HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1298 Improvements on SID No. 454 -..-....- 267 CUIl1{[S:JIUN Ei,~;OLUTION NO. 129(\ A HK:.>OLUTI,IIJ (JF 'I'!!E CUI1i'H~);JUi; UF Till:<.; CITY ul" BUZHiAl~, l\il0l<!'l'A~J:A, LINYJ;'iG AIm AS)E~). ! i'!G A SPbC:r.AL ASl'.Sb~:f>iT,'F TAXES UKJl'J Ai,j, 'l'~iE i'fiOPEhTY IN SPJ:>;CTid~Tn:'hUVKjENT DfSTHICT Ne:. L-I-~)L} llJ T.f-I]!; CITY OF BuZEj"lA:J, COUNTY OF GALI1.TJN, STATE UF !,;c'I:TAliA, TO D:blI/.AY THE COST OF COr!3THUCTING Arm 11~j<J'JCJ THE IHFHUVi;::'ui,1\J'l'S \~~-'lHTi\r SL-ID SPf::CIAL UIPHOVEIJILNT 1JTS'l'IUCT NO. 1.154. I lfnU'.H.I:<~\S, The City Comnlis:3ion of TJ1C Cj.ty of Bozemarl, did on the 17th cJay of Jl'i;;;.rcn 1966, duly and regulJj.rly uass CUJIllnis:'3ion r:,esolution No. 118b, entitled: A Li<;i> I )r,iITION 01" TEL CITY CmT.'I}S,JION ()F' TW-" CITY OF BOZEIilAN DJ:i:CLAH1UG JT TO BE TITE TJTT~::JT1UN UF TFf'~ CIT'r' OF nUZ}<;W~i\i TO Gi~EAT'E A SPECIAL IJilPHOV.t;TJ)ENT DISTIUCT TO B~rq\r()\m r\s sr)l'~CU:i n)PR()Vl"I~N'I' DI::3TEICT NO. 45)~ FOR THE PUHP();~)l~ OF CUNS'ITWCT- I'liG Ai;]) JT1STALL: J.iCJ SANTTAHY SEvliEH LATERAJ~ HAINS TO S.t<.:EVt<.: PORTIONS UF BLOCKS 23, 2L-I-, 27, 22 AND f,IJSO POHTJUNS UF VACATl':D ALLEYS OF BLOCKS 21.!_, 2'( and 28, ALSO HmTI,lJ:,S CiF VACJ-\'I'I';lJ I~AST i'IAI:'1 STHl',J.I,T, EAST FiE:IDENEALL STRKl:<:T, AYLSHOH'l'H AVENUE ANJ) SWITZEEl: A,\lENUE, ALL ::Ui THE NOtlTi-iJ:_HN PACIFIC ADDITION TO BU~',E!VIAN, JV(UN'l'hIJA. and thereafte:r, af,te1' due and legal proceedingsltaci, the Commi:S:3ion oJ.' Tile City of Boz,er:lan did on tbo ?tLl day of Apr:Ll, 1965, duly pass Commission Resolution No. 1191, en ti tIed: A H.b"~)OLUTI()J.I! (;F TILl:<, CITY CUNNISoION OF TIlli CITY OF BOZEj'1\1~ CR.tA'l'IlJG A SPECIAL IlVjPH()V~rE1JT DISTRICT TU 131:: KNU"lfJ}\I 1.3 SPbCIAL H1PHOV1':;lviliNT DI,STH1CT NU. L5L uF' Till<; crn OF BUZEI'iAN FOR THE, J'LJHPOS1 OF C(NSTIW(;TlI~G Al\1.i.) IH~;TAIJLLjU SAi'JiTARY SE~JER LA'l'}l,hA1 \Vi\. J:JS 'I'U SLRVl:<.; PlJ11.'1'101\] S OF BLOCKS 23, 2L, 2'(, 20 AND ALSO POHTIU1~S Ill" VACATED Aj,L1YS UF BLUCKS 2Lf, 27 and 2d, ALSO PORTIONS OF VACATED EAST IfJ\.IN STHl;;l;,'l', 1AST I'IENDENHAIL STF/.EET, AYLSWORTH AVi;;NUE AND SW1TZ1.Jo;R AVENUb, AL,," Ii'! '1'111 NiJRTlLE;li.N PAGH'IC AD~nTlCjN TO l:3UZEj;!AlJ, NO;j'rANA, .Lj'TCLUDlNG TRL:IJCH 11;1.CA VA '1\1 ON AND BACY.JITLL, lr0,STALLA'l'IUN OF NECLSSARY l.\'1T'LL-:C}S lLm uT1:lliR APHJItT}~NAIJCE:S Arm vIUH1\: HiCI.uEI~TAL TILrJU'iTO. 1rThich Commis:::,j_on ncsolut:ion iJUi_i. I1f3 and 1191, passed as ",foresaid, are hereby referrc,eJ to and made apart cf this resoh,tion for further [xlrticuL.TS in rE;spect to the boundari.es of sa~id district, the character of irnproveraent to be constructed therein, the estimated CN,t of said improvements and I the ,'lethcd of aSf;os'3inC tbe cost &i:ainst the property within said chstrict; and VJHF:RhAS, said inprovements as contemplated in sajd Commi.ssion Re:Jolution Nos. 118U and 1191 have been consl,ruc:ted and completed in accord;:;nce 1rritlJ the terms and ccnditions of Commission lksolution Nos. 1ICd and 1191, and the total cost of said improvements DO constructed :i.s th c s urn of Twenty-S.ix Thousand Nine-hundred .tighty Four ,mci 5b/10oths (;]j,26, 98h. 9)) NO'"J, THEHl'-,l<'U.ti.li:, pursuant to t!Je provisions of Sections 11-2201 to 11-2?(:3 and 11-:3301, H.C .N., 19L'( and amenciments thereto. BE iT PJ':SuLlftD AiLu IT IS IIiliEBY Cll-WEli.LD BY T1:-!~ COl"ll\lIS.jION OF THE CITY liB' J3UZlhAN, STATE Oi' HOrjTAhA: Section l. Th<lt to clei'rcl.Y the COi3t and eXIJense of cor: st:cucting and j[,alcLne the improvemen ts in siJi d .jpecial Improvement No. L5L, -th.ere be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amrnoW1t- ing -Go the <iWTI of Twenty-Six Tlwnsand N:u:e-hundred Eighty-i'our and Sb/lOOtn (:,~26,9bh.5b) upon all the property in said Special Improvement District No. ;j511, and the estimated assessment of ;~28,S25.U2 reported on lSth day of September 196::;, hereby abated, and that a particular descrj.ption ()f each lot and parcel of land ;,-rith the name of the owner and the sum assessed against him or jt for such ir,1provenents and the amount of each p'lrtial payment to be made and the day 1rJhen the same shall be .- delinquent is set forth in detaj,l in the asses sment list hereto attached, marked Schedule I1A", and JI made a part hereof; tJ1at the several Sl]111S set opposite the names of the owners and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same arc hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and against said descr_Lbcd lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of constructing and malcLng the improvements within said District; that the several swns so assessed be collected from the respective m-nwrs of said loLs and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A", COlVTIviISi-;JON RESOLUTION NO. 1298 I ---~. .-..... . _. Ai. A ~ ~....~ ...... ~...o...IIIIIUo_.....~ _._...~.. ..I.... .~.. ...............-..- -~ -------~......_-- _~_..m_ __L~J, -...-.--.--.-..-.... -...- 268 as required by la'\-J; that the payment of said sums shall be made in 2() installments and the payment of ." said installment shall extend over a period of 19 years; that the pa::rment of the respective anDllal :Lnstallment srwll be made on or before the 30th day of November of each yeD,r lUlt:Ll payment of all inCJtal1ments together with the interest thereon, shall be Flade; that said sums shall be paid and the collection tbereof shall be made in the marmer and in accordance with the law governing the I collection of special improvement taxes; that failure to pay such. as~,es~3ments ",hen the same become due and payable shaJ.l make such persons and said lots and parcels of land Ijable to the penalties provided by law relative to deli.'lquent taxes. Section 2. That the regular session of the Cormnis sion of '1'1)8 C:Lty 01' Bozeman to be held in the Commission Chamrlcr in the City Hall of said City on thE: 14th day of September 1966, at 1:00 o'clock p..m., be, awi the E;aIlie i~3 }lcreby desj_cnated ClCJ the time and place at which of)jections to the final adoption of this Hesol1J.tion will be heard by said Commission. Section j. That tne Clerk of the C0l1l1Tli::1sion o.t The Ci.ty of Bozeman be, and she is lje.?"e by ordered and directed to publisb in the Bozeman Daily Chroni.cle, a daily newspaper printed and Dublished in the said. City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Corrunj ss:Lon and statinp; Ulat a HesolLtion levying and assessinf; a special assessment of taxes to defray the cost 811d expcn;)8 of constructing and making the improvement:;; in the said Special Improvement D~'l.strict No. 4;:;4 is on fiLe in the office oJ:' th8 Clerk of the Cmmnission sub;ic;ct to inspectj_on 1'01' a period of five (5) days; timt said Notice shall state the time and p19ce at which ob,jectio'lS vrill be heard by the CorrunissjJJD to the final adoption of this Resolution; that it slk'11J be pliblished at least five (S) days before the day set by the Corrunission i'or the hearing of objections and the final adoption I of this Resolution. Provisionally pas<3ed and adopted by the Commi<3sion of The City of Bozeman at a reEular session thereof held on the 7th day of ~;epLember 1966. ATTEST: r!.L~ 6! (~ .~ Clerk of the City Mayor Finally passed and adopted by the Co:mmission of The City 01' Bozeman at a regular session there of held on the lLjth Day of September 1966. ATTEST: !~f~e~~Sion Bfwor ----- NOT ICE ------ TTEARlnG, FINAL Al)Ol"TlO['] UF' ClJl.1J'HS,LION RE~)OLUTIUN 129[', :LbVYi.i~G ASSl',SSIJ1"1JT SPECJJ\L Il11-'l-iDVE:lfJlJT DISTRICT HU. L-I-51.(, CITY UF BUZl<:!vIAN, C()jiJ.s'I'HLJCTli~G liND - I!kjTAJ,V!\JC<, SANITAh'<Y i;EI:JJ<H LA'1'FJi'1\L 1"JUNo l-\JRTWUS OTi'EASTHAJN ;'jTPJ:<;bT, .8.d'iST ]\flEtmE~\IHALL ST1TLET, AYLS\~OHTH AIfLNUE AND S1:JITZLEH A VJ,JJUE. NOTICE 12 lTE:REBY GIVEN, that at a reGular sesE.ion of the Commission of The City of Bozeman ~. held on the day of EJeptember, 1966, Corruni.s::oion Hesolution No. was provisicnaJ.ly passed and adopted; that said Commission Resolution levies and assesses a special asses~mlent of taxes upon 03.11 the property :j.n Special Improvement District No. L61.1., tn said City to defray the COfot and expense COHl"jTjSION hESOIJJ'I'IOl'J NO. l29D .----.---...-...---- ..__ n_._..._._____ 269 of construct"ulg and making tr]H improvements witbin said District, to-wit: The boundaries of said Special Improvement District No. 454 are described as follows: Boginlling at the southwesterly corner of Lot 32 of Block 2d of Northern Pacific Addition to the City of Bozcman, :Hcntana; thence northerly aleng the westerly lines of Lots 1 and 32 of said Block 28 and sajd property lines ex- tended no:r'therly 60 feet to a point on the northerly line of vacated }:ast I Hendenhall Street; thence easterly along the northerly line oJ' said l:;ast Hendenhall ~)treet a dis tance of 710 feet; thence sou thc'a.sterly at an ex- terior angle to the right of '/SojC) , with the northerly line of said vacated East J'rJendenhall Street a distance of 4'/1.5 feet lilOre or less to a point of intersection with the nc)rtherly line of Lot 16 of Block 2)1. of said Northern Pacific Adoition; tbence westerly 810ng said northerly line to the north- westerly corner of sa:id Lot 16; thence southerly along the westerly lot line of said Lot 16 and said IK1t line extended southerly to a point of ~I nter- section with the northerly right of way line of U.S. Highway Number 10; thence northwesterly along said northerly right of way line of U.S. Highway NUJrlber 10 to the point of beginninG' Inc1uding "Jithin the above described exterior boundaries the following lots, blocKs and parcels of land, to-wit: Portions of Lots 1) and 16 of Block 23. Portions of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 6, 7, LJ, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, and all of Lots 12 and 15, of Block 24, portion of vaCClted alley of said Block 24. All of Lots 1, 2, j, 4, ~, , 1'3 14 . 5, 16, 1'1, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and - , , 24, also portions of Lots 6, 7, 10, 11 and 12, and portion of the vacated alley, all in block 2'1. All of Lots 1 tnru 32 and vacated alloy of Block 28. Portion of vacated East Hendenhall Street portion of vacated East Hain Street, portion of vacated Aylsworth Avenue and a portion of vacated Swi tzler Avenue all in the Northern P"cific Addition and wi thin the above described exterior boundari es. Contaj.ni.ng "Ii thin the a'oove described exterior boundaries j6LJ,621.06 square feet. I That, sa,id Commjssion Eesollition No. 129EJ is now on rile in the offj,ce of the Clork of the Commis c;ion, subject to inspection for a period of five (5) days by any persons interesLed. That Hednesday the IJ1th day of September, 1966, at 1 :00 0' clock FoB., of said day at the regular session of the said Comnri.ssion of The City of B07,el!'cm, u t the Comm:i.s ::don Hoom, in the C:L'cy Hall Building of said City, has been designa'ced as the time and place wl18re the said Comnlis::;ion will noar and pass upon any and all objections that may be Inade to the final passage and adoption of said Hesolution No. 129EJ and the levying of said assessment, and that said Resolution will be i'inally passed and adopted at ~3aid regular session. All persons interesteci are referred to Cormnj.ssion Hesolution No. 1168, declaring it to be the :Lntcnti.on of the ComJlussioc1 to Croa Le Special Jmprovement District No. L5L, and Comrnj.s~:>ion Hesolution No. 1191; creo.ting ::Jpec.ial -Lmprovurncnt lJistrict Nu. )~5)1, for constructing and. makinC the improvements therein. rr:L~i/ ~~ Clerk of the CH,y Gomm' "ion ~tate of HOlli.,ana \ ) County of Gallatin) s s. City of Bozeman ) I ), Erna V. lIardin g , CLerk of the Commission of The CIty of D07,er:iaD (to llel'eby certu'y tha.t the foregojJ11'; Notice was f,mblished at length in the Bozeman Daj"ly Chronicle, a. newspaper of general circulation prj,nted and published in sa:j.d. Cj.ty in the is~me of the 9th day of September, 19(;6, and due proof of mlCh }JIlblica tion is on file in rrw office. IN vJITNE~)SvIimHEUF I hereuntu set my hand and affix tho corporate seal of my hand and affix the corporate seal of my of lice this 1) (iay of .::>eptember, 1966. ~..~/ COllilvl1S,iIOH E:t<;SOLU T10lf NO. 1298 ---.--- -..-.-.--.---..-.- - 270 Sta te of iVjCll Lana ) County of Gallatin) S5. City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Hardj.ne;, Clerk of the ComrrD_s sian of 'The City of Bozeman, do hereby cerUfy that the foregoing Resolution No. J2 98, was publisheo by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published ~Ln said C:L ty in the issue of September lSt)J, 19b6, and due proof' of such publication is on file _in llW off:icc. IN HI1'N.b;SS:,J!T j~Cij~::C)F J hereunto set my hand and affi.x the corpora to seal of my hand and I affix the corpora-te seal of my ofL'i.ce Lhis E;th day of' September, 1966. ~I/~~ Clerk of the City C .. nis ~:;ion I I CUlI'iHISSION RESULLJ'TION NO. 1298