HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1280 Creates SID No. 469 217 COH.t'.ISbION hESOLlY1\Ior~ NO. 1280 A EEbULLTlON OF ThE CITY CmlLIS~3IUN OF THE CITY OF BOZJ.:U\.N CHEATLJG A SPECIAL IEPl{CNB;lJJl:,l~T DISTRICT Tu Bb, KNOfJN AS SPE;ClAL IHPH(jVK[b,l~T DlSTEICT l~O. 469 OF THE CITY of BOZbl'jAN 1"OH THE PUhPG,)]c; liE' (A) CUdSTmJCTING AdD INSTALLllJG Ad A3PliJU~TiC- CU;~ChbTE PAVU.jii.,j'JT, C(JiJC1iliTE Idl'HEGAL CUItUS AND GUTT1H::3, IdCLLJDIi~G NECES:::,AHY EACAVATION AIID FILL, GIU\.VtL 'DACLFILL, UE;CESSARY STREET HUNUl'iliNTS AND OTHER APPlTETEiJ.1-U'J'l'1vJDHY. 'lLbRETO: CO;J~)THUCTION AND hECONS'l'RUCTION OF IRHIGATION DITCI-I1S, I PIPE Arm IiJCIDElTTAL STRUCTUHES l\lW APPUHTbNAl'JT THERETO, COl'JCRbTb lJEADHALLS ON NOHTH li'IFTE}'}J'l'H AVENUE DET';JEEJ~ WEST iiI/UN (HIGHwAY 191) AND DURS'I'ON rtOAD; ON NrJH1'C SIX'l'EEN'I'l-i AVENU}; i3E'TVJEE,'J vJE~;T m"A.LL STliJ:i;1';T AND DTJHSTON HOhD Ai]L ON'dEST BEALL STREET BETvJM"N FlFTELNTH AVENUE Aim A POE,T 150 FEET ~JESTEHLY UF SlX'I'EbNTH AVENUE, Ai\Jl) (B) CCJIJSTRlJCTliJG Ai;D INSTALLING OF STom'l D.bJ\INAGE ,':WSTEH HJCLliDING NE;CESS1~RY PIPE J~BES, JVlAI'iIIOLES, DRAIN EJLETS AND O'I'HEH. APPUHTKI~AIK~ES j~ECESSARY THEhETO ON NORTH FIFTKE:NTH A VENUE BET'ltJEEN WEST IJJA.IN STREET (HIGHvJAY 191) AND DunSTON ROAD; NOETH SIXTEENTS AVENUE, vJEST BEALL '1'0 DlJhSTOil! HOAD;VJEST BEALL STHEET FhOlI HOHTIl FIFTEENTH AlfbrJUE TO A nnNT 700.02 F'E.:ET~vES'l'E:I-n,y TIlEIiliFEOM. ---------- 1rr[i]~}ff':AS, at a ref:ula,r session of the Commission of the Cj,ty of Bozeman, State of lViontana, held on the nth day of <June, 1966, tho said Comrnisc'Jion duly pasf;ed Cormnission Resolution No. 1273 declaring it to be the intention of the said Commission to create a speci,al improvement district to be known and designated as Special Improvenlcnt District do. 469 of the said City for the purpose of constructing a.nd insta11ing a paveme.nt project on IJorth Fifteenth Avenue between 'vvest Hain (Highway 191) !1nd DurE;ton [(oad; on liort,l1 Sixteenth hVGnue between ',vest Beall Street and Durston lioad and onidest Beall SLreet between Fifteenth Avpnue ;J.nd a pc./i..nt 150 feetvJesterly of Sixteenth Avenue, and for the purpose of constructing and installing a. storm drainago system on Horth Fifteenth A venue betvifeen vJcst Hain Street (Eii:hvJaY 191) and Durston Hoad; North Sixteenth A venue, West Beall to Durston Hoad; 1Nest BeaU Street from North Fifteenth Avenue to a point 700.02 feet westerly thore- I from, and to specia,lly assess the entire cost and expense of r:lakhlG said improvenents again:::;t the property ",rUhin said District Imder and by virtue of the provisions of the ImTs of l;he E;tate of Montana in such case made and provided, and saj.d Conuniscion Resolution No . 1273 is IJI';reby referred to and made a part hereof for further particulars in respect to the bOill1daries of said Special Improvement District i'Jo. h6S, the estimated cost of said improvements and the method of assessing the sarne against the property of said District; and 'I\IT:l'Tiru~S , notice of the pC'Jssage of said Commission Hesolution No. 127.3 was duly published, as required by 1mI, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily neuspaper of general c:Lrcuh,-lion printed and publishE~d in the City of bozeman, 110ntana, and by sending a copy of such notice L~y U. S. hail to CildJ person, firm or corporation havinG property v.Jithin the proposed Di::;trict at JllS or its last knQliJrl address, upon the salil.e clate tLat such notice vms first published as aforesa:Ld, and cluE) proof ha.vinc; been made of the pullication and service of said notice; and 'i'JHEIi.EAS, vIi thin the time provided by 1m-I and said published and served notice there Here not sufficient protests against the creation of :}aid proposed Special Improvement D:i.strict No. 469, and the City Corrwlission was in re["ular session on the 29tI1 day of <June, 19C6, at one o'clock p.m. of said day, at the Commission Chamber in the City lIall Buildiil[; in the sa.:l.d City of Bozeman, the Saine being I the t:Lrne Jnd place designi1 ted :i_n s&Ld notice for passint; upon all protests, if any, a.gainst the proposed work or al;~dnst the crea Lion or extent of' said District, or botb or ei tlwr; and it furtber appea.ring that all of the TJIOcccd:Lngs for tJ18 creiJtion of said District have beem Im.Jful and regular; NOvJ, 'TllEhEFUJ:L':, IlL IT HES,JLiJJ'D BY ThE CC,HiUSSIDN OF TiJE CITY OF BOZElU\.H: COhl'JlS~I(Jd hESOLUTIOl'J NO. 1280 218 SECnmJ 1 That sa:Lcl Spec.Lal ImproveJ;lcnL lJistr.Lct ;Jo. L-I-69 of the Ci t.f o;L' BoZC;:r:Ul, ~;t,Jte of hontana, be, ;:1/'1 cl 'LJ1C Seu"n,U is created Jor the purrJose of I:lakini.', the imp:'oveI.1C"nts a.s itl said Resolution of Intention iJc. 1273 and bel'f:dnaf-ter described. SE;CTI(}:J 2 I That said c,pecial jlllproveFit,n~; be, and tLe s arn,e are, herelJ,l ordered to L!H I.lade in sa:Ld ~)peeial Im::rover:c:)t LJistrict No. r1S :follcYHs: COl']STHUC'n...!., AND IIX;::Ti\T.Lf'.'rI l \T1, P ;'; PIlA I,'I' I C -C 01': C hJ~ TEPJ'\'lLITT j J 'L' pnn JF.C Ti,E T H .iL nj'IT~LGAL UY.!CI'E'TIi: C1JIiBS AND C,UTTEHS !\IDJ T'JI':CTi;S,li\T(V A PPllhTEjJANCbS TU SAID CCJI'~S'I'HljCTION AND IIJSTAJ.,Li\ TlU:! Oil lIfi)J{TE FIii"rLJ:';lJTE A \ll-;,HJE BFiTvvJ.:Ii:N \AiES'l' jJu\I:'j (!!IUii',JAY 191) AND D1JH;:;'1\ll,j HCAD; Oi'} IJ(}hTI.! SIXTI;;J~;;\iTti!\\fEj~UE BE'.l'l'JLi'J~,ii;:;),I' BEi-U,L ,'3'1'hLI<[ AilJ DiJJ\STON }tOAD 1\I)D ON 'in-';:T BEAJ,L ;;THKI:.;T B1':Tv,j};Ei FIFTEI';I!TI;hVENl.JJ~; AND A POlN'1' 150 FEI-T VJES'l'EHLY OF SIX'I'J<ENTH A VLi:Ul';, .A.ND COl'JSTHU C'l'IUN lc,JD Ii:C)'I'AILi.Ti U.' 1~;'l'C)l;j11 DhJiIiL-\.Gl~ SY:/rLN INCLUD- InG l'TECESSAHY APPUETI':.,Ai'JCI',S 11'0 S/\.:LJ IOJ,j AND J ,i:J'l'!-\.j,LA'rIUlJ (},l liCHTlldF'l'LEi.J1.'II AVLJTliE; BETlrJEf:.N ;.iJiSi.' I'liUN S'TlmLT (HiUlivlAY 191) AM) L\; ltSTGlJ hOAD; l\J"OltTi.1 ::)I)~TEbi'~TIi A VI'; [ljD E , VJE~;T BEA,l,1, 'I'C DUI~STO;'< IWAD; ~JEST B~~,IUjL STllliLT lHOH j\jUhTl1 FTI,''I'LLIJ'I'I-I AVKJLE TO A ponn 70C.02 FEET :;JLSTi';HLY TILSHE:FhOh. SEC1'IOI'j 3 That tbe entire CO,3t and expense of {naking the c;pecial ,improvcrnent herein referred to in said Spccia:J. Improvement D:i.f;tr:i_ct No. ))69 shall be paJ.d by :Special Improver,1f.mt .District CCllpon }3011cis, a" L) autllorized by the laws of the State of I'lontana, w"i: :L c11 bo~ds shall be in denoL1ination of One Hundred Do11an, ( ;;plOO. CJ() ) each, Dnd fractions or Inul tiplc;::o thereof wbere neCef,SaYy, to be issued and charf':eal)lc aL'/.dm.;t a fund. to be knm'lin as ItSpec::ial. lnrpr(wernent Di~3trict~Jo. L69 Fttnd It , saidL,onds to e }'ecJccx,lablc at the option of the Ci~y of }JOZCi:iIUl, Nontaln, \'vhenever fWldD arc available for tbat purpose from sai.d Special Improv8rlorl"i:, District No. L/(J9 B'und; said bonds shall dra:w interest at I a rate not to excecd six percent ( ) per annum, vJhich. shall rw cha:q;eab1e as a part of tlJe CO[;t of said improvernents and 3b",.11 run from the date c.:(' the regi.stration of said r,unds 11n,t:Ll said borlds are paid. '1'0 pay said bonds, alid the :Lnterest thereon, repres(~rlting the co st of 3ai,d :LrnprovCJ:nCl.lt, a specL1I as~~;essrnent shall be levied againc:;t all of the ,lculds Hithi.n said 0pecj,aJ. Improvement j)istrict No. Lf6[) as to said Hc'solution of Intention 1~0. 127j de:C:i.ncu. ':;ECTIul~ D Said as~;eSSJnent a:Jd taxes shall be payable in twenty (20) annual installments exLendinL; over a period of n:i.ncteen (19) years, with intere[;t on deferred pa,YTllents; but tillS provision gl1al1 not be construed to prevent fu.ll payment at any tiil1e. SECTION 5 That the City Engineer be, and he is hereby directed to prepare plans and ,~pccifications for the doing of said work and the lllCikjng 0.1' said irnprovemunts. SECTION 6 TlJCit purmlant to the provisions and authority conferred by Section 11-2232, :Revised Codes of I1or1tana 1(47, said bonds Inay be sc)ld to the hi,ghest and IJest bidder therc,for for ca,:;jl, and the proceeds f' sueT'} sal,e nsed in making paymcflt to the contractor, or contra,etar,;;, for such viOl'!\:, and s:::cn payment I 0_,. JIlClf be made c;i ther froTI1 tir,;o to ti,;le un c,:;tir,:Dtus nude by the; enginecT ill cllarge of sueh :improvements for the City, or upon the errL:ll'c completic)n of the improve:acnts and the iJl:CcptcuJee tller'eof by the C::L ty Cormnj.s ~;i on. C()hJLG~~)I mJ i:J~,S ,iL '([':C ;IJ liU. l?eO 219 SECTION 7 Thatl1.pon ccmpl(]ti:l) of plans arld s pocii'icati on::; by the City J:i,neinecr for tho doine; of said 'Hork and the 1:laki11g of satd improvements, the Clerk of the Ci toY Commission of the City of Bozeman, Horltcwa, be, and is hereby directed to pl1,blish a notice inviting proposals for the rnaking or sa:id I improvcfllEmts on said Snc;cial Improvenwnt D~i..strj_ct No. L~69, w}jj,ch notice shall refer to the plans and specifications on file, by publishic1i' such notice :Ln two (2) issues of the Bozcm-';Ln Daily Chronicle, a daily newspa:;:er prin Led and published in the City of Bozerllan, not les8 thett1 ten (10) days before the tiue such binds\fillbe opened. PASSED 11.:\1) lu)()P.L':I'.I) by the Commission of the City of I30zeman at a regular session thereof held on the 29th day of June, 1966. ATTEST' : _._~._-----_........-....-- Bay or ;;,~q~~~- lerk of the i ty Cormn' ," .:;ion Sta te of liont.ana ) C oun ty of Ga11;1 tin) s s. City o,f BozerlJew ) I, Erna V. Jardine, (;lcrL ofl)18 CmiLmission of Tl1e Cit,y of Bozeman, do l'creby certify that the fC)loegoing f1esolution No. J2 eO, was published b,y" title and number in the BozemC:tn Daily Chronicle, a ne,'iTspaper of general c:j_rculationprinted and published :i.n said City in tile iS~1Ue of 5th of July arrd I due proof of <me], publication is on file in my office. '/rITE~) 1f,E',]i;UF I hereunto set T1Y hand and affi.x the corporate ,~ee,l o.f "'W ofl,'ice tJ.is 22nd d"v of 1\ LlUllSt 10(( cJ. ,. ..., t::; J, / -' .,I. ,5"~ -"-,.,~,~._,,-"'-,.,.__.,------ s'-o:Lon I C011i'i18 SIO;J HE~:;U1L! 'I'1:)lJ au. 1280