HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1291 Creates SID No. 475 242 C()I'NI~)CJ(}i\1 J:,1'5UL U'rIC!;, lk!. 1291 II }C',:;C)LI,TIOiJ OF lJ CUl.'lj,fr:~~;;"'::ICl'\j' OF' T.J:i.,!: CITY CI~ },)UZ.8.;i"'j-IU,J, i/(C,)1.'; TAI.;ll. , liLCL',IU'JI" .J.T '1\; DI.:,"; JJ\iI:~ ]~,i.JT~';.:~l'<T]"J}i:"J' ()::;:'I T"i ii ~).f\J D C()J/TI\TI0~,,:',IU1'0 '.i.\j C:i'(J_J,\_ijj~J .i\. b?,;,,!~(,~Ij.~.l~ Il.}}\(C Vljl'~l'.~T D::::1'TLIC'1' 'i'L: DE [(d)'.J;~ AS SFL,CIIIL E'IPE,VLiJ'dJT I,:iI,j,'.L'I:!l; In:SJ.'Il,LCT 11u. Lt/ S F:;ic 'i\j.t. PlJFi.?CIE::b; iF U}'LliJ\'l'LJG A,m l']AU'I'AJ.:l',IliGA STH.t.LT L-I\J-J:'.[':u,G 3\"o'.['LH 'I'D LIC;"I'}' SUuTH ClEJ'ujD A \n~\1 UL IkT,JLE;; LHJCuUJ 3'I'h;.j/I' JUt} .:L;U'}'Tl Tl,IlLJJ A Vlj'J[ll:;, '.L',li; SuU'l'lIl;;jcLJ:: OIJ}i,- HAI,F OF LUCOLN STHEE'l' BE'l'vJEE1I SOUTH GhJ-\.!m AVl"/iU1 .!\iJJ SOJTh dJL.I~bm,j:\Ji';:" 1J;-;, J'. :'f~j ;)\}U'l'H 'l'1,:i1W AVE1JUL BE'l'vJT;':'.;'J LlIiCULrJ ~)'r'rtE-I-,,'l' J~\D hAGY BUliLJWAhD, SAID LIGJi'T'Il';G I SYS'l'E)I TO BE LiSTJ\LLED iL>WFAi.U fOh dY JiLb l'lUdl'A;\li-~ 1-'O.vr,h OJ l'LPA:;Y, ALL ImElt TilE AUTLUlcITY uF lHiD IlJ CCJNF'OlL'lITY 'IiII'll ;;'1:,(:'1'1(;,j,; 1l-22i6 'l'O ll-22S7 11TCLUSIVl,;, GE' THE llli'ESED CUuLS \.)F j,,", Ti~;~!\ JS Lf? . ------.....--- 'vJIIEIti'j\ S , tll12re has been filed wi tllGile Clerk of tile Commj.sc;ion of tho City of Bozeman, Hontanct, a petition in due form of certain property owner"; on ~)o\lth Grand Avenue betwee,n 1:i,nco1n Street and SO-l'tllEhird i\vcnuc, the ,:0I1t11erly one-half of IJincoln (,treet betvJeen Sout.h Grand Avenue and 00uth Hillson Avenuo, and So:1'Lh 'Third Avenu.e betueen Lincoln Street arid KafW Bouleva:cd a:;o;]d_llL tila t a special improvement 15[!;lrLj,ng d:Lstr:Lctt.e c:ceated for the purpoeJe of operati_nr; and mainta:Ln:Lllg a lightini; system to light l,]le h er8:i,.nbcf'OI'C streetf; , i '. . LJ (;. L f J rOcl( s ann avc:nucs :UJ '"Ie l--Y 0.. _ CJ::',eurl,:m, Gall:::tin CounLy, Llontana. .~"',iIIL.:i<i.;.J\;~,) , at a rCEli:Lar mectir.lg cr' the City Commis :don of -Glw ~..Jl. ofikJ7.8Lid held the Jrd day of 'ust, lS'66, tlle aforesaid petibon waf; respectively considered and E",r::lntec1; lJ()\'J, 'P'" Bf:: )T HJ',.~-;CT,\n';])ljY THI'; CIT COh:":IS:ICli CF 'l'cilo CI TY Ul" !3(JL:KilI. Li : Sl':(;'l'IUH 1 D(~clara tion ()l Intention That :i.,t 'is hereby declared to be tile :Lr1LenU.on 0:1' tile City of Bozerncln to Cleate a c;;pecial improvement ci:istr:Lct to be knovm and desi.gnn.Ged p,s ~)pecial Improvement l~:i_glltin[; D!.E;i:,ricL ]'Jo. L~7 S of I the City of Boze;nan for the ,t-!urpO:::Je of operatini< and wa:i.nta.:Lnine: a lif)Jting systeln to 1:il:-)lt Soutl-\ Gra.nd Avenue beLo-men Lincoln Street arid South J.'hicd Avenue, the southcrly one-half 01' IJ:i.dcoln Street bet1rW8n South GrA.,rid Avenue C:I.Ild 0outhVJ11lson Avenue, .':In d ~'OUUl 'Cilil'd A verl1le betitJeen Lincoln Street a,nd EaC:,y BOLllevard. SECTIOj.J 2 B oundar:i..e s Th.8 boundarj.es of said Special Improvement L:i.Lhting Dis [,ric-L arc descri:Jed as 1'0110 vJS: Bep;innill[' at the poirlt of j.ntecr3ec:tiotl of Lile centerl:i_nc, oJ",jest Li:lco]n ~':::' 'tI'>e c t and the cerd,erline of ;-outh 'Th:ixd !IV(JiIUC; thence ea;;;Lerl,y ;.110r.l[: Ule centerline of se.id Hest Lincoln StreetLo a point of intersecU.on with tJ18 westerly right of way of the Ch:i",cclgo, l'ij.lwJ.u,k e e, E;t. Paul and Pacific Hailroad Compa.ny railroad; thence southwesterly a.lon,C said right of vJ;.'JY line being the easterly 1in.e o:f the Thompson Add:ttion to the ~;outhea8terly cerner oj' said auclit:i.on; 'L'rlenc:(~ co.trL,lnuing soutiTtrJestcrly H.lon[~: sa.id ri[;ht of vVD,y l:i..Jle and also L L 1 J. f 'onc U(J..~::J' c::r ,.'( _l.L1"E; 0'" I,h"," JtLlHaukee Adi.Litiorl to a poiut un ",a:i_cl riL:ht Ol'IKi,/ l:Lne ~",bich i:i 100 feet di"-otant c:-:ste:cJy ,,~t :ci co Lrom the e:lstel'.'Iy l:i.lle of ~)oixLh 'i'hird A venue; " thence soutlJCrly parallel to and 100 teet (bst;;urL ea.;,-[,(;rl,/ iron! tile cas te:cly line of bOllUl 'l'hird Avenue to a point on t11C sout,j)cTly ri[)rt of vITa} line of said ratl1"oad; thence southwesterly along said southerly ril:ht of "Jay Line to a point on the cas terly line of 2'ou.th Third A vem1e; tl1ence souUwrly alone; the easterly line of Couth Third Avenue to a point of intersection wi t11 tbe ccmLer- line of Kagy iJoulovard; thonce 1'1]8'3ter1y along tho centerline of sa:i d Kagy Bou.lovard to a pojnt vJhich is lOU :fCHt lJesterl,y of the vvesterly Line of South Third Avenue; thence northerly paral1ul tn and lOD feet dLs tal1'Llvesterl,\" o_C' the I w<;ter1y :U.rle oJ.' 8011t11 Third Aven\~_c to a point uf inter:3ectiun v.Jjtll the CQnter- line of liJest L:.incoln SLreet; thence eastcrly to 'LlIC point of bq::Lnn:Ln,;. Containingw.ithin the above dc:;o;c:cil,ed e~d,erior boundEir::J;c; the fol1mr:L:1[; lots, blo C]G3 , parcelc:; :lncl tracts 0:1' land, to-1Jit: A11 of lots 1 throuch 9 inc1U.s.Lve of T310ck 1; allot' lots 1 throuch e inc1u,,;ive 0 f Block 2, CJJJ~ in ':.']JOIiTfi30n I co Jidd:ition to },ozem;J.U. CG:\,llI~)SIQ;'! rC::~;:;LrJTT ::)lINO. 1291 ...----..........-- .- 243 All of lots 1 through 4, "ilw8:J.kec Addition to the CHy of Bozeman. Portion of CJ]icago, (jhEwkce, ~'t. l'aul and F'::lCific ri[ht-of -vI"LtY. Porti()l13 of Lots 1, b, 7 ann 9 of (,reek,i2,y ;;Llbdiv:i_sion of the City of T30zeman. Port:iO:l oJ.' IUlj:Jlntted ,~.('e,1."lont;u);:4 Collec;c OHncd pro])erty lyin:,~ Let"JH.on .Lincoln Street and Creek ~J;_<,/ ~)lll)(Jjv:Lsioll al:e] lyinC west of South Third A venue. I SLCThJN J Character of Improvements The character of ilaprovements to be 'i.r1stal1ed and paid for by the Hontana Power Conr:),'lfl] is t,he erecticn a,:rd irwtallatiorl of fOlu"tocn (1l1) l7S VIatt, 7,00U lUlIlcn jilercur;:r-\Tapor, calc")!' corrected 1 uJ:rina.ir05 l..s. []. Type IIIinounted on 30 foot jligh stc(?l poles. POliver i~:: to Loe f:> u.p,JUcd l))' an lmdergnil.mcJ d::.rcct blu'ial cahLe insta.11:1tion and sna1l be eqllippecl ,vith ncce8E,::JJ~j? aplJlianccc" fer safe ::end pr'o!)cr eperat:Lon cfUle f;'/C;tC;[il. C";"(""--- "1"' 4 \.,) I,:J J 1. .J..() \; EstinlatC<1 Co~t of Haintcnance and K.lectric:.JJ. Current and "<.et!;od 01' ASi,'CS,Wlent An estin:o.te ci' the cant of lnainta.inlnF:: Sitch li::::htil:g '3:/[~;tem and c~upplying cu:crcnt U18rcfor :Ls Five a'.xl 06/1CO Dollar,) ("5 ot) ~ '1'" tN." ....U .C',. y. .." t lm:'d, c,r tile total ,;urn of 1O:]_;:;11t llundrcd ;.,1 . ) per LJlJ_ ],,,)11 1.L U-, ed.C.] Fifty ai 113 CU/IUO DulLar'[) ( U' . f""' t ~ -I . ~ f"" .' ('( ) , or Six . (j) per ,"car 0 FIllcn -,lFe!. SeVCl1"Y- J.VE-] J.1crcern, Hundred ThirtY-<3cvcn :::,Jd ::;6/100 Dollars (,,;;637. ) "c t.-.:> . .,.,,,,,,,.:( . c",-i','"- -'.." -..,.vo-.t.:.c,,-,'.t}.:-- .L" 0 IA:J as.oC",.o(A d.,:>,-,..._fJ.c, u (,LC .[jIOly...1 .Lc~.;) vJl ,1lJl t'::e d:i.strict orl an area basi,J and tHenty-fj.ve r:erccnt (2;'/0), or Two Ii wldreci Twelve and 52/100 Dollars ($212.52) is to be paid by the City of Bozeman, Montana. The esti:rrated rate of assessment I per year per sqUc"lre foot of property wi thin the district is $0.0018690914)+4 per square foot. The cost of such improvement is to be assessed against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land within such district Hill be assessed for that part of the whole cost, which its area bears to the area of the entire cijstrict exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys andpublic places. The total assessable area within said district is estimated to be 396,518.14 square feet and is the figure on which all protosts will be received, considered and determined. SECTION 5 Payment The proposed Special Improvement Lighting District will be established for the purpose of paying the operat:i_ng and maintenance cost of such lights only, which said operation and maintenance will incl ude the furn:i-shing of electric current, all lamps as needed and the maintenance of poles, cables, and other incidental items. The entire cost of installing such lights will be borne by The Hontana Power Compar1;y. SECTION 6 Protests and Notice Tbat the regular session of the City Commisf3ion of the City of Bozeman to be held at the Commission I Chamber, City Hall Building, Bozeman, Montana, on \lIednesday, the 31. day of August, 1966, at the hour of one 0' clock p.m. of said da,y, are the time and place when and where the City Commission will hear and pass upon all. protests duly and regularly made and. filed against the creation of said proposed Special Improvement Lighting District No. 475, the improvement proposed to be made pursuant thereto CCJI.1l\IISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1291 - -..-- 244 and the extent and character thereof, or either thereof; and the Clerk of the City Commission be, and she is hereby directed to give notice in the manner and- for the time as by law required, of the adoption of this Resolution of Intention. ADOPTED by the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular ana stated session of said Commission held on the 3rd day of August, 1966. , I ATTt,ST: Mayor f-:> d'~ c::..,.Cr-d/ /, / '"- Clerk of the City C- ission ---------- NOTICE IN HE COI1-US:;:IOl'J HESOLUTION NO. 1291 OF THE CITY OF I30ZEI'IAN DECLARING THE INTENTION OF TJIFE CITY OF BOZEHAN TO CH.EATE A SPECIAL IHPROV[~1'{t1'JT DISTRICT TU BE KNOWN ,!I,ND DE:3IGNATEJ) AS "SPECIAL HrPROVFlvlENT L1GB'rING DISTfnCT NO. Li75.1I NOTICE IS IIEHEBY GIVEN that on the Jrd day of AuC:ust, 1966, at a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Bozeman, Commission Resolution No. 1291 entitled: A HESOLUTION OF TI-IE COMNISciION OF TILE CITY OF BOZEIVlAN, HONTANA, DECLARING IT TO BE: THE: INTENTION OF TI-IE SAID COMJ.JISSION TO CEb~A.TE A SIECIAI.J IjI1PHOVE.[\U~i~T DISTRICT TO HI!: KNOirJN AS ;3PECIAL HTPHOVEHbNT LIGHTING DISTIUCT NO. 475 FOR THE PURPOoE UF OPERATING AND l'!AINTAJ}J.U,jG A STHEbT LIGllTli'JG SYSTEH TO LIGHT oOUTE GRAND AV}~NUE. BETWEEN 1Il~COLN STHEl'/I' AND SUUTH THInD AVE.N1JE, TUb SOU'l'Hl',HLY ONE-I1J\LF OF I.J:NCOLN STHEET BETWEEN SOUTH GEtAND AVENUE: AND SOUTH WILLSON AVr;NUE, Ai-JD SOUTH THIHD A VENUE BETWE.I,N LINCOLN STREET AND KAGY BOULEVJUW, SAID LIGIITING SYSTbM TO BE DJSTAIJ.,.f!;D AND PAID F'OF( B'{ 'lEE 110NTANA POWER QH1PANY, ALL UNDER Tm; AUTHO.H.l'l''{ OF AND IN CONFO.H.NITY VHTH SECTIONS 11-2245 TO 11-2257 INCLLJSIVE, OF TIill REVISED CODES OF HON'I'ANA 1947. I was passed and adopted. That1rJednesdc:w, the 31st day of August, 1966, at one o'clock p.m. at the Corrunission Room of the City Hall, Bozeman, Mon lana, is designated by said Resolution No. 1178 as the time and place for hearing objections to the action proposed to be taken by said resolution, and wilen and where any and all persons l.Those property is wi tr)in said proposed Special Improvement Lighting Distri.ct No. 4'/5 Dk'1y appear and show cause, if any they have, against said proposed improvement. Objections must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of the City Commission not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of the first publica.tion of th~ s notice. That the general character of the improvement to be made in said Special improvement Lighting District No. ~75 is the erection and installation of fourteen (1}1) 17,Watt,i,OOO lumen Nercury- Vapor, color corrected luminaires I.E.S. Type III mounted on 30 foot high steel poles. Power is to be supplied by an underground direct burial cable :Lnstal1ation and shall be equj.oped with necessary appliances for safe and proper operation of the system. An approximate and preliminary estimate of the cost of maintaining such lighting system and supplying current therefor is ~p5.06 per unit month Jor ea.ch unit or the total sum of ~850.08 per year of which total 75% or :~6J7 .56 is to be assessed against the properties within the district on I an area basis and 25;b, or ~t2l2 .52 is to be paid by the City of Bozem"ill, Nontima. The estimated rate of assessment per year per square foot of property wi thin the district is ~~.00186009144L~ per square foot. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1291 -.-.- _,,_,n,.. 245 The proposed Special Improvement Lighting District will be established for the purpose of payinr, the operating and maintenance cost uf such lights only, which said operation and maintenance will include the furnishing of electric current, all lamps as needed and the maintenan ce of pole s, cables, and other incidental items. The entire cost of installing such lights will be borne by The Hontana I Power Company. For a description of the bOLmdaries of said Special Improvement Lightinc District No. 1..a 5 reference is hereby made to Hesolution No. 1291 of the Commission of the City of Bozeman declaring the intention to create said District, which is on file in the office of the undersigned Clerk of said Commission in the City Hall of said City of Bozeman, State of Hontana, and open for inspection to all interested parties and the public generally. This notice is given pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-2204, Revised Codes of l-Iontana, 19).{1. Dated this Jrd day of August, 1966. &h4/ /! ~LN Clerk of the Clty Co~sion First Published in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle 11 AUGust, 1966. State of Hontana ) County of' GaJ.latin) 5S. Ci ty of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Hardin[~, Clerk of the Connnission of The City of Bozeman, do hereby certify the foregoing Notice in Re, Commission Resolution No. 1291, was published at length in tho Bozeman I Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in said C:L ty in the issues of' August 11 thru 16, 1966, and due proof of such publications is on file in my office. IN WI TNESS j",1-IEHEOF' I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my () ffice this 21.rL.h day of August, 1966. . P d~L' r:o.L~ ' - d.-t-~ Clerk of the Clty Co . sian I CO~1ISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1291 . --- .---