HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1281 Creates SID No.471 220 C ()lJIIU S :31 U 11 Ill',~; UlJ UTI mT lil) . 12Dl A f{[,~-jU ])J'1' Ju;; ell' '.L'EE Cl TY COHrIE:;:_;rC;JJ liJT 'TIjl; Cl'l'Y OF BCZEl~AiJ crm..I\TL >JO A SPECIAL :nII'W,iVlihL.fT m:STIUCT T!J BE KNOVJN AS SPI';CIIIJ, nWHCJVI';l,j~iJ'l' Dn3'j'H_LC'I' JIG. 2nl OF TdE CITY ()F BUZF:rIAIJ HJ.F( THE PUHPCiSF: c:}' G:.LJ S'I'H:::CTI']G A:JD LiSTALT,nlO 1\}1 EIGET I,,;CB SA 1:1'1' AICl ~3 B:\.,jEh LA TEFAL , SAID SE",{EE T(: DE ;3,: CCl] S'.L'Hi'c/l'LD Al"1 LJSTALLED OJ] Hi J:!,ASE- )'JENT TIDWT.iCi-H }jWCES 4 AiJD S OF lcnu\: SECUIJD SUBDIVISICN TO ;:;CiZEjiAlJ, 11',:: ',fT,0...;ll" , SAID COiJSTRFCTIO;,! Aim IIJE;T/~LIA TIUN TO IO\JCLlJDE TliliNCH F:XCJ\VA'rrO'J AlSD BACK, LAj'TJG OF VITrG]I'r2~J) TILE, i':ECJ' S ;-:J\H YVJYE j3Rjl;') C!IE~; , FIPr~ BEDDI iJG, ['iJ\,JECJLi':S f\.I'W I)T J1!}( A ?Plrh T(;,;)\, '.'iT I vJOj{E ITF:CES~AHY 'l'JEIiETO. ---------- at a regular sessi.on of the Comm.ission oj' the City of Bozeman, State of hont"Lna, held ld HE nil:!" [-:; , on the 8th day of June, 1966, the sa:icl COYi1Jni::;sion cJuly p:wsed CO!!lt,15ssion T\cc;olntLon Uo. Int declaring it to be the inLent:ion of tlJe sa:i.d C orrnnis sion to Cl'eC:Jte a spec~,.a1 :Lnrprovement district to be known and desifjnated as Spc)cia1 ImjJrovemcnt District No. Lfll of the said C:<.ty J'or the pllrpOcie oj' COiiS truct:i.ng and im:talling sanitary f;ot-Jer 1c1te:cal mains to serve Blod::s L~ and 5 of Kirk Second Subdivision to. Bozenlan, !'lontana. , and to specj.a11y assess the ent:i.re cost and expense of mak:i.ni,: sa.:i.d improvernents against the property wiLh:'LD saj.d D:Ls trict under and vh'tue of the provisions ofLlle le;Hs of the E:t,:clt,e of l'lontana tn [_\Uch case [IJade and provided, fUte! ~~8.id Corrmnssion l:tc:;so].ution [JO. 1274 :i.s hereby referred to and lnade a part bereof for further particLL1,irs in respect to the boundaries of said Spe cia1 Improvcr:len t District No. 471, the estimated co,:;t of SEd_d improvements Emd tbo method of . " , t' ,., i t 1 ,," t f said District; and, a~J ses :cant; nc 8a'-Cle af';a,ll1s; .. ,Ie 1Jl'expcr';f 0' ioITn-EEl\.S, not.i_ce of the pas sac:c oJ "clid COlllilis[;ion HC~J01'Jtion No. l27LI "IJas du.ly published, as required "I in the: ozeman Daily Chronicle, a da..i._ly nE?i,rspc1ner of [:ene,1'a1 cirClllatioll iir:Lclted .LQ,1rJ, and nubLished in the Oty of B07,eman, Hon tan;:l , and sendilC; a copy of Stlch notice by U. C' l/lc'l-j 1 ~, ' . I to eD.c}-l persoll, fin,) or corpr)l'a tj_on ha vin g I-"l' opert:/irJ:LtJlin the pT-.OpO se d L_;_ c;Lr i c t ,1 to) o"Is or its last known addrsss, 11pon tHe sa1';(,' date that such notice v.JaS first lJUblj",hed as af'oresa:i.d, ai1d clue proof havirlf; been molcIe (:,1' the puLlic,:ition z:.nci :3ervice of S<1_i._d Jlotice; and ;'\'J1jj:~,1{EA~3 , wil-hirl the tiJ:lepro vided by J,n,) and scl:i.d iHJbli:';hcd and sel'ved not:; ce t'iC rc vK~rc not sufficient Pl'otCf>ts Clfainst the) creat.Lon of said proposed Special l.Jnrn'ovcient DistrictiJo. h?l, and tile City COYrlmiSf;:lon VJi'JB in regular se[:1sion UJe dC_iY of June, 1066 at one o'clock p.rn. of sai d / , day, at the COIiIi:Li.ssion Chamber i_nthe City Hall Building :i..n the said City of Bozelllan, the Soline be.~,.ng the time and place designated in saj.d notice for pass:Lng upon all protests, if any, ac;ainst the proposed Hark or against the CJ:'ea tj.on or ex.tent of said District, or botb or either; and it further appearing that, all of the proceedings for the creation of said Dlstrj..ct have been l.a1-lful and regular; :JOTI, frJ."'I:E}{E~Ii\}r(~0~ , Tn; IT H},,s(:]J)}:n lW TilE OJI';J~I~;;-,IO;,] OF 'I'd!!; G'rTY UF' 13UZEIJUj : SECTION 1 That said Special Improvement District No. L~7l of the City of BOZerl1dn, :3tate of j\"ontana, be, and tbe same is hereby created for V:e purpose of' lnaking HI e improvemen ts as in sa:Ld Hesoll)tion of Intention (.fa. 1274 ai:d 11er!:i.nafter deser-'Ibed. SECTICJN 2 I Tllet sa:Lcl Fipecial improvements be, and the same are, bereby ordered to be lilade in sa:i..d Special Iinprovenent Distroict No. Li-71 as foLLoltfS: CONS'l'EUCTIOl~ _AND INSTAl,LATION OF AlJ l~:LGliT :e\CJ; SJI.LHTAHY SL;JE,I\. LATEHAL, SA ID SE'JbH 'l'C BE ~3C CUNSTIWCTED AIm liJSTALLED 0" AU Et\S1i')E;;T 'l'llhiJUGh BluLl;S L~ AIm ;-; ,JF IUtcl( SEC'J1JD SUBDIVIS.I0N 'I1J BOZElli-U, lIiI01JTMJA, SAID C"ijSTHUCTIOH AIm LiS'l'1\I,LA'llUN TO INCLUiJE TRErJCH EXCA VA TIO Ii AND BACK, LAYING ()F VITHIFlED 'rILE, :mCESU:diY VJYE Bli'JL'iCHES, PIPE BEDDLG, llil.JiJlOLES AND OTtiliE A.PP[JHTJ~:JANTdUIU; ;{ECl'-,-SSAhY Td_hRI:/l'O. COl{l{[SSIU~; HESOLU'1'J:Oj~ 1:0. 12(31 .----.-.--.-.. 221 SECTION 3 That the entire cost and_ oxpense of making the special improverncnts 118 rein referred to in said Special Improvement District No. )((1 shall be paid by SpecLal lrlpl'ovement Dj_stri.ct Coupon Bonds, a~3 a_"J.tbol"'ized by the 1aliJs of the ,':tate of ]\'Iontan~, liJhich bomL3 shall be in the denomination of One I Hundred Dollars (,,;100.00) each, and fractions or rnul tip1es tr18ro:Jf where necessary, to be i~3 ,med and chargeable against a fund to be known as IISpecial Improvement District 1\)0. 4'11 J;'und", Gaid bonds to be redeemable 2. t, tJ,e option of the City of Bozeman, l'lontana, 1.1Thenover funds aro avaiLlble for tl1ci,t purpose from said Special Improvement Distrlct JJo. 471 Fund; said bonds shall drmJ interest at a rate not to exceed S',X percent (6;;) per annum, wiJich shall be chargeable as a part of the cost of said improvemcnts and shall run from tile date of tr1e reg:i.ctra tion of said bonds until said bonds are paid. To pay said bonds, and the in Lerest thereon, representing the cost of sa~Ld improvement, a special aSEeSt)rnent shall be lev_i.ed agains t all of the lands liJithin said Special Improve men t District i'Jo. 1.;'(1 as in sa:id HC[30lution of In iJerrLion No. 127 h doJincd. SECTION 4 Said assessmcnt and taxes sllflll be p<1yable in ten (10) annual ins ta:I_lJ:lents extending over a period of nine (')) years, with in torest on deferred rByments, but this provision shall not be construed to prevent full ):aJ'1Ilent at any time. SJi:CTIJN 5 That the City En;,:,;=uleer be, and he is hereby, directed to 1'1'e1'ar8 plans and speciLLcations for tiw do 't. n (~ of sa:i d liTO rk and the riak ing of said lmprovemen ts . I SECTION 6 That pursuant to the provishi(ls and authority conforred by Seetion 11.2232, Revised Codes (ff }Ic:ntana, IS,'L;'!, sa:Ld bowis may be sold to the hj_ghest and best b:idder therefor' for cash, and tIw proceeds of such sale used in makinL, payment to the contractor, or contractors, for such work:, and snch payrnent way be {{jade either froJ!) time to time on m;timates made by the engineer in charge of such im1'rovemt:nts for the City, or upon the cnt~Lre comple tion of the improvements and the acceptance t}wrcof by the C:Lt_'l Commission. SECTION 7 That upon cOJ:lpletion of plans arld Gpe cifications by tbe City Engineer for the doing of said work and the making of sa:Ld improvernents, the Clerk of the City Commission of the City of BozGJrlan, ~Iorrtana, be, and is hereby clirectcd to publish a notice j_nv:Lting proposals for the JiEl,king of sai d improvements on said 2~pecial Improvement District No. Li.71, whic]:} notice s]:}all refer to the plans and specifications on file, by publishinf'; such notice in two (2) j.ssued of the BozeiTIan Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printed and published in the City of Bozeman, not Ie sr, than ten (10) days before the tilne such bids I;)'ill be opened. PAS(:ED ~,i\HJ IWOPT}"D by the Commis sion of the City of Bozeman at a regliLar ses sian thereof held I on the 29th day of J'une, 1966. ATTI:,ST: H::-iyor (/ "L ? ('-/. It/~ 1!4~# ~~ erk 01 the Clty Comml '.,:Lon COI';TI:-1ISm: oa lI.ESOLUTIOI'~ NO. 12 81 ..-.-..."....--..- 222 State of Hun tana ) County of Gallatin) ss. City of' B07,8man ) I, Erna V. llarding, Clerk of the Commis sion of The City of Bozeman, do !Iercby cer'tify that the foregoing Hc::;olIJtionNo. 12(11, was pubb.sl'led by title and nurnlJer in Hie Bozeman Daj_ly Chronicle, a new:3paper of general c:Lrcula_tion printed and publislled in said City in the issue of ,tl1 of July cmd due proof of sud) publication j.s on file in my off:Lc:e. l1\1\!]IT!IJE~'j,SvVl--1EREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate 8eal of my office this 22nd I day of August, 1966. I I CQliIlHSSION Irr;:30LUnON NO. 12C31