HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1284 Fixes to SID No. 463 227 COH1v:IS :;IOlr REEi0T,UTION iJO. 12E3h A m:E;OJ)j':tI O'eJ UF "'dE CITY C(iIH;ITS::;IU1i CF THE CITY UF BOZl::iAU FIZJjJG TiIl', DATJ!., JVjj\TUTcIT-L DiiTF j\lHJ THE H-LINClPAL ili'lCUNT CF'j3CiJDS TO BE IS :)UED In SP.ECIAL :GLmC'V2;,l' ,\IT m};THICT NO. h63 VmEk.Ei\S, at a regular scsc3ion of the Comrl1is~3ion of the City or Bozer;wn, State of horrt::u1iJ, held I on the 23rd day of iiarelJ, V)66, -Llw said C:"LLy Corrmd.sC;:ion duly pat3C;,od ComrLif,Gj_on;Le~c;olution do. 1256, crcat~LnF E:pecial Improver,ient District. IJo. 1.(63, entitled: A HESULUTIcm 01" 1'1.{1<.: CITY COFiJ;IS~aON OF TEl<; CITY UF BOZBi'AN Cj-{EJ,TI:JU A SPECIAL IHPHOVEl,E';j'JT DISTRICT TO I~E; KlIOVJH AS SPECIAL IHHLOVh-IJi,;UT DISThICT no. Il)3 UF '1'11]<' CITY of BUZ.c;iJ\.i~ FQL 'I'lli': PlJlmjSI~, UF C",JSThljC'::'Ii,G Aim IIJS'l'ALLIl-IG A1~ Ai:WlJALTIC CC)"IJCFETE l'J\. VLn Pl::UJEC'Tvil '1'Li CU1JCH~TE LtLHbGAL C Uh]J0 A,,j,LJ C U'l'TLJ-tS, ljl:jC}~S ,JI~HY E.X- CAVA.nO,J J\,W FILL, GlLAVLL BACI<.v'lLL, iJJ:;Cl';o;Ji-lJcY b'l'liEET 110dUhENTS AlJD VI1ibh APFlJlL'I'E.,~- AiJT\~OlK 1':i~Li~T~:, AL~-;C TliL CU;iS'l'HJCTluN A;JD :C,;~,TALLJ-,'I'lO;~ OF STOhl! DIiJ~LL4.uE PIPE, LfCLUDUjU imCES ,.J!~l.,:{ ThE1JC,l Ei.CA VA1'luN }uHJ Bl.CY~FILL, E1Li,TS, l'JAN-HUUS AN [J OTIIEE ;'JECESSAH\[ APhjHTi~~',A:IT S'I'hlIC'l'@~;S, m~ E:JOlJ'l'H 'l'liACY AVEi~UE ABUTTING Cd L01' 2 OF BLOCK It Ai,: D i,m' 5 UF' BLOCK 3, HILL STHEET FHOiil S OUTd Tdnm A VKJUb EASTNtLY TO llIGdLA~~D CUUl{[', AlW UiJ HIG!Ih'-\.l'il] CUUhT ABl/I"I':LlJIJ- 0;1 LOT' 2 OFHLOCK 5, 10':;; E3 OF BLQCL 2, ALL Ir.) TliOL1PiXJN I S ADJJITIDr{ lJUlTIJEE 3 'l'u ThE CITY OF' 13OZJ!;iJ\.i'J, liUW.i.'ALJA. ;^f.rIl'Iibl\S, pursu.ant to ~;ajd Lesolu tion Raid Special Irnprovement District was duly created, bids for the cOrJstruetion of said. irnprovementVJere cailed for, contracts for the construction of said improvcrncnt VJere let aXld ~3:pecia1 improveJnent district bonds for the payment of said ilnprovement Nere sold. )\1 0'.1 , T'.L";IiJ':l"OHE, BE :i'l' E.F:;)('Jlh,D BY TEL, COi'T]trSi,IQL,j Ui' ThE: CITY OF BOZ:El-lAN: Tha t the bonds to be issued under said Special Improver:lsnt District No. 463 of the City of B07,eC':an shall bear the date of August 1, 1966, shall have a maturity date of January 1, 1986, and that the total principal amoW1t of the bunds to be issued under said Special Irnprove];tent DiE;trict is I :j,;8 (), 000.00, and the attached co upons may bear the facsimile signature of the hayor and the Clerk of LJe LornmisE;j.on. Passed anci adopted by the ConUl1.isf;ion of the City of Boz enan at a re[;ular se~Jsion chereof held on the 6th day of July, 1966. A T'l'E5T : lIIayor c<ta te of J.il .- tana ) ,," . .011 .C County of G'al1atin) ss. City of Bozeman ) I, Frna V. l'brdin~;, CIHrk of t:,!O:) Corrunissj.on of The City 0[' Buzeman, do m,rdJY (;ortiL'y Ll1at the foregoing Hesolution ];0. 1284, was I'ublished by title and nwnbel' in t.he Bozeman lJaily Chronicle, a ne,\lBpaper of Lenera1 c.irculation printed and pub1iL'ihed in said C:i.ty in the issue of 13th of Ju.ly and due proof of such pubb.cco"tion is on fD.c :i.n my office. In i{HTL\IES~ cIliLiiEOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal 01' my office tLis 23rd day of AUfust, lS;66. I t:c0<u // %~ ClerK. of tne City ,ission COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1284 . -.--