HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1282 Improves SID No. 448 ---- -----. -. .--- -...-... -...---.. ---- 2. :;.;;.. Ii CONlnS~)lOl-] H:!:<.,~OLUTI()I~ NO. 12e2 A F!};SULU'1'ION UF THE CUMHI.'::J,:,rUN OF THE CITY ill' BOZbI"IAN, H01~TANA, 1KVY1NG AND ASSiSSnTG A Spj~CIA1 ASSbS~jlv.n:;,]JT OF TAXES UPUN ALL Tl-f,E FROPE;}tTY IN SPECIAL Ir1PROVEiI'lENT DISTRICT NO. h48 IN '1'111 CITY 'JF BOZEI'II\.N, COUNTY OF GALLjlrnN, STAT:2; C)F :rvJOI\jTANA, T: DEFM v THE: COST UF CClli STRUCTHJG AND iVJAKI!IG mE 1JVlPROVE- NE:i'JTS VJI THI:! Sf\J D SPt:CIAL IMPHCJVEj\lD:',NT DISTRICT NO. 44[). I \rJ1-n-':HJ'J\S, The City Commission of The City of' Bozeman, djd on the nth day 01' February 1965, duly and regularly pass Commission Hesolution No. 1180 entitled: A RbSOLliTION Of' 'lHE CITY COJvIHIbSIOJ'J UF THE CITY UF BOZE1'AN DECLARING 1'1' TO BE Ti:-fu INTbNTION OF THE CITY OF BOZENAN, JVlONTANi\., TO CREATE A SPl'-,CIAL n'IPHOVbl"IE.NT DISTRICT TO BI': KNOVJN AS SPi,:CIAL IHPRUVbL}Jl,T DISTRICT NO. 44e FOR THE puItp()SB OF CONSTRUCTING AND Il%TALLATION OF ASPllALTIC-CONCHE'I'Io, PiIVEl'iLE:NT, INTREGJ\L COl\lCR.t;TE CURBS AND GUTTl1iRS AND T1I1c NECJ',SSARY APFlJRTEl'JANCES TO SAID FA V}:;HEiiT ON SOUTH THACY A Vt:t'H]E FI{OJVl A POINT 249.7 FEET SOU'rElERLY 01" ThE. SOiJTH LHJl'~ OF ClliVt:l.AND STRE~~T TO SOlJ1\llihLl Lli]E OF GAHFIBL1J STHBl<:r , Al'JD Ul~ ItJEST GAl-i.FLKSD STREET FRO}'l Trill I'.ASTEHLY C1JHB LINE OF SOUTH \flLJJ~)ul\J A\Tf~li.jU.t, TU 'l'Ut <Jul~C/rIUi~ ItJITH SOUTE 'I'EACY, arId thereafter, after due and legal proceedirlgs had, the Corwnisf,ion of The City of Bozeman did on the lCtb day of i'..arcb, 196), duly pass Commission He:301ution No. 1186, entitled: A RESOL"iJrION OF' THE CITY CorlhISSIC:IJ OF THE CITY OF BOZEl!lAN CHEATING A SPBClAL INPH.OVl!'J~J!;N'l' DI~)TRICT TO Tjl!; KN:.)WN AS SPECIAL Il..P!WVEJ.jENT DISTHIC'l' NO. 448 OF THE CITY OF B OZB1'1AJJ FOR Tlill PURPOSE OF C'TiSTRUCTING AIJD INSTAU,HG A PA VEl\'lENT PROJ"rnT (),j SOUTH THACY. A VSUUE FhCH A POINT 249.'1 FEET SOUTITbHLY ON TIlE SOUTH LnJE OF CLEVELAND STREbT TO SOUT~dr.,HLY LINE OF GARFlt!,LD STRB:t;T, AND Ulj I'llEST GARFlbLD STREH;T FROli T}-IE K'J.bTF:"J,Y CURB LINE OF SOUTH VJILLglN AVENUE TO THE ,JUiJCTION WITH SOUTH THACY. 'VIThich Corwnis sion ilesolution Nos. lIdo and 1186, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of tbis resolution for further particulars in rpspec:t to the boundaries of said district, the character of improvement to be constructed therein, the estima,ted co:',t of f)a~id improvements I and the rnetnod of assess'l ng the cost acainst tlle property within sajJl district; and \~IiEI(FJ'\~;, said improvcrnents as contemplated in said Commission Hesollltion l~C)S. lleO and 1186 have been construc ted and cor,lpleted in accordan ce with the terms and cundi tions of' Commission Resolution Nos. IlbO and Ilb6, and the total cos t of said improvements so cCHlstruc ted is tll('; sum of Sixteen-Thou_sanci Nine-Hundred Forty-Eigilt and 36/100 I scents ($16,94.8 .38) NOW, 'l'HBHBF01'IE;, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 11-2201 to 11-2273 and 11-3301, H..C.lVi., 194'( and amendments t~,ere to. BE IT REbOLV.GD judJ IT IS iiLHl-$Y ORDB.J{W BY THE COHllISSION OF Tlif, CITY uF BOZBjJiAN, STATE OF NOl'JTANA: Section J.. TrlEL t to defray the cost and expense of ccnstructin fJ. and making the improvements in said Special Improvement No. 1148, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amountiug to the sum of Sixteen-TjJ()uGand ihne-Hundred l:<'orty-r;J_ght and jb/lOO I scents. ( ~i;l6, 9hS. 38) upon all the property in said Spec:ial Improvement District No. 4LIB, and the estim;Jted aS2(,E;sment of $21,OOO.CO reported on September 1, 1965, hereby abated, and that a particular description 01' each lot and parcel of land wi tb the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or it for such improvements and the amount of each pa.rtial payment to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is I set forth :in detail in the assessment list hereto attached, Jllarked SclledulE, "A", and mane a part hereof; that tho several sums set opposite the names of the oHners and the described lots and. parcels of land be, and the smile are nereby respectively .Levied and assessed upon and ac;aj_nst said described lots and oareels of land to defray the cost and expense of cCIIstructing and lnakine the improvements within said District; that the several sums so aSf.;essed be collected from the respective owners of sa:Ld lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, bchedule IIAII, as required b,y law; tha t the payment of' said SWrlS sllall be made in 20 installments and the payment of' said installrnent COMJVlISSI0N HESOLUTIUlJ NO. 12(32 ... --~ ._---.~- ~- --- -.-....-- ..-...--..-...... .... "..,-..--- ;2.. '-- :J".. .8. shall extend over a period of 19 ,'rea:('s; ti,at the ~[)ayment of the respective annual installmont shall be made on or before the 30th da,y of i~ovember of each year until payment uf all inst2J,lments tOE,ether with the interest thereon, shall be IrIFlde; that said sums shall be naid and the collection thereof shall be II1Flde in Hie manner and in acco:c~dance with the law govern,ing thecollect:Lon of special improvement taxes; that fc~=-lure to pay [mch assessments "Then the same become due and pcwable shall make such I persons and said lots and parcels of land liable to the lJelJal ties prov.i ded by la'VIT rc1ati ve to de1:i..nquent taxes. f:ectii';n 2. That tJJe re/?:nlar ses::.iion of the Com!rlis~;ion of The City of B07,eman to be neld in the Comm5.ssion CtJamber in the City uall of saiu City on the 20tb day of JuT.>' 1;66, at 1:00 o'clock p.m., be, CJnd the same is nereby designated as the time and place at oJlijxii obje ctions to the final adoption of this Resolution "Till be beard by sai.d Corruilission. fection J. That trle CIE,rk of the Commls ,;ion of '['ne C:ity of Buzeman be, and she is hereby ordered and directed to publish in the Bozeman l)aily CIJronicle, a daily newspaper printed ann iJublished in the said City of Bozen13n, a notice signed j)y the Clerk of the Com,nission and :'jtat,i..ng that a Resolution levyine; and assessing a special assessment of tazes to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the j.mproverents in the said Special llnprovernent Distri ct No. )..4U is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Cownission subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days; that said NoUce shall c3tate tYLe time and place D.t which objections will be lJearcJ by the Cormnission to the final adoption of this Resolution; tbs.t 'it sh"lJ be pub')~QrJed at J".-"t f~ve ([') dc'yc, ['.("j')PC' the chV c'pt "t,. ) "~. ,~_ .. .....1-...'),.' ,.' c: .ec...t\,.J ~ . ,J.. ,.' :J I .,,(L, U . '."""~. ,. .,- ",," ("".c. ....),~ by t,he Commi~Jsjon for tIle hcarinf'; of ob,jc;ction::.; anCl the L;,nC'i.l a,dopL,ion of thj,s Hesoluti.on. Provj~~iona1Iy lw.~;c.ied and hy the COYllI;I:L5sion of 'l\'i(' C:ity oj TJcseman 2,t a regular session I thereof held on the lJtJJ day of July, 1966. ATTEST: (::;> ~/ /~ L (P/>~~~~- ' -.-..-.-,'- ,.~, ,~. ,-~~",._.- '.~..,""',,_..,- -,.~.".' '~" .,~," '~-"_.,-~._~._._,............~~ C:J.c:rk of the i ty COlDm '.,f>:;;ion hayor FLnally passed anti adouted by tne Corn,aission o,f' The City of Bo 7.eman at a regul~r session there of held on the 20th day of July, 1966. ATTEST: (: ?'~~ ' ,/..1LA"- P. . a ',' J:'"ayor---~'-'-~'--"--.-----.-"---.~- Clerk of the 'Clty' Corm -"i33ic;r] I C()lVi]\fI~~:;IUIJ IiJ"SUl.U'LUi liU. 12n2 ,., .-.". 223 NOT ICE ------ HEARl_I'iG, Fli,jAL ADOPl'IO~J UF' cmU-'[l:SSIU;J EESOLuTION 1282, LEVYLJG ASSESSi'lEl~T SPECIAL IH:'ROVE};E:,JT DISTRICT NO. 448, CITY UF BOZEliAH, PAVIiJG ON SOUTH TI\ACY AV1':>;1.IE FRO I'!: A PCJIm 2h9. 7 FEET ;30UT:,l<;HLY OF THE g] UTE LLm OI" CLEVEIJAlJD ;YChEET TO SOUTEEitLY I,Ln~ OF CAhFIloLD STRE]','l', Ad]) Oil \,Ji<;ST GARFIELD STllliET FEC)/; THE EA~~TLHL-Y ClJ}m Lli-!E OF SOi_ITHVJ1LL0QN A VErmE TO ThE ,JUNCTION ~ii TH SO 'O'1':J TRi\CY. I NOTICE I~;;];:F(EBY GIVEN, that at a regular sescoion of the Conmlission of The City of Bozeman held on the 13th day of cTnly, 1966, Commi~3sion Hesolution No. 1282 was provisionally pas3(';d and adopted; that sahi Commiscd,on He::-,olution lev:ies and aS~3esses a special aSSeSSlrlE:mt of' taxes upon all the property in Special Improvement District .l~o. 448, in said City, to defray the cost and expenses of constructing and making tho improvements within said District, to -1.li t: Tbat the bOLlndaries of said Special Improvement District No. 44b are descrioed as follows: Boginning at tl'JO northeasterly co:cncr of Lot 5, Block A, Lancohr's First Aden tion to Bozeman, l-1ontana; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot S a distance of 130 feet; thence southerly parallel to and 130 feet distant from t!:e westerly line of South Tracy Avenue to a point on the ::-wu.therly line of Lot 7 of said Block A; thence northwesterly along the southerly line of said Lot 7 a distance of 13.09 feet to the southwesterl,y corner of said Lot 7; tllcnco southerly along the westerly lot lines of Lots 8 and 9 of said Block A a distance of 120.2 feet; thence westerly across the alley of said Block A to a point on tho easterly line of Lot 7, Block 13, Butte Addition to Bozeman, Hontana, said point being S feet northerly of the southeasterly curner of said Lot 7; tlJenee westerly rXll'allel to and 130 feet distant northerly from the northerly line of Garfield Street to a point of intersection with the center- line of So,lth m.llson Avenue; thence southerly along the centerline of said South ";Jlllson Avenue a chstance of 320 feet; thence easterly at right angles a distance of ho feet La a PO:l::lt on the livesterly line of Lot 6 of Block Ih of said Butte Adchtion, said point be:Lng S feet southerly of the northwesterly corner of said Lot 6; thence easterly pu.rallel to and 130 feet d.istant southerly from the southerl,y line of \^Jest Garfield Street bej.ng ;; i,'eet southerly and paral1el ta the northerly line of said Lot 6, a distance of 160 feet to the eaf;terl,y .Line of said Lot 6; thence continuing easterly I parallel to and 130 feet southerly from the sOiltherly li_ne of West Garfield street across the Ech Additi_on a distance oj:' 101~.j'7 feet to the ea.sterl,y line of saic1Ed Adeli tion; thence contirll_dn€:; easterly on said line extended to a point of HltersccLion wi tll a line tila t lies paralJ.el to and 130 feet southeasterly from the fJoutheasterly line of South 'I'ril.cy Avenue; thence nortllc,a:sterly alon[; said parallel l:.ino lY:lng 130 feet southeastex'l,y of i:.J18 southeasterly line of South Tracy l\venue to the southeasterly corner of Lot 11 of DIad: 2, Sprint; Dell Addition to Bozorrlan, liontarvl; thence llorth1tJe::;terly aloni-'~ the soutilerly line of said Lot 11 to the southwestorly corner of sa:i.d LoL 11, beinf:; a point on the easterly line of Soutil Tracy Avenuc; thence westerl,y across SO:J"Lh Tracy Avenue a distance of 60 feet to the point of beginn:i.j!L. Containing Tjvi thin tho above described exterior boundaries the fo110whlL lots, addition and Tracts of land: Lo ts 5, 6, 7, [), '), and 10 0 f Dlock A, Langohr I s Firs t Addition. Portion of Lot '( and all of Lots 13, 9, 10, 11 and 12 of Block 13, Butte Addition. All of Lots 1, ~~, J, h, 5, and portion of Lot 6 of Block 11~, Dutte Add:Ltion. A Portion of Eck' s Addition Portion of an unplatted Tract lying southeasterly of South Tracy AVerllle. Tha t, sa:i d COl1unission Resolution i'Jo. 12132 is nOlJ on file in the office of the Clerk of the Commission, subject to inspection for a period of five (S) days by any persons interested. Tho. tlijednesd,w the 20th day of July 1966, at 1: 00 01 clock p.m. of said day <It tilO reg-u.lcir ses sion of tho sa:l_d COClll.ij.S [::,:Lon of I The C:i_ ty of JOZ81:,cln, ,elL the COil'):l.is:_:ion HOO],), in tile City dall Building of said Cj_ty, has Geen designated as tJ-:e tirrle and rilace 1'i!lcleLhc sb_i(j COilu;jis:3ion will hear and pa:ss upon any and all oiJjcction~J tiwt may be madel,o tLe fir-wI passa~,e and adoption of said hesolution No. 1282 and the lovy:i.rll, of said as,JesstncnL, and tllat said l-i.csolution Hill lx~ finally pas~E'cJ and adopted at said regular session. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1282 224 All pel'fwns interested are referred to COImni~;siorl HecwlL,tion No. lIne, decIfH'inL j.t to be the intention o:f the CODllnissi.on to create Sped.al Inrprovehlcnt Jjistrict no. Ld.i!, and COHunis[C;j.on hesolution ;Jo. 1186, creating Special ImrJY'overnent District No. LdjU, for cuustrnct:i.ng aJH.l. Jllaking the irnprove:nen ts tllere in. Dated 13 July, lc;66. I g d~ -.<:'*d--' '.. 0 / .;~ . "L__ Clerk of t~tJe Ci(ttv Commi' <ion Sta te of l'lcm Lana ) County of Gallatin) s ~~. Cit;v of Bozeman \ ) I, Erna V. Hardinr; , Clerk oj' tho CODllniss:Lon of' The City of Bozem.an, du hereby certify that .the i'orc[oing iJot:ice\.iaspuLil:Lshed at length inLhe Bozenlan Daily CilTonicle, a ncvJspaper of general circ:u.L:-ltion prirltcd and T):il)l:lshcd in [-3aj.d City in the i::;: 1,;l..lC of tne l~"th da,y of July, 19iJ6, and due proof of SUc]l ]!ul,li.catiofl is on f:i.le ill IllY office. 1.\1 ;~I'l'l\n';SS'.h:i.I,lcECIL" I het'eun to ' ... 1 . " . ... . "f' the corp( ) 1'a L(J seal of illY hand emu afiix [)81, H~YJ;:mo. ClfKl ;:.:1' L]; U18 corpornte ,'!Oa1 of ItiX o.l.:ticc this 2Jrd day oi' Au~.;ust, 1966. " t:=J te of ~ ,D.na ) County of GaJ.laLLn) C' c.." I..) I..J . C'i_ty of ;;:OZ(>'I(111 ) T Erna V. C]_erL. ():f.' the Commi,_<ioi of 'J'1I 2 C i -r-,y 0 f ;~ () Z, ()T,1Clll , dol tllat tlJe I ..' , , for:uf";',oil'lf: }i.cs():"l -(-,ion Uo. 12 (12 , H;Ol,,;!:\ub]..I..f; 1.l8 d -(-,j.tIf' arid nwnbel' :i.n the Bozer1an Dail_y ChrOJlicle, a. ne11,;pa]iC"r (if cen era] ci.rculation pri!: Led and }."Jublished in "aid Cit:i :in the i[) ;3UC 01' 25th of July and due proof of f;uch nUb].5cDtion i~J on file in my office. Hi 'ITN)::SS ,Jl:!ERii:UF I hel'eLHlto set lilY ha.nd add aff:i.x the corporate f;eal of li\Y office tili" 2.3rd day of AU[;UCit, 15'66 . ;;: d ~~. ,- .~~: ~,:"~- ',~-:-,~_._._."---_.- C..Lerk 01 tue CJ_t'I l.l . Ti.lm';lOJ.1 u - I COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1282 . ~_.