HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1290 Creates SID No. 474 ._._._.._______ ."._.u_._..___.___ 238 C01{[1IS2,IOI'j IU~;:JCUjTIU]T NO. 12?O A H2-,'~;C)lj non 01.' TTU': CJ TY COE1USSIUiJ UF T'fU': CITY OF J3UZEJAN DECLAHIhG IT' TO BE: 'l'JIE I:!']'ErfTJDiJ CF THI', CI'J:'Y:jF' BOZf;::IJ,N TO CI~;ATbA ~n='F:CIAL Il'!IPhOV~';l:I';,JT DI~)TRJ[T TO m: J<3TCjJli AS SPECIAL IHPTtUViU'jJ,NT DL:;TtUCT N~J. 4'/4 FOR Tim PUhPOSE OF I NST1,LL/\1'ICj\j 1\1';]) C\ UI'HUC'l'IOlJ uF j\l'JMGiIT IN(;}i Si\NI'J'AhY SEvJ}',h U,TbJiJ\L j\iAnJ TO S]':HVE A F'Oh TIUH 01" TilIi; hlHK SlJBDIVISII}(\J NU. )1 Aj\,D STHCZZI' S sumnVloIUl'J [1" TIJII. CITY OF BQZF:I/LI\N, fvl()i,TANA. ---------- I .v,lm:hLliS, there bas been filed vJith the Clerk of the City Commis t,ion of tile City ofbozeJilan, .fJjontana, a pcti tion in due form of certain owners of properties 5i tuated in a porU.on of f~~,rk Subdi vision No. 4 arId Strozz:L' s Subdivision of the Ci,ty of J302. oman, Hontana, asking tlJat a spe6al improvernenL district be created for the purpose of constructing ana installin;i:: a san.itary se-wer lateral maj_n to provide san~itar,r sewers for all lots withi.n the di.str:Lct. \nJIIIi]'-{EAS, that a regLilar meet-inf', of the City Commil',sion of the City of LJozeman held on the 2Cth daX oJ.' July, 1966, the aforesaid petition was respectively considered and !';nUlted: NCAl, T:iJ.:,IiI-li'OIiE, BE IT l-i:F~30LVED BY THE ern COJ1Ii[i;;:310N IJI TilE CI TY B':.)Zl::;J"li'\_l~' : SECTION 1 Declaration of Intention That it is hen,b_'{ decJ.ared to be the intention of t;le City of Bozeman to create a special improvement c'hstrict to be known and designated as 2;pc(;1al improvement Jistrj.ct [\io. LI/!j of the City of Bozeman for the :purpose of ccnstructing and instalLi.ng a sccnitary f;C)\iCr lateral main, said project to include all appurtenant work for tile construcL:i..on oi:' a seVJerage t:;yt.i-c,em to provide scuLi.-L:lry sewers for all lot:,:; Hi thin the district. SEC'1'lOiJ 2 I BOLmdaries Thc boundar.ies of sCLid Special Improvei:ient District I'io. 4(4 are described as J'ollows: Beginn~i..ng at a point 00 the centerLine of vves t 13ctl,code [;aid point bearing South 2902)1' West and eGo feet distant from the east one quarter corner of 2:cction 11, TO\'lTn5bip 2 South, Hcillp-,e S East, H.P.H.; thence bearing South a distance of 19S feet to a point; thence southwesterly parallel to and 200 feet dtstant southeasterly from the nortLwesterly line of Kirk Subdivision No. Li, being the soutlJerly right (j r Hay line of U. S. Eighway 191, a dj.stanc:e of 1.15'2 feet to a point that il'; 12'/.9 feet easterly at right an2:1es from the westerly line of the l<irk Subdivision !Jmnbcr 11; thence South 0001'3011 East parallel to and 127.90 feet easterly t}leref'rom to tll8 said westerl;,{ line of said i'hrk SubdjyLsj,on IJumL:er 4 a dL;tance of 20~~ feet to a point; t.hence vwstorly at right an~les a distance of J2'/.90 feet to the westerly line of said Kirk Sclbdivision Nunber 4; trlence 00uth 000113DII Ba:,:,t alone; said westerly line of said Kirk SubdivhJion iJumber )1 and also being the ca.sterly- line of the ~:trozzi ~:ubdivisjJ)n a distance of lEnt). 7 feet; Uwnce SOllth GC)oS1t'dest a distance of 330 feet; thence Nurth CP02' vljest along the westerly LLne of said ~;.trozzi' s Subdivision a distance of 1273.7 feet; thence rJorth 89052 t ~ast a distance of 16S.o feet; thence l\iorth alone; the westerly line of FLock A of f1clid SLro7.zi' sJHldi tj_on a distance of 60L1.;) feet; thence North CJ>9oS2' East along the northe.rly line of said f-:trozzi's Subdivision a distance of 165.u feet; thence ;~orth OUOI' JOII "Jest along the westerly line of IHrk SulJdivi.sion Nwrrber L~ a distance of 432.1 feet to a poj.nt of intersect:Lon with the centerline of U. S .Ii ip:llway 191 as now cunstructed; tlwncc Nortileasterly along said centerlilJc~ uf lJ. 0. 191 to a point, oJ in Ler:_':ectioll wi thU1C centerline ofvJest Eabcock projected, I bej.n[; the northerly line of tbe sout.hwest quarter of Section 11, '1'23, HSE, H.P.lI.; thence North U90241 East along said one-quI-irter Ij_nc and the center- line of~Jest Babcock Street to the point of beginning. Containing wi thinLhe above descriiJed exterior boundaries the follcAJ:i'ii.', lots, blocks, parcels and tracts of Jand, to-VITi t: Portion o.f iJlock 3, Kirks Subdivj,sion UU1i1ber )-1; COH};I~;.3IC)N IU.:SUL UTIi)iJ t!U. 1?S1() -. .---...-.......-..-.-.....-...-. -..- .--.-- 239 Tract of land in tlw ~~SLSvJ" of Section 11, rl'2~:, 11:.01, l'I.P.M. (lJliracle Gas Co.); Blocks A and n of :::itrozzi':; SllLciivision SEC'l'IUIJ 3 Cbarcccter of Improvements I ThE; character of tho inrprovements tolJe made is the installation and construction of' an 8ii~ht inch sanitary- sewer laLera-L, incllldJr:g necessary tro.ncll excavatio:J, backfil-L, necessary nl<1nholes, VJyes and ot"~lcr' appurtenances dnd vwrk incidonta:L k1ereto. SECTIiJlJ 4 Estimate of Cost The estJ.mated cost of im}Jrovemcnts ",j"thin tile district includinL. enE)_neering, legal and contingency is ~~,JJI,UOO.U(). SECTION 5 j/:ethod of ASf38ssment The co:::~t, of ~;uch i..l;lprovements arc to be assecJsed against the entire district, each lot or parcel of land withi,] ~-;ucb distcLct will be assesciod for thnt part of the "Jhole cost, which its area bears to thc area of the entire dtstri.ct exclusive of streets, avenues, alleys and rmblic places. SE:CTIOd 6 Extended District The City Conunisston of the City of Bozerllan does hereby find tna t tne contempla ted "ark and I improvenents are, j.n the opinion of tile City Corrunission, of mol' e than loc al or ordinary pULJlic benefit and Lilat tile CO,-it and expense of such improvements 13ha11 be ctlarr:;eable on an extended di.strict and the City COflIDlis,-,Jion does hereby declare that the above described district an d a1] lots included there;i,n Hill be benefited by the contemplated improvements and th<~t said,district and all 10ts 'tncluded therein shall be assessed to pay the costs and expenses thereof. SECTION 7 Payinon ts Theriayxn8nts for said inprovements shall uema6c in hrenty (20) annual installments extending over a ;:)erj od of n:.Lneteerl (19) years, but this shall not be cc:nstrued to prcvent IJ(ciymcnt in full at ;,tny regularpayr:tc:nt date by any rn'operty ounor ",ho desirf)S to do so. It ;is proposed to pay the enti.re cost aLd expense oi.' the CO:'lstructj_on and :Lnstal1ation of said j.lnpl'OVelilonts with cash to be obtained from the s2,le of Lends of said Special Iml_:l'OVement District l~o. La 4, as authorized by lavJ. :::uch bonds ",ill be in cienordnations of .,,,lCO.UC each, and fractions or multiples of ',flOG.GO where necessary, te be issucd anCl c:l,iO'l'geable CJLa:liJst a funG to be knovm and desit)Jatcd ,is 0pecial Inlprovcment District, lio. 4'( L~ Fund of the City of BozenJan. The bondf3 will bc redecmable at the option of tue Ci.t,y, singly or in multiples, ",:wd ~i.n tile order uf -Llle~Lr reListration, ",henever fmlds are available for the I purpo::-:e in said Special Improverl1ent Di::-;trict IJo. Li.7h. Said bonds shall draw a s.itr!ple j,nterest from the date of their reg:u3tration until called for payrnent, at a rate not to excced ::;:Lx percent (610) per armwn, ",hidl intorcst shall be cll ar[.eablo as part of the cas t of construction anel. installation of Scd.G j.rrlprovc;rnents. T(18 bonds -will be iSfmed and sold in accordance with '\:,lw provj.sions of Section 11-2232 and Section 11-2271, Revised Codes of Montan&, liC47 and all other applicable provisionE: of ,.. , Title 11 of the r(evised Codes of Hont[Ul[~, 1947, relating to special ir'lprovement districts in cjtircs and towns and any arncrldJllcnts thereof or Uwre to. CDlvij,j::CS ;;]J);J HE,SUI,l!'1'1()u NO. 1290 .--...-.- 240 SECTICii\; [3 Protest::.; arld:ioticc That tho regulax ;o;ession of the City Commission of tile City of BoZer,LC1J:l, to be bold at tbe Cmnmi:Jsion CLcHl1ber, Ci-Lj ~ia111,;llil(]j,n[;, ]-3ozc,l:l;:m, hontarw, on ~'Jcdnesda,y, tiw lOth day of August, 1966, at tJ-Je hour of one 0 I clock p.m. of sa5d day, is the tj.me clnd place, when and where the (,i ty I COliunission 1"Jill liear and IJ<lSE; upon allprote~Jts duly a,nd re[,ulcTly made and filed af,;a-\nst the creation of said r)ropo~-'iCd Special Irilpl'ov(;lnent lJ:i, 5 trict 4(1+, the j.mpl'oveJ;Jents proposed to be rlade pursuant tilereto arId th,e extent and cliaracter thereof, or either thereof; und tile Clerk of the City Gornmi";f;ion be, alld she is JJcreby directed to give notice in the l!lannCr and for the time as by law required, of tlie adoption of this ILesolution of Intention. ADOPTED by the Cormrti.ss:Lor1 of the Oi ty of BozcJiJ_8.n, hontanc!, at a regular _ and stated session of said Comrn:i,ssion h(:ld on the 20th da\' of ,July, 19156. ATTI'"ST: l'layor it::' J/ 5J;; /. /~nd--, // . a:--l-L~,1'" ler)< cf the City -C~is,:;ion ---------- lJuTICb J]J hE CUl'J,ISSION HESCLlJ'nUN 1'JO. 1290 Ur' T;w, CIT1' UF 13UZEilAlJ Dl:'-;CLJd~L,G TIU;: J,rL'LLTICH, 01<' TIlE CITY UF K,ZEhAiS 'l'C) Cr(EA'TE A SH,CH\.L L"f'hCVEt'iLjT DI:~THICT Tu dr- ;d~mJN Ai\:D lji:.SI,il-iATEDAS II~W8DJJ\.L IiL'l,L'fE]/l:<JT DlS'l'ILl.CT NO. 4711." I . :'J()T~:CE IS :dl',hJ:<:GY GI~E!J ~ha~ on the ?O~h de'Y of ~UIY, ~9:/)6, at 8. regula,r se::ssion of the COJnmission of UtC Cl ty of:3oz8111an, ConulIl,ss.lon licsolu-LJ.o!i IJo. 12';'0 entl tled: A RESOLUT ION ()1" TiiE cr'l''I U\ lTHISSIUN OF THE C1 'l'Y ()1i' 1:3U/':]:<;;-lA N D1c;CJJ\.hLG IT TU dE TUE IlJTSJJTIOIS OF TITff, Cj~ TY (.IF LJUZETljAN TO C,,:EA TE A SH"Cli\L IIIJE,CVb;'ljEiJT DIS'l'RICT '1'l) BE: KlH)1irl'J AS SPECIAL IhPWJVEhI';l,T mS'L'HICT~\IO. 11'(4 FOR TIrE PURPOcJ1': uF LiiSTALIA nON AiII) C();J:~/l'nucrCI ON (F A,~F;]: G}1'I' :1; ;KlI ~;Nj\.TTAHY SE1,vLlt I.J\TliJ-u\':, lX" Ii! 'I'D iJl,:HVE A i'OH'l'IUN OF' 'I"TI"' 'Ii l'ICK 'Jfn3DIuTC;'j-[-":\j [.JIi 4 A j~'D' c~'T'I,)()r7 '1-1- I C' '"-"UBi'IT'TIC, Te"')l.,T ()Ii' 'I",['Ti ('T'T'Y ,4' B.. I-'Z- E" f'"J\ ;'1 1'1'["')" ":''1'' Ald,l, .ll..L_J ,\.. ... ,.. L. ,...,' .V....L\..__,,/,l ',. ..L\I ..........._ ...I.,.I...,;".J I...) \...J ...l)_-,-V _~.)....L.ll) \.,,/.:. 1.L.J !...!.,l..,.. ~ _' 1,Jt1..1\., .L...,!""i..\ll,l." ,\TaS pas::,od and cl.dopted. TbatlvedneEH.lay, the lOth day of Pcllgast, ],966, at one o'clod, p.m., at tilE; COlnriLL8~)ion n,oom of the C,ity hall, Bozerlan, ilon-L,ana, is desii;na ted Ly Hesolution ;;0. 12S;O as the Lilac vlhen and the place where the Commis,:don of the City of BOz.eTnan liITill hear and pass upon aLL protests that may be made a,Lain~3t the majiinc of such improvemen [,8, or "UJe creaU.o!i of E;aid ciistrict. PcotCC;t~3 DI1K,t be rnade ,in vvr:L tine and delivered ki (,:-Ie CIeri, of tLc Ci Cor.ililission Hit,irin fiftcj(Jn (lS) days afLt':1' da.te of the J'jr'E:t pU:ilicci.tion of thje3 noVice. 'I'he c;elJeraJ Cl:aracter of tllC irll,rove::l:1crrL.::: T)1'Oposcd to be rnade js -L}lC ccn(::truction and iWitslJation of El,(i ei,:)rl:, inc.lJ :C;CJ.nitary 3(::1,\[e1' ],':tcr::11, clU\:_J 1[, neCC[3SoiJ'f trc'ncn cxcavDI,jon, bacl;J'ill, necessary rr:rc,nl"lo](;::.;, \,ryee" and other app\.lrtcnanccs and -ftJOJ"-k inc:idental UJcrcto, to serve 01 :po:t'tion (::Ii' l\:irk ~,\lbdl,v:i_B:i.on do. }-I- and Strozzi's Sulxlivis:l_on of tIle:: Lit,Y of dozenmn, Ilc1nl,(JlEi I I. -:\ ,-.,c' ''''Y''~:.:'''''' . ~...,- --' C',r,.<,.. -""'" ~.-,.\'::.,.,,:~\' C' ,,+(.... ,.;.1 ",'" "''',' . .. -""',0'":'" - j" '.":'-'~_. ,"-''- r ..;. r' Thl C)~_Ld'lb::l C~C:f[, oJ "L"d_dLtlll)1(J:(LJ,n~,) l.~ ,,~)lL.~,C~J().ll) lnclurH.c[:, all 5GlfkL eAcdvaL_un, cell matlTlals, :Ul"JtcLJ_l_a-L~ton cOhtD and en[';J_neeruig arm :ulc:i_dentals. For a (ieEJCrip-Lion of the boundar:ies of SELid Special lmprovernent Di~)trict 1:10. h(h, reference is llpreby rna.de to Ji.psoJ\Jtion lio. 125'0 of the Conmli5sion of the C:Lty of Boz,cnan de::clarJrli; -L;le intention CUiij U:~j,~::.LON Llf';;;CI,UI'lmr liC. 1290 241 to create sajeJ di~'; t,r;ct, -w"lj_ch i;; I)r; Li.lc :'11) 'Lbe ofL'ice of the undcrs"ii'iJed Clerk of said. Comm'lSU:lOn in the City Hall oJ ;;ajd C:Lty of Bw,etl.an, State of IwnLana, and open for in;.'pcction to all :Lnterested pDrties and the I;ulJlic Generally. 'This no-L,5.ce j_s f).vcilpursuant to the provi:;ions of Section 11-~:204, Eevised Code~3 of l'JUlJtana, I IS,LI7. Dated Lhi:::: ~.:lst day 0.1: Jelly, 1)66. ~~~ / 2~ - Clerk of the C'ity Corrunif;;hon FiNit pulJl:i.shcd in the LOZ(]J,klCl J)u.ily Chronicle 2;) ,July, 1966. State of l'Iontana ) Cou.nty of C:l11;:1-l:.in) 58. City of 13cJ7,eman ) I, },rna V. " ax-dill[, (:1CTJ, of the CornJn:Lssion u:i:' The CjLty of Bozei'liJJ1, do iv:reby certiJ'ythe forerc:oingiTo Lice in 1;'e, Comrnis:;j on Hcsolution 1Jo. 1290, was published at lencth 'U) the Bczellan Daily Clw'onicle, a. ne1iJspapeY' of gCIleral circu1ation,Jrinted anclpublL;;heci in t3il.icl Cit;:; in Ll1e j[<3llC~ of July 2S thru 2S:, LO((; and due proof of s~lcll publications _1.3 on file in my office. . / '.. , Iii jjvITN:E~)S{vdjl:Hl':(;FL hereunto ,3et my hand and Gl.fJ'ix the corporate <38011 of my ofLLce this 24th day of August, . I I C()J"~.L);jIU!~ hi':S~}LU'J.'IOj', NU. 1290 . -.. .-....--