HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1273 Creates SID No. 469 ---.-..-.-- 193 CONMIS,')ICJN RESOLUTION NO. 1273 A RE~J()LUTION OF TrjJi; CITY COJVE.]I~i>)IO]\] OF TT-[!i; CITY OF BOZELiAN lJECIJJUi'!G IT TO BE T'tE HJTEIJTIlm CF 'THE CITY UF BCZE;\lAN, EONTANA, TO CHE.l\.'i'E A ;;JpgCl AI, E;PT(CiVK:E:IIT DI~;'l'HICT '.L'C,3E l\i:U',TN AS SffiCD-'..L Ii;;pIlOVLI'J::IJ'l' DISTHICT jm. 469 FOE 'EiI'. PUF~ PG3E UF (A) CC)U"STRlJCTII~G AND INSTALLING All M;PliALTIC- CUl~C}{E:TE PA Vl",]!JE,'JT, O:liCHETE nnB.EGAI, CIiHDS AIJD GtTTEHS, INCLlJDHJG NECES SLRY EXC/\VATION Aid) FILL, GH/\VEL BACYTILL, NECESE~[\HY STfil';ET l'IONlHJiENTS AND OTHEH I ^-PPTiRTETJAi\I'T' tJ()H]\ T!1EEl:~TO: CONSTTlUCTIml AND HECONSTRUCTICJN OF IRRIGATION DITGJJEE" PIll: AND ]J\!CIDE1.ITAL STIlUCT1JEES APFlTHTENM;'l' TITf;:HE~O,. Il'JCU,DING t'JLCll'i)~jIJlY ii:XCl',V/',r,'lC:'J, BACtFILL, CCijJCEj':TE HEl\.mJALl,S ON NOH'J'l1 F'IFTEEl~Tii A VENUE BETvil'.I';i'j I,IEST F!J\IN (HJ:GHvJAY 191) A1JD DUHSTCl,j EUAD: ON NOHTIT SIXTbENTH AVENUE Bi';Cn'Hi;Ij'J viE~;:'l' BL.lILL S'rli.EET A I:D DiJ},STOH HUhlJ i\.lW Or! vvEST BEAI,L STHIJF~T BI:/l"vvEl:,i'J FJF'l'F,l'J\.:TH AVl',IJLE AND A l~iIl<T 150 ji'Er.T IrJESTbhLY OF :STA'l'EENTil AVEi-IUl';, AND (B) CONS?HUC'l'H.jG AND INSTALLING OF STORl'[ m/AINl\.G~ S'{STEH, TNCUJDIuGNECESJAHY PIPL 1.,J:;,jfi,S, hlu<iHOT,l'S, DRAHJ INLE'l'S AND OTIi~H APPUh'l'l:.d-UJCbS l.JECbi;>;.)AHY 'l'liIJiliTO 0;.; NORTh F1F~'I:,]I;!'o'I'll AVf,i\iU).; BETVIf.c;LN vJEST I'JADJ SThE1T (liIGlh~II.Y 191) Aim DUHbTOIJ HGAD :;jl,f('T~~ S1 XTE:ENTH A VEiJ UE, VJEST BEALL TO D UhSTON HOAD; WI~~)T 131:;)\11 SThE.E;'l' FRO!'l l-iOhTii FH'TEENTH J\VE,cUb.- TO A POINT '(00.02 }'bE'I'vIE$l'LHLY TEE1-U;;FB.oi"1. ---------- vJHbH.bAS, there has been filed with the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of BozeTtlan, Hontana, a petition in due form of certain owners of propertief> situated on NorUi F'iftecnth Avenue between West Hain (IIighvmy 191) :t,ld lJurston Hoacl, North Sj.xteentb Avenue between vJest Beall Street and Dul'stcn Hoad <.1.ncl on HeE;t Beall E.!treet between Fifteenth Avenue and a point westerly of S:i..xteenth Avenue, as shown int:.he above caption, asldnF.~ that a special inrprovement di.strict be created for the purpose of constructing and installing an asphaltic-concrete pavement project to include intrecal cuncrete curbs and c:utters, and also a storm drainaGe systeril, and other work incidental thereto; and vJImH~J\S, at a roCt,ular meeting of the City Comnisf;ion of the City of Bozeman held on the 6th day of June, 1966, the aforesaid petition was respecttvely considered and granted; I J-JGvJ, TIiEJ-tE[;'OlIJ:':, BErT EESOL Vh}) BY THE CI TY C(}r.'jJ-JI;j bION OF T]}I, C1 TY OF BOZ~;I!lf\.l'J: SE:CT10N 1 Declaration 01' Intention That it :i..s hereby declared to be the intention of the City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvement Distrlct No. h6)' for the purpose of (A) con~;trllcting and installinE: an a~,phaltic-concrete pavement pro,18ct on North Fifteenth Avenue between \"lest l'iain (nighvJaY 191) and Durston Hoad; on North Sixteenth Avenue between West Beall Street and Dnrston HOcld a_nd onvIcstl:-Jeall Street between FU'teenth Avenue and a point 150 feet westerly of Sixteenth Avenue, and (B) constructing and irwtalling a storm draj"naLe system, includj_ng necessary pipe b.nes, manholes, drain inlets and other appurtenances necessary thereto on North Fifteenth A venue behT8erl Hest Hain ;::treet, (I-hchltJaY 191) and Durst,on Hoad; North Sixteenth Avenue, ~cJest BeaD. to Jurston Hoad; ~vest De,,11 Street from Harth Fifteenth A venue to a poj_nt 700.02 feet westerly therefrom. SECTION 2 13oundar:Les Tl1at the boundaries of said Speda1 Improvement District No. h69 are described as fo110l-1s: I (A) Paving Bocinn:i.ng at the southeasterly corner of Lot 1, Cleveland Subdj.vision of Bozer:l[Ul, hontarl,'!; -thence northerly along the easterly li.ne of said Cleveland addi tion to the northeasterly corner of Lot 12 of said Addi Hon; thence north.erly across~Jest Beall Street to a point on the southerly lj~le of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter of Section 12, Tm-mship 2 ;30uth, RanEe :5 East, H.P .11., 170.3 feet easterly of the centerline of North 15th Avernl8; thence corrL:1.nuj.ng northerly parallel to and 170.3 feet COT1tHSSION HESOLUT10N NO. 1273 . __._._.._._n__ --- 194 distant easterly from the wosterly line of the Im~N\'V~I of said Section 12 to a point of intersection 'with the northerly line of, said Section 12A ~'( 12 a distance of 700.32 feet to a point; thence ~;outb D002:;' 38" West along the centerline of the alley between North 16th and North 17th Avenues and said line extended to a point of intersection with the southerly street line of~Jest Beall Street; thence continuing southerly a t right angle s to the said southerly street line a distance of 207.72 feet:- to a point of intersection with the southeasterly 15.ne of Block 3 of Kirks Second Subdivisj"on; t11ence North 660h2' L19" East along the I southeasterly line of said Block 3 a distance of 389.60 feet to a point on said line which is lL./0.3 feet at right angles from the westerly line of North 15th Avenue; thence southerly parallel to and 11./.0.3 fe:et distant l1Testerly frolil the 11Testerly line: 0,[' North 15th A venu,e to a point of inter- section with the northerly right of way line of State Highway 191 as now constructed; thence easterly along the said northerly right of Hay line of said State Highway 191 to the true POjJlt oJ' bo[inning. * 12A thence westerly along the said northerly line of Section 12 IncludinG i;Jithin the above descri.bed exterior bound::lr:ies the f'ollouing lots, Blocks, Tracts and parcels of land, to-Hit: Lots 1 thru 12 inclusive, Cleveland Subdivision;\iJesterly 140.3 feet of School Site 3\iJNE, NW Section 12; lJesterly lLfO.3 feet of unplatted Tract in NW, NE, 1M of Section 12 (Stevens Tract); The easterly 500.10 feet of Block 3, Kirks Second Subdivision; All of Blocks 4 and 5 Kirks Second Sltbdivision Easterly 140.3 feet of Tract in ,S'J, IJV]~l- Section 12, (vJest j'/jidn Shopping Center) ; Lots 1 thru 16, Block C, Graf' s Second Hcarrant:;ement of Block 6, Kirk Second Subdivision. (8) Storm Drainag~ System Beginning at the southeasterly corner of the Cleveland Subd~Lvision of Bozern.an, Hontana; tl1ence westerly aJ,ong the northerly right of Hay line I of State J-LLChwa,y 191 as now constructed a distance of 900.15 feet to a point; thence bearir,e Nort,h 00022' 37" bast along the oast,erly line: of Block 1 of Kirk Second Sul)divlsion ::Uld along the He~:terly line of Block 3 of Kirk Second SubdiviEd.on and said line extended a total distance of 1020.68 feet to a point on the northerly LLne of'Vk"t Beall Street; thence easterly at a bearing of North 89016'07" East alone the northerly line of said West Beall Street a distance of 19:=) . 92 feet to the center of the alley between North 16th and 17th Avenues; thence North 00025138" Ectst along the centerline of' said alley and said centerline extended to the point of intersection with the northerly line of ~:;ccti()n 12, Tovrnship 2 South, K'ulge 5 East, .H.P.H.; thence easterly along the nortlJerly line of said Section 12 a distance of 700.32 feet to a point 140.3 feet easterly of the east street line of North 15th Avenue; thence bearing South 00025'38tt West, pare_llel to and Iho..3 feet distant easterly frorn the east street line of Harth 15th A vcnue to the northeast corner of the Cleveland Subdivision; thence continuing southerly along the easterly line of said Cleveland Sub- division to tho true point of be:ginning. Containing "Ii thin the above described cxterj_or boundarie:s the follmTing lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land, -[,a-Hit: All of lots ODe thru twelve, Cleveland Subdivision; All of the unplatted tract of land lying in the S\;J}JTvJ~l of Section 12 , ItJest of' North J5th Avenue (lJcst j./lain Shopping Center); All of Blocks 3, 4 and 5, J\irk ~)econd Subdivision; Lots 1 thru 16 inclusive of Block C, Graf's '::::econd Hearrangcrnent of "Block 6, Kirk Second Subdivisj.on; I The Ivesterl.)' 11+0.3 feet of wlplatted "\rJ-~22;H-;,Jn<;~JiNVJ-;j of Section 12 (School site); The westerly Iho.3 feet of unplatted tract in ~J;';, Nvv,.~, NE~i, ~'J~>J';f of Section 12 (Stevens Tract). COHHISSrOlJ RESOIJUTION j~O. 1273 ..-- ._n _._ __.._...._.__.._.._ 195 SECTION 3 Character of Improvements Construction of a pavement project vrith intrega1 concrete curbs and gutters and construction of a storm drainage system, includj,nr; necessCllJF appurtenances to said constrLlction on North Fifteenth I Avenue between~vest Hain (Highway 191) and JJurston Hoad, on I'Jorth SixtecntJ-J Avenue between vIest Beall E;t,reet and Durston hoad and on vvest Beall Street betviTeen Fifteenth Avenue and a point westerly there- from. SECTION 4 EstinBte of Cost The preliJninary estima to of cost of the improvements within the district, including enGineering, legal and cont,ingency, is <,;,131,000.00. The estimflted cost for (A) Paving, is ,,~110, 500.00 and the estimated cost for (B) Storm Drainage System, is ~!20, 5(Jo. 00. SECTION ;) Method of Assessment The cost of such improvements for the paving portion of the dj_strj_ct is to be asaesE-Jed against the entire district, each lot or pe.rcel of land wi thin such district viill be aSE;es[ied for that part of the whole cost '",hich its area bears to the area of the entire district, exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and public places, and further each square foot of land within the distrj..ct lying within 2) feet of the line of the street or avenue on which the improvements herein provided for are to be made, shall bear double the amount of the costs of such iJnprovements per square foot of I such land tha:L each square foot of any other land within the district shall bear. The cost of such irilprovcrnents for the Eitorm clra:i.na[e portion of the district is to be assessed against the entire distnc:t, each lot or }Jarcol of land wi thin such district ,-Jill be assessed for that part of the ,iThole cost which .its area bears to the total area of the drainage area district. SECTION 6 Payment s Tha t the payments 1'01' said improvem.en ts shall be made in twenty (20) annual installments extending over a rJeriocl of nineteen (19) years, but tbj.s shall net be cons trued to prevent payment in full at any regular payment date by any propert,V ol'mer Nho desires to do so. It is proposed to pay the entire cost and expense of the construction and :i.nstallation of' said improvements Nith cash to be obtained from tbe sale of bonds of sa:i.d Special Improveillent Distr:i.ct No. )-1-69, as authorized by laH. Such bonds will to in denor:Li,Jia tions of ".:IOO.OO each, and fractj.ons or nml tiples of ::;100.00 ,"[LOre necessaT,y, :~O be :Lssued and c:argeab1e ac;ainst a fund to be knollm and designated as Special Improvement District ;Jo. ) Fund of tho City of Doze[aan. The bonds vvill Le redeemable at the option of tile City, singly 01' in multiples, and in the order of their rogistratj,on, whenever' fW1ds I al'e ava.Hable for that plJ1'Ix)se in sai.cl Special Improvement Distrj.ct No. 1-1-69. Said bonds 'Hill draw a simple interest from the date of their reglstration until called for payment, at a rate not to exceed six percent (67,)) per annum, ulJid: interest shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of construction and install,,, tion of said improvements. The bonds will be issued and sold in accordance Nith the provisions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montana, 19 L17, and all other applicable provisions or Title 11 of the Revised Codes of Hontana, 194'1, relating to special improve- mcmt districts in cities and tOVH1S, and any amendments thereof or thoreto. COH<ISSION m:S(ILUTION NO. 1273 196 SECTION 7 Protests and Notice Tha t the regular session of the City Commission of the C1 t,y of Bozeman to be held. at the Comrn:i.s~:;ion Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman,IVlontana, on Wednesday, the 29th day of ,June, 1966, a t the hour of one 0' clock p.m. of said day, is the time and place, when and lv-here the City Commission I 1/ri11 hear and pass upon all protests duly and rei'.ularly ;,lade ami filed against the creation of said proposed [';pec:Lal Irnprovernent District No. 11-69, the improvements proposed to be I:lade pursuant thereto and the extent and character thereof, or either thereof, and the Clerk of the City COlludssion be, and she ::.S hereby directed to r;ive notice 1.nthe manner and for the tilne as by la,V' required, of the adoption of this resolution of intention. ADOPTED BY THE COl'iaSSION OF THE CITY OF BOZE1JJ\.N, l/j(H~'mNA, at a regular and stated L,es::,ion of s2-j.d Comrnission held on tbo 8th day of June, 1966. ATTEST: Fray or ;:~ftd.- JI$4 . Clerk of the Clty (Jor . SS1.on ---------- NOTICE IN rm COHTlISSION Rtc;SCL U'l'}DlJ IJU. 1?73 OF TIm CITY CiF B06E;iJU~ DECL.lUU;1C '1':11:; Jjj'I'El/1'ION OF T:IE CITY OF BUZEilAN TO CllliATE A SPECIAL nnli.UVEIlldJ'I' mSrHICT TO 131', KIJO',{N AiJD DESIG1]ATiW M3 "SPi~CIAI~ nll)t(CVEIJ~NT DISTIlIC'r' jJO. 1+69." I :JOTICF.: IS HE.:hEBY GIVEN that on tho 8th day of June, 1966 at a regular session of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Cormnissj.on Hesolution No. 1273 ent:i.:tled: A HESOLUnCN OF THE CITY CQJll,ISSION OF TIlE CITY OF BOZEj\iil~ DECLARLJG IT 'I'C) BE THE INTENTION OF T~il~ CITY UF BOZEI'lAN, HONTANA, TO ChBATE A SPECIAL HiPRJVEH8NT mSTHICT TO BE KIJOVJli AS SPECIAL IlIPHOVEI.jEl'JT DISTHICT NO. 469 Fm 'IT]}; PUHPUSE OF (A) CC!l'jSTIHJCTING AND INSTALLING AN ASPHALTIC-COJ'JCHETE HI. VEj,~ l'/'C, COI.;CiLS;TE HT'I'HEGAL cmms A,lI) GUTTJ<;HS, INCU!DING NECESS\HY EXCA VATION Al~ D FILL, GHA VEL BACKFILL, l~ECESSAHY STREET HONUHEWeS AND CmIEH APpijHTENAJ'JT \JUhE TliliHETO: COiJi:.\Th'JrCTIUiJ AIJD IlliCO [~3TRIJC'l'IOU (IF' IHH.IGATICJl'J DITCHES, PIP:G ;.\iil) INCIDL:I'jTAL STHUC'TU}J~S APFCIH'l'E,UuJ'T TlillHETO, IrJCLIDJ:rlG lJECES.::iUtY EXCA VATI ON, BACKF'ILL, CONCRETE TIEADVJALLS () N Ij{Hl'I'Tl FIFTEEIJ'l'H AVEIjUE BETvJBEiJ~JEm FIAll~ (HIGIMAY 1:,11) AND Dl:r[-tSTON RCA D: em NOhTH SIi;.TEl':NTH A VENUF~ BETWEF:;N~mST 13&-\.L1, STHEET AND DUW3TON n'olUJ Ai-ID ON \'n-~ST BEALL STHE.i~T rH':THEEN FH"I'EL,JTJ AVEIJlIE AiJD A RiL!T 150 FFF'1'"JEc"r""uy O'i' e'"r"''Fiil\TTH A VH'N[l},' NTD (B) CC:JC'TFITT'nr>,'G ('T)ii~c'TAJ I T'i"~'I!" "'I'Cr'I"l L.,,,,;_.., V \..) ,J...:Jl ..Ju_ .I.. ~)_,..x.l..J.L.J...j. ,"..,j -".j, 1\1 . ..",J 1..) ~..J .).l_....lJ ....AlL_ .__.Ju. ...f,J"".I~l...I .....'",. U tt.. J)}IAINAGE SY;jT8II, INCLUDHJG NECES :l\HY PIPE LHJES, Im.:me)IJ~3, DftAIX INLETS AIm OTfIEH APPUHTEN!\NCES N1~CES:AHY TIIKrl.ETO cm NOFI,TH FIFTEli~NTH AVEJ'JlJE BETiill"::ETJ :,TEbT J'l\.IN STHEET (Incllll'iAY 191) AND DUFlSroN H01\.D: NOETH SIXTEENTH I\.VF:LJl!E, VJBST BEAU, TO DUfiSTON HCiAD; v,mST BEJ\Ll, STHKF:T FIlCH NORTH Flf:i'TF;]';NTH A Vl',Tj'!!Jt, 'm A POINT 700.02 FEET \{E~;TEHLY TIIERE.. FHO]'.1. Has passed and adopted. That ;Vcdnesday, the 2S'th day of June, 19(xS, at one o'clock p.m., at the Commission I'-Loom of tlw Ci ty Hall, 13ozerrlan, [\lontana, is designated by Hesolution No. 1273 as the time when and the place Hhere the CODDlJission of the City of Bozernan lv-ill hear and pass upon all protest" that may be made aeainst the making of such improver,lents, or the creation of said district. Protests must be made in writ1ne; anCl delivered to the Clerk o:f tl.lO City CODlH[Lssion 1ATithin fifteen (1S) days after date I of' the first publication of this notice. The [eneral character of the illlprovementEJ proposed to be hlado is tho c01IsLruct:i..on and installation of an asphaltic-concrete pavement project 1tlith intregal concrete curbs and gutters and construction of a storm drainaf~e sy'stem, includinr; necessa.T;Y appurtenances to sa:i.cl construction on North Fifteenth -- COIvI[\UE)~n:ON H[i:EKiL!J'l'T();''] NO. 1273 .-.. ---.. -...-..... 197 A VenUE) between "vk:st ['lain (IJighvmy 191) and Durston Hoad, on North Sixtocnth A venue beb-roen VJc"t ~Jea.ll Street and JJurston Hoad C',nd on \Jest 3eall ;Jtreet bc:twncn Fifteenth Avenue and a point westf)rly tYlerefrorn. The estimated cost of sodd improvements is ;>131,000.00 includj,ng all stroet excavation, all I materials, installation costs and en[;ineerjJ)f~ and incidentals. For a description of the boundaric-oS of said Special Improvement District LJo. h69, reference is iH:croby made to Hesolution iJo. 1273 of tile Commission of tho City of Bozenlan declaring the intention to create said district, which is on ,file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Conunission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of hontaw3., and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public Generally. Th:LE; not5.ce is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2201.1, Hev:Lsed Codes of HOIlt,ana, 1947. Dated this Dth day of June, 1966. ~ ~~ . ~~ '. a _ Clerk of the Ci y Comrnis --'_on :?irst rublished in tJre:Jozernan Daily Chronicle June lL~, 1966. (;tate of l\jontana ) County of Gallatin) S3. City of' Bozenan ) I, Erna V. rlardins, Clerk of the Connnission of' The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in He, COffirJis:3ion hcsolution l~o. 1213, vms published at 1engt.h in the Bozeman I Daily Chronicle, a Ilc,,\TSpapcr of general c :Lrcu.lation prin ted and publh;hcd in ~,aj.d C-i.t,y ..in the issues of June 14 tilru 19, 1966, and due proof of such publications is on file in my office. INvvTl'NES:3';JiIl';EKJF I hereunto set my hand and .s,ffix the corporate seal of my office this 17th clay of AIJf": llst, lS'66. rf~4VU / 9~ _..._~ Clerk of the City Co. ssion I C()l.IEIS:';IOI'T TtESOLLJTIOIT NO. 1273