HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1296 Garbage Collection 260 C(WIHISSION nE,':iOLLJTION NO. 1296 ,~ liESOLlJTION OB' THE C0J1IU~3:)IUN OF TEL CITY OF BOZl',H1\r.I, Hm~TA1~A LEVyn.JG AIJD J AS::;ESSJ-('JG A SPL:CIAL ASSi'B~;r1EilJT OF 'L'AX:f:;S UPON ALL nEAL PHOFF'J'TY 1~; TlIE CITY OF BOZJ~l-Lr,N, COUNTY OF GJ\L:LI\TJJJ, sTATE OF HCF,jTA\iA, ~)EHVICr~;1J p,,\JIJ FHUf' V!HICH GARBMiE \;v!\.~) COLI,~,CTEJ) AND }iBi"iOVJ<:U UUEJ"JG TIT1'; YrJ\H 1966, Tl~ iJEF'fU\Y Tf&; G(X;T [\NfJI<:XPt';j\JST OF COLLIi:CTING AND DI~jPO~)Ji~C; OF Gi,HBhGl:'.: UNDEE TIlli PlWVl::3IUl'JS OF ORDLWu'iCE tlO. 696 OF TITE CITY OF BOZET:{\.N, AND 'I'm: B07,FJ1AN HUNICIPJ\L CO!!}''. r"mLEEA~3, The City CoriH::Lssion of thA VLty of Bozeman cLLd on the uth day of January, 1940, duly I and ref': ularly paf; s Ord_Lnance No. 696, entitled: AN OHDLIl\.J\JCE DEFINING GARBAl,1 FOIL T:U:. PUHPOS.to (Jb' T)USJRiH,I,hNCE, PlWV IDJ,; G FOIL TIlt', COU,f,CTION Aim DI2,PUS1'i'IUN TlU~li..tOF By: AND UND1H TIj}, .sUPfJtVJSIO]IJ AIm CC,IJ'l'RUL OF T]-L~ D1PAiiTJ'j}.:fJ'I' OF PUrn.JICirJi!;LFAllli AND 1<'011. DEFIJ\.y INlJ THE CU::)'1' uF SUC.H COLLE,CTIUN AND mSPOSl'l'ION BY SPBCIAL A0~)J:i,SS]vlENT AGAli'J~jT THb PHOPI-d.\.TY TO vJIIICH SUCH SERVICE IS lllilWl',Hf,D, IU\D PHUVUJII'JG Pf!,l!J\.LTIES FOE VJOlJI'I'IUN OF TIES OhWT~M.fC.i:<,. which Ordinance No. 696, passed as aforesaid is Jlereby referred to and made a part of thts Resolution for further particulars in re~;pect to the basis and method of assessing the cost against the property herein assessed, and \vHEREAS, said expense incnrred by said City in the collc-::ction and disposition of garbage in accordance with said Ord:i.nance is nereby estimated by the Conunjsc;lon of The City of Bozeman to be thA sum of Sixty-three Thousand Three-hundred Four and 66/l00ths (63,30h.66) for the year 1966, over and above all moneys collected from business and professional concerns, or combined residence and business or residences and professional business concerns :Ln accordance with said Ordinance No. 696, and the Bozeman Municipal CodA, and ImEREAS, in order to ra~!se said sum to defray the ;:;aiu cost, it is necessary to establIsh t.he basic un:Lt rate, as neflnAcl in said Bozeman Nmlicipal Code at SeventAen Dol1Clrs Ca'( .(0). I NmJ, TIlliHEFOJ:w;, pursuant to the provisions of said Ordinance No. 696, and ttle Bozeman lIunicipal Code and the Laws of the State of Hontarn, Bh 1 T HESC}LVJ..;D ANu IT IS llEHEBY OHDEIUmuy Ti~b: COfiJlU::;;IUiJ UF THE CITY OF BOZF~!vll~N STATE UF HON'TMJ1-\: Secb,on 1. That to defray the est'-;rnated cost and expAnse of collectine; and disposin8 of garbage in the City of Bozeman for ttJeyear lc)66, there is hereby levied and assc,ssed ac:aInst the property :-md the several lots, FiecAs and purcels of land thereof' w:Lthj~n the City of Bozeman as set forth in Schedule "A", wh.ich is attached hereto and made a part hereof, a tax; that a particular description of each lot ancJ parcel of land with tile name of the owner and/or owners and the ~3Um ".f3;38ssed EL:,:a:Lnst the same is set forth in the asse~;f)mcmt list in 0idd Schc:dulo "A"; tba t the several sums set oppo si te the :lames of said ON n e 1's and the tic scribed lots and parcels of land, be, ami the same arC' hereby levied and assessed upon and 2r;ainst said lots and parcels of land for saidpurFJse; that the severa:i swns be collected from the respective owners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list and olmed by them; that the said sums shall be paid and the collection thereof be made j.n Lh.e manner and in accordan ce~Iith Ordinance No. 6'16 of the City of Bozor:mn, Hontm,a, and ttJeLaw<c, of the State of Hontana govern:inc the I collect:Lon of Special Improvement Taxes; tha,t .f:'ajlm"c to pay such asseSf;ment when the sarrJe shall be como due and payable shallmako such persons and such lots and parcels of land liable to the penal ties provided by law rela ti ve to d.elinquent taxes. COlTIIiJISSION H!':SUUJTIUNi\J(J. 1296 --...---.,. 261 Section 2. Tba.t the regular ses~ij-CJll of the Commission of the City of Bozemarr, lVluntana, to be held in F:e ComJris:3ion Chamber in the Ci t:'l Hall of said C:Lty on tho 7th d?.y of ~)eptember, 1966, at 1:00 a I clock P.M., be, and the same is Lereby desie:natc:d as the timo and l)lace at which ob,jections to the final adoption of this Hcsollxtion wLLl be heard by said Commissi.on. I Section 3. That the C.lerk of the COmIl1ission of The City of Bozeman, be, and she is hereby ordered and dirocted to publish in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a daily newspaper printod and publ:i.shed :Ln sajJi City of JJ02ernan, a noti,ce signed by the Clerk of the Commission, stating that a resolution levying and aSSeSfJlng a special assessment of' taxes to defray the cost and expense of the collection and disposition of garbage in the City of Bozeman for the year 1966, against the property to wrdch such s(;rvice was rendered, is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Lomrnis~;ion subject to inspection for a period of five days; that said Notice shall sLate the time and place at which objections vlj,ll be heard by the Com,mission to the final adoption of this Hesolution, and, that saj.d Notice shaLL be published at least five days before the date ~;et by the Commission for hearing of objections and the final adoption of this Hesoltltion. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the 31st day of August, 1l,i66. Mayor A.TTE0T: C;"'> /,/ I ~7~ .-t- Clerk of the City Corrunj_" 'i.on ----- Finally passed and i'l.dopted by tho Commission of the City of Bozeman, at a regular session thereof I;eld on the 'it}1 Day of Sept(~mber, 1966. Nayor A T'l'E[jT : o .~~L ~.-c/u<- /' ~-c..,~ Clerk of the city Cornm:Ls-on ------ NOT ICE ------ ;U~AHLjG, FHIAL ADUPI'ION COl"IMIS~}I()N H.i:'.SOLU'l'ION NO. 1296 LbVYING A SPECIAL j\BSi:',0SJ'IEI~'T TO DEFRAY TH1 CU;-.'f (iF THj~; COLLECTION II ND DISPOSITIUN UF' G1\.HBAGE lOll Tril', /l',hR 1966 i\GALbT A11 PHOPl~hTY IN TH.t CITY OF BUZEhAN TC' WIUCH SUCH bI;liVICJ':~'JA0 t\.E;iiDJ',H.L:D. ['JUTICE J~) li,'.h;,:HY GIV:2;N, tInt at a ree;ular session of the Commission of The City of JJozeman held on the 31st day of AUCUf:;t, 1966, Commission Resolution No. 1296 was provisionally 'passed and adopted; I tf!at said Hesolntion levie:> and assesses a special asseS0ment of taxes to defray the COf;t of coLLection and disposition of garbai',e In th(~ City of Bozeman, for the year 196(), upon all property to which such service was rendered. Tlw,t said Commission Hesollltion No. 1?96 is now on file :Ln the office ()f the Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, subject to inspect:Lon of all persons interested, for a period of i'i ve da:;m; that Wednesday the '(tll day of September, 1966, at 1:00 o'clock P.M. of said day at a recuLlr session of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, in the Comnission Room, in the City Hall Building, has been desicnated as the time and place when and where said Commisl3ion will hear and pass upon any and all cb,jcctions that may be made to the final passage and adoption of C()i'iilv[lSSIUN HE,'3()I)JTIUN NO. 1296 262 said Commisf>ion Resolution No. 1296 and the levyin[: of said assessment; and that said Resolution will be finally passc'd and adopted at said regular session of sald CommisC3ion, subject to such corrections and amendments that may he; made upon ob,jections made and filed with the Clerk of the Commission wi thin the nve days li(:]i t as provided by law. Dated this 31st day of August, 1966. I ~ (/ 0' ; . .HA-~ ~...(:-~z~ lssion Clerk: of the City Co ----- State of Hontana ) County of GallaUn) f5S. City of BozeITJ2.n ) I, Erna V. it arding, Clerk of the Commission of 'rile City of Bozeman, do hereb.'l certify that the forec;oing Notice was published at length in the Bozeman Daily Chroni.cle, a newspaper of general c:irculation printed and published in 3idd City in the i.ssue of the day of 1st of Septernber, 1966, and du.e proof of su.ch publication is on f:Lle in my office. IN WITHESo WHER[;;OF' I hereunto set my hand and afJ'ix the corporate seal of' H(y hand and affix the corporate ~3eal of my office this day of ::ieptember 9::'h, 1966. sian ..- State of }llfontana ) County of Ga,llatin) SSe City of' Bozeman ) I,1!;rna V. iiarding, Clerk of' the Commission of Ttie City of Bozeman, do h(:,;rcby certify that the foregoini.:; Resolut:Lon No. 1296, was published by title and number in thebozeman I Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said City in the issue of 0eptember 9th, 1966 and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN ~lITNbS;) v>JHELLFO:F I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 9th d:J.Y of oeptember, 1966. {;:; ~~ ~ ,.<-':.--/~ -' ' . . ";;;.:~-. Clerk of the Clty Co~slon I , COH>JIS,'3ION m;Sor)JTIUi~ 1JU. :I 296 ----.-.--.--.-........---..