HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1289 Improves SID No. 458 ,:J..J$ CiJI'JMIS,JION RESOLUTrCJU NO. 1289 A HESOLUTION OF TIE COHr{LSSION OF THE CI frY OF BOZ1<.HAN, MOj'JTANfl., LEVYING AND A~)S.i:<:S~;II\]G A SPFClAJ~ ASSESSMJ:<.;NT OF TAns UPON ALL THE PHOPU{TY HI SPE.cIA.L UIPHUVr,NfiJT DISTRJCTNO. 1158 IN THE CT 1Y OF BUZEHAN, CCiUN'rY OT'- GALLATIN, STA'l'E OF HOTJTflijA, TO DEFRAY TH:b CO~;T UF CUUSTRlJC'l'ING AND 11lAKING T1-ITi; IHPROVET'Jr,NTS \H'l'IIIN SAID SFECIAL n,lFHlJVr;,J},NT DISTHICT NO. L~58. I 1rJE}IJ'I,0:A~), The City Commission of The City of Boz8Fian, did on the 28th day of April 1965, dliLy and rq':ul",rly peWS Corl1.mis~;ion Hesolution No. 119h, entitled: A IlliSULUTIUN UF THE CITY COJVilvJlS ;~)ION UF 'IHE CITY UF BUZ1<;R^N, HUNTAN" DEClAHING IT TU BE Tfill INT},r.TION OF THb CITY OF BOZ.blvlAN TO CREATE A SPECIAL HLPHQVEIViENT DI~THICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IMFROVEMENT DIS'l'RICT NO. h58 OF ThE CITY OF BOZEhAN FOH THE PUhPOSE OF C'_ j\j S'l'RUCTlIIJ G Ai~D INSTALLING AN EIGHT INCH SANITARY SEWILR L~l~j~E; IN THE ALLE,YS OF BLOCK OUb AND POHTION OF BLOCK '1'1"10 OF DUHSTON'S SECUND SUBDIVISION TO THE CITY OF BCJZfHAN, JVIOdTANA. and thereafter, after due and legal proceedings had, the Commission of The City of Bozeman did on the 19th day of l'lay, 1965, du,ly .fJass LOlTWD.ssion Hesolution No. 1210, entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COHNlSSIO!'J UF THE CITY OF BOZElv"AN CHEATING A SPEClJ\1 DIPHUVE,ENT DISTRICT TO BE KNOWN AS SPECIAL IHPRCJVElV18NT DISTRICT NO. 458 UF 'j't-lE CITY UF BUZEl1!AN FOR Tl-ill PUhPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING AND IN- STALLi NG AN t:jGHT INCIi c,ANITARY SEWBh LIrTE IN THE ALlliYS OF BLOCK ONE AND PURTION OB' BLUCK TWO OF DUHSTON' S SECOND SUBDIVISION TO Trm CITY OF BOZEi,'JA N, HOIJTA NA. ,Jhicb Commission Resolution Nos. 1194 and 1210, passed as aforesaid, are hereby referred to and made a part of this resolution for further particulars in respect to the boundaries of said district, the c:naracter of improvement to be constructed therein, the estimated cost of said improvements and the Jllethod of aSRessing the cost aga:i nst the property wi thin said district; and WHEREAS, said j..mprovements as contemplated in said Commission H.esolution Nos. 119h and 1210 I have been constructed and completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of Commission Resolution i~o~;. 11SCh and 1210, and the total cost of said improvements so constructed is the surn of Seventy-Four Hundred Nine Dollars and '(U/IOO cents (~f7, 409.'78) . NCJ1JJ, THEREFOHE, pursuant to tIle provisions of Sections 11-2201 to 11-22'(3 and 11-3301, R.C.M., 19l.J.7 and amendments tllereto. BE IT RESU:LVSD A1'\jD JT IS I!l~h1BY OhDEJ-U.~jJ BY THI<, cOJV]l'nS~nON OF Tiili CITY OF BmJ::jvfJu\j, STATE DF BONTANA: Section 1. That to defray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in said Special Improvement No. hSB, there be, and there is hereby levied and assessed a tax amounting to the swn of Seventy-Four Hundred Nine Dollars and 78/100 cents (;:i;7, 409. 7e) upon all the property in said Special Improvernent District No. 458, and the estimated assAssment of ;u,9,GOO.OO reported on 15 E::eptember 1965, hereby abated, and that a particular description of each lot and parcel of land 1-Ji th the name o.t' the owner and the sum assessed against bim or it for such improvements and the amount of each partial payment to be made and the day when the same shall be delinquent is set forth in detail in the as'3EJssment Ij.st hereto attached, marked Scbedule "All, and made a IJart hereof; that the several Gums ~;et oppo::oi te the names of the owners and the described lots and IJarcels of land be, I and the same are hereby respectively levied and assessed upon and agaim;t said described lots and parcels of land to defray the cost and expense of construct:i..ng and making the improvements within said District; tbat the several sums so assessed be collected from the respective 01-Jners of said lots and parcels of land described in said assessment list, Schedule "A", as required by law; that the payment of said sums shall be maria in 10 installmAnts and the payment of said installment shall extend over a period of '-) years; that the payment of the respective annual inf;tallment shall be made COl"lJ'IJISSION HESOLUTION NU. 1~89 __ ..___...___...n_. ____ __._____...._.. -.- -....-.. ..---..-..- ...-----.... .-- "...- ... -....-- .-.".-.-.-- .. ___._n.....___._. J.. 3,0- ;:; on or before the JOth d2.Y of November of each year until payment of ;:111 inst,111mcnts together with the interest thereon, shall be made; th;:t t said sums shall be paid and the collection there of shall be made in the 1l1mmer and in accordance w:i.th the 1aw fJoverning the collection of sIJecial :Lmprovoment taxes; that failure to pay such assessments when the same become due and payable shall make such persons and said lot s and parcels of land liable to tl1e penal ties provided by b.w relati vo to I~ ... : delinquen t taxe~;. ['ection 2. That the reEular sess:i,on of the Comn:ission of The City of Bozernan to be held j.n ,.~ the CornJiliss:i.on Chamber in the City Ha11 of said City on thc 2'(th day of July 1966, at 1:00 o1c1ock p.m., be, and the same is hereby desi::;nated as the time and place at which obJections to the final adoption of this Hesolution will be heard by said CornrrD.ssion. Section 3. That the Clerh. of the Commission of The City of Bozeman be, and she is hereby ordered and (lire cted to publish in the Bozeman D;:ti1y Chronicle, a da:Lly newspaper l)rinted and pubb"shod in the said City of Bozeman, a notice signed by the Clerk of the Commission and stating that a llesolution levying and asse~3sinL:; a special asseSf;ment of' taxes to ciefray the cost and expense of constructing and making the improvements in the said E;pecial IrnnrOVerrl.font jJj_strict No. h5l3 is on file in the office of the Clerk of the Comrni.ssion subject to inspection for a pcriod of five (~)) days; that said Notice shall state the time and place at which objections will be heard by the Commission to t he final adoption of' this!lcsolution; that i t ~;ha1lbe prll)lLc;hed at :Least five (5) daYf; before the day set by the Comrnission for tIle hoaring of ob,jections and the final adoption of this Resolution. Provisionally passed and adopted by the Commission of Tue City of 130;:,e1l1an at a rpgular I: sess<lonthercof hold on the 20th day of July, 1)66. ATrl'~,ST : .. . Hayor F:inal1y passed and adopted by the Comrnissj_on of The City of doz oman a-l a rCi'::ular session thereo.f held on tho 27th day of July 1966. ATTtsST: f'~ /I:Z~ - G /C'n-4'.-' -- . ~*' Clerk of the/City CoJ]JHfission ~k'lyor I . .~ - CQl'1fvlIS(-:IO N HJ';i')UL\'TION NO. 1289 .. ........- ..--....-....-....--... --....---- 236 NC'l'iC.r; ------ inJdn,~G , FII,Ai., ADOFl'] (Jjc OF C,jjlilIS:3Im0 j'iJ:,SULuTl.U;; I~U. 12b9, LEVY1ilG AS;.J~~;:__l:EIJT OF ~3rj~,C}J,L I.:l+.CNI!JJ'.,"i'l' JJL)Th}CT V'i' cr,~'Y Gl BO ZEl,Ai" CO.CrhUCT.L:Ci AiJD . ./; , L:STALIJ1TIC A:~ EIGHT 1;JC;[ SEvjl~nLL\T, I:J TilL ;J,l,I:YS l.'i ,ueL O~"jll.': ,jd'~',D }<JJ~~!'rI:C)~\1 (:.'.'iF I ()CT< rr1dCj Cli1 lJT_n..'~,STO~"J.' r.) S},~CUi'JD s ~JbDI VISIOJ:,J. i\~'DT]~Cl~ I('~J ;,IEI{I~':~.rI CI I\ff:;>;', lJlnt at a r({Uli:l.l' scsdon of tbo Gom;lissioJl of 'l'ril' City oj DO?' euan )leld on the 2('t11 of J'.ily 19(,6, CUfrlmi'.';,dun }i,e8ohltion,;~0. 121.'.9 was prov:LsionaLly pas,-.cd and adopted; I that said COriliniSc.don rtesolution lcwies and clsseS,';es a special assosslnent of taxos urJon all Lhe 4" property in c;peci;:ll lmprovornc'nt JJ:!.strJct . ' ')c- in said City, to defra,\/ tl-Je co~t aDd expense of < " cow::;truct:ing and lil"liing tbe improvALlen ts l'lithin said District, GO -"j t: The bOllndaries of said. Spocial Improvernent IJistr:i.ct ,io. 4['8 'tr(.\ (Jescr:l'ecJ !"" follUH[, : ~ c" "_0' "" Jh .I' ,~_) ,,,. ._,,\..J Beginnin[; at tne southeaf,t,er-Ly COITler of Block One, Durston' s Second SuLchvision to BozemCJ.n, hcm tan a ; -GbcncenorLllcrly alont.: the easterly line of said. Block 1 a di stance of 'IOU feet to the northea~3terly corner of f;o.::Ld lHcJCK 1; thence; northerly acrO:3S i:Je5t Af;pcm ~>t,reet to t:iC southeaste:cl,y corner of Block 2 of said Durston I s Second oui.division; t~lcncc curl'l,irrujxlIi; nor the:cly ;:,long the L 1 L' C'.' . Block 2 a distance af 150 feet to the norUleaster:Ly corner e,:,s',er__y .. .l.ne OJ. 0<'110 of Lo't, ~: of sa:Ld lHo ck ;: ,; tLence VJcstc:)rly alonu; the llorthc'.cly line 01 ~,a:Ld Lc)t 2 a cULit:mce C)'I' :])',0 feet 'Lo the norUrlfJestorl,T corner o:f 0,':. d. 1,00 2; tuence nD:.'therly alone;: the C01.::;tcrly alley line c,r sedd Dlock 2 ct ch~3tdnce of 75 feet; tl,'.Lf~.I."1 ce !liTe s t- erly across the alley to the northea~3terly corne i.' of Lo l. 16 of Gal.d Dloc1; 2; t:lencc irJe8ter:L,\' alon;o the llUl'tJ:u'lI lir}(:? cf :';,-'.::.cl Lut a ~:.).i.:<:.tl'}ce lJC feet to the north\\Tf:);3tE:!1<Ly cO.cW:l' of 3<'Lid LCJt ; thc)X]ce f]outbul<tj (::].OLil-: tliC\I:):,ter:Ly liilC oJ',")locl: ~), ".!cr(,:::'<, ',!c<]t Abper: ::;-::-,1'CC0 (UK>. aIo., 1,"1,. _. 1.:ic,e (:1' Dluck 1 LI. 1: ~ of sa"c: JJ:~J'[~t()n 1 s [Jocund ~\Jbdjvj::)jon to tile c:;outh:.Jc.TLcrl,y c orner (ii:' incc!; 1; t.Lence c;.;,:::terly alone the ::3011therly licle of' said :210c!, 1 toU:c point of beiinning. Inc].udLnC; IIitl1in 'Llle alJove describecl exti"riol' I.}oundaries the foll:;iiJinC, lots.: Lots 1 Uir'u Ie of 1310ck 1; 1,0 ts 1, 2, I(), 17 and OJ. ;~:1 0 ck 2, all in Durston's Scc;()nd r31lbdivision to the C] o f DO :t. O::1!:nl , J",LOIi tancl. Cunta~J,n=Lng 'N~~,tLl~i..l1 UlC above dcscriLecl oxtJ:,riorboLmd,,~~)'i(-,)8 26(j, .00 5qu(,:~r'c, i'ee..!c. I Thc1t, saicl C or:un:Ls "io.n IWf;0111tioll No. 1209 is nOH on LLlcir; L1:10 off5c e 01 the: of Lhe C Oi:lh.iS ~):L on , 3ubject to j,n~)pecUon fe.r a [ICr- .l.O( G.t' five. ;\n.y pCl'::;CHJe interested. !That '.:;e:dnec:c1"F t'JC' 27-:-il (hy of' ,T": v 1 Ci6() at L: ex) 0 r clc)cJe: p .rll. (.if 8;::.1..5" (:'~ ut thc n.:"" UJ.(lT sr"3 sion of ., . ...' '-. .,' C~" .>".' J..., <... ..' __. ,.o.....!._.-... _./ '. ,,' t.lJ(, said C cWHiris sion of 'l'1:1e City of }Joz,e"ICln, at tlw C,oJ,urlh; ;;ion Hoom, in the City Hall Bu:iJ..ding of said City, how ()cen cic,t,-igrw.ted ;:too the time and place irJf1ere tlJe said Conirnif]t';:lOn w:i.ll hC(ll' ,-:nd. ;"uss upon any and all objections tl.at may r.'e rnacJe LOI.:'o firJcl.l pa::")'-~{,O and adoption of said Lesolution 'N"o. 1209, J t! J . " .. i am:l tilat saj-cl w:;f]uluLLon ,Jill be finally pa::;seci and anc. -~ .Ie _e.v<:.yrJ~';'''lE: Uj~ SELLO as scs f:HTlerl ~, adopted at sald rqular ses::::ion. All peI'::;orw intci'(;Gted are referred to COI:1min r:;j.c)il IV;Golutiorl 1'.,0. 11)1:, dcc:larini, it to be the interl tiun o::f the COITds;sion to crea.tc Special Irnprcvcmcnt DiGtric:t iJo. . r"~ and C oIrl!llir; sj.on he:::ioh, tion LU(" ;\)0. 121C creati.nt; ;-:;1'eoia:1. 1mprovernent District No. 4SEi , for constructing and rnaking the improvements therej.ll . J)ntcd. 20th ,hl.:Ly 19(\6. A' L' r;'J :/ re'-- , %~/t<6 !~ ~.~~_"_'_. Je rk oj tnt) Ll ty . J;lIrllG :iJ.Oll Sta te of hontana ) I County of Gallatin) 58. City of Bozeillan ) I, ~rrla V. i ,,-u'ding, Clerk of the Corunj.ssion of The C:~ty of Doze:,jan, do hercby certif.\ikvJt tJ,c foregoini, J~ot:ice 1Irab T'ublLrc;lted at lengtJ.l inLhe Bozel,larl lJ::d.ly Chron:i.c:lc, a newspaper of beneral circulation printed and puLlishcd in said Cj.ty .i_n the .i~" [,ue o.t' UB 21::;t day of July, 1966, and due proof of such publication :ic; on file in lilY office. COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1289 ..-....-...---.-.-.-.. _._______..u._ 237 L, -J~ 'Th}::::.<:3 'iJ-,("-"ic~(JF 1 herewll;o set my ha., lLl f.e' [',fi'ix tho C01p01'at8 seal oi my hand and affixLlc ccrpori".te seal of I.} u:i:'i':j_ce thiD ~~3rd da~;" Df AURp-st, 1966. ;;;C?lL-_ pi 74----- Clerk of' the C:i.,-Ly COl'" l::;sion I ~'tate crt' J>:ontana ) County 01.' GaHatio) ::..") f3. Ci L,y of BOZCL13J1 ) I, F.rna V. harcEn2:, Clerk of the Cornmis:3ion 01' The City of B8zeman, do hereby certify that the fOY'ogo:i.ngheC3oIutioIJ ["0. 11,'59, 11[,18 published by title and mUrl:.er in tholJo",el:)"Ln IJail;;)" Chronicle, a nC1iJ:31xl}x~r of general circulation ril":i.ritcd and publi_silecl i:J said C:i.ty j.n th(:~ isslle of 5th day of 11 Ui'il::t, 1Cjee) a.nd_ due )11'001' of :3Uch pub1icaL:Lo(j j.::; on file in my o_C_Ci co. TI<: :j.j ~J:. 'T 'j <.:.r. 'I !:3 ;:.' i:lJC:F I hereunto E;cL my liD-nd and cd'fix tile corpora L,n seal of ITl office th:is 2Jrd of 1\ ugust, . ----------.-- I. I COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1290