HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1315 Unpaid Balances . -. ------- .---.-..--.....-.-.---".. --.- . 305 COMMTSSION RESOLUTION NO. 1315 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF OOZEMAN DECLARING CERTAIN UNPAID BALANCES OF SPECIAL ASSESSly{ENTS UNPAID AND DELINQUENT AS OF Tins DATE, PROVIDED BY ORDINANCE NO. ') 9l~, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF TAt'mS xx xxx xx, AND TIlE COLLECTION OF ALT, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, xx xxx" AND CERTIFYING THIS AHOUNT TO TIlE COUNTY TREASURER AND TIlE CLERK 6, RECOR.DBR OF GALLATIN COUNTY, MONTANA. I HHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Gallatin County, Nontana has ordered the County Clerk and Recorder to apply to the County Treasurer for tax deeds on all property delinquent for the year 1.961. and t~"o subsequent ye.ars; IffiEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11, Ordinance No. 594, of the City of Bozeman, Montana, pntitleo: "An ordinanee providing for the collection of taxes xx xxx and for the eollection of all special assessments the Direetor of Finance has prepared and filed with the Commission of the City of Bozeman a report showing the total unnaid assessment together with the interest due as of this date on the properties proposed for said tax deed; 1ffiEREAS , the Commission havinr; examined said report marked Schedule "A". and WHEREAS, the Commission of The City of Bozeman deems it necessary and proper. in order that the interests of The City of Rozeman and those persons holding Special Improvement District Ronds of the several Improvement Districts, wherein special assessments are unpaid, as herein set forth, shall he nroperly protected, that the total unpaid principal together with the current year's interest shall be declared delinquent, and certified to the County Clerk and Recorder and the County Treasurer of the County of Gallatin as Delinquent, and the property and/or properties may I be sold the same as other property is sold for taxes. N01.J THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA That the unpaid principal together with the current year's interest as set forth in Schedule "A" hereto attached anCl made a part hereof, be and the same is hereby declared delinquent. That the Director of Finance be and he is hereby directed to certify the unpaid princioal top;ether with the current year's interf'st as shown by said Schedule "A" to the County Clerk & Recorder and the County Treasurer of Gallatin County. Nontana as other delinquent taxes and as provid ed bv 1m". That the County Treasurer shall spread upon the delinquent tax list of the County of Gallatin the total pri.ncipal and i.nterest as set forth in Schedule "A". That attached thereto and made a part thereof shall be a certificate of the Director of Finance as provided by Section 12 of said Ordinance No. 594. Passed and adopted by the Commission of The City of Bozeman at a regular session thereof held on the l!tth day ()f December 1966. ~.' ~.'._._. ~_.~ . -_..----.-....-..-----------------~_.,~, ..~.,-,...._...~._~ .~~- ATTEST: I C:-~>-?,." />' ~-')-~: vc6., -Cle~k ~.- the Gci_ty- Co~"Sio; COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1315 -------.--- 306 State of Montana ) County of Gallatin: ss City of Bozeman ) I, Erna V. Harding, the duly appointed, qualified and acting Clerk of the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montan/!!, and as such Clerk having the I custody and control of the official records of the proceedings of said City Cmmnlssion and of the City Ordinances and !'ommission Resolutions of The City of 'P.ozeman. DO HEREBY CERTIFY: That the attacheil Commission Resolution No. 1315 1.s a full , true and correct copy of said resolution and has been compared by me with the original on file in my office as Clerk as aforesai(l. IN HITNESS WHF.REOF I hereunto set ~y hand and affix the corporate seal of the City of Bozeman this 14th day of December 1966. (j .. .... . / ~. /; ( ... >.. G,,_. ::/:~;c~c:.::." to.:.~;:~:i~,{'~_~~" ""_~____.__ Clerk of the City _, mmJssion of The City of Rozeman, Montana State of Hontan8 ) County of Gallatin: ss City of Bozeman ) T, Erna V. Harding, Clerk of the Commision of The City <)f l1ozem.?n, (10 hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 1315, was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily (;hronicle, a newsnaner of ~eneral circulation printed and puhlishe~ in said Ci.ty in the issue of the 16th day of December, 1%6, and du~ proof of surh p~)liration i8 on file in mv office. TN HITNF,SS ~Nl{ERE()F I hereunto set my hand and affix thp corpn-rHte spal I of my office this 16th day of December, 1%6. -1 C~-> r-':"> /> >(:;;~;:;/~;:- C'1"e-rTc" "o"f -tl,~.~r.i- ;<;r~;-;-~-~"i"n-n- '. ,.c., ".". d, _ / ."" .1" I" ".P. ,,,, . I -;rrr"1T'fJSST0N D",,:SOUT'T'T0N Nn. 1j1"\