HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1297 Street Sprinkling District 263 COl'1I'1IS ,,--IUN hESOLUTION NO. 1297 A RESOLUTION OF 'nil', ccnW'J:::., ION OF THE CITY OF BOZ~ivIAN I,E:v'Y}l'JG AND ASSl,,sSH!G A SP!:C1!~1 ASS}':SSriit'~dT OF TAXEE.; UPON 1\J,1 TlU~ PEOFC,}('lY IN STHEET SPHINKLlNG DISTHJCTS of 'l11E CI'!"{ ()F B07.EFlAI~, ex) iNTI of GALLATIN, ST/I'T'" OF HCNTAiHc, TO m;FRAY SEV!~i'TY -FJ IJb PEl-{CEJ'J T (:;y. TEl', CUST UF S F1:HNKLHJG S1RE.ETS vJI 'I'l-] IN SAID ~)THJ:o~ET ~)}1{U\jKLIIJC DISTRICTS OF THE CiTY OF BUZEd&' FOR THE YEAH 1966. I \;',lBErmAS, The C:'L,ty COlU1cil and the Comnlission of the City of Bozeman have heretofore duly and reGularly passed council and Commission Hesolutions creatinE Street bpI' inkling Districts within tile City of Bozerclan and defining the bo\mdariHs ther'eol' and providing for the aSSfJS~,ment of the cost of sprhlkling the same as set forth in Hesolutions llereinafter ret'erred to; and HJ-il':H.ti;A S , the streets within the boundaries of said street bprinkLLng Districts have been sprinkled during the year 1966, as contemplated in said Resolutions, in accordance with ttle terms and conditions thereof; and \inu':HE:AS, the Street Sprinkling Districts and the Hesolutions creating the srune, t;te total frontace of the property within said district to be assessed, the total cos t of said sprinkl:i.nc wi thin said d:Lstrict.s and the proportion thereof chargeable to tlle property therein is here:i.tlafter set forth. NOH TITEi-LEFOT{E, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2263 to 11-2267, inclusive, R.C.M. 19L17, the Bozeman Municipal Code and said Council and Commission Hesolution Creat::Lng said ~;;treet Sprinkling D:Lr3tricts B:E IT RF.~)OLV.!:';D Arm 1'1' IS ;-iERFBY OI-WEliliD BY THE GUHl'lISSION OF TdE CITY OF BOZJ:;I"JAN, STAT~ UF lVlUNTANA: Section 1- That for the year 1966, the City of' BO/jemam has waived tile sprinkling as~;essments I of an Street Sprinkling Districts except Street Sprinkling District 1'Jo I s 1, 2, 3 and 4; that for the year 1966, the City of Bozeman bas defrayed the cost \,)4,746.23 of sprinkling streets :1.n the several street sprj_nkling districts rmrsuant to Resolution creating the same, and seventy-five percent of trle entire cost thereof ~3, 55(/ .68 exclusive of the cost of sprj.nklinc: parii s and public places, tne total nUJr1ber of linear feet of property to be assessed, and the rate per line ar foot, is as follows: Sprinkling District No.1, created b\r Council Resolution No. 424~t, Main Street between Hallace <,nd Fourth Avenues and Bozeman, Grand, Willson, Trac,v, Black and Rouse Avenues, one-half (~) block each side of Hain Street a total fronta~e of 9,355.9 feet, the sum of ~a,3)8.2G, being '(5% of the entire am01mt, or at an approximate rate per front foot of side street frontage of JO.1451'(G97J. Sprinkling District No.2, created by Council Resolution No. 995, Babcock Street from eafJt property line of South House Avenue to west property line of SOL_th Fourth Avenue, including one-half (~) block on House, Bozeman, Black, Tracy, Willson ('c Grand AVenues north from Babcock Street, ~Jillson Avenue from Babcock Street to South property line of Olive Street and Third Avenue, between Babcock and Main Street, a total frontaGe of 7,221.2 feet, the Stun of \p981.3l, beinG '/5% of the entire amow1t, or at an approximate rate per front foot of J{iain or side street frontage of ~po.135e92926. , Sprir~ling District No.3, created by Council ltesolution do. 996, l"'lenden- I hall Street from the east property line of North House Ave., to the west property line of Nortb Third A vc., includine; one-half (~-) Block on house, Bozeman, Black, Tracy, vJillsnn cx. Grand A venues south frum Hendenhall St., and North Third Ave., .ueLwcc,n IJendenhal1 Street and Hain St., a total frontage of 6,359.55, tl1e sum of ,,;862.1'( , being '(5% of the entire aruount, or at an approximate raGe per front foot of main or side street frontage of ;:fG.IJ5570273. Sprinkling District No.4, created by Council Resolution No. 9'/(, West Hain ,Street from the wei,t propc'rty ]j.ne of vacated fourth Avenue to the west property line of South EiGhth Avenue, a total frontage of 2,661.0 feet, the sum of :1,357.92, being 75% of the entire amount, or at an COjvJlJHSSION RES~J1 UTluN NO. 1297 ....-...------- ......-.-. 2(j4 approximate rate per front foot of main or side street frontaGe of .lj)150S[)21-l-. Section 2. That to defray seventy-five percent of the cost of sprinkling streets wi thin said street sprinkling districts for the year 1966, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax, upon a11 property in front of and bordering on sa:i..d street sprinkling districts as set forth in Schedule one (1) hereto attached and made a part hereof; that a particular description of each lot I and parcel of land with the name of' the owner and the sum assessed against him or it, is set forth in the assessment lists hereto attached, marked Scheciu.le Une (1) and JinGe a part hereof; that the several sums set opposite the names of the owners, and the described lots and parcels of land be, and the same are hereby levied and assessed upon and against said lots and parcels of land; that the several swns be collected from the respecti vc owners of' Baid lots and ]mrcels of land described in the assessment li::.,ts, Schedule One (1), as reqllirud by law; tha t said S l.WiS shall be paid and the collection thereof shall be made in the manner and in accordance with the 1m-, govern:i..llg the col1ect:Lon of spe cial j,mprovement taxes; that fajJJlre to pay such assesmrients when tIle ::;ame shall become due and payable s11..'3.11 make such persons and such lots and parcels of land liable to tho penalties provided by law relative to delinquent taxes. Section 3. That the regular 8es[;ion of the Cornrnission of The City of Bozeman to be ileld on the 7th day of September, }((6 at the Commission Chamber, City Hall BuilctLne:;, be, and the same is -) , hereby desicnated as the time and place at wh:i.ctl ot\lections to the final adopt.ton of this Resolution will be heard ty LllC Commission. Section 4. That t!w Clerk of the Commlssion be, and she is:;ereby ordered aud directed to I publish in l~ho Bozeman Da:l_ly Chroniclel, a daily nCvrspaper printed and publis!led in the said (;i ty of Bozeman a notice signed by the Clerk or tIle Commissi.on, and 3tatinf~ that a Hesolution levyinf; a specic:~l aSS()SSInent of taxes to defray seventy-five :percent of the co st cf sprinkling streets in the said ~:troet Sprinkl"ing Districts for the year lS-,~_,6, is ,on file in the office of the Clerk of the Com:rn:ls sion, sut\;ject to inspection for a period of five da,:rs; tha.t sa:Ld Notice shall state the time and place at which ob,; cctiol1s "rill be heard by the Commission to the f~l.na.l acloption of this Resolution; that it 8.ha.J J be r:,11)_blis11ed at least five days before the date set by the Commission for hearing objections, and the f_i_nal adoption of ULLs ftc-solution. Provisionally T1assod and adopted by the Comrnh:sion of the City of' B07,e:niHI at a l'q:;ular sec3sion tho1'(:)oi' hold on the 31st day of AUf!,ust, 1966. Nayor Finally pas:3ed and ~).dopted b;y the COJmn:L,::oion of The City of Bozeman at a reGular session held on the 7th day of September 1966. I ....---.. liL'lYol' ATTEST: l' :JC~ .--:...,.d-n.:'v. I. ~~ . __. Clerk of the City CorrH - sion CmU(!:Sc:}UI\f n.~SOl,lJTIO}\J i\Ju. 1297 265 Ii 0 T LeE ------ IIt'AEI !JU FIJ.\L ADU 1'(Ii! CCH(JllS:';ICN Et;SOLlITION NO. 1297 L.r;VYING A'sohS:3j'iENT OF .sl:.,VI~[\(I'Y -FIVE Pf::W:';}i,]fl' OF COST I)F SPfUNKLHJG E.)TH}"';Je.TS, bTH'rJ<:T SPKUJKl,ING DlSTEiCTSI<'Oi-{ THt-,:(E:l\R 1966. NOTICE TS Ti~}!}:B,{ C1IJt;r,!, that Ed; a regulictr session of the CommiC5f;:Lon of the City of Bozeman held I on the 31st day of Augutr\', 19(;6, COTnTrtission He~,olution No. 1297 was duly passed and adopted; that sa:i.e1 CommiStiiun Hesulutiun No. 12(;1'( 1evjys ann aSSCSSf;~S a special asseiOSIfient of taxes ulJon all the property in E;',trcct Ciprinklinr:: Districts of said City of BozHman to defray 8cvent,y-five percent of the cost of iOprinkling streets wi thin Dald Street Sprinklin2: J)lstrick; for the year 1)66. That [,aiJ Street Sprinkling Districts, and the Hesolution creating the sa;,le and the amowlt of tt18 asseSSrrlUlts arc as l.olluw s: Street S:prinhlJ.!1[ District No.1, created by HesolLd,ion No. L(24)i, in tile amount of ".1,JSd.28. Street Sprj_nk1.ing Dj_strict No. 2, created by Hesolution No. 995, in UJf} anlOU"lt of ~p9b1.31. StrClot Sprinkling: Jis tr:L ct 1\10. '-) , crcat("cl by Hcso1utio[l No. 9;16, in the c!.mOUD t of ::i,()62.1 '( . StreE.';t 0prinklin[t,:Jjstr~i.ct i\lo. 4, created by Resolution No. 99'1, in the amolmt of ",;357.92. Trwt said 11e801ution No. 1297 is now on file in the office of the Clerk of' the Commission of f,aid City of J-Ju;;chian s1Jl>:jcct to iW3pcction of 01:1.1 j.)lcn,,:ms j.n Lcnstcd .I:or :=l perj,od of fj.ve days; tbatVJednesday the 7th na~y of ~;eptember, 1()66, at 1:00 o'clock p.m. of said clay D.t a rceuJclr sef;;:d.on of t<!E:~ C01ru'iistd.on ui' tnc Cjty of BOZCl,lc;ln, COIiUili E'siun hoom, CitJ Eall Building, r.ias been I desi[natcd as tile Lince and. place I'Then and wl1erc; said Conu;d"s~;ion\-Jill Jl8a.r and pass upon any and a1] object:'corj~; tbii"l, may bc II1:=:(ie to 'cire fin;.:,l adoption of said Conuniss:Lon ILesolLltion lITo. 12;:'(, and the levyin[ of said asse~.,sments; and that said fiesolution will be finaLLy passed and adopted at said rcgul,.:r session of coaiei ComLLissioil, subject to such corrections and a:nendnJents as may be lWlCJe u.pon ob." ectiorJs J:klde anei filed wi thin 1'i vo days limit iW providr::cI by law. D;e'- ted thj.s 31st day of Au[';u~;t, 1966. J::~ Er~~~JIi~j.n~: ~ 7 Cle rlc of the Ci ty Corlnlis cion State of E';rd',an," \ ) C oun tv 0 f: c: alla tin ) ss. City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Hardinp, Clcrk of the Commissior, of the CLty of Bozerimn do hereby certify that the forego:ing Hotice waSoublishpri at lengtlJ in the Bozeman Dnily Chronicle, a newsI~~per of general eirculation pr:Lntcd and uubJjshed in said C_~ ty in tbe issue of the 1st day of See tember, 1966, 2nd due proo [' of s Udl publication .[.f; on file in my office. IN'iH'l'llr,,:.,.'j'J'IiLl:CW 1 hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my hand and affix the corporate seal of my oHice tnis 9th day of Soptomber, 1966. I ~. (/~ ?n<'C_ ~ a"~ "- Clerk of the 'ity CUlm CCHTI<J:IS,ION HESOLUTION NO. 1297 --- ,.... -.-..."" 266 StClte of Hont,ana ) C01Lntv of Callatin) S8. Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding;, ClCcrk of the COlffilliss:i.on of Tr18 City of Bozeman, do hereby certify that the forcgoinr~ Hesolution No. 12:)7 was publj"shcd by title and mrnber in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of r:;eneral circulation printed and published in said C:i.ty in the issue of September 9, 1966, and due proof of such pulJlication is on file in my office. lI'; HJTNi~5;:)v'JHt~},:r'OF 1 hereun+,o set my lland and affix tlw corporate seal of my office this I 9th day of September, 1966. f r-~ (/-"". . ./~ P(J/4~~ Clerk of the; City Ccfuwd.s;oion I -_.~._,.. I COTJllUSi)lCJNIUi:SOL1JTIO;\f NO. 1297 I ;~._".- . ~.....~~_.... ...-.--..-- "-. . - -_........._.~ ._- .----............ . Vi .~~.._ ~ .."."..-.-.- i