HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1293 Creates SID No. 477 250 COMJIHS~)ION H1:<;SOLUTION NO. 1293 A RE;SOLUTION OF THE COI'/[}TISSION OF THE CITY of BOZEr'JAN, NO!\ITANA, DECLAHING IT TO I3E TID<: IN'I'E:NTION OF THE SAID COlVIi'USSION TO Cr{EATE A SP.Ic,CIAL HjPHOVEJvrEWr DISTRICT TO BE KNOVJN AS SPECIAL I HPROVEI'/wh T tIGHTINC DISTHICT NO. L~T7 FUH TI-IE PUHPOSE OF OPJ<1"iATING AND jV[l\HJTAIlUNG A STREET LIGHTING Sy,c-TEH TO LIGHT SOUTH WILLSON A VE)'j\JE BLTivKEI'j LINCOLN STHEl'_T AND KAGY BOULEVARD. Al~D A POHTlON OF MASON STRbET m,Tv/E,EN SOUTH IrJILLSON AVENUi!; AND A POINT 160 }i'EJ';T MSTJ:!;I{LY THi1REUf, SAID LJGHTING SYSTEM TO BE I.iJSTAl,l,ED MID PAll) F'OH BY TJ{E jvKh'l'ANp.. POWEh CONPANY I AU, Ui\JDJ:<:H AlJTI-IOHITY AND IrJ CUi'JIi'OHNITY WITH SEC'I'IuNS ll-22)~5 'TO 11-22,'( INCLUSIVE, OF THE H!,:vn.i~:IJ cum,s OF HUN'l'ANA 19)-1-7. ---------- \~m;EK\S, there has befJD filed with the Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, a petition in due form of certain property owners on South Willson Avenue between Lincoln Street and Kac,y Boulevard and a portion of Mason Street between ~)outh Willson A venue and a point 160 feet easterly thereof, asking that a special improvement lighting dj.strict be created for the purpose of operating: and maintain:in[3 a lighting system to light the hereinbefore streets, roads, and avenues in the City of Bozeman, Gallatin County, Nontana. WHEHEAS, at a regular meetin[3 of the Cit,IT Commission of the Cit.y of Bozeman held the 3rd day of August, 1966, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and granted; NOW, THJ:<:REFOEE, HE IT RESOLVED BY TltE CITY CUlJWlISSION OF TI-IE CITY OF BOZE,vU\.N: SECTION 1 Declaration. of Intention That it is hereby declared to be the intention of tile City of Bozeman to create a special improvement district to be known and designated as ~)peda1 Irnprovcment Lighting Distri,ct No. 4'(( of the City of Bozeman for the purpose 01' operating and maintaining a lighting sy;-,tem to light I Sout11 Willson A venue between L:Lncoln Street and Kagy Boulevard and a portion of l1ason Street betw'een E;outh Willson Avenue and a point 160 feet easterly thereof. SECTIUN 2 Boundaries The boundaries of said Special Improvement Li[:;rlting 1J:i.strict are described as follows: Beginnin[3 at a point of intersection of the centerline of South Wjllson Avenue and the northerly line of Thomp::;on's Addition No.2 to the City of Bozeman, Montana; thence easterly along the said northerly line a distance of 204.29 feet to the northeasterly corner of Lot 1, Block 3; thence southerly along the easterly line of said Thompson's Addition No. J to the southeast corner of Lot S, Block 2 of said addition; thence southwesterly along the easterly lines of Lots 2 and J of Block (-) of Tbompson 1 s Additj.on No. /1 to the southeasterly corner of Lot 2; thence continuing southwesterly parallel to and 1,0 feet easterJ.y distant from the easterly line of South vJillson Avenue to a pojnt of intersection with the centerline of Kae;y Boulevard; thence westerly along the centerljne of said Kagy I30ulevard to a point of intersection TiVith the easterly line of .":;outh Third 1\ venue; thence northerly along the easterly line of sai"d South Third Avenuo to a point of intersection with the southerly right of way line of the Chicago, j\lilwaLLkee, :::Jt. Paul and Pacific Ifc'lilroad Company; thence northea;:;tel'ly along said riC;!lt of way line being tlJc westerly line of said Thompson AdcHtion No. 2 to tlle nortirwesterly corner of said Addition; thence easterly to the truo point of beginning. Containing Hithin the above described exteri.or boundaries the following lots, blocks and parcels of land, tn-wit: I All of lots 1 through 13 ;inclusive of Block 1, all of lots 1 "through 5 inclusive of Block 2, all of lots 1. and 2 of Block 3, all in Thompson's Addition No.2 to the City of Bozeman, Montana. Also a portion of Lot 1 and all of Lots 2 and 3 of' Block 6, Thompson J s Add.Ltion No. it to the City of Bozeman, Hontana CQ1VlHISE:lON H1<;SUJ,1ITION NO. 1293 ---..----..- 251 SECTION 3 Character of Improvements Tbe character of t!1e improvements to be installed and paid for by the Hontana Power Company is the erection and installation of thirteen (13) 17.sWatt, ? ,OUO Lwnen l'1ercury-Vapor color corrected I luminaire I.1.S. Type In mounted on JO foot high steel poles. Pm'Jer is to be supplied by an \mder- e;round direct burial cable and shall be equipped with necessary appliances for safe and proper operation of the system. SECTION 4 Estimated Cost of 11aintenance and Electrical Current and Hethod of AssosE,ment An estimate of the cost of maintaining such lighting systom and supplying current therefor is Five and 06/100 Dollars Up,.06) per unit month for each unit or the total swn of Seven Hundred Eighty- nine and 36/100 Dollars (~~'(139.36) per year of wh:Lch total seventy-five percent 05%), or Five Hundred Ninety-two and 02/100 Dollars ($592.02) is to be assessed against the properties within the district on an area baEds and twenty-five percent (25%), or One E.undred Ninety-seven and 34/100 Dollars ( ;~l n . 34) is to be paid by the C Hy of Bozeman, Hontana. The estim::1ted rate of assessment per year per square foot of property within the district is $0.001720471680 per square foot. The cost of such improvement is to be assessed aga:Lnst the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within sllch district will be ass(:;s<,ed for tl1at part of the wiwle cost wh:ich its area bears to the area of Uw entire d:Lstrict exclusive of streets, avenueOj, alleys and public places. Tile I total estimated assessable area wi thin said district is 34LI,103.31 square feet and is the figure on which all protests will be received, considered and determined. SECTION ;) Payment The proposed Special Improvement Lighting District will be established for the purpose of paying the operating and rnaintenance cost of such lights only, which said operation and maintenance will include the furnishinc of electric current, all lamps as needed and the ITk'lintenance of poles, cables, and other incidental items. The entire cost of installation of such lights wilJ be borne by The Montane. Power Company. SBCTIUN 6 Protests and Notice That the rc[':ular session of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, to be held at the Commis~;ion Cha,mber, City Hall Buildir1::;, Bozeman, Hontana, on \iVednesday, the 31st day of August, 1966, at the hOllr of one 0 I clod; v.m. of said day, are the time and place when and where the City Commiss:ion will hear and pass upon all protests duly and regularly made and filed against the croatian of said proposed Spec:ial improvement Lighting lhstrict No. 4'(7, the improvement proposed to be maue pursuant I thereto 'and the extent and character thoreof, or either t!J8reof; and the Clerk of' the Ci.ty Commission be, and she is berehy uj,xected to Live notice i.n the manner and for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. CUJV1l'jlIS~'JIUN RESOLUTION NU. 1293 _.._-~ .---- .......--- 252 ADOPTED by the Commission of tile City of Bozernan, IViontana, at a reGular and stated session of said Commission held on the 3rd day of August, 191:.:.6. ATTEST: .......-....................- flay or ~1 ~ ;t!; L' I ~--- t/, _ c-t:"a, ~. _________._ Clerk of the i ty Co~on ------- --- NUTICE IN HE CONNISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1293 OF THl:; CITY OF BOZElljAN DECLARING T[ll!; J['J'l'ENTION OF T1-[E CITY OF BOZEJlJAN TO CHb:ATE A SPECIAL 1!ljPHOVEl-'iENT DISTRICT TO BE Kl'JU1fJN ANlJ DESIGNATED AS ttSPECIAJ~ n1PHOVt~;hENT I,IG1JTLXG DlSTHICT NO. 4'('(.11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the Jrd day of August, 1966, at a rc[;ub.r meeting of the CommiE;sion of the City of Bozeman, Commission Hesolntion No. 1~!93 entitled: A HESCJLlJTIUN OF TBE U)JVji,USSION OF TrIl'; CITY OF BOZE1'1AN, WFiTANA, DECLl\_RIi'JG IT TO BE THE INTENTION OF TIlE SAID COHl\ITSEION TO CHEl\_TE A SPECIAL n1pnOVEl'!i~J,"T DISTRICT TO BE J\}JO\~N AS SPECIAL HIPH.UVE1"IEl\JT IJIC3:: i TING DISTRICT NU. J.-+T( FOE THE PUHPOSj'; OF OPP:RATING AND VJA INTi\Il\fLNG I\ STRE_ET LIGH'l'HIG SY~;;TE;H TO LIGHT SOUTH HIlIDON AVENUE BLTIIJEj'N IJINCOLN STRJt:E:T AT-:DKAGY }:JOlJLF;VAHlJ AND A POHTICiil! OF lIlA-SCm STili'!i:T T)j':T\vr:L~N SOU'l'I-i WILLSON A VENUE AND A POINT 160 FEET EAS'I'_bHLY TdERE- OF, SAID LTClifTING SYSTEM TO BE JNSTI\.J~LED AND PAID FCJH BY THE I10,'l'I'Al\!i\ POWEH COHPAkY ALL 1j!'j""lJER. AU'I'HUHITY (\'l'JD Ii~ COI!FURIHTY~il TH Sb,CTIUNS 11-22hS TO 11-2257 Il\JCLlJSIVE, UF THE m,VISElJ C01JES OF MUHANA 19)17. was passed and adopted. That Wednesday, tho 31st day of August, 1966, at one 01 clock p.m. at tbo ComITlis,;ion Hoam of the City Hall, Bozeman, Hontana., is designated by said Resolution No. 1293 as the ttrne and place for I hearing objections to the action IJI'OpO~3ed to be taken by said resolution, and when and where any and all persons ..1hose property is within said proposed :::'pecial Improvement i.ighting District No. 417 may ap!-~ear and show cause, if any they have, aga:i.nst said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of' the City Commission not 1a ter than fii'teen (15) days after the date of the fir[~t publication of this tjotice. That the general character of the improvern.erd:. to tie made in said Spec:ial Improvement Lighting District No. 47'7 is the erection a.nd installation of thirteen (13) 115 Hatt, 1,000 lU.men Nercury- Vapor color corrected luminaire LE.0. 'I':'1pe III mounted oniO foot high str-el poles. POWL'T' is to be supplied by an underground direct burial cable and sball be equipped with necessary appliances for safe 2nd proper operation of the system. An approxima.te and preliminary estimate of the cost of mainta:Lning such light:ing system ami supplying current therefor is ,1;5.06 per unit month or thc SLW) of .,;;; 139 .36 per year, of whtch total 75;:;, or .,692.02 is to be assessed acainst the properties vrithin the district on an area basj.s and 25%, or ~n97.3h is to be paj.d by the City of' Bozeman, Montana. The estimuteu rate of assessment per year per square foot of property wi thin the distr:Lct is .1-,\0.001(20J.4716/.;0 per squH_re foot. The proposed Special Improvement b.gbting District will be establlshed for thopurpo~-;e of payin[; I the ooerating and maintenance cost of such li[;hts only, which satd operation and maintenanco will include the fm'nt~;h:in[; of electic current, all lamps as needed and tllellB.intenc~nc:e of poles, cables, and otl18r inc:i.dental items. The entire cost of :i.nstal.lation of suell light.s will be borne by The r~onLana Power ComparrjT. CONfJIISSION lLESULUTION NO. 1293 253 For a description of the tJoundaries of said Special Improvement Lighting District No. 417 reference is hereby J1F'Oe to Resolution lTo. 1293 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to creatl::' said. District, which is on file in the office of the undersiGned Cler], of said Commission in the City Hall of said (;i ty of Bozeman, State of Montana, and open for inspection I to all interested parties and the lJUblic geDeral1y. This noU.ce is given pursuant to the provisions of ;:;ection 11-2204, Hevif,ed Codes of' l\Iontana, 19L~7 . Dated this 3rd day of August, 1966. t:c~ /7k4 - Clerk of the City Co .1s8ion F:Lrst published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle 11th August, 1966. Sta te of Hontana ) County of Gallatin) S8. City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Hard:Lng, Clerk of the Commission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in He, Commission Resolution 129.3, was published at length J.n the Bozeman DC'ily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulaUOD printed and published in said City in the issues of A ugus t 11 thru 16, 1966, and due proof of such publications is on file in my office. IN uHTNF;SS "vvHE1i'.I':CF I hereunto set my hcwd and affix the corporate seal of my office this 2hth day of August, 1966. cf.,) / ~ L A?7A::/ . - --- ,,2-< __ ~ --~ I Clerk of the City Corm' sion \ I C(lj\ilvlIS!3ION RESOLUTION NO. 129.3