HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1294 Taxable Property, Year 1967 254 COMMIS~:>ION llliSUTJITIOn NO. 1294 A RESOLUTIUN OF' Tm;: CUI'1rU::'::SI01'i OF THE CITY uF BOZEHJ\N DETEH,rvLLNIHG THE Av OUNT OF CITY TAXES FOIl', JIl!L PlJFtPOS:E5, GENEHAL AND SPt,CIAL, TO BE 1EVnm AND ASSESSED ON TAXABU; HWP~;RTY IN TFj}; CITY Of BOZE)JIM., STATE OF' HONTANA, F(JH Tim fISCAL YEAR ENDLNG 30 JUNE 1967. Section 1, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section E\4-LI701, Poli ticrrl Code, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed valcle of I the taxable property of The City of Bozeman, State of ]vlontana, as fixed and found tw the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County, Hontana, sitting as a CC)lmty Board of Equalization for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, a tax oi' 30.0 mills for General Nunicipal and Administrat- ive purposes, which levy shall be distributed as follows: General l'1unicipal and Administrative Purposes, (Section 8h-u701, Political Code, H.C.M., 1947) (a) Executive, police, fire and other purposes 20.0 Mills (b) Street and Alley Purposes 10.0 l-1il1s (Section 32-201, R.C .~1., 19h7) Total 30.0 lVli11s Section 2, Tha t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 41-1--301 Political Code, H.C .11., 19h't, there is hereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City of Bozeman, St8,te of Hontana, for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, for the support and maintenance of the free public library of The City of Bozeman a special tax of ."3.2 mills on each do:l.lar of taX!:1.ble percentum of the assessed value thereof and the money derived therefrom shall be paid in to the L:i. brary fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Se ction 2. OS. 200 of the Bozernan Municipal Code; I Section 3, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section bLI-4'(01, Political Code, Revised Codes of l"'iontana 1947, there is hereby levit,d and as;3es~;ed on the taxable percentum of the asse;3sed value of the taxable property of 'rhe City of Bozeman, Hontana, for the c ill'rent fis eal year ending June 30, 196,/, for the purpose of maintaining pubHc parks in said City a special tax of 6.0 Hills on the taxable percentwn of the assessed value of the taxable property of the City 0 f Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Park Fund and shall b~J disbursed as provided by Section 2.08.220 of' the Bozeman Hunicipal Code; Section 1-1-, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-1912, H.C.M., 191-1-7, there is hereby levied and asspc,scd llpon the taxable percenturn of the assessed valuation of all taxable property within the limits of The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending JW1e 30, 196'(, a special tax of 1.0 Mills on the dollar of such taxable percenturn of -the aSSf)foSed valuation for the purposes of maintaining the Disability and Pensj.on FlIDd of the Fire Department Relicf Association of The City of B()7,eman, and said tax when so collected shall be paid into the Disability and Pension Fund of the Fire Department Relief Association of The City of Bozeman; Section 5, 'fila t, pursuant to the provisions of ~)ection Il-H\23, R.C .H., 19La, there .is hereby levied and asses ,;ed ul)on the taxable percentum of the assessed v&lue of all property vri. thin The City I of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 196'(, a special tax of 1.0 l'Ilills and the money derived therefrom shall be pa.id into the Police Reserve Fund pursuant to the provisions of Commission Resolution No. 451; COHMISSIUN RESOLUTION NO 1294 255 Section 6, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 9-306, R.C.M., 19h'( , there is herehy levied and assessed upon the taxable percentum of the assessed value of all property within The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, a spe cial tax of 1. L~ Hills and the money derived therefrom shall he paid into the Cemetery Fund and shall be disbursed as provided by Section I 2.16.180 of the Bozeman JVlunicipal Code; Section '(, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-1011 R.C .M., 19 h? , there is bereby levied and assessed on the taxable percentum of tIle asses:3ed value of tJ:le taxable property wi thin the City of Bozeman, Hontana, for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 196'(, for the purpose of providiQ?; band concerts for the entertainment of the people of said City, a special tax of 0.7 111.1113 on each dollar of' the taxable percentwn of the assessed value of the taxable property of The City of Bozeman and the money derived therefrom shall IJe pa:i.d :in to tIle Bank .J:<'und of sa:Ld City and [;hall be disbursed as provided by Section lJ.oh.030 of the Bozeman Hunicipal Code; Section G, Tba t, pursuant to the provisions of Section 68-603, H.C .M., 19h7, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the taxable percentuIrl of the assessed value of all property within The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 196'1, a special tax of loh Mi.lls and the money derived therefrom shall be paid into the Public Employees Retirement System :F'und and shall be disbursed to pay the City's share of employee's retirement and administrative costs to the Public };,mployeesRetirement System. Section 9, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2269, R.C.II1., 19Lf(, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed value of all the taxable property within the limits of the City I of Bozeman for the clJrrent fiscal year endinG June 30, 1967, a special tax of ~Q. Hills on LlJe dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of maintaining a Special Improvement Distrj.ct Hevolvinc Fund as provided by Cnapter 235 of The Bozeman Hunicipal Code; Section 10, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-362), h.C.N., 19h'(, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed value of all the taxable property within the limits of The City of Bozeman for the current fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, a special tax of 0.5 1"1111s on the dollar of sU.ch assessed valua -don for the purpose of maintaining and operating a planninG board, and shall be disbursed as directed by the Commission of The City of Bozeman; Section 11, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2322, H.C.N., l;>LJ-7, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed value of all taxable property wi thin the limits of The City of Bozeman for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1967, a tax of 3.b Mills on the dollar of such assessed valuation for the purpose of providing a .?inking Fund for the payment of interest and principal due on the outstanding Ceneral Obb"gation Bonds of the City of Bozeman. Section 12, That, pursuant to the provisions of Section I-soh, h.C.N., 191+'(, there is hereby levied and assessed upon the assessed value of all the taxable property within the LLni ts of' The City of Bozeman for the fiscal year endin[ June 30, 1967, a special tax of 0.1 Millon the dollar of such I assessed valuation for the purpose of lTk'lintaining and operating an Airport, and shall be disbursed as directed by the Commisdon of the City of Bozeman; ~oec-Lion 13, That, pu.rsuant to the provisions of Section 84-4729, H.C.H., 19h'( , the total levy of taxes for the current fiscal jear ending June 30, 1967, by reason of foregoing determination, will and shall [)8 as folluws: COHf.ITS.':3ION HESOLU'l'ION NO. 129h 256 1\'1il18 General Hunicipal& Administrative Purposes: (a) f:xecuti ve, poli.ce, .f:ire and other purpot3eS (Sec. 1) 20.0 (b) E-:treet and Alley purposes (0' 1) 10.0 ..",.8C. Maintenance of Free I'llblic Library (Sec. 2) 3.2 Maintenance of Public Parks (<:: 3) 6.0 uec. Maintaining ])isability and Pension Fund (Sec. h) 1.0 (Fire Department TIeliei' Association) Police Reserve Fund (Sec. s) 1.0 I Maintenance of Cemetery (Sec. 6) 1.4 Band Concerts (Public) (Sec. ,/) 0.7 Public Employees Hetirement (Sec. e) 1.4 Special Improvement Districts l-tevolving Fund (Sec. 9) 2.0 Plrcnning Board (Sec. 10) O.s SirLl<inr; Fund (General Ohligation Bonds) (Sec. 11) 3.8 H;:)j.ntenance of Airport (Sec. 12) 0.1 TOTAL 51.1 Passed and auoptl'Jll by the Commission of The City of ]Jozelllrm at a regular session thereof held on the "3rd day of Aw'ust 1966. ..::....-...- !., ~, Mayor ATTEST: ~/~ lerk of the City Cor . ssion ~,tate of Montana ) County of Ga:lla tin) ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. IIardin!; , the duly appointed, qucuified and actj.n[; C](':'r!< of the City' COlrunisCJion, of the City of Bozernan, JVlontana, and aE, c:;uch clerk having the custody and control of the ofiicialrecords I of the procendjj\ s of said City Commission aud of the City Urdlllances and Comm:i.s sj.on HesoluT,ion of The City 0:1: Boz,ernan, DO IH'J(Et3Y CEI{Tlty: That the a ttached Commission Hesolution No. 12911 is a full, true and correct copy of saj d resolution and has [)een compared byrne with the original on 1'ile HI my office a~; Clerk as aJ'oresaid. IIi \A2l' I'H',2) ' , lrJf&.,lcEOF I hereunto E,etmy hand and af!]x t.he corporate seal of 'l'he City of BU7.eman this :>th ciay of Au~;u:=;t, lSi66. c~ y Corrmr" ion State of Hontana. ) County of Cc:\llatin) S8. City of Bozeman ) I, Erna Ii. j;2.l'dinC, l. ! cr;, (if l. Ie (.OIlun:l :=::;j on of 'l'hp Cl ty of Bozeman, dc) hereby cert:jfy that tile forocoinE Resolution No. 120)j, H:'S pI1I'li.E;lled. ti tIe and nlliilber in tl'le JJuzcr,lan D:.o.ily Chronicle, 1:1 newspaper of generDl cjrculLction prinLed and cublished in said City in tilC iSEme oi' 11 of ALlgL1St and due proof of such publication is on fi.le i,n my offj"cc. llliJITNESS VJllliEEOF I hereunto set my hand and afJ:i_x the corporate: seal of my ufn.ce tllis 2;:)th day of Augu.st, 1966. ~ ;~ L~ I . ~.c-?t<<-- :?: ......--.a:c. ~ ._~- CIerI" of the Ctty Co . ls:,:;ion C UJ"jl'l 1::; ,(310 t!:.:.E;SDI, IT'l'IUl'J!-Ki. 129L!