HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1275 Creates SID No. 472 203 cO}~'1:;:0uIOl~ hL;~)OIJUT:iCJlJ NO. 127) A li.E50LU'l'1-0," e,l" 'l'r::F, C1 T1: CO:.ii,I2;;;IO"! Ui' '1\;E CI'l"{ OF BUZ:r;hjL~, HUNTANA DECLAhL,G IT TU S:;::; T'c_L, E,TEiJ'I'IOIJ OF TEl!, CITY C_:.;' BULb;ilU~ '1'0 Gl\B-ATb J\. 2;PbCIL"L Ii-ll'hUVEiE;1 T DIi:)TluCT TO Db dQ(JNh2; ::3PbCliiL ILPll()\}I"l,j',;j'r DIi)'i'R1C'l' dO. 1.(72 FOIt Ttili Pu[iJ'OSE U1" C,),;SThuCTlliG AND Li:)TAL::JIi;CX A SIX FjCH,JATJi:,lc J:J,-LJ u:~ jJ()hTH oILTEGTl'H (16TH) A VE;Nlrt~ BLnJLEN ',JEST BEALL STHELT jL.LJ;)I)J:-;S'::.'Ol~ lWAD, HJCLUD.UiG THEi~Ch E.il.CAVlcTlCi'J AiJD BAC;CFlLLJ I;. S TA ELi\. T I ON OF' CAST 1.tLJj~:Jvi\Tj:',F'clli-\.:l.;,jSJ lJi:.CESSAHY FITTI,,,(jSJ VALVbS AND HYDHAdTS lhJD Ul'It&t APPURTEN.. I AlJCE,(i AND I,J01;j; :JNCIDK,TAL 'rI:.Ght~TO. ---------_. WlllilmA S J UJE:cre has been f:Lled vvj.th the Clerk of tne City Commifwion of the City of BOZ8mcHJJ Jilontana, a peti.tiol1 :in due form of certain owners of properties situated on North SixLeenth (16th) Avenue between vJr:~st BeaLL Street ancj. DUl':oton hoad askirlL that a special j.r,lprover'lcnt district be clcated for ti,e purpose of CO{l~-)t~rdctinr~; cL1_"Hj in ,'i'ater rni1lnSJ to include necessary trencrJineJ backfillJ valves J fire hydr<l"J ts J f:Lttj.ngs and servi.ce lines and any other necessary 2_ppurteni:ltlt vvork luci..dental tllcreto; andJ Vi HE::!..!;A c; J at a rqular IiK;oting of the City CoruJ,J:is,'.ion of the C1 of Dozelildn held oni,i18 l)tiJ - f I 1(- Ll"lC:; Ci.l.cJ"F:'~("~.ici. L:Lon W1Ci respccti.vely C,IJ,,-;idcre(i, and granted; Cla;y Co: L une J J NOeJJ 'l'i-l',Rr;r'Otd, J U1:-, J'i' hl',oUiJ1h:u BY 'j\:1" CITY C'd;;cIS~~IC" \:F TUG crn ",1" riO"biJu,,: 3bCTIG1; I DeclaraU.on of Intention ci'hat it :~,;;('l'd)l cJeclared tG be the j.ntentiOll of the C:Lty 0:[' Dozer:lan to cred_Lc a spec1al inLprcvenlE>nt d:istrict tc be known and designated as Special Ilrlproveiiient District lJo. ~-72 of the City of Bozeman for tIle purpose of constructing and installinp: a six inch water main on iJorth Sj.xteentl1 I (16th) A vcnue bet\Teen.iec.,t 1)c;:\.ll Street and Durston T{oc'~d, sa:Ld Hater mains to include trench excavaU.on and backfil:~, ::.stal1atien oJ.' cast iron watermainsJ nccessary fitt::XlgSJ valves and hydrant:::; and ether ar.Jpm'temLlces and work icc:Ldental thereto. SECTION 2 Boundaries Tlle boundaries of said :jf-'eci",l Ir;rprovclilcnt District no. 472 arc dec:;cr:Lbed as .folloHs: Beg:Lnning at tile point of ir;tersection of the centerline of West Beall (-;treet and North 16th Avenue; thence SOllth 89016' 07t1;Jest along the center- line of saicil,'lest Beall Street a distance of IbO.OJ feet; thence North 00025' Jb" East along the centecl:i.ne of t.lie alley of dlock C of Grelf' s Secand Rearr~n~ement of Block 6J Kirk ~:econd Subdivision a distance of 1. 2913.26 feet to a point on the nortl1erl.y line of Section 12, Tovrllship 2 South, Hance 5 Eas"['J h.P.h.; thence IJorth [,9053'30" East a distance of 355.Cl feet; th8nce South 0002)' Je" -vJest parallel to and 145 feet distant easterly fronl the easterly lil.e of North 16th Avenue a distance of 1294.60 feet to a point on the centerl:i.ne of itJest J3eall :':itreet; thence South 89016'0711 West alonG said centerline a distance of 175 feet to the true point of beginning. Containing vIi thin the above described exterior boundaries tlle followinr; lots, BloCkSJ tracts 2nd parcels of landJ to -wi t : Lots 1 thru 1(; inclusive of Block CJ GrEef's Second RearTanger,lent, Block 6J Kirk Second Subdivision. I The vref;t:'erly 17 S feet ef Blocks h alld 5 of Kirk Second Subdi v:Lsion except- ing thcrefrOlil the l.oJester1.y 30 feet. SECTION 3 Character of Improvements Construction and installation of a six inch water lnain on j~orth Sixteenth (16th) A venue behlem1 \Jest Beall Street aud lJurston li.OEJ.d, inch,ding trench excavat:i.on and backfill, installation C()]/JllS SIO;~hES()LUTION NO. 12'75 204 of cast j.ron vwtormairlS, necessary fittings, valves and hydrants arId other appurtenances and work ir~cj dental Ulereto. SECTION 4 Estimate of Cost The est5.wated cost of the improvements within the di2;trict includi!J[ enginecrinc;, legal and I continc;ency is :j:;ll3,OOO.OO. SECTIOLf S Hethoo. of Assessment The cost of such improvement is to be aSf;essed agaitJe,t the entire djstrict, each lot or parcel of land wi thin S 11eh district will be assessed for that part of tile whole cost vJldch ita line"lr feet of frontage on tJle improvement bears to the lirlear 1'c:)et of frontace of the entire (Estrict. The total aetu.al fronta;'e of the property "Hithin sai.d proposed Special Impl"OVCi!lent Di::3trict 1Jo. L~72 is 2, 1~_72. ~;4 linear feet,whicll is .the; frontage on vJhich all protests lilfill be recf:<Lved, co nsidered and determined. SECTION 6 Payments That payment for said improvements shall be Hlade in tHcnty annual installments extendine over a period cf ninetecn (19) years, but thie shall not be construed to prevent payment in full at any refi;uJ.ar IJayrnent date by any property mmer "V'rho desirm3 to do so. It is proposed to pay the entire cost and expense of the construction and installation of said improvernents wi t1: cash to be obtained from the sale of bonds of said Special Improvernen.t Dir;trict LJo. )1-72, as aut[lol'ized by laH. Such I bonds will be in denOlnLnatiorm of :j;)lOO.OO each, and fractions or mul tipler; of' :~aO().oo whero necessa.ry-, to be issuerJ and chart3eabJJ:: _ac;ainst a fund to be kn01vn and designated as Special Improvement m.strict No. 472 Fund of the Ci ~y of Bozeman. The bonds will be redeemable at the option of the C:L ty, singly or in multiples, and in tIle order of their reGistration, whenever func!s are available for that I)11l'pose in said ~3pecial Improvement DjsLrj.ct No. 472. E;aia bonds will draw a simple interest from the date of their regL"tration until called for payment, at a rate not to exceed six percent (676) per annum, which jlltercst shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of construction and installc'l tion of said improvernents. The bonds\vill be iS~3ued and sold in accordance VJ.ith the provisiorJs of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-22'(1, Revif3cd Codes of Hontana, 19L~7, and all other applicable provisions of Title 11 of the Hevised Codes of Houtana, 1947, relating to special improvement d:.i.Btr5.cts in cities and towns, and any amendment::, thereof or thereto. SECTION '( Protests and notice That the regular seSE:ion of the City Commission of' the City of Bozernan to be held at the Cormni~3 sian Chamber, City Hall T3uildinp;, Bozeman, Hontana, on vJcdnesday, the 6th day of Ju\y, 1966, a t tl]f~ hour of one 0 I clock p.m. of' said day, is ULe tiHle and place, when and where the City Commission I will hear and pass upon alJprotests duly and regularly made and filed aga:Lrwt the cceat:Lon of said proposed Special Inlprovenent District No. 472, the improvements proposed to be !,rade pursuant thereto and the extent and ciJaracter tlwreof, or e:Ltber thereof, and the Clerk of' the City Ccnumission be, and she is hereby dj.rected to give notice :Ln the manner and for the time as by laVl required, of the adoption of' this resollj.tion of intention. CmiMISSIOr~ RESOLUTION rjU. 12'( S 205 ADOPTED by the COImnis::'3ion of the City of Bozeman, Hontana, at a regular a.nd stated session of said COJillli::,sion beld on the l:Jth day of June, 1966. A TTE,ST : ._ Hayor I ~ //~. c~iY / d fi../L.; , :, ~~. ,__sr1\ of the C._ty Corn:r~ion ---------- NOTICE IN HE COj-1J\l,s,sIU;.] HEJ01UTICU NO. 12'/5 OF ThE CITY OF BOZE;}iAJJ DECLARING THE INTENTICJN OF' T1--!E: CITY OF BCZEHAN TO CRhATE A SP1CJ.AL IHH-WVEI,JENT DISThICT TC BE j\NO,m AiIJl) DbSIGliA'l'ED AS "SH:CIJ~L VIPHlJVELiEI,iT DISTRICT ,<0. 472.11 NOTICE IS Hl2lmBY GiVE.t.i tInt on the lSth day of June, 1966, at a regular session of the Commission of tlle City of Bozeman, Conllilission Resolution No. 12'(5 entitled: A HESOLU'I'IOi') UF Tlili CITY CmHISSION Ob' THE CrTI' OF BOZELjiAN, HONTANA, DECLAhb:G IT TO BE THE IiJTENTION OF TIm CITY OF' BOZEHAN TO Cl-tEATE A SPECIAL nlPItOVElvili;~T lJISTHIC1' TO BE KNO'uvN A3 SPECJJ\.L IhPH()VEl,illNT Dn-3TRIC1' im. L~72 F01\. T1:IE PUHPOSE OF CClJS'l'RLJCTING AND rNSTALLLJG A SIX INCII 'IJATEH Y'lAIN ON NOhTH 3IXTE,i:<;NTH (16TH) AVEIJuE BE1'VrEEN\,;JE,ST BMLL STREET AND DURSmH RUAD, LiCLUDlNG TREUClI EXCAVATIUN AjJD BAChFILL, INS'l'ALLATIOn OF CAST IROiJWA TEm:~\INS, NECES ~iA.R:( FI TT'LJGS, VALVI~S AND l-IYDIi:AN TS AiJD uTl::lER APPUH'l'EllAhCES AND'dOIl.l\ HJCIDKITAL 11di:HETO. was passed and adopted. That 11ednc~-3day, the 6th day of July, 1966, at one 01 clock p.m., at the Comnrission Room of the City Hall, BozeFian, Hontana, is designated by Heso1ution No. 1275 as the time when and the place I where the Commission of tho City of Bozeman will hear and pass upon all protests that may be made ~e;ain~t. the m~~ing, of such impro~ements, or th~ creati~n ~f sa~d ~i.st~::,ct. pr(~t,ests m.ust be made In 'lrTrltlne; ann deb vered to the CLerk of the Clty CorrWllSSl0n w:Ltlun flltCcn (IS) days after date of the first publication of this notice. The general character of tIie improvements proposed to be made is the construction and inf3tal1ation of a six inch ,\Tater I,lain on North Sixteenth (16th) A venue lJetween~Jest Beall Street and Durs"Lon Hoad, inclUltLng trench excavation and back fill, installation of cast iron watermains, necessary fittin[;s, valves and hydrants and other appurtonances and work incidental thereto. The estimated cost of saj.d improvements is 4~18,OOO.00, includinG engineering, legal and contingency costs. For a description of the boundaries of said Special Improvement Dj,strict No. 472, reference is lwreby made to Hesolution No. 1275 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman declarinf: the intention to create said district, which is on file in the off:LcE': of the undersigned Clerk of said Commis~;ion in the City- Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of ~!Iontana, and open for i.nspection to all interested parties and the public generally. This notice j,s g-iven pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of' Hontana, 1947. I Dated this 15th day of June, 1966. _ !t~-?;n~ d~~ Clerk of the LCi ty COl ssion First published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle June 20, 1966. COBHISSION llliSOLUTIUN NO. 1275 ----------- ------------------ 206 Sta te of Hon tana ) C aun tv of GaJ.la tin) s s . ., City of Boz,eman ) I, Erna V. Hardinc, Clerk of the Comrnission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in Re, Commission Resolution No. 1275, was publislwd at length in tile Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in E;aid City in the is sues of June 20 thru 2L(, lS:66, and due proof of such publications iE; on fj,le in my office. TIT tII'I'j\jESS 1rJ;[E:REOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this I 19th day of A ugl1st, 15'66. t:<,n~ /~L Clerk of the i ty Comr~ion I I COHI:US ;'jION ImSOUiTION NO. 1275 ---- --------- -..------