HomeMy WebLinkAbout19941121 THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA November 21. 1994 Page 1 of 4 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission 1. Roll Call - 3:00 p.m. 2. Pledge of Allegiance and Moment of Silence 3. Minutes - September 19 & 26, October 24 & 31, and November 7, 1994 4. Decision - Variance from Section 18.50.120.F(2) of the Bozeman Municipal Code - Motion and vote 10/31/94, Item 4 Westmain Ventures, Inc. - allow 16 of the required 22 off-street parking spaces for 10/24/94, Item 10 retail sales - Lot 4, Festival Square Minor Subdivision (2405 West Main Street) 10/17/94, Item 15 (C-9417) (DA) 5. Request for clarification/reconsideration of conditions of approval for Valley Motion and vote Commons Business Park 6. Ordinance No. 1391 - annexation of the 1500 block of South Third Avenue into Motion and vote to finally adopt on second reading 11/07/94, Item 17 the MSU Neighborhood Parking District 7. Ordinance No. 1392 - annexation of the 1500 block of South Grand Avenue into Motion and vote to finally adopt on second reading 11/07/94, Item 18 the MSU Neighborhood Parking District 8. Discussion - FYI Items - City Manager's report 9. Consent Items - Motion and vote to approve, and authorize and direct the appropriate persons to complete the necessary actions City Commission meetings are open to all members of the public. If you have a disability that requires assistance, please contact our ADA Coordinator, Ron Brey, at 582-2305 (voice) (TOO - 582-2301). THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA November 21. 1994 Page 2 of 4 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission a. Deviation from Table 18.65.050.C. to allow a low-profile sign to be placed on 2-foot posts instead of solid base - Occupational Therapy, 206 North Grand Avenue; per ORB recommendations (Z-94129) (DA) b. Approve request for permission to conduct Second Annual Dog Walk-a-thon - Saturday, May 6, 10:00 a.m. - Bogert Park; deny request for permission to sell T-shirts, sweatshirts, and donated food and beverages; per recommendation from Recreation and Parks Advisory Board c. Request for permission to temporarily place a 12-foot by 18-foot storage shed adjacent to the Bogert Pavilion (to house ice machine) - Bozeman Amateur Hockey Association; per recommendations from Recreation & Parks Advisory Board and Design Review Board d. Commission Resolution No. 3030 - establishing fees for copies requested by individuals and organizations e. Authorize City Manager to sign - Annexation Agreement - PC Development, Inc. - 1 .51-acre tract known as Tract A, shown as the Ferguson and Bacon Tract on COS No. J-92-A, located in the SE ~, Section 10, T2S, R5E, MPM (southwest corner of Babcock and Fowler) f. Commission Resolution No. 3031 - annexing the Babcock/Fowler Annexation - a 1.51-acre tract known as Tract A, shown as the Ferguson and Bacon Tract on COS No. J-92-A, located in the SE ~, Section 10, T2S, R5E, MPM (sw corner of Babcock and Fowler) g. Staff report - intent to annex 1.8 acres known as Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Lewis Subdivision, located along the west side of Sourdough Road just north of its intersection with Kagy Boulevard - requested by M.G. Merrill, S.M. Barnard, and W.W. and C.W. Locke (A-94071 (LWI THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA November 21. 1994 Page 3 of 4 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission h. Commission Resolution No. 3032 - intent to annex 1.8 acres known as Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8, Lewis Subdivision, located along the west side of Sourdough Road just north of its intersection with Kagy Boulevard; set public hearing for December 19, 1994 i. Authorize Mayor to sign - Findings of Fact and Order for Annie Subdivision, Phase" (94.934 acres located in the NE% and SE~, Section 2, T2S, R5E, MPM -- north side of Durston Road immediately west of Annie Subdivision, Phase I) j. Authorize City Manager to sign - Change Order No.1 - 1994 Street Improvements, Schedule I - Concrete Specialties, Inc. - add $503.20 and 0 calendar days k. Authorize City Manager to sign - Change Order No. 1 - West Babcock Subdivision (HRDC) - Johnston Excavating - add $17,482.62 and 0 calendar days I. Authorize City Manager to sign - Release and Reconveyance of Easement and Right-of-Way - abandon 25-foot sanitary sewer easement granted on October 10, 1951 across Lots 1 and 3, Minor Subdivision No. 109 - George E. Westlake and Kay H. Martinen (Wal-Mart area) m. Authorize City Manager to sign - Acceptance of Water Pipeline Easement - 30- foot easement across Lots 5 and 6, Block 13, Valley Unit Subdivision, Phase I - Ken LeClair, Linden Court, Inc. n. Authorize setting of public hearing for petition for annexation into MSU Neighborhood Parking District for December 5, 1994 THE C I TV OF B 0 Z E MAN, MONTANA COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA November 21. 1 994 Page 4 of 4 Pages Item Items of Business Action Requested by Commission Previous Action No. by Commission o. Building Inspection Division report for October 1994 p. Claims 8. Recess 9. Reconvene at 7:00 p.m. 10. Public hearing - Commission Resolution No. 3021 - relating to issuance of private Conduct public hearing; adopt Commission Resolution No. 3033, activity revenue bonds under the Montana Industrial Development Act in the authorizing staff to proceed with next step in bond sale process aggregate principal amount of $9,050,000 for construction of Acadia Gardens, a 160-unit apartment complex on Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 14, Annie Subdivision 11 . Public hearing - Variances from Sections 18.30.050, 58.50.060.C.2., Conduct public hearing 18.50.060.A.l., 18.50.1 00.D.5.c.,, 18.50.120.B., and 18.50.110.C.2.b.i. - lIIeana Indreland on behalf of herself, Michael Delaney, and Delaney & Co., Inc. - 707 West Main Street (C-9421 ) (LW) 12. Public hearing - Zone Map Amendment - initially classify 19.182 acres known as Conduct public hearing Tract 1, COS No. 1855, and Tract B, COS 1817 as R-3 (south side of 2300 block of Durston Road) - Thomas W. and Marie G. Fellows, and Willowbrook Condominium, Inc. (Z-94119) (DA) 13. Public hearing - Lone Map Amendment - A-S to M-1 William F. Bishop for James Conduct public hearing and Doris Ferguson - 2.0 acres located in the W%., SE~, NW~, NE~, NE~, and W%., NE~, NW~, NE~, NE~, Section 17, T2S, R5E, MPM (south of Huffine Lane and west of Gooch Hill Road) (Z-94112) (PM) 14. Adjournment Motion and vote to adjourn