HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1283 Improves SID No. 451 ----.... COU.ES~:IOiJ hEbOLUTH}i\j NO. 12h3 A W<;SQUJTIUn uF THE COlli.IS :.,IU~'i OF THE CITY UF BC1ZBJli\J!, l"jO "j'l'ANA, LEVY.L[\:G AND /\.SSE3,:1[']0 A SPECIAL AS,'j'.Sbl.:(f:;;'JT UF' TAXES UPON AU.. Tlffi HWPKhTY IiJ SPECIAL JHPRUVr':i'iE:-JT DIS'CHICT flU. Lf)l IN Trill CITY UF BC)ZET':AN, COUNTY UF GJ,LLA'l':ti'i, STATE OF iI, TAi\iA, TU JEF]-(~Y TT~B CCCT OF Cn\ STRUCTn:G A:! D lilA-KING THJ:'.; D-IPHOVEI'!ENTS WITI-lI.\] SAID SPI'CTAL IT<PHOVEl\J~,JJT DISTInCT I-JO. 4)1. I 1:JHl':HK{\S, The City ComrrrLssi.on of The City of Bozeman, did on the 2Jrd day of December 196Lf' duly and rf\[';1.il,Jrl.y pass Commission Ee~';ollltLon No. 116), entitled: A Rb,':)OLTJTIUN OF THE CITY COJVa'1ISi31ON OF THE CITY OF' BOZB]\1AN ])1~CLAHI G .IT TO Bt- TW" :UJT1',[\TIUN O}' THl:'; CITY OF BUZ}~rjj\N, LJiUNTAI'JA, TO CW,J\'I'l:'; A SPECIAL IMPi-LOVEI1El\jT DlbTmCT TO HI', ENO\tllN AS SPbCIJ\1 H1PHUVI~ljil-"NT DI,STHICT NO. LI51 FOli. '1'1.11 PlJEPQ,SE OF THE: CCIj\iSTIWCT'IuN Aim INSTALLATIUIJ OF f-'AVI;;G AND INTR1C11\.L C)l'iCl-tl:';'I'.b~ CULBS AND GUT'l'BtUj, ,H'"C1SJ\}{Y EXCAVA'I'IUd, GleA \lEL BACKFILL AND OTHER APPU.i:eTENA1~T WQB.K THt,kLTO ON SOl'TH Bc.;ZEI\IAN A Vbl~UEBETWl',El~ EAST GARFIELD STREETPJ\J D EAST LINCOLN .sTR.EET, A FffiTIDN ~".bJ,0T GA1&TLLD S TR1:-l'..T FRON TIH; EASTEHLY LINE OF SO ,TH BLACK A VEdUE AND Ii .LulrJT 100 FEET Mo'l'tHLY OF 'THE EA.sTbhLY Lld1>, UF .so UTH BOZE;HAN STfllibT AND A PORTION OF EAST LmCULN STRKI:"T FROH THE EASTEHLY LINE lJF SOUTll BL:'.CK AVl:';jmE TO A POP,iT 100 FEET EASTbHLY OF TIlE EASmJiLY L1HE OF SOUTH BOZt,JJAN AVENUE. and thereafter, after due and 10[,0.1 proceedings had, the Commission of The City of Bozennn did on the 20th day of January, 1966, duly pass COmnlission Resolution No. 1175, entitled: A I-LEiJOWTIOi'J C:F' THE (,'ITY COHtuS:,IOI~' OF THE CITY OF BOZB;HAN CIlliA'l'ING A SPECIAL II"lPHOVE1'mm DIS'l'RICT TO BE KfJO\ilN AS SPECIAL n~PROVE1"iliNT DU/I'IGCT NU. LI51 OF THE CITY OF BOZE;'!uiL'J FOR TEb: !:-'URPmm CF rONSTRUCTI NG }.,.l'JD J]~STAl,LJNG A PA VB."J8NT PROJECT ON SOUTH BOZEI"JAN A VENUE BET\'IEEN EAST GAHFIELD STREET AND EAST LINCOLN STREET, A POhTIC1N OF EAS'l' GARfIELD STREBT FROM THE EASTEHLY LHJE OF SmJTH BLACK A V}}iUI~ Ai,[D A POJJ:T 100 FEET F...AST};Ii.LY OF T:~IE :E;A,'.'TEIiL Y J,JNE OF SOlITJ--I BOZFIfii\;.] STIIJ~,},'I' f\:JD A f'OHTlUN OF j'1\i:j'l' LHICOLN STREET FHOM THE Bi\.STERLY LINE OF SCllTH BLACK AVJ\;JUE TO A FU1:')T 100 FEET EASTE]-(I,y OF TIlE EASTER,LY LINE OF SClJTH BOZEr-IAN A Vb:NTTE. which Commission Hesolution Nos. 116:; and 1"175, passed as aforesaid, 2.:re hereby referred to and I made a part of this resolution fur further IXJrticule.rs in respect t,o tlw bOlmci;:;ries of said district, the character of improvement to be constructed therein, the esti.Jr1ilted cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the cost against the property withiY1 said district; and ["mEi'{},J.~S, sai(1 jJl1provements as contem'plated in said Commission Heso1ution Nos. 116:, and lli 5 have been constructed and completed in !J.ccordance with the ternlS and conditions of Commission Resolution nos. llbS and 11'15, and the total cost of said improvements so cunstructed is tile sum of Thirty-Three Thous(J11cJ Fi ve-lIundred Scventy-.b:ight and 89/100 cents (~:;Jj, 578.89). NO'vv, THEHJ:,FOl-ili, pursllant to the provisions of Sections 11-2201 to 11-2273 and 11-3301, k.C.JVl., 19h7 and amondnlcnts ther~'"to. Bl<, IT RESOLVED AIm 1 T IStU~:R.EBY ()HDERb~D BY THE COMi''lISSION OF THE CITY OF BO/,El']AN STATE OF 1-10N'l'ANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and makine; the improvements :in said Special Improvement No. !6l, there be, and there is hN'eby levied and assessed a. tax amount5.ng to the sum of Thj.rty-Three Thousand Five-Hundred Seventy-Eie;h t and by /100 cents (;,..33, 5C( S. (9) upon all the property in said Special Improvement District No. 451, and the estimated assessment of ~1;35,OOO.OO reported on eth day of Se~-\tember, 1965, hereby abated, and that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land with the name of the owner and the sum assessed aGainst him or it for such I improvemenh; anci the ~'WlOlmt of eech partial payment to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, marked Schedule uA", and made a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the naIiles of the owners and tile described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are Lereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and makinG the improvements wi trlin said District; that the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective COl'ITHS;'HON RESOL1J'l'ION NO. 12(33 own()r~', of said lots and parcels of land described in ~,aid aSE3eSdment List" Scbedule "A ", as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be rrade in 20 i.nstallmentf, mrd the payment uf said install- ment shall extend over a period of 19 years; that the payrnent of the respecti.ve annual instalLment shal] be made on or before the 30th day of November of each year until payment of aU installments tovether ..Ii th the interest thereon, shall be made; that said sums shall be paid cwd the collection I thereof shall be made in the ,r;anner and in accordance with the law governinG the collection of specj,al improvement taxes; that fa:U.ure to pay such assessments ",hen the same become due and payable shall make such persons and said luts and parcels of land liable to the penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 2. That the reguli'lr session of the Comm:\.ssion of The City of Bozeman to be hold in the Commission Clw.mber in the Ctty Tiall of said City on tho 20 day of J\11y 196':), at 1:80 o'clock p.m., be, and the same ~l.s [HTeby designated as the time and place at wh:Lch objfJctions to the f,inal adoption of this Resolution will be heard by said Commission. Section 3. That the C:J erk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman be, and she is hereby ordered and dh'ected to publish in the Bozemml Dai,ly Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and publlshed in the said Cj_ty of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that a Resolution levying and assessing a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost and expense of construct-) nr, and making the improvements in the said Special Improvement District No. 1~5l is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission subject to inspection for a period of f:i.ve (5) days; that said Notice shall state the Uli:e and place at which objections w5.1l be heard by the Commission to the final adoptj.on of this Resolution; that j_t shall be publj.shed at least five ()) I days ()Cefore the day set by tho Commission for the hearing of objc;ctions and the fi.na1 adoption of this Resolution. Pr9visiona11y passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on tJle 13 July 1966. ATTEST: ~ ~~~. '.~ p7. -a .x, Clerk of the C:Lty Corrrrrrfssion Ha yor Finally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thornoi' held on the 20 July 1966. ATTEST: ~ ~ &. /C>n<: . ,._ a- Nayor Clerk of the C~Lty Com I COWIfISSION RESOLUTION NO. l28J 225 N iJ TIC L -----......- i1L1CL-1"l" /L,Ju.J J:lJOPl1y,j ',11: CUiJ."I,s;;)10U l(K;ULU'l'ION ;~O. 12[)3, LKVYL<:O A0~;Eb~;lil,"!'l' SP[;CjJd~ IhR~C'J:iulLj,'l' JISTHICT .,Jl;. h51, CITY uli il;ZLlJluJ FA VIi\G (),J SCliTH BC'",!j-u' A VLJJuI:, },bT'vvf1.dl::;AJ'l' GldlF:;:E LJJ STH.t:LT ALIi.) ,bAST LUCOLN 2)Th_E;}~T . l,j()TICE :.~.,S j.,I(i',BY C1 It, , UJat at a reLular ses,;iolJ of the Corma::! ssion of Lh.e C:l.ty of Bozc\:Jan Ileld I on the 13th day of July, 1;;66, Conunission Resolution Uo. l:::EJJ ."JaS provisionally passed and adopted: That s;dd CQTnmi",3:Lon iWsoll)tion levies .'lnd as,:es,;es a f3JJccial a;;,3essrnent of taxes upon all the property in S[Jecial Improvcrcen't Distrjct 110. },~r.)l, in said City, to defray the co E;t and expcmse of constructing and'Tcc-,J{ing the imprcvelnE,nts T/Jith:Ln sa:i d D:i str:Lct, to-vv,L t: Tbe boundaries of said cJpcc:iel Impn!venont District iJo. 1151 arc described cu'; follow:::: Decinninc; at the northeasterly corner of Lot 1 of Block 1 of Un:\. versi tiY Subdivision Number 3 to Boz,enlan, hontanCl;Lhence ;;outherly along tbe eCliOterly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 100 feet; thence 1.,wsterly parallel to arid 100 feet soutllcl'l,y distant from the southerly line of :East Lincoln Street to the easterly Lutc of Soutb Black Avenue ;tbence northerly alone the easterly line of South BlclCk lcvenue a disi~nce of 260 fecL; Llenec eac;terly par",llel to and l()() feet nortiCf';l'ly d:i,stant from the nort:lerly line of L",st Lilwoln Street, a dL::Lance of' 100 feet to the lifc:::tel'ly 1:i.ne of Lot 41 of block L, of University ~';ubdivisi()n to Bozeman, Hontana; thence nort.JHTly along the wosterly lines of Lots 11-1- through 23 of Scd.d Block L~ to a point on c:;aid 1ifes terly line of said Lot 23, lOa feet souti18:cly from the sout]lCl"ly line; of 1ac,t Garfield St.reet; tl1encc 1ifeE;terly parallel to and 100 feet d:i..sta.rrL m nt"erly from the' bouthcrly line of said Last Garfield Street a distance of 100 feet to the; easterly line of South Dlad;: Avc;nnc; thence nortlLC1'ly al '-iF' the easterly line of snid South Black Avenue a distance of' 260 feet; thence easterly p:1rallc:L to cwid lOCo fc.eL norUwrly irom the norther'ly line of sa:Ld l~a.st Garfield ~3tre(,t through Lots J and 6 of Block 5 of Unj_versity Subdivision, aCl"Ot;2i South Bozcinan A venue to a poin t 100 feet ea:;tcrly oJ' the easterly line of SOlrt,h Bozejnan Avcrn:e; thence 3ou.tlJc:I'ly pccrallcl to and 100 feet easterly of the oiJEd:,erly line of SouLh0ozc,iZJn Avenue a d:L3tance of 160 feet to tho northeastcrly corner of Lot 1. of L310ck 2 University SULchv:Lsion Number J; thence sou tberly ell onf:~ the I ccwterly li.ne of said University SIILdivisj.on Number J to tIle nortlleaE;tcrly corner of Lot 1 of l:Jlocl--:. 1 ol said University Subdivision boinG tbe true point of ber;inninf'; . Contc.:Lnini, 1vithin the above described 8.xterior boundaries the fo 110winc Lots, 1310ck c'ndl'C:T'cels of land, to-Hit: Portion of Lot 1, Block 1, Uni vers,L ty [;ul)di v:Leion Nwrrber J; all of LoLe 1 through 12 inclusive of Block 2, Un:i.versi ty ~)ubdi vision Number 3; portions of Lots 1, 2 , and J of Block J, University Subdivision; all of Lot 1; portion;; of Lots 2 and 11; ;~Q 1 of lots 12 to 2Lf inclUf"ive of Block 1~, University ~,ubdivision; portions of Lots J and 6 and 811 of Loti', hand:; of Block S, University 2ub- divif;ioJ) ; portj,on of the unplatt.ed part of the nortlnV8st ",uarter of Section lt3, Towns!iip ? ::,outh, HcCD[e 6 East, h.1".1'1. ThaI'. , said Commission hesolution No. 1283, is now on 1'ile in the office of the Clerk of the C omrnis c;ion, subject to inspection for a period of five (S) days by anyperDons interested. That liJedne,3day the 20th day of .Jul,I, 1966, at 1:00 p.m., oJ said day at the rec;ular sess:Lon of the said COJrllrt:Lssion of '1'he Cj_ty of Boz,eJI;an, at ti.l8 LOIillllission Hoom, in t;18 C\!. tj liall Building of said Cj. ty , has been designated as tne ti.,e and place Hhere the said COJrlmiss:Lun\-Jill hear and pass upon any and aD objections t'lat !ila] bo )(lade to the fLlal passar:;c and adoption of said Hosolution iJo. 12()J, arid the lcvyinr; Ol said assess:n1ent, and ti:lat said iIesolution Hill be finally pasE;ed and adopted c1t c:aid rCLular session. All }1erSOm3 inturCE;tcd are referred to Conmlission Hesolution lW. 1165, deo') 2.rLn;. it to lie t118 I inten-tion ofUw Coxm,LLssion to croc.,-l~e ~)TJecial Improvement Di:3trict No. h51, and Cormrlissj.on Itosolution Un. 11'(5' creatine: Spc;ci.al Improvement 1hstr_ict }Jo. h51, for constructing and mal::ini'; tile irnprovementt, tberein. Date 13 July 1966. ~~/ d~ J.crk of the City Co . ssion COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1283 226 State oi'l'l(nt,:lna ) County of Gallat:Ln) (, c::' "-)0. City of lJozenlC:Ul ) I, Erna V. liard:i.Jlg, Clerk of the Commission of Tho City of BozeInan, do hcreb,y certify that the foregoIn[; No"L:Lce Waf; I-JUblisJled at length in the Bozeman Dail;y Cbroniclc, a newspaper of general drculc~ tionprinted and publ:ished j_n said City in the ii3~me of tIle 14th day of July, 1~;66, and due proof of ::-ouch publication is on file :in II\{ of f:Lce. n~ VJITNESSVJHEHECJF I herewlto set my hand and affix the corpor,lte t~eal of my hand and affix I the cor].lorate seal of my of fice thi~-, 2Jrd day of I\. ugus t, 1966. ~ !:~;~ / ,%~-- Clerk of the City COITm ,-,sion State of Montana ) County of lJallaUn) ss. City of BozeFlC:l.n ) I, }!;rna V. ! I ardirlC, Clc-:rk of the CommiSt';ion of The City of Bozeman, do .he:ceby cel'tify that the foregoing Ee::-301ution j~o. l2[)3, was published by title and milliber :1.n t.heL\ozelilEU1 DajJ.y Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in :o;aLd Cj.ty in the :}ssue of 2;..,tl1 of July and due proof of such rmblication is on file in my office. IJ', WTTIiES;, v~IJj>:LL;,OF I hCl'elmto ~;ct rny ballet and affix tlH] corporate seal of my offj.ce thj.s 2Jrd day of Au[ust, 19(~i6. f;! /7~ k' . ~-C;;H.c- /. d<-. ~ Clerk of the C:Lty COlllJl!" ;sion I I COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1283