uo O z O m h a) O C) m O O N a o � jo 0a�Q ('ro u- a) T m 1-11 y Q c N Q 4 Q N kn o fl W o o ati (n � to L tC/ m d m S C i / & � 2 / co � � \ I I / § . � I I tr e ~ k k 0 \ ~ o i I \ \\ ( \ k ym r I | , $ \ j J = . « rL 2 L f ¥ \ \ / / ¥\ 0 < M > 2tm� ¥ J :> cu \ E J < 0 a > eb _ mm a@ £ m � ( pG � ) § r\ JB — \ ±� ± k Irrigated and Nonirrigated Yields by Map Unit Component—Gallatin County Lourel Glen Subdivision Area,Montana r Irrigated and Nonirrigated Yields by Map Unit Component The average yields per acre that can be expected of the principal crops under a high level of management are shown in this table. In any given year,yields may be higher or lower than those indicated in the table because of variations in rainfall and other climatic factors. Tile yields are based mainly on the experience and records of farmers, conservationists, and extension agents.Available yield data from nearby counties and results of field trials and demonstrations also are considered. The management needed to obtain the indicated yields of the various crops depends on the kind of soil and the crop. Management can include drainage, erosion control,and protection from flooding;the proper planting and seeding rates; suitable high-yielding crop varieties; appropriate and timely tillage; control of weeds, plant diseases, and harmful insects; favorable soil reaction and optimum levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements for each crop; effective use of crop residue, barnyard manure, and green manure crops; and harvesting that ensures the smallest possible loss. If yields of irrigated crops are given, it is assumed that the irrigation system is adapted to the soils and to the crops grown,that good-quality irrigation water is uniformly applied as needed, and that tillage is kept to a minimum. Pasture yields are expressed in terms of animal unit months.An animal unit month (AUM) is the amount of forage required by one mature cow of approximately 1,000 pounds weight, with or without a calf,for 1 month. The estimated yields reflect the productive capacity of each soil for each of the principal crops. Yields are likely to increase as new production technology is developed. The productivity of a given soil compared with that of other soils, however, is not likely to change. Crops other than those shown in the table are grown in the survey area, but estimated yields are not listed because the acreage of such crops is small.The local office of the Natural Resources Conservation Service or of the Cooperative Extension Service can provide information about the management and productivity of the soils for those crops. The land capability classification of map units in the survey area is shown in this table. This classification shows, in a general way,the suitability of soils for most kinds of field crops(United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, 1961).Crops that require special management are excluded.The soils are grouped according to their limitations for field crops, the risk of damage if they are used for crops, and the way they respond to management. The criteria used in grouping the soils do not include major and generally expensive landforming that would change slope,depth,or other characteristics of the soils, nor do they include possible but unlikely major reclamation projects. Capability classification is not a substitute for interpretations designed to show suitability and limitations of groups of soils for rangeland, for forestland, or for engineering purposes. In the capability system,soils are generally grouped at three levels:capability class, subclass, and unit. Capability classes,the broadest groups,are designated by the numbers 1 through 8.The numbers indicate progressively greater limitations and narrower choices for practical use. The classes are defined as follows; USDA Natural Rosources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8/10/2007 `EE�j Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Irrigated and Nonirrigated Yields by Map Unit Component—Gallatin County Laurel Glen Subdivision Area,Montano Capability subclasses are soil groups within one class. They are designated by adding a small letter, e, w, s,or c,to the class numeral, for example, 2e.The letter e shows that the main hazard is the risk of erosion unless close-growing plant cover is maintained; w shows that water in or on the soil interferes with plant growth or cultivation (in some soils the wetness can be partly corrected by artificial drainage); s shows that[lie soil is limited mainly because it is shallow,droughty,or stony;and c, used in only some parts of the United States, shows that the chief limitation is climate that is very cold or very dry. In class 1 there are no subclasses because the soils of this class have few limitations. Class 5 contains only the subclasses indicated by w, s, or c because the soils in class 5 are subject to little or no erosion. Capability units are soil groups within a subclass. The soils in a capability unit are enough alike to be suited to the same crops and pasture plants, to require similar management, and to have similar productivity. Capability units are generally designated by adding an Arabic numeral to the subclass symbol,for example,2e-4 and 3e-6. These units are not given in all soil surveys. Reference: United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service. 1961. Land capability classification. U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 210. O.SDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2.0 8110/2007 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Surrey Page 2 of 4 G O .N .G .L tl 7 Q) O In 41 In O O In h V N CV (N �^ O (9 d N r, o` a d ro m to 71 rn o N E 1 C v o � z Ln Q a 0 0 0 0 0 o O o a m rn o eq m In Um o In p p C - N N N 3-I ro 'O tU C ro O O '� � o Q i t Z C E q U 12 C U? O O O a O O p p N N C7 M M M C) C7 CL ro 0) U) C C7 Q N W � I I I N'O a O N�C Q. ro a N E rn to O ` — a/ U) U o CA o 0 0 c m _ a ICl IO O I �I I_ —_— I jq „a a In d' IO Iri O'n 7_ ro a L m 0 O O O `� Z 07 C v ` C b is C � ro O co 9 C a CD n' u o w'� U a v c L a vI a a m 3 a a �w CO V' M_ Cl) N V' I O C Q O N a O a N a. QQI� O C O T N ro r! O .O. V1 ; loll Y N ro C (Z =0 �ati3a/ Iy d � o o a n o � aNi Co 0 a v ro w M na� vn Coco u �^ Nl� won LU m� - a � a oal 3 x � o �lN N o d' E a o a Z•a ° ' IV f9 X N .0 E E cu a p/ U C E ` a JA11 EION v � mc we o. 3 � `° a C N d N d ? O Q a 07 I 'O U m U V' U ro a o .cu m. - o '^ m q c� E m s to° ro q n Q N E Z w c0 o > a/ CO'n w E n � rn n C o o °7 N ro r.Q co T m d E w z w w C " a lV O) C O Vl 5 S� 7 _ c C) O O V) N N b � N d v1 p� W N C `1 O ra � N L IL 0 0 v v ri m rn o co 0 N o C N ;d m c rn Q C 'e >. c N z H U r. a O V N N U C N _ Q1 N N v- Q v)' 4 00 C p 'Q w n d N ° 2 y a �a a E rn U) m U ` CL Q O N O 1u C ~ 0 cu a m n nCi val @ C rn U N w O a N � C C C O a o 0 a � >, U z rn :6.r c6 : 03 m �° ° 0 co a a z L. c is N o __ 0 °' ro '� E O 0 CN A i j N w 'o a� CDV7 N c a� w N �• � - � x n (n (n oil Z N cdv �''vOi Z � c � � N • .0 N f6 Dwellings Without Basements—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Dwellings Without Basements Dwellings Without Basements—Summary by Map Unit—Gallatin County Area,Montana Map unit Map unit name Rating Component Rating reasons Acres In AOI Percent of AOI symbol name(porcent) (rating values) 448A Hyalite- Somewhat Hyalite(70%) Large stones 14.5 8.8% Beaverton limited content(0.02) complex,moderately Beaverton(20%) Large stones wet,0 to 2 content(0.20) percent slopes Beaverton(5%) Large stones content(0.21) 453B Amsterdam- Not limited Amsterdam 44.3 26.7% Quagle silt (60%) foams,0 to 4 percent slopes Quagie(30%) Beanlake(61/6) Meagher(4%) 457A "Turner loam, Somewhat Turner(85%) Shrink-swell 24.1 14.5% moderately limited (0,50) wet,0 to 2 --- percent slopes Beaverton(5%) Large stones content(0.20) Turner(5%) Shrink-swell (0.50) 50913 Enbar loam,0 to Very limited Enbar(85%) Flooding(1.00) n.5 2.7%u 4 percent slopes Nythar(10%) Flooding(1.00) Depth to saturated zone (1.00) Shrink-swell (0.50) 510B Meadowcreek Not limited Meadowcreek 0.4 0.2% loam,0 to 4 (85%) percent slopes 511A Fairway silt loam, Not limited Fairway(85%) 1.1 0.7% 0 to 2 percent slopes Meadowcreek (5%) 537A Lamoose sill Sorewhat Lamoose(85%) Depth to 41.4 24.9% loam,0 to 2 limited saturated zone percent slopes (0,98) 748A Hyalite- Somewhat Hyallte(70%) Large stones 35.5 21.4% Beaverton limited content(0.02) complex,0 to 4 0 percent slopes Beaverton(20%) Large stones content(0.20) Turner(5%) Shrink-swell (0.50) Hyalite(5%) Large stones content(0.02) Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2,0 811012007 �� Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey ('age 1 of 2 Dwellings Without Basements—Gallatin County Area,Montana Laurel Glen Subdivision Totals for Area of Interest(AOp 165.8 I 100.0% Dwellings Without Basements—Summary by Rating Value Rating Acres In A01 hnrcont of AO1 Somewhat limited 115.5 69.7% Not limited 45.8 27.6% Very limited 4.5 2.7% Descuiption Dwellings are single-family houses of three stories or less. For dwellings without basements, the foundation is assumed to consist of spread footings of reinforced concrete built on Undisturbed soil at a depth of 2 feet or at the depth of maximltm frost penetration,whichever is deeper. The ratings for dwellings are based on the soil properties that affect the capacity of the soil to support a load without movement and on the properties that affect excavation and construction costs. The properties that affect the load-supporting capacity include depth to a water table, ponding, flooding, subsidence, linear extensibility(shrink-swell potential),and compressibility.Compressibility is inferred from the Unified classification of the soil. The properties that affect the ease and amount of excavation include depth to a water table,ponding,flooding,slope,depth to bedrock or a cemented pan, hardness of bedrock or a cemented pan, and the amount and size of rock fragments. The ratings are both verbal and numerical. Rating class terms indicate the extent to which the soils are limited by all of the soil features that affect the specified use. "Not limited" indicates that the soil has features that are very favorable for the specified use. Good performance and very low maintenance can be expected. "Somewhat limited"indicates that the soil has features that are moderately favorable for the specified use.The limitations can be overcome or minimized by special planning, design, or installation. Fair performance and moderate maintenance can be expected."Very limited"indicates that the soil has one or more features that are unfavorable for the specified use.The limitations generally cannot be overcome without major sail reclamation, special design, or expensive installation procedures. Poor performance and high maintenance can be expected. Numerical ratings indicate the severity of individual limitations. The ratings are shown as decimal fractions ranging from 0.01 to 1.00. They indicate gradations between the point at which a soil feature has the greatest negative impact on the use (1.00)and the point at which the soil feature is not a limitation (0.00). Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Fie-break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 2,0 8/1012007 "—� Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 2