HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1288 Creates SID No. 473 -.. .-.... .-.- 233 CUlifllJ:0:;IOj~ iiESOLUTiOrj NO. 1238 A .tL};~)('LJTl'I();j Ui:' T~lli CITY OJE1[Uj.':,IOlJ 01.' TlU, CITY uF BOZb;J/dj Ct\J:;A'I'EIG A bPl;,CIAL ILPHC'VE.lli:'J'l' DISTRICT TUDE J\Nmm AS SPloCIAI, nm'tOVEl-J!;lJT DIS'l'HICT lJO. Lj.73 OF 'l'dE CITY Ul" jJUZEiiA"j FC;ll 'YrlE }J\JhFu:-':L,'[' CU:-.S 'l'HlJCTll!GA!~lJ IUSTA1iLG AI! EIGHT I!JCIl SA;U_'l'AHY SIi,lIEL,t LA 'l'EIU\]" SAID SE'JJEH TU BE: ell iJSTRUC TED AdD IdSTALlED IN THE lJEDTCi\TED ALLEY CJF BIJiCK C, OF GhA1\' I S SEcmw HEARFUi!\]GEJ:[E:JT OF BLeCK 6, J\J]{K sr:COlm SliBDIVISIO;J, LYlrJG BETVJEE;J~r[i;ST Bi:;ALL STHE};T AHD DUHS'lDlJ HOAD. I ~1TliEl{GAS, at a regul"lr session of the Commission of the City of Bozenk'ln, ~3 ta te af bun tana, held on the Vjth day of Ju,ne, "j (,( ( the said C oliilnis sion duly passed C ommis sion Hesolut ion l{ o. 12'(6 declaring .", :J ), it to be the intention of the said Commission to create a special improver;icnt dtstrict to be knmV'n and cJesignatcc1 as Special Improvement lJi:3trict lJo. L~73 of the said City for the purpose af constrnctinE; and installing an eight :inch san:Ltary seHer lateral in the dedicatc,d alley of Blocl". C of Gra.f I s ~:econd Fi.cL1Trangcment of Block 6, Kirk Second SulJdi vision, lying betvJeenWest Beall c;treet and Durston Hoad, and to specially assess tl1e entire cost and expense of making said illlproveUlents against the property within said Distr:\.ct under and by virtue 01' tne provisions of the laliW of tile State of l,onLancl in such case treacle andprovicicd, and sa.id COJrl1nis~ion hesolutioD .Jo. 1?16 is hereby referred to and made a r<lrt hereof for further particulars in respect tb the boundarLes of' saj.d Specj.al Improvement Distr:\.ct 1'JO. h73, tiw estir:lated CO~; t of said improveJrlents and tile method of assessing the same agaim-3t the property of said Di::;trict; and, vilJEHEAS, notice of the passage of said Com':i1isfJion he solution ;'Jo. 12'(6 was duly published, as required by le1"lV', in the l3ozcJ:,an Da:Lly Chronicle, a daily newspaper of general circulat:i.on printed and puh1:i.shed in thc City of Bozeman, Hontana, and by sending a copy of such noticc by U. S. lVlaj.l I to each per::30n, firm or corporation hav:i_ng property wj.thin Ute proposed Distric t at his or its last l\no'V\Tn addre s s , UDon the same date that se.lcll notice was first published as aforesaid, and duo proof having he en made of t!,e plibli, cation and service of said notice; and IrJHJ<HI''l,s, vJithinU](' time prov:ided by law and said published and serverl notice there WC1\~ no pret.est::: made aga:iw3t the creation of saj.d proposed Special lmproveillcn t District No. Un, and the City Comtiliss:i..on was in regular session on the 6th day of July, 1966, at one o'clock p.m. of said dclY, at tho Commission Chamber in the City lla11 T3uilding in the said Ci ty of BozeJiw!1, the same bcinL the time and placc dc,sign:Jted j.n said notice for pasd.ng upon all protests, if any, against the proposed work or against the creation or extent of said Distrj.ct, or both or e:L tbor; and it further appearing that all of the proceedjn':s Jor the crca tion of said District have been lawful and reGular; NO,j , TilLhEFCRL, B-~ IT hESOLlTbD BY TdE CU1'.uiIS,:;IulJ C!}' TEE CI TY CJB' BOZ.b;I'AN: S.I~,CTIrJl'J 1 That said 5pec:tal JLlproverr:ent DiE;trict No. La 3 of thc City of Bozem,om, State of Eont,oJ1) a, be, and the sarne i::3 Jiereb:\T created for the pLLrpO;3(; of lilaL:i.JJg tbe improvements as :\.n s a.id He;3ollition of Intention j)o. 12'(() and ]lere~Lnaftel' c1c::;cribed. SECTIOl': 2 I That sClici special lr.lprOveiHcmts be, cmd the same are, hereby ordered to be ~Dde In said Special Improver:1ent Districti\~o. Wl as fallow::;: CON;3THUCTIU:,j J\l<m LJS'I'A,,!)\'I'IOi~ uF j\L~ EJGilT mC;-l SANITAHY SE1rJl::h LATEHI\L, SAID SYvvEE TO BE COiSTHUCTED Aim lNDTALLE,]) ILJ T;I1:: DEDICA '}'ED ALL~Y OF BLOCK C OF' GLIAl<" 3 2:1~:,CUlm HEAHIiAi\iGEj,]':lYI' DF BLOCl< 6, KIIlK SEco,m ~)UBDIVISION, LYlUG B]~T[IITE]';NWEST BE.i\.LL STREET Aim JJUHSTON HOAD, Ii'JCLTJDING NECES,~.AHY 'lT~Ej~Cl1l:,^CAVA'l'IUjJ, BACKFILL MHJ jjECESSAHY APf'llHTEi.JI\ i'JO,~: A,nJ iJCH1'~ IdCIDKJTAL THl\,.td/l'O. CUl;lHIS;..,IU,J hESULUTIUi~ NU. 1288 234 SECTIOlJ 3 That the entire cost and expense of making -Lite special impx'ovei,1ents !:JC'rcdn referred to in saj.d ,Spectal JJnprovement .uis trict uo. 473 shall be paj.cl hy bpCCJ.3l Improvement D5,sLrict Coupon Uonds, as authorjzed by the l,'::)lcJf3 of tbe State of HontauCl, IrTbj.cll bonds shall be in t!w dcnomJ_:wtion of One dundn::cl iJollars (:;,lCJO. UO) each, Dnd fractions or multiplc)s tt1erC'of "l'rhere necessary, to oe issued I and charfcabJ.e against a fund to be hnown as "Special lncprove;nent District Uo. 4'13}' 1" seLid un c. , bond:,,; to be redeemable at the option of the City of Bozer:ian, Houtana, whenever fun6s are available for that pu.rpor;c from said ~)pecial ImproveJnent District i~o. )173 Fund; said bonds shall drmv interest at a rate not to exceed six percent ( ) per annum, whjch :3hal1 be cllcu:"',,;ea"i::I'IJo as a part of the cost of said improvements and shall run from the date of ttJG regif;tration of said bonds until said bonds are paid. 'To pay s8.id oends, and the interest them on, representing the cosl, of saj.cl iH1provement, a spccia.l !lSSeSml1ent shall be levied aLiJ:Lnst all of tile lands wi thjJl Bilid ~,p8cial Improvement lJis-Lrj.ct i~o. 1(73 as 1n said Hcsolution ofl.ntc-mtion i~o. 1276 defined. SECTIUN 4 Said aScicS::)J(\ent and taxes shall be payabl(~ in ten (10) annual installnlcnts extending over a perj_od of nine (9) years, with LntercsL on deferred payments, bLrL .tlLLs Tir'Ov.i::;:ion shidl[](rl, be cClwtru.ed to prC\lent l'uJ.I rjayrnent at any timo. Sl':C'I'Il.ii'J 5 That the Cit.',r En[;ineer be, arId he 5.s IJereby, chrected to prepare plans and specificatj_ons for the doing of said 1rrork and the l:lakinc oJ' sid_d inrprovolTlents. SEC'l'J:Ol'J 6 I That pursuant to the provisions and author:Lty conferred by Section 11.2232, hc'vi:::;ed Codes of TJ;ontalla, 1S1-1-7, said [)onds may be sold to the hiGhest and be03t bidder therefor for cash, "end the proceeds of sucll ;~ale u(,ed j_n making :pa~:nnent to tlle cecrLractor, or o.'n trac Lor's, for bud1 1;vork, and ,:;uch payment lTlay be made e:Lther from tiLie to time on est;i!late,-i rnade by the CtlLj.ncer.in c:lclX'L:e of such improven:ents for the City, or upon the entire completion of the improvements and the acceptance t:lereof' oy the C:Lty Commission. ,jr;c:'l'l(JI~ 7 That :1pon cOJnpLc;tion uf plans [llJd sIJecificat:i.ons b,y thc; Ci.ty En1;ineer 1'01' t11e doinL of said work and the LJ,JkLng uf sa.i.d j.JliJrOvemcntfJ, t'lC Clerk of the Cit}, Comm:l::isiol1 of the City of BozeIrlan, Hontana, be, and is hereby directed to publisll a notice invi tine proposals for the makin[:; of said improvements on said ~:;peclal Improvew8YrL DisLLi.ct No. J-I-'(3,wni.ch notice shall refer to the :plans and 3pecificatiuns on file, by IJL1blic;hinl,: SllCh notico in two (2) h,sues of the Bozcj,wn Daily C.hro.n:icle, a dai.ly newspaper printed and publ_~_shed in the City of 13ozeIl1cm, not leGs than ten (10) days before tile t_llHC such biGS 'Prill be ope ned. PA;;;'Ef) A!.D i\lXH']'j.<:JJ by the Commission of the City of BozcmDll at a rCL:ular ~3eSS~~Jm thcreof l1cdd on tIle '1 3tl1 of ,July, 1966. I ATTEST: ~~~~~ Mayor er of t e C1.ty C ssion State of Montana ~ County of Gallatin 55. City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, Clerk. of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1288, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of gen- eral,circulation printed and published in said City in issue of 18 July and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office August 23, 1966. b? ~ "/"'~' " '/C'4Z4J p, '... a .J .c.;? Clerk of the City COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1288