HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1271 Improves SID No. 445 ----.--. - -.-.-.. ---- .-.-....---- n_._. _ -- --- 186/1 COI\1MISS10IJ HEbOLUTION NO. 12'(1 Ii RbS()LVrIUN ()1" THE CCH :I~,:jION OF THE CITY OF B07.t:!/iAN, ~ONTANA, L,t:VY1NG AND ASSESSING A SPECIAL AS.';.i";S~)jVIENT OF TAXES UPON AU" THE PlWPEHTY III SPECIAL IJ1PHOVE]\1ENT DISTRICT NO. 41.1) III TiU~ CITY UF BOZEdJdJ, COUNTY OF GAV,\'I'IN, STATE OF NWTANA, TO DEFHi\.Y THE COST UF CO:'STIWCTI:\!C AND ;\JI.Y ING TI.ft IHPHOVbJciENTSWIT\!.I}! SAID ~-)P};,CIAL Il'Il'ROVEhE;NT DISTRICT NU. 445. I \-JHF:HKA.S, The City ConrrniSf;ion uf The City of Bozeman, did on the 9th day of December 1966, duly and regularly pass Commission Hesolution No. 1162, entitled: A HESU1UTIUN OF THE. CITY CUT;JIv[I~jSJON Ur' THE CITY OF BOZ1';j\lAN DECLAHHJG IT ['0 Bb; THE; lj~'l'ENTION OF THE CITY OF BOZ.t:;ji.i!\N, 1'lO[{['ANA TO CH.i<ATI', A S}l,ClAL niJPH(JV.t:':JIl.bi~'l' DIS'l'HlCT TO BE hNOvJN AS SmCIAL Ilvi~ehOV~Jv.D:;i\!T DISTRICT NUlJIT)EH 4L.).5 FOit Till. lliRPOSE OF Ci, NSTRUCTING AND li~STAL1ING AN AS?HALTlC- CONCliliTE PA VEJ.;:LNT i'HOJECTWI'l'H INTfu;GAL CONCRl</l'E Ci.)HDS AND (lUTTEHS AjJD l,r1C}~SSAhY APPURTE1\ANCES TO SA1.J CO;JSTRUCTIUN IlND Il'J~)'I'ALLr\'l'ION OF T:J.t:; FOLLCWING STMt.TS AND A V.tlJUES, TO-vHT: A POHTIOi'J OF NOhTII EIG!tTl'-,I!Jnii A VJ';NUE lJE'l'WEEN DUES'l'ON HOAD AND TJw.. SOUT:lliHLY u!T LIuEb ut' LOT 26, lJLOCK "A" !\.jJD LOT 9, 13100j\ "D" OF GRfo.F I S F'IHST RME.HArJGEllb;lJT UF BLOCh. 6 OF KIHK I S 3ECO ;~D SlJBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF nOZ.b..]'1!'cN, HU(n'AjJA. and therc~ai'ter dun and legal 1-Jroceedi.ngs had, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on U.le 30th day of December, 196Lj, duly pa~;s Commission Hesolution No. 116'(, entitled: A EE~;OLLJTI un OF 'Ii Lb CITY COHJ',l.S0ICN OF TIlE CITY OF BOZEI'JAN CRE1\. TING A Sf'-ECIAL IHPhUVEH).!, NT lJIS'l'HICT TOHE; id!(J"'iJIJ AS ;::;PLCj:Al. H'iPHCViJ'ibNT Dli:JTHICT NO. 4L6 OF Tilli CITY OF B02EI\'JAN 1<'Oh THE PUHPOSJ:', OF co:, bTRlJCTJ NG AND INSTAL.LL~G A .PA VE.HI:. NT PHO,TECT ON THE F'OLiOWI,o:G i:JTHEE'l';:i AND A VEj'JULS, 'l'O-Vn T: A PQl{ TIud OF iHjHTH LWHTM.i'JTd A VENU1" BETviEEN DUI{S'l'eJN ROAD AND Tllli SOUTllliELY LOT Ll!i.bS UF LOT 26, BLOCh "A" AND LUT 9, BLOCK "13" OF' GRAF'S FIRST RMHH.ANGE- Illii\rT OF BLOCK 6 OF JUHK 'S St:CCi\jjj SliBDIVISION TO T}I~ CITY OF BQZEHAN, fJjOrITA~LI{. "l-rhicb Comrnis'iion HesolLltion ))0:3. 1162 and 116'(, pas:;ed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of thic, reo;o.Lution for furt}jerparticulars :in respect to the boundarie::; of said distri.ct, the chara.cter of imprcvement to he cons tructed therein, the estimated co::;t oJ' said ..Lrrlprovements and the rretboc1 of Lls:';es:;i nc tJ1C CO:it ac;a.inst the property w:i_I,lLin sohi district; and I \liJ fEH! <,/.\ S , sa.iel j..mprovemc:nts as contempJ;Jted in SEl.iJ Commi;;,:3ion Hc~:;olut:i.Oll TIo,3. 1162 and 116( I"J(JVC been corist,ruct.c,d. DJld completedl.!] acc01'danco with the "Lcrrn8 ana cCJndj.tions of Conll1ii~:;sion Husolution ;,jos. 1162 and 116'(, and the total cost of ;"aid il,lpl'OVemenLs so cOIJ::3tructed.Ls tIle ::Jum of E.leven-Thou.sand E:even-iIundr,,:d Ninety-Five ami b4/100 cents (;;11,'(9.?dLf) NU,d, Tifl'.HF:I;md" lJUrsuant to LllCprovisions of Sectj.ons 11-2201 to Il-n'( j and 11-3301, H.E,.l'1., 19),( and amendments tnereto. BJ", IT rU~S(J.LVLD Ai..li IT .JS~.lEliU3Y OHDiliED BY THE COIJj[.liSSIOl\J ill' 'l'1-1E CITY UF BU7..J:,;EAN, STATb OF NONTANA: Section 1. That 1,0 defray the co~')t ani expense of' constructing and makine; the irnrrovement in said S pe ci al Impr 0 veHle II t .'Jo. ):.45, then: be, and there :Ls hereby IfJvied and asse~;scd a tax amounting to the sum of Eleven -Thousand Seven-Hundred Ninety-Five lit 8l1/100 cents (Zal, '( 95. G1.i) upon all the property in said Special lFlprovement District No. 4L15, and the estimated assessment of ~n6,ooo.G() reported on 1st day of September, 1(.65 hereby abated, anei that a particuLlr description of each lot and pn.rcel of land wi th the name of the m.mer and the ,iUlll aSf;e~3:')ed flcainst him or ."Lt for such :Lmprovements atlU the amOWlt of e;lcb Dart,ial payment to be made ani' the day when the S.':llne shall be delinquent is set forth in detail j.n the assessment list hl)l'eto a LLc:Lcheu, marked Echedule "A", and mac.1e a part hereof; that the several I sums set oppo[3itc the names of the owners and the oe~3cril.Jed lots and parcels of llano be, and tne same are hereby respec Li vel.! levied ami asse:3~ied 'l}Jon anei againbt c;alci describeu lots ami parcels of lar,d to defray the COf;t ancl eXjJense c:f constructinc: arlU JllaKlnL the i.mproverilents witfli-r! said DL;trict; that the ;;everal sums so as~'.e8,;ed be collected from the respective owners of said lot::, and parcels of land descri.bed in said aSf;e~3S1IH:'n tLL:'i t, ~khedule "A", as required by law; that trle i.iayment of said sum~> 811aIl COBH1SS1\JN rLio~)OLIJTIU!': NU. 12H .-..--.---- ..._..._on___ ---.-..-.- - n ._ .. .~... . _n._ .- "...---. -. I fj("fJ ~ '\ " sba-I.l be; me_de in ?O :lrl;;tallment,; C\J)Cl 1~he IJaymcnt of E:aici i nstallmen t shall extend ov~cr a period of 19 years; that the payrrlent of tne respect:i..ve annLla,l in8taIlment shaD be lnade on or before the 30th (Jay of November of each YC2r until payment of all .i..nstal1menLs together ,,,ith the :interest thercon, shall be made; trJ[l t said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be nwcle j n the mannur and in accordance Hi th the 1mv eoverning the coll("cti"n of spN;ial improveme~,t taxes; that J'a:LILlre to DEW I such assessments -I'lhen the same become due and I_Dyable shall make such persons and s::I.': d lots and parcels of land ljable to the penalties provided by law 1'ela bw' to delinquent taxes. SecUon 2. Tbat the regulc'_r seS;3i_on of the COTrlmi,3"ion of The City of Bozeman to be held in the Commis~;ion ClJ<lmlJer .'Ln t,lw City HaLL of said City on the 29th d"l.y of cTune 1 , :it l:OU o'clock p.w., be, ann the S2Tne is hereby de["ignatcd a,,; the time and IJ],ace at Hl1ic~l objections tu t.I](; J'tnal adoption of Uri,s . Hesolution '\vilJ he neard by said Conun:i"s~:ion. SecLion 3. Th'lt tile CIerI\: of the CommiEision of The Li t~y of DOL,emB!) :)e, and :3J'JE:: if, ercb ord(;I'ud and directed to publish in i-,he Duzemall naily Chronicle, a daily ne\cmuaper prini~ed and publistled in the saici C"I ty of bozeman, a notice sjr.ned by the ClI;rk of tho Cotllr'liS,-iion and ~;tC'ltj_ ng tlHit a hC301ution levyin[\ mId ccS,:)os~: i np; a ,-ipccial cL3sessrnent of taxe8 to defray the cost and uxpense of ccnstru_ct:ing and maki li2: the j,mprovements in the f;aid EJpecial Jmprovenlent J)j strict jJo. 445 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commis[3ion subject to :i..nspection for a period of f:i.ve (5) days; t11ut said Notice shall ,~ta.te the time and place at ",Thich objections will be heard by tile Commission to the final adoption of th:Ls Hcsolution; thct it shall ~e published a,t lca~;t i'i'Je (5) daVB before the day- <:jet by the Commission for the hearing of ub,jections and the final adoption of tllis Resolut:i_on. Provision;:!] ly passed ano. adopted by the; Commission of TIle City of Bozcn<in at a regular ses,:;ion I thereof lwld nn tJw 2?nd deW of June 1966. ATTEST: ---------------...._._........~~.._-~._--------.................................__...............~,.._... HayoY' Finally T)8CJsed :_cnd ,'J,do}lted by the ComrrriEiS:lOn of Tile City of Bo;;emom a t a regl1_lar ses;;ion thereof held on the 2() th day of June, 1966. ATTK:-3T: 0n4-, t/Z~. --..-. - Clerk 0:[ the CJ_ty Comn" SSlon I'layor I COB:r{L~~;IUNHJ~;~)OLlJTIU[')ljO. 12/1 ____._._ .._...._.n.".._. -.----..