HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1279 Creates SID No. 468 214 COL',I;-:,SIO>J nE~)()Lil'J'I(UnCJ. 1279 A HE;-:iCiLUTJUN:-r,' 'ti -CITY CCnUlI~:~31 el' T]~ c:rTY (iF' nOZhiJ\.ij CHJ'}\'l'Ii;U i\. ;]PECD\L Ii"l;:'HCVI',lCf';i:T DJ;-i']'RrCT 'I'C f3:E: j\[,IO'vJl'J i\ EJ SPl~c:rlu :Uirl\JWEi";L,'l' )11. STRl CT;~O. 46e OF 'l'II}; C1 TY u:ti' r-iUZT';~'JUJF'(:H 'TIlE TUi.P()::)E 1)1" CC,'iSTHUCTING AIm INS'l'ALLL\G A l)~ lUCH j'lATI<:H F!1\IJ\: ON NORTH I'Ti,TEf';UTH AVENUE BETWEEN VJ!';;-:;T BElil,L ;:i'['HE:U;T AiiD DiJhS'['ON HOJ\JJ 1\i\IO A 10 ThJCT! 'iJA TI':~{ !Jill. ON DunSTON HOAD FHUIiilJlJETH FlFTEJ::wm AVI':;TiJE TO J\ POINT 140 FE:t<;T ]v:om OF LI';::;,'i: FHm'i 'TIlE v'H;;S'l'IhLY LHIE OF imhTH [IlFTbLNTH A ',mh UE, CQI'JSTHUC'l'ICJi\j AND :rNSTAIJATIO;~ eli' ;JAID "dA'l'Eh rIAl,,::: TO Ji;iCLljJ)E:~:r,CES,j\.IO; TEEiJCHING, I BAGiU'ILL, VALVES, FIriE [fYDl-U\[';!'I'S, FI'l'TL'JGS j\jdJ Sl',li\!ICi:L1.iJ',,3 A,,JIJ l\JY 'JTliEH ;J:LCI,S;:AhY APPTJhTJ':iii/\I:'l' i"Ulm Ii,jCrJJI':lJ'T'AIJ TJnT',TU. ------_....-- \'JIJbhl'AS, at a rec;ular s8ssio,l of the COHHnission of.' the City of Bot',emarl, ~jta to of i'lontana, held on the 8th day of June, 1966, the said Commif;sion duly passE'.~d Cornrnission iiesolution i~o. 1272 declaring H, to hc tne j_ntention of the said Comrni~,sion to create a spccic1.l imprOV8Jilcnt district to oe hnO,ifrl and desj.gnated as Special Improvemont District No. Lj6f5 of the sa:Ld City for tne purpose of constructing and ilwtallin[ a 14 inCllwaterlllain on JJorth i'ifteenUl Avenue -[iletvJec:n 'vvee3t Beall Stree:t and DIU-'ston Road and. 11 10 incll water main (m lJurston EOHC.l from North F:Li'tecnth Avenue to a potnt 11-1-0 feet 1110re or less from the westerly line of North Fif'teentlJ Avenue, and to specially aSfoef,:S the entIre co::,:t and expensr, of rnakinc. ::';aid inprovements <1caine::t the property "i thin said District under and b;y virtue of the provisions of' the laws of -Ute State ofnontarw. in such case made and provided, and said Comrn:L,;,;ion Hesolution No. 1272 ie:; }wI'eby referred to i.uldmade a part hereof for further particulars in respect to the boundar::i_es of sD.id Special Improvement lhstr:Lct No. 468, the e,:timateel cost of said improvemerlts and the );/et1:lOd of assesc,ing the SaJ.lC against the property of s::~.id Distr:Lct; and vrfdE:l (}:/\ b , notice of the ras"age of c;aid CmilLi2sion hc;solution l~o. 1272 waf" dulJ pUl"Jlished, as I requiTed by law, in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspapc:c of gClieral circuLItion pr:i.nted and published in tho CJ_ ty of Bozeman, Hontalla, and by sendin[; a copy of such no-Lice by [I. ~). h"lil to eac}1 person, f::irnl or corporation having property virithin tite propof;ed District at his or j.ts la:3t hJl(i~.n] Clddress, upon the scune date that such notice v'fa;" first publ:Lshed as aforesaj.d, and due proof having been ma.de of' the! pnbl:\.cation and serv:Lce of said notice; and VJilEhEA~:), \ririthin the t:Lr,.e provided b,y laiN cl.nd said publislled and served nuLico tilere were not s\l_fficient protests against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement District No. ~"68, and the City Comrniss:Lonvvas in regular sosc;ion the 29th day of cIune, 1966, at one 1 t clock p.m. of said day, at the CornmisEdon Chamber in the City ball Building in the said City of B07,Jilena, the sante be:Lng the timo and place dcsi[;m1ted j.n sai.d notice for passing uIJon sJ..l protests, if any, against. the proposed 'irJOrk or againc~t the creation or extent of said District, or both or either; and it further appearing that all of the proceedin[:fJ for tbe creat..ion of said Distric thc:.ve been lawful and regular; ;\!O~J , Tl\EIU.Ii'UllE, BE IT Hb;E)OLVED BY 'TilE CUl,j}~lSSIUJ'J UF Tim CI'J'Y Ulr' BuZE;/J\N: SECTION 1 That sai.d SYJecial Improvement Ihstrict i\Jo. 216[3 of the Ci ty of Bozeman, State of Huntana, be, I and the saine is horeby created for the purpose of making the improvements as ::i.n said Resolution of Intention No. 1272 and hereinD.fter described. C0i'11IISSIDN TiESULUTIONim. 1279 215 SECTION 2 That said special irnprovci,lcn:s be, and the saYile are, hereby ordered to be made in said f:pecial ImproveJilent Districi, No. L.j6(3 as follows: COIJSTRUCTIOlJ MID INSTALLATION OF A Ih INCH VJATER l'iAIi~ ON NOnTn FIFTEENTH A V};lJUE I3ETWEEN\'JEST BEALL STREET Aim D LJF1.SrOTJ FlOAD AN D A 10 INCIIvilA TER 1'J.lUiJ I ON DunSTON ROAD FHOh NCHTri FIFTET'.IJTH A \JENUJi; TO A POIlJT 140 FKi',T r''j(JI-iE CR U~SS FHOT'; THE vV:F,~)T:f.hDY LDJL O.F NOHTH FIFTEENTh AVE~NUE, CONSTHUCTlON AND IW-)'TALLATION OF i:JAID UATI~:n .HAI[:S TO nrCI,lliJE L'jECli:SSAhY THEi'JCHING, BACKFILL, VhLW:S, FlEE HYDH/\lfTIJ, FITTmGS AND Si'.HVICE LEES A.D A.NY UThEJtiTt;CES;_-ARY APPUH'l'E,'.Ai,iT \vOHK l:Jl~ TiY[:;I'.iTAIJ 'l'lli':[CE:TO. SECTION 3 That the entire cost and expense of making the special improvemonts herein referred to in said Specia.l Improvemont .Jistrict j'Jo. 468 shall be paid by SlJecial Improvement D:i_s trict Coupon Bunas, as authorized bY' the laws of the State of jvjontana, whicr] bonds shall be in the denomina:tion of Une Hundred Dolla.rs (~~lOO.OO) eacb, and i'r'::lCtj.ons or mulhples thereof where necossary, to be issued and char~;eable ae;a:i.nst a fWld to be known as "Special ImprOVeJ1lent District No. 466 Fund", said bonds to bo redeerv:blo i1t the option of the City of Bozeman, Hontana, whenever funds are available for that purpose from said Spec:Lal Improvelflcnt District No. ).68 Fund; and bonds shall draw interest at a rato not to exceed six percent (6;b) per annum, which shall be charEeablc as a part of the cost of saj_d improveMents and shall run from tile da to of the registration of said bonds until said bonds are IJaid. To pay said bonds, and the interest thereon, representing tile cost of said improvement, a spec~Lal assesmnent shall be levied against all of the lands wi thin said Special Im.proveHlent Distr~jct No. h68 as in said Eesoluhon of Intention No. 1272 defined. I SECTION 4 ;;aid assessment and taxes shall be payable in twenty (20) annual installments extending over a period of nineteen (19) years, wi th intere~,t on deferred payments, but this provision shall not be co ns tr ued to prevent full paymen tat any time. S1CTION 5 That the City Bnljineer by, and ne is bereby: directed to prepare plans and specifications for the doing of said work and the making of said improvements. SECTIUj 6 That purs'lant to the provisions and authority conferred by ~)ection 11-2232, Revised Codes of Hon tana , 19 )-1-7 , said bonds (nay be sold to Lhe highest and best bidder :therefor for cash, and the proceeds of such sale used in making payment to the contractor, or contractors, for such work, and such payment may be (dade either from tirile to tinle on ostirnates wade by th8 cnginec:r in char[;c of such improven!onts for the C:Lt.y, or upon the enLire completion of tbe :Lmprovements and t.he acceptance thereof by tho City Commission SECTION 7 That u.pon completion of plans and specifications by the City Engineer for the doinG of said I vwrk and the riiaking of said improvements, the Clerk of the City Corl11nission of the City of IJozeman, Aontana, be, and is hereby, d:Lrected to publish a notice inviting proposals for the makint; of said improvements on said Special Improvement District do. 468, wh:i.ch notice shall refel' to tho plans and specifications on file, by publishinc such not.ice in two (2) issues of the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper pr:L~ted and published in the City of Bozeman, not less than ten (lC) days before the time suchbi.ds will be oponed. COI!JJVITSSION :RESOLUTION NO. 1279 216 PASSED AND ADOF'l'ED by the Comrl1ission of the City of BOZeJilcUl at a regular sesE;ion thereof held on the ~)9th day of June, 1966. ATTEST: Nayor p "c/: ~ I /fna.. ,~-t.~. C!erk of th Ci ty Co ssion Sta.te of Nontana ) County of Gallatin) ss. Ci ty of Boz eman ) I, E:rna V. Harding, Clerk of the Commission of The City 01' Bozeman, do ncreby certify that the foregoing Lec,olution No. 1279, was published by title and number in the Bozernan Daily Chronicle, a nelvspaper 01' general circulation printed and. puh:Lished j.n said City in tl1e i;38UO of ~th day of' tJuly, 1966 and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN ~IITNESS WIIEHI:;OF I hereunto set my hand and affj x the corporate seal of my office tliis 22nd day of August, 1966. I I COl!I{IS,jION HESOLU'l'J.Oj\J ITCI. 1;n9