HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1287 Creates SID No. 472 .__..__._ .___.__... .n _. 230 cmil'LI3~jIOI'J hESOLUTIUli NO. 12U7 A RLS()LtlnOr~ OF 1': Ll:, Crl'Y CUjll'lJb::W~J UF TIlE 0.1. Ti ()F BUZEl'J.!LJ CiiliA'TLIG A 01.J:;,CiA.u J}JT'hUV--;:;;j!i,i'l' DIL./J'EnC'l' '1\) iE LN(}vJj~ AS :.PGCJ_AL l1HI'UV1!,iji.,;T Hi S'i'incI' j'JU. t'/2 l',r' TilL CITY (ill' BOZEllJljj FOH TdE PUhPO::jE OF' CO,;;jTh\'C'I'L'iCr AlliD LSTil.LL}:L'jU A ~3iX }i]ClltJATclt H!\TI';' Uj,; ~T(:'ltT :IlXTEENTH A VEiHi]:'; m~'l'\IEEiJ ...jF'I~jT .dE;J\J~L 0TI(~.;i..~Tl Jil<jl) DU1.(STU1\~ ii,Ui1D, 1.1\!- CLum: j"C 'l'I{!,;jTC1; j~:XCAVATION AND BJ,GU;IU" j~~"J2Ti\_LIJ.l'.lTIOU Ulil C,\:;T H(()iJ \-JATlhfJ-U';S, l"'J"EC~;b ~:J.\.}C{ J':1:ITT.I~i', G~.~, V/II,VtoS A"D IlrDhA:?l'S A,~jJUl'lLiiI{ AI'I'lJl1:m,!lujCBS iL,.u ,J()ltK r;.lC:uJE,tl'Al" T} :J:I~;l:{i';.:TO . I 11}', Ii''lL}:/\.::; , at a :cq,:lllar see,::',j on of the (:or~u;,j.~3,)j.on or the City of iJc",e;,ICJ.n, Sta:e (ii' LonLana, held on the 15th day of June, J 06(; tIle sa:i.d C OJilmiE3 "iorl duly ])a,:;;,ed Cornrrlis::;ion he,:;olutiorl No. 1275 ../ -, de claring it to be theinten tj.on of the said COlrlJiliS~3ion to create a ,:;pcciaJ improvcment district to be knmm and desiU;na ted as Special Imp:r'overncnt JJistrjct No. )172 of t'cIC said Clty for tilC purpose 0 f constructing and im,talling a six inch water lilain on North Sixtcenth Avenue l;et1rJnenv[c,;t Beall ~;trect andUurston Ii,oad, and to specially as,;es;:; Ule en tJxe cost and expense ofi'1a.king coaid imprOVelrBnts against tbe property wi thj.ll said Distr:i ct under and by virtue of the provis:i.ons of thel.<U>JS of Li.l.e ;(:~t2~ te 01 ['lontarla :iJ:I ~;uch UL.ie made anL1 providec!., anc!. Solid LUj:1HLL.<;ioJl Ict',ejOlutiu(J do. 12'/;' i.f 11ureby re:ferred to and nmde a part J181"eof for furtht~rpaT't~~,cul;I.l',-) in rc::,spect to tl18 . d' of sol.id Doun a:t'les Spec:Lal I:nprover:rcnt Di,-,tr."u;t 110. tC(2, tiP estiJilc.,ted cost of said impruvUliientt:i aild tl1ei1jet:lOd of aSE;()[) Ure sanlO ,'If,ai.i1c,t the pro:Jerty 01' c~aid Dic;tr.i.ct; and \~.} Li..:.;t~ i"i.J~ S , (Jut.Lce of the passcl,"e of sodd Corruaisuioll lLecwlclt:ion lW. 12'(:) Has duly publit,hed, as requ:ired Ly 1;'-111, in the .,h)zeY:'lan T)p:i.ly Chronicle, a ffid.ly ncwspapor of general circulation }Jrinted and published in the C:i:l:,y of BozeJnan, Jilontana, and ,:;c;ncLLng a copy o i.' such no U.ce by I! . c ['lail ,-, . to each person, firm or corpor;:ltion having property withjn the propu,3ccI Dic)trict a.t, tlis or its lastl\nmm addresc), 1J.{)on ti:le saIne elate that snc;; .notiCC1rJeU3 first publ~tsJ!(;d as aforesa.ld, nud due I proof JIClv:1rlg been rnade of t.ile publica tiorl and service of said not.ice; and VJlJI':!li':!\ S, wi thin the tLr;1e proY5.dcd by la1;, and said rmb1.i..:c:hed and ;:ierved notice there Here no protests Jiwele ar:'ainst the crcattun of said proposed Special Improveinent Distr:Lct Ho. I.,) and the Li ( .._, City Commis:::i.oD was :i.n rec;u.lar session the 6th da.y of .July, 1966, at one o'clock ~J" rn.. or said day, at the Commission Chc;mbcr tn the City Hall build:irl[ in the said City oJ: Bozeman, the sarrie being the ti.me E1.nd place desicnated in said not.ice for pac3sing upon all proteu ts, if an,'/, o.g:.:.in,<3t t',.e p.coposed 1:JOrk or a[/l:ins\:' t'j() Cl'ea t..i.on or extcr, t of said D:LsLr:i.c t, or both or uit:\{;r; cUld 5..t further ap!;(;ar:inrI. that all of -Lbo [Jroc:eeehn[:s for the creatiun oj' ;:iaicl 1Yu:;.t,rict ltave been l:uvI'lll and 1'et:,1.11o.r; .NO',{ , T',ililmFOEE, B}~ 1'~' hESuL VIi;] :i;Y TEL COjLlISSIU1J OF Till', Cl'1Y ,JF :i3uZEljJ\.I'J: SECTION 1 That said Special IrnproyciilentUistrict 1<0. LI72 of the City of BO~i,eman, State of Iiiontana, be, and the scune is l18reb,y' cJ'ecJ.tcd for the pllrpo<~e of uak5.ng the imp:r\)ve;'lerd:.::-; ;eW jJ1 said Resolution oJ' Intention No. 12'/ ~~ ancliie:ce~i.naJ'ter described. S1LCTIOf,) 2 Tlret sa:ili ,3pec~;al irrlp-r'O\Fe:Olents be;, 8J1d the <,!JT,le [ire, ]) (.,rob.\" occiercdto be; 111;1(1.(, irl sodd Special IJnproverr1entlJistrict jJo. )! 72 CJ.S fo11m11s; I CmrSTHiiC'j'lO!J [\liD I(i:;'}'i;'T,J,flTIUI,J OF A ;;IX :r"CU,.jf\'l'c';Jc ,id. OlJ J'JOH'I'il SI):..TI':i'lTl'll AVLI.![J1.2; BE'1\J1Eij,.ji:,S'I' J3EJ\Ll, ~/rh.':J::;Th,-iJD DUhST~)l'J hUIUJ, LJCLUUL.!G nU',,'JCII ,,,XCA \((\'j'JOiJ AiiD Bl\CK- Ii'ILL, INSTALLATION OF CA~:'I' llW:JvJAT.f-:il1lA LiS, j~ECES~;ARY FIT'I'Ii~C::;, VALVES IUW JlYDli.Aifl'S 11m) UTI.ILl!. 1\ FPTJi{TElIAI.]CES ArJIJ';IOI.U" E'JCrJIr;rJ'l'/\ L T~ii':H.L TO . CO]<[l,IS'~iIO,J llLJ:':,()LuTIOIJ ;~(). 12 1)'7 -_._,--,----- 231 ,sECT IlnJ 3 That the entire coe;t and expense of :naking the special improvements herein referred to :Ln said Special hi:~-)rOve;,ent District 1JO. 472 shall be paid by Special IlrlprOVe;,lhlt D:i.strict Coupon Bonde;, as authorized b;y the laHS of the ~;tate of l;ontana, which bonds sl,:::J l. be in the denom:LlL'Jtion of One Hundred I Dollars ('l 00 (,() eacn, and 1'ractiuns or lnultj.ples thereof where ne cessary, to be iS8ued and chargeable , ;{jJ_~ . J ) ac;aim,t a flJl1d to be j,nc,JY] ru] II ;;pceial Improvement Dis trict IJo. LI72 I'\Uld", ::3aid bond::] to tiC rcdeeJ,abl_(} ::\t the oI,tion of the Ci of ~3ozoTiJ.c~.n, I:lontana, Hhenever funds arc available for that purpose from said S}Jecial ImproveTncnt District IJo. 472 Fund; and bonds si,cd,l drcnr interest at a l'atf~ nuL Lc exceed six pprcent (6';b) per c,ui nULl, 1vilich shall be c:L"irgeable as a part of the co 0t of' said i[~iprovements and stwll run from, the date of the rcyi,stra.tion o.f said bonds unt:L1 ~m:id bonds are paid. To [""'y sa:i.d bond:::, and the interest t~el'son, rc;prc::;enGir,g tllC co E; t of said improvemon t, a spcc:Lal as;3essfllent sJlall be levic;d aE::ain st elll of' tile land:3 witnin said Special Irlprovement 1Jistricti'Jo. L;72 as ill said Itesolijtion oJ' In-c,entioni,jo. 1..27:; defLled. SEC 'n c l'j 4 Said assesmnent and taxes sLall be payable in hwnty (20) annual install1nents extendirJg over a :,)eriod of ni,ne teen (19) feaT;], liJi t11 iIiLere::;t Or.i deferred paYlIlents, b :xL tlJ ;L,:; f)T'O visicms shall _not "Je com31.,rllcd to r:reven t l' "el11 rXL,,/Jnent elt ,illY t5_1ne. SEC'j'IUIJ :) Tl1'1t tho C:Lty lSncineer be, a rid he h; hereby, d'.rected to pro pare p:LellJ sand i]pecifi.ca tions for VIe \:Ioinr~: of said\{oI'l.;: and t~.J.e J-:1D.kinfi: (')f said :l_nrpro ve.men ts. I f;ECT~;~UN 6 That -pUY'~'31.wd~ LoUie; l.1rov:i_siens a!ld EluLilorj_ty conferred by ~;ection 11-22J2, Hevised Codes of TTontana, is 1.,7, s:iiCt bonds n-el:/" 1.0 ~:;old to the highest and best bidder therefor for cash, and tiw prc\ceods 01' such sC:cle used in Irink p"YTlCnt to the contractor, or ccntracto:cc3, for such l\Tork, and E3llC)-J ,:;;:tywent may be"iCI.de ei tlIer froJ:l ti,lle to tirne on 8sU.nkltes Hlade by tile e11il:,'i_ne cr " CILll'r~e 0 l' s u ell :Ltlprovements for tlC City, or upon t:lC entire comILleU_on of tIle improvelnonts <'liJ(l. the acceI,tance tbercof br tl1(; Ci:</ ,', , . ,. vUJII."n.fl :-: .lon. S.bCTi(),~ '7 That upon cornpletion of pla.ns and specif:Lcations by the City .t:,ngineel' for the doing of said work and the i:laking of said implD VCl,ien ts , triG Clerk of the City COJilmission of the City of B02eman, JV\onLana, be, ancl It Eo Ilereby, directed to publ:ish a notice il1Vi'Ling proposals for the making: of said i.mpl'OVenlents on saLd Special Improvement ihstrict Ho. L;72 , wnicil notice shall r'efer to the plans and specifications on file, by publishing such not. ice in tvw ( ? ) :i,ssu()S of the Bozeman Daily ChmniclCJ, a daily newspaper prirlted and puulishecJ. in the City of Boz.eman, not Ie 5S than ten (IO) cla,y"s 'befox'e the tinD such bids 1dll be opened. PA~)Srm Ai) /ljXJPy';n by the COJilmission of the City of Bozeman at a rq:;ular session thereof held I on the 1.3 th clay of July, 1;(;6. J.;' TT1~1',;E:; T : ~ hayor -- ~/~~ ~'-J1:-a/ /, -' ,'/r;-,-,,-~: Clerk of the City COi(U~ion CUHHJ:.3[_,JU;S lJ:J,sULUTIUJJ HO. l2B7 .~-- ----.--.,- 232 State of Lcntana ) County of Gallatin) c:" (~ ...;u. Ci t:y of BOZelTIc'ln ) I, Erna V. Hardine;, LIe rl( of th.e COFlInisd. on of TIlC Li ty of b Ol',er,lCJn, do hereby certify tllat the foregoing .:ieE;olution~o. 1287, was published by title and number in the BOZerrlCill Da_ily Clm:JIliclc, a mnvspaper of r;euuI'cJl circuL"tion :printed and ymblished in said City in the is sue of 18th of July and due proof of such Pllblica tion is on f.ile in my office. IN ',J:fTlJf<S ':rilf-'j~Ci I hereunto set ntl hand and uffix the coq)OI'iJ.te seal of my off:i. ce this 23rd I day of A uE~ u::; t, 1~)66 . ("-0 L' ,- / .:Z---t<-<" -C---7~ - Y 7Iorrunis#on I I CUHhISJIUJ r,_G00LU'l'L)ij liU. 126'(