HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1278 Improves SID No. 447 --- ~ /2. B COl-JLiSSION RI;~)OLUTIOjj 1m. 12'(G A R1SULll'l'ION OF THE COMl/I.bJION OF TIm CITY UF BOZ.EivlAN, TiIONTA1~A, LEVYiNG AND ACJcJj;;i-;:<U'IG A SP1CIAL ASS.t,Si;Iv[Kl~T OF TAXJ<3 UPON ALt TI.IE PROPEHTY IN SPECIAL n1PHOVET/ll<~NT DISTRICT NO. 44'( IN TH}; CITY OF BOZENAN, COUNTY OF GALIJATIN, bTA TF: OF MONTANA, TO DEFRAY TH1!, COST OF COI~STRUCTI,m AND MAKING TEF I.MPW)Vl':Jlih'JTS IrJITHn SAT D SPti,CIAL H1PECW11\jENT DISTRICT NO. l~!-7. I \~m,RbAS, The City Commission of The City of Bozeman, did on the 25th day of November 1966, duly and reGularly pass Cor,unission TiesolutJon No. 1160, entitled: A RE.:.,UL'JT1CN OF 'rID': CITY CQ!'klIS2:;I(J OF TiI}~ CITY OF BUZEnA;\] DhCLi,hIim TT TO BE TlLE, IWi.'Ll~'l'lUN Oi" Td}:, (;JT'{ OF BOZEIVu\I\J, M:)i~T^j\iI\, TO C,EA'I'E A SPECIAL IHPHUVr:i"lt~l\IT D10TRICT TU B.c, K:JGvJN AS ,~>lJi,ClrcI, IHH,u)Vt,Ei:!;N'l' DISTInCT N1.Jl"JBLR 447 FUH Tlib l'lJHPO,sr, OF CUdS'l'RUCTl:tJG AhD 1,~STAL.LDJG AN ASPIlAL'l'lC CUNCR1~TE PAVr;I'ib:JT, G,)NCH.t;'.L'lc; INTH}o:G-.l\.L cuhB AIJD UUTT.bR~), NEC.b0SAHY 1LCAVAT10N, GRAV}"L I3ACJ\YILL j\{'.D U1'Hili APF[JRT.bi~Al~TWOhK TlkRLTO, ALE;O T:1E CUj\ji:>TRUCTIUi'J AND IiJ;:.;,rALLHnOl~ UF b'l'OHH DKI\..LM\G}I, PI?J:<" LjCLU.uI"li- l'Ji:Cb.s,j}\.}ty 'l'RJ'.NCl! i:ACAVAT'IUH ANDt3ACKFlLL, INlliT8, hII.NHOL.b;) AIm U'l'j-J},h iJECE8Sfd-\.Y APl'lrh'I'UJANT S'l'HLiCTUlilio, ON GRELK WAY, P01cTION CiF hJ\.GY BOULJWAhD fu\ID UN A PUhTlON Cil" Tit n.w AVEi'JUE oOUTh B1T\J'Ji~J:',1~ VJ,t,ST LLIJCOLN STRJ!.,ET MiD hAGl' BUl:Ll:;VALD. and. thereafter, after cillO and legal proceedings had, the Cormnis:3ion of The Cj_ty of Bozeman did on the 23rd day of December, 1964, duly pass Cmmrlission Resolution No. 1169, entitled: A Ri:!;SULLJTION ()F TilL CITY CUivJjvlIS;.mJI~ OF 'l'I--f.h; CITY o.F' BOZBl"JAN CREATING A SPBCIAL HiPliUVBHENT DISTRICT TO BE Icl'"(),JN AS 8ffiCIAL LIPRUVEHENT DISTRICT NO. 44'/ UF THE CITY OF BUZE.[vJAl'J FOn 'l';{i::', PlmPc)~ii OF C USTRUCTjl;G A1JD JdSTALLlIJG A P/\VUILSNT FRO,JbCT ON Gl{b,EK vJAY, PUHTiUN (iF MGY BOlJLf~VAI{LJ AND ON A FOttTIO!-] O.F' THIRD AVENUE SOUTH 13:i:m"mE~1WE5T LLCULIJ STW';I''11'dJD Kll,(;-Y BOULEVAlW. \<vhlch Comm:lf;,:oion H.esolution tJOf';. 1160 and 1169, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and make a part of tlJis rei:Oolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the character of improvement to be constructed therrin, the estimated cost of said hnprovements ;:mcl the method of asses:_;i.ng the cost against the propertyw:ithin said district; and I 1;JI-Ib,HF,AS, said improvements as contemplated in said Cornm:1 ssion Eesollltion ]'JOE;. IU)O [Lncl 1169 have been constructed and completed in accordcl.Dce with the terms and ccndj_tions of COillHlisf:,ion Hesolution 1\J08. IJ_()O and l1(J9, ami the total COi:Ot of said improvements so constructed is the SWrl of Ei[:hty-One TllOusancl Seven-Hunctred Six teen and. 1.-1-2/100 cents (<iPSl, 716.42) NOW, Tl-i}I~i::',FOhE, pursuant to the provisions of bcctions 11-2201 to 11-22'(3 and 11-3301, h.C .E., 19h7 and a.mencirnents thereto. BE IT H.ESOLV.b.,D Arm IT IS IibhEDY OHDt.J{E,D BY T}lli C0l1l'!IS~HCN OF 1'llli CiTY OF BOZEHA.N STATE OF HONTANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in said 8pectal Inlprovemcnt No. 447, there be, and there is hereby levied and aSi:Oessed a tax amountiLg to the sum of Eighty-One Thouse.nd Seven Hundred Sixteen and 42/100 cents (,,~8l,716.42) upon all the property in said Special Improvement District No. 1-1-47, and the estirrlated assessment of :~~87 ,000.00 reported on 1 0eptember 1965, hereby abated, and that a [xHticuLar description of each lot ,~nJd parcel of Iand with the name of the owner and the sum assessed ae;ainst hjm or it for such improvements ami the amount of each partial IJaymen t to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Scbedule "A", I and Inade a part hereof; that the sevpral sums set opposite the namos of the owners and the ctoscribed lots and parcels of land be, and tne same are heroby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said descrHJed lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the iwprovements wjthin i:Oaid District; tnat the several sums so aS3ei:Osed be collected from the respecU.ve owners of sa:Ld lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A ", as required by J.aw; that the payment of said sums shall be made in 20 installments and the COHMIS,sION hE00LUT10;~ NU. 1278 ...-- ..--....-- ._--_._~...- -- 2 / J.. 1l::- A/'J...C payment of said installment shall extend over a period of 19 :Iearb; that the lXiyment of the re- spective annual installment shall be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year unt::Ll payment of all instalJments together with the interest tliereon, shall be made; that said swns shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made :Ln the manner and in accordc:Ul ce ltLl. th the law governing the collectLon of special improvement taxes; that failu.re to pay such as~;essments when I the same become due and payable shalT make such persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the pen::11tics pnw:Lded by law relaUve to delinquent taxes. Section 2. TI1C."1.t the regular session of the ComrrJission of The City of D07,eman to be held jn the Commission Chamber in the City Hall of said City on the 6th day 01' ,July 1966, at l:OU o'clock p.m., be, and the same is hereby designated as the time and place at which objections to tUe final adoption of this Hesolution will be heard by said Commission. Section 3. Th;:Jt the Clerk of' the Commis:3:Lon of The City of Bozeman ho, and she is hereby oraered and directed to publis!1 in. the Bozeman lJc:dly Chronicle, a d2ilyne~vspaper printed and published in the said Ci.ty of Bozeman, a not:Lce signed by the Cli:,rk of the (;ommis~,ion and stating tlJa.t a Resolution levying and assessine a special as!3eSsment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of constructine; and making the improvements in the said f)pecial ImprQvemen t Distr:Lct No. 447 is on rile in the office of the Clerk of the Commis:o;j.on subject to inspection for a period of;'i ve (5) days; that said Notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to the final adoption of tIlis Hesolution; that it shall be published at least five (5) days before the day set by the Commission for the hearing of objections and the final adoption of tbis Hesolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Comrnission of The City of Bozeman at a regular I session thereof held on the 29th June 1966. ATTEEiT: .-------..........~_. Nayor Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a rq';ular sess:Lon thereof held on the 6 Jllly 1966. ATTt;ST: C;' /~.L /.4..' .:/ ~~/ ,-,-' ;/, r: ?-Gc c.:"/Y' ._._--~- Clc;rk of the Ci ty COTrLm}<~:ion Hayor I COlv]HISSION HB.;SOLUTION NO. 12'(() -. -. -.... --.. --.----. -~~.- .~.- ~~ .