HomeMy WebLinkAbout14- Loan Application for Landfill Remediation System funds UNIFORM APPLICATION FORM FOR MONTANA PUBLIC FACILITY PROJECTS (Please type or print legibly) SECTION A - CERTIFICATION To the best of my knowledge and belief, the information provided in this application and in the attached documents is true and correct. Name (printed): CHRIS KUKULSKI Title (printed): CITY MANAGER Ch' Elected Official orthorLiRepresentative Signature: Date: 1 -3 Iq SECTION 8 SUMMARY INFORMATION 1. NAME OF APPLICANT(S)-. CITY OF BOZEMAN 2. TYPE OF ENTITY: MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 3. FEDERAL TAX ID NUMBER: 81-6001238 4. TYPE OF PROJECT: LANDFILL REMEDIATION SYSTEM 5, SENATE AND HOUSE DISTRICTS: Senate 33/House 66 5,a NAMES OF SENATOR(S)AND REPRESENTATIVE(S): Sen. Phillips, Rep. Pon-michowski 6. POPULATION SERVED BY PROJECT: 38,695 6.a NUMBER OF HOUSEHOLDS SERVED BY PROJECT: 12,781 7. DUNS Number(for CDBG applicants only): NIA 33 CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL OR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Craig Woolard Chris Kukulski (Name) (Name) Public Works Director City Manager (Title) (Title) PO Box 1230 PO Box 1230 (Street/PO Box) (Street/PO Box) Bozeman, MT 59771 Bozeman MT 59771 (Gity/state0p) (Gity/statelzip) (406) 582-2315 {406)582-2306 (406) 582-2344 (Telephone) C406),_5 2-2263 (FAX Na) (Telephone) (FAX No) ewoolard(cDbozeman.net ckuk_ulsVcl(7bozeman.net (E Mail address) (E Mail address) 11, GRANTILOAN ADMINISTRATOR: 10. PROJECT ENGINEER/ARCHITECT: N/A ***To Be Determined' (Name) (Name of Engineer) Request for Qualifications closes (Title) (Name of Firm) FebruarV 21 2014 (StreeUPO Box) (Street/PO Box) (city/Statelzip) (City/State0p) (Telephone) (FAX No) (Telephone) (FAX No) (E Mail address) (E Mail address) 13. BOND COUNSEL: 12. LEGAL COUNSEL: Darn Semmens Greg.Sullivan (Name) (Name) Dorsey &Whitney., LLP City_Attorney (Title) (Title) 125 Bank Street STE 600 PO Box 1230 (Street/PO Box) (Stieet/PO Box) Missoula T 59802 Bozeman MT 59771 (city/state/Zip) (City/State/Zip) (406) 721-6025 (406) 543-0863 (406) 582-2311 (406) 582-2344 (Telephone) (FAX No) (Telephone) (FAX No) Semmens.dan(&_dorsey.com sulllvan bozeman.net (E Mail address) (E Mail address) 15. ACCOUNTANT: 14. CLERK/CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER: Brian LaMeres Anna Rosenberry (Name ofAccuuntant) (Name) Controller. City of Bozeman Administrative Services Director (Title) (Name of Firm) PO Box 1230 PO Box 1230 (StreeUPO Box) (StreeUPO Box) Bozeman MT 59771 Bozeman MT 59771 (City/StatefZip) (city/StatedZup) (406) 582-2325 (406) 582-2344 {406),582-2335 (406) 582-2344 (Telephone) (FAX No) (Telephone) (FAX No) arosenberr bozeman.net blameres bozeman.net (E Mail address) (E Mail address) 9. PRIMARY ENTITY CONTACT PERSON: 34 16. BRIEF PROJECT SUMMARY: (Refer ho instructions and examples) Historical Information -The city's Landfill, located between Story MilI and McIlhatten Road, was operated from lU/0 until 2DO8. The landfill handled refuse in2 separate cells: the unlined ceH was utilized from 1970— 1995; the lined cell was utilized from 1995-2008 Problem,- During the decomposition of refuse at a landfill, numerous gases such as methane and a wide range of VOCs are produced through biological and chemical decomposition. In October of 2012, the City, as part of ongoing monitoring efforts, detected several volatile organic carbon compounds (VOCs) in the soil gas at the landfill boundary, Subsequent investigation indicated VOCs may be migrating off the landfill. In addition, low levels of VOCs have been detected in the groundwater near the landfill. To effectively address remediation of VOCs, an engineering remediation system is needed at the the landfill. The City requests SRF funds to design and construct this system. A remediation system at the landfili wifl protect public health by remediating the possible migration of VOCs from the landfill. And because groundwater flows from the landfill down gradient toward Bridger Creek, the migration of VOCs from the landfill also represents a potential risk to Bridger Creek and surrounding wetlands that support viable fish and wildlife populations. Proposed Solution - The City is proposing to install a remediation system to sever the pathway of current and future gasses from moving off-site, potentially into Bridger Creek and surrounding wetlands. The DEQ [s currently working with the City in a Corrective Measures process that will identify the exact technology to be used to bring about the desired result. SECTION C - FINANCIAL INFORMATION 1. ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT COST: $2.135.000 2. PROPOSED FUNDING SOURCES (List loans and grants from same funding source separately) (Refer to the instructions and examples): Source Type of Fu,nds Amount Status of Commitment Loan Rates and Terms State Revolving Loan 20 yrs,- 3.00%fixed Loan 35 3. FUNDING STRATEGY NARRATIVE w- Funding Strategy Narrative(Complete and attach) (Refer to the instructions. Answer each question individumUyj a. What are the conditions om the use of each source nffunds? The State Revolving Loan Funds must he used for approved Project elements. We anticipate project consultants,design, engineering, construction, loan reserves, administrative costs, and costs of issuance being funded with the loan. b, When will each source of funds listed bo available (month and year)? |1isanticipated that Loan Funds will be available after July 1, 2014. n. Is there any additional information on the level of commitment for each source of funds listed? Nome. d How will funding sources ba coordinated with each other? Because there is only one source of funds,there is no coordination required. e, Will interim-loan funds be required au part of the project? ]f yes, how will they bo used and coordinated with other funding sources? Interim funds are not required. We will be utilizing a Reimbursement Resolution, anticipated to be adopted in March 2014,that will allow the City to reimburse itself from Loan Proceeds for the preliminary engineering and consulting work completed prior to funds being available. f. What other sources of funds from public and private sources have been considered for this project? Explain why they are not being pursued or used for this project. A small number of other financing options were considered. The terms mf this loan are felt tobe the most advantageous tmthe City in order for the project toproceed. g If a particular source of funding is not obtained, how will the applicant proceed? Explain how the funding strategy will change if a particular source offunding is not received. This project is not dependent on multiple funding sources. h, What is the level of local financial participation in the project and is that level the maximum that the applicant can reasonably provide? It is expected that the�Cky`m General Fund will b* re-paying the full amount of this Loan's principal and interest due, via dedicated tax revenues transferred to the City's Storm Water Utility each year. VVe would evidence this dedication of revenues in our annual budget resolution, and in our tax levy resolution each year. These revenues would be deposited to the Storm Water Fund. With a transfer of tax revenue,we are not planning on needing to increase customer storm water rates for debt payments (seepage 3S &44). U was unsure bmvvto express this inthe residential rate calculations that follow; if something is represented incorrectly, please let us know so that w*e can adjust the information accordingly. 4. PROJECT BUDGET FORM m- Project Budget Form (Complete form on next page) (Refer tothe instructions and example) w- Project Budget Narrative(Complete and attach) (Refer to the instructions and example) 36 ei II 0 iu 0 (0 D 0 cv 0 m cr D E 0 Cl 0 CD C> CD C> m m q 0 0 0 ; C C; 0 C) 0 0 0 0 C) 0 0 0 w CD Lo to CD 'D Cs 0 LO LO 0 0 0 co m C-4 Er- L o 0 UL < (D Z (1) m U) 0 L) 0 0 ul W cn co U) CD in Q) 0 0 LU U) m M Ch c 0) (1) (D a CX C(D M� (0 0 0 W 0 < 0 U- (1)SST z U. 0 a) V E 0 0) -0 > r_ C r a r_ 0 , 0 = w 00 a 0 0 p ( 0 0 1 0 11 0 < 0 m -.I -j w:�(3 o 0 < I 'L ol I I :j --gi P C) JL±Z—i 5. CURRENT DEBT (Refer to the instructions and example on pages 23-24) STORM WATER UTILITY Type of Maturity Avg.Annual Year Bond/ Date Debt Coverage Payment Outstanding Issued Purpose Security Amount (mo/yr) Holder Requirement Amount Balance NONE 6. CURRENT ASSETS (Indicate if assets are obligated.) (Refer to the instructions on pages 23-24.) Cash $81,810.00 (Details) Investments $ (Details) Certificates of Deposit $ (Details) Accounts Receivable $3,381.00 (Details) Any other current assets not specifically indicated above $ (Details) 7. BALANCE SHEET (Submit if applying to RD; contact the other programs to determine if or when this information is needed.) ✓ Balance Sheet (Check if attached) 8. INCOME AND EXPENSE STATEMENT (Submit if applying to RD; contact the other programs to determine if or when this information is needed.) ✓ Income and Expense Statement (Check if attached) 38 SECTION O CENSUS!INFORMATION q,not fi I tn,,this;section. The following information will be com leted b the �ir ceivin a enc ,us n ,data, sup%IM I'by the I9: `1E 4i au the census and the U.S. Department of Ho�a�irig and l�l�bart� y�lc�prta rat'based on ehs�s date. 1', i@ lEt I Ohl`'I-1l�btl IIC t i `iNCO11 E Low" T 7 1MODERATE4INCOME PERSONS:, The,percent of the populati, �t n°Delp `he l v l d si h ted"' low to moderate income, .` R"O'1TERTY T'he° et�6tif,baf the'pbpulaCion choracteriied as at or below the 1;tile ateda pivrty, SECTION E SYSTEM INFORMATION (Refer to instructions) Number of unimproved properties in jurisdiction. --1,000 lots Complete and attach the"System Information Worksheet." The figures required for the items listed below that are denoted with an " + " are computed using the"System Information Worksheet." The letter in parenthesis following the denotes the location in the worksheet to find the figure to be inserted. FY14 Current FY15 Pro'_�,ected 1. Total System Annual Revenue $236,250.00 $411,250.00 2. Total System Annual Operation and Maintenance $125,586.00 $129,358.00 Costs 3. Total System Equivalent Dwelling Units* 16,018 16,338 - (e) for current and (k)for projected 4. Total Residential Equivalent Dwelling Units* 12,531 12,782 (f)for current and (m) for projected $227,900.00 $232,495.00 5. Annual Revenue from Residential Hookups 6. Percent of Total Annual Revenue from Residential 96% Hookups $1.75/month $1.80/month 7. Average Monthly Residential Rate ❑ Check box if this is Projected Average a flat rate. Monthly Residential Rate — (w) or(x) 8. Other System Average Monthly Residential Rate If this application is for a solid waste project, see instructions. 39 SYSTEM INFORMATION WORKSHEET (Refer to instructions) SUBSECTION 1 -EQUIVALENT DWELLING UNIT COMPUTATION Apolicants with eithera waterand wastewater project inust complete Section 1, regardless of whether the applicant is served by a central water system or is planning to charge residential users a flat user fee. If the applicant is not served by a central water system, or it has water connections that provide service to multiple mixed uses, such as commercial and residential, refer to the instructions on page 26 for information on computing the number of EDU's. Awficants with solid waste projects are not required to complete Sectio17 1. Service connection diameters will be converted to EDU's according to the following table, with the exception of those situations noted on page 2& Service connection inside diameter(inches) BDU's |<~ursmaWer 1.00 V' 1.79 1-1/2° 4OO 2,' 714 2-1/2" 11.16 3" 1GOO 4" 2&57 5., 44�84 8^ 6429 /' 87.11 0" 113.78 B^ 144.00 101, 17778 PART A. CURRENT WATER HOOKUP SUMMARY VA TER SYSTEM CHARGES] Current Total Hookwps° Current Residential Hunkupo (±88SU) (o) (b) (c) (d) Diameter Total EDU'mpor Total 1E]lU's Diameter Number of ED0'aPor Total (inches) Number of Hookup [(a) x(b)] (inches) Residential Hookup Residential Hookups (from table) Hookups (from table) EZ}U's� [(u) x (d)] 58 9983 I.80 9,983.00 58 9367 1.00 9,367.00 100 670 179 1,199.30 100 439 1.79 785.81 150 310 4.00 1'248.00 150 198 4.00 792.00 200 220 714 1,570.80 200 69 7.14 492.56 300 24 16.00 384.00 380 10 16.00 160.00 400 28 28.57 799.96 408 10 38.57 285.70 680 G 64.29 386.74 600 3 64.29 192.87 000 4 11178 455.12 800 4 113.78 455.13 ----- ----- ------' | ----- ----- ------ ----- Totals 11.245 16,017 (e) | 10.100 12.B31 (f) ° Includes both residential and non-residential hookups 40 PART B. PROJECTED WATER HOOKUP S0MMARY (STORMWA7ER SYSTEM Projected Total Hookups* Projected Residential Hooku (g) (h) 0) 0) ------ Diameter Total EDU`nper Total EDL[s Diameter Number of EDU'oPer Total (inches) Number of Hookup [(g) x(h)] (inches) Residential Hookup Residential Hookups (from table) Hookups (from table) EDlla [(i) x 0)] 58 10183 2.00 10\182.66 58 9554 1.00 9'554.34 180 683 1.79 1,233,29 100 448 1.79 801.52 150 316 4.00 1,264.80 150 202 4.00, 887.84 280 324 7.14 1,602.22 208 70 7.14 502.51 300 24 I6.00 391.68 300 10 16.00 163]0 400 29 28.57 815�96 400 10 28.57 291.41 600 6 64.29 393.45 600 3 6429 196-73 800 4 113.78 464.22 800 4 11338 464.22 ------ ----- ----- ------ | ----- ------ ----- ------ Totals 11.470 18.338 (h) | 10,302 (l) 12,781(m) ° Includes both residential and non-residential hookups Projected average EDU'o per residential hookup: 1~24 (n) RmV(0] Provide the following information if applying to the USDA RUSIRD program Total water system flows (sales) last twelve months [gallons or cubic feet(circle one) for all connections listed in (a)above] Total residential water flows (sales) last twelve months [gaHons or cubic feet(circle one) for all connections listed in (c) above] SUBSECTION 2—PROJECTED AVERAGE MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL RATE COMPUTATION Will debt beused to finance the project? Yes X� No___ |f no, skip to PART E. |f yes, how will debt for the project besecured: / A. Revenue Bond_��(cumnp|et* Pa�A) B. General Ob|i0aUonBundcomp|e1aPart B) C. Rural or Special Improvement District Bond (oompietm Part C) D. Other(explain) (complete Part D) Debt(Loom)Amount: Interest Rote: % Terms: COMPLETE THE APPLICABLE SECTIONS BELOW PART A. REVENUE BOND SECURING DEBT OBLIGATION: 41 1, Debt election held? Yes |f no, when will election be held (dmks) N/A 2. Annual debt service for new loan, including coverage: $175.000.00/0 3. Monthly debt service for new loan, including coverage: (line i/ 12) $14.583O0(ii) 4. Total number ofPromectejEOU's after completion ofproject: 16.338�iii) 5 Average (per total projected EQU's) monthly debt service for new |omn� (line ii/fine iii) $<l89(i«) PART B. GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND SECURING DEBT OBLIGATION: 1 Debt election held? Yes No If no, when will election be held? (date)� 2. Amount of outstanding General Obligation Bonds $__________ 3. Debt Nnmitationsnfentity 4. Estimated average (per property) monthly assessment needed to repay debt (divide the annual assessment by12to obtain a monthly figure): $___________ PART C. RURAL OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BOND SECURING DEBT OBLIGATION: 1. Type of special assessment: e 8|D____ b. R|O___ u, Other(specify) Z Proposed method ofassessment: a. Assessable Area b Are c Ad Valorem Tax d. Lineal Front Footage e. Combination of a. through d. above (explain) 3� Number ofparcels in the district 4. What percentage of the property(based on the methods of assessment)within the district fits these descriptions? TYPE OF PROPERTY PERCENT DEVELOPED PERCENT UNDEVELOPED Commercial Industrial 42 Single-Family Residential Multi-Family Residential Agricultural 5, Number of property owners in district 8. Estimated average(per property) monthly assessmen needed to repay debt (divide the annual assessment by 12toobtain e monthly figure): PART D. OTHER TYPE OF DEBT INSTRUMENT SECURING DEBT OBLIGATION THAT USNOT INDICATED ABOVE 1 Explain how debt will b*secured: 2 Estimated average (per property) monthly cost tn repay debt $_______ PART E. CALCULATION OFTHE PROJECTED AVERAGE MONTHLY RESIDENTIAL USER RATE: 1 Estimated increase in average monthly debt service(per projected EDU. munLhly assessment per property for General Obligation Bond or SID, or per customer for solid waste projects) an the result of this project. Enter$Oifno increase ioprojected: $0U89 (o) [From Port A. B. C. or D] 2. Estimated increase or decrease in total monthly operation and maintenance (O&M) costs(including depreciation and rep|auementmeoemea) as the result of this project: $129(p) 3. List and explain estimated increases or decreases in O&M ooets, including depreciation and replacement reserves (Provide a reasonably detailed explanation regarding the reason for the increase or decrease): The City's Szonnwater system will not be operating the Landfill Gas Remediatinnsystem. We anticipate the General Fund anx6or the Post-Closure Monitoring fund will operate the system. 4, Estimated increase or decrease in monthly O&M costs (including depreciation and replacement reserves) (per projected EDU, monthly assessment per property for General Obligation Bond or SID, ur per customer for solid waste projects) as the result of this project: ${U}Q'(A) [(p)/(k)] B. Estimated increase or decrease im total monthly costs (per projected EDU, monthly assessment per property for General Obligation Bond or SID, or per customer for solid waste projects)sm the result mf this project $Q.89 (r) [(o) + (q)] S. Projected average EDU's per residential hookup: 1.24(a [(n)] 7� Estimated increase mr decrease in total monthly costs per average residential hookup/customer au the result uf this project: $1-10 U) [(r) x (s)] 8 Existing average monthly residential debt service, including coverage and bond reserve(subtract any existing debt service if the loan will expire before the 43 completion of the project): $ 0,00(u) 9. Existing average monthly residential O&M costs and replacement and depreciation reserves: $ 1,75(v) Note.- (u)plus(y)should equal the current average monthly residential rate as stated in Section E, Line 7, If these amounts do not equal, provide an explanation of why the numbers differ 10. Projected average monthly residential user rate after completion of this project: $ 1.75 (w) Rt) + (u) + Ml 11, Projected flat user rate: $ W 44 CITY OF IIOZFMAN,MONTANA 41 STATEN/IEN'1 OF NET POSITION PROPRIETARY FUNDS June 30,2013 Business-type Activities Governmental Enterprise Funds Activities Waste Solid parking Stornnvater Internal Water Fund Water Fund Waste Food Fund Fund Total Service Funds ASSI="iS Current assets Cash and investments $ 11.895,911 $ 2,377,814 $ 2,899.154 $ - S - $ 17,172,879 $ 513423 Receivables AceI'ned interest 31990 18,712 2.317 - - 51019 - Customers.net 603,047 573-144 236,648 23.1138 21.548 1.457,425 $ 14.156 Special assessments 39 465 504 'Dotal current aeacns 12.530.987 2,969,670 3.138.584 23,038 21.548 18,683,827 533.579 Non current assets Other assets Notes rcwvablc - - - 18308 - 18,308 - Restricted cash and imestincnts 1.545,425 1013.725 257,886 3.717036 "Dotal other assets 1.545.425 1,913.725 276.194 3.735.344 Property,plant and equipment Nondeprcciable: Land 162,518 754.043 3.714.577 303.436 - 4.934.574 Water rights 1065,142 - - - - 1065.142 Dcprcciable: BUild.ings 36.984.135 52370.791 868.302 11629361 - 108,855.989 1.388_58,; Other slnictures and improvements 13-920.661 14.745.401 2.155,300 - - 30.821362 Machinery and equipment 1.323.023 2533.470 2,613,695 98,918 142.961 6,712.067 1.51,521 Vehicles 427.326 711.682 529,231 82551 95-828 L846.618 83,812 Infrastructure 155.502665 97054.247 78,531 - - 251642.443 - Accmnulateddcpreciationandamor tization (98.146,262) (65,824,124) (5.402:331) (2,750,406) (110,124) (172.233,247) (36595(t) Net property,plant and equipment 111246,208 109,351.510 4.557305 9363,860 128.665 235,647548 1.258.166 Total non current assets 1 13.791.633 It 1,265235 4,557,305 9,640,054 128.665 239.382.892 1.258.166 Total assets $ 126.322.620 $ 114,234,905 $ 7.695.889 $ 9.,663.092 16 150.213 $ 258,066,719 $ 1,791,745 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of the financial statements_ CI'T'Y OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA 42 SIATGMENTOF NET POSITION(CONTINUED} PROPRIE'1AKY FUNDS Ame 30,2013 Business-type Aon v i nes Gow rnmv"tat Gntcrprise Funds Aco,ucs Waste Slid Parking Stonnwater Internal WatorFund Water Fund Waste FUnd Pwod Fund Total Service Funds MARILITILS Current Iiablliucs: Accounts payable and accrued expeuses S 3,536,002 $ 981.048 $ 106,135 $ 24,329 b 1,998 $ 4,648312 $ 25.402 Compensated absencos payable 139,561 99.063 61.154 7,903 1.209 308 890 - Due to other City Funds - - - 18,019 1,060 22-079 14.088 Closureand post-closurc care costs.current portion - - t02000 - - 100,600 - Bonds.notes,imd towns payable 697,000 967.000 1.664,000 - Totalcurrmaliablities 4372,563 2047,111 267,289 50254 6.467 6.743681 39490 Noncurrent 1 iabi Gties Closure and post-closure care costs - - 1,395,246 - - 1385,246 - R,VCnUe bonds due after one sear 13.054.875 21.534-119 - - - 34,588,997 - Compensaiedabsencegpayable 89..542 36-949 40,278 922 - 167,691 17.928 Whet-post-employment health benefits-implicit rate subsidy 156.149 101.7714 77,838 25,392 1,181 3(12,338 21568 Solvent sit,rcnrediauon habilat, - 1,682.753 - - 1682.,753 Total noncurrent liabihtics 13,308569 23,355.999 1.503362 26314 IJRI 38487,025 40-496 Total liabilities 17673,132 25A02710 9,7706.51 76,565 7.648 44,936,706 79.986 NET POSTI ION Invcs4cd In capital assets, not .f,elated debt 98,49 4_330 96.850391 =4557305 9_363.860 128,665 199,394,551 1.258..166 Restricted for impact capital p%leets 11094 - - - - 11.094 - Restricted For parkin8 capital prgjects - - - 257.886 - 257,886 - Rcstrietcd Fnr debt scrvuc 1.01,553 1.798,592 - - - 2,829.145 - Unrestric'ted 9..103,511 193.212 1367,933 (35.219) 13,900 10643.337 453.593 Total fiat post€mn 108 649.488 88.833,195 5.925238 9.586,527 142.565 _213136,0 13, 1.711.759 Total babilitics and act position $ 126,322,620 $ 119,234,905 $ 7-695.889 $ 9.663092 $ 150,213 $ 258,066_719 $ 1,791.795 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of the turancial slaternctvts. CITY OF BOZ,EMAN.MON'7 ANA 43 STATEMENT OF REVENUES,EXPENSES AND CHANGES IN NET POSITION-PROPRIETARY FUNDS Year Ended June 30,2013 Business-'type Acuvrhes Govcrnroental Enterprise Funds Activibus Waste 4nlid Parking Strrr 1"Iter lntemal Water Ft Water Fund Waste Fund Fund Fund 'Totals Service FnndS OPERATING REVENUES Charges for services S 7.50(,922 $ 6.916,226 S 2,494,892 S 395,50 S 223,557 S 17,837,147 $ 4,723.,555 OPERATING EXPENSES Saltines and benefits 2.195356 1549.261 1.046,020 200,793 50,225 5.041.645 304,795 Matcrialsand supplies 665,962 238,347 270,355 23,023 t7.455 1,215-745 469.811 Repairs and maintenance 93,979 172 918 168541 56,861 - 492,299 14 )6 t)tiliticd 164,911 440943 359,944 31,683 99 996,780 4.505 Administrative charges 666.182 542.403 251,682 57,379 - 1,517,646 47,409 Insurance clan" - - - - - - 4-210 837 Other expenses 578..116 3 182 187,830 93.936 14,093 1.186,804 77.331 Deprecuationandlamor—t-, 162(990 2„017,174 1.92,108 292,125 14,296 4,142693 57484 Changes m estimated closure and post- cPosurc cam casts Total operating crpenses 5,991.496 5,273,875 1475.680 756.390 96.171 14593,612 5-186,178 Operating income(lass) I-515426 1642351 19.212 (360,840Y 127.386 3.243.535 (462.6239 NON-OPERATING REVENUES([;XPENSIS) Interest income 87.336 26,465 20.470 225 150 133.646 3,9 C,6 Interest expense (163..250) (847,788) - - (Lot 1A38) (261) Other income 50,088 157,491 17.314 20.214 - 245,027 &952 Inergovernoncntal income 1690 491,225 805 963 IS929 503.912 - Tmpact Tees 1-659,674 14603.10 - - - 3.120,010 - Gain(floss)on disposal of assets (18-081) 4.976 (1!3,105) -1 lnon-operating"ven-s(-penvcsl 1617_4$7 1,287-649 .38,589 25,578 15.179 2.994A52 1177 Income(loss)before contrtlamons and transfers. 3432883 2,930000 57.801 (335.262) 142.565 6.227,987 (450.866) Cnntrth L160oS Of ol-Ssrodnrc-developers 156-123 - - - - E56.923 - Trrnsfcrs in - - - 10000 - 10,000 153,088 Transfers out Change in net position 3.589,006 2930.000 57,801 (325262) 142565 6394,110 (297,778) NET POSITION-beginning of wear 105 060482 85902.195 5S67,437 9,911 789 2 00,741,963 2.009,537 NETPOSITION.and ofycar S 108.649,488 S 88.832-195 S 5,925.238 S 9,586,527 $ 142,565 S 213.136013 $ 1.,711.759 The Notes to Financial Statements are an integral part of the financial statements. CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA 44 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS-PROPRIETARY FUNDS Year Ended June 30,2013 Busncss-h pc Adivitics Govenimemal &3ntefprise Funds Act9vWCs Waste Solid Parking storn1 water Intcnral WatcrPund Water Fund Waste Fund Fund Fund Total ticrvice Funds Cash Flows from Operating Acmiocs Receipts frmn customers S 7.696673 $ 6,837 050 $ 2,0.90.613 $ 406.987 $ 202,009 $ 17.617332 $ 4,709.399 Receipts from others 50.098 157.411 17,314 20.214 - 245.027 8.052 Operawig loans from other funds - - - 18,019 4,060 22,079 967.176 Paynicnts to snpplicrs (2686.838) (2.759.736) (1.675.824) (123.428) (31,353) (6-076.979) (59(o95) Payments to employees (2,170031) (153fl0('1) (1.027240) (166.566) (47,933) (4942..031) (4,495507) Pa3 rncnts to internal'service funds and adniinistrauve fees (666.182) (542.403) (251.682) (57,379) (1,517,646) (47,409) Net Cash Flows From Operating Activities 2,9233 10 2,164,264 143.tuv1 91.847 127,783 5,347.782 (254.384) Cash Flows from Noncapital Financing.Activities Transfers in - - - 10.000 - 10,000 - 7'ransfcrs out _ .. _ - Receipts from grants and intergovemmental sources 1,00 ;491.225 805 162 15,029 508,911 Net Cash Flows fromNoncaipital Financing Activities 1,690 491,225 805 10,462 15.029 518.911 Cash Flows from Capital and Related Financing Activities Acquisition ofcapetal assets (22.042,404) (1,053,953) 5,150 - (142,961) (21234,068) (16..354) Principal pairs'on bonds.,ii loans.Loans and lenscs (502.000) (1 465.227) - - - (196T227) Interest paid on bonds,orterfund loans_loans and leases (163.250) (847,788) - - - (1911.038) (261) Proceeds from issuanc,of long-teem debt 14,077..301 111919 - - - 14.184,220 - tmpact fees received 1 659 674 1,160,336 - - - 1120,0 10 - Proceeds from sale of property.plant and equipment (18.081) 4,976 (13.106) Net Cash Flows fro-Cmpital and Related Financing Activities (6.994361) (1.793..613) 5,150 4976 (142,961) (8921,209) (10,615) Cash Flm"-from investing Activities Collection'on notes - - - 3,922 - 3.822 - hrierestonioves(ntents 95.727 30.821 22.345 225 150 449.268 3,966 Net Cash Flows 1}om hvvesting Activities 95,727 30,821 22,345 4,047 150 153 090 3,960 Net Increase(Decrease)m Cash and investments (3073.6134) 889.694 ➢71AS] 111,032 0 (2,901.426) (267,033) Cashand investments.h-"",agofyeer 17.5 14,970 3.40L845 232.7.673 146.853 23.791341 459,251 Cash and invesunents.end oEvear $ 13,441,336 $ 4 291,539 S 2 99 154154 $ 257.885 $ 0 $ 20 889.915 $ 192.218 Classified as. Cash and investments $ 11,895,911 $ 2.377,814 $ 2;899.,154 $ - $ - $ 17.172.879 $ 519.42.33 Rcstrrcled Bash and iow firicniis 1 545,425 1.913,725 257.886 3,717.036 Totals $ 13,441.336 $ 3291.539 $ 2,599,154 $ 257.98(1 $ - $ 20,889,945 $ 514.423 Noneash transacrttons donated infrastnreturc $ 156.123 $ $ $ $ $ 156.123 The Notes to Financial Statemants are an integral pat ofthe financial slatcrnents. CITY OF BOZEMAN,MONTANA 45 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS-PROPRIETARY FUNDS(CONTINUED) Year Ended June 30,2013 Business-type Activities Governmental Enterprise Funds Activities Waste Solid Parking Stom7water Internal Water Fund Water Fund Waste Fund Frond Fund Total Service Funds Operating income(loss) $ L815,426 S 1642,351 $ 19212 $ (360,840) S 127386 $ 3,243,535 S (462.623) Adjustments to reconcile operating income(loss) to net cash provided(used)by operating activities Depreciation and amortization 1.626,990 2,017,174 191108 292125 14,296 4,142,693 57-484 Change in estimated closure and post-closmc care costs - (78.110) - - (78,110) - Change in solvent site remediation obligation - (691,120) - (691,120) Other income 50,088 157,411 17.314 2.0214 245.027 8_052 Change in Assets and Liabilities: (Inercaso)Decreascin: Accounts receivable (110,249) (79,176) (14.279) 5.437 (21.548) (219.815) (14.156) Other governments receivable - Other Citg[,kinds Increase(Decrease)in: Accounts payable (583.870) (919.779) (11.844) 110.297 497 (1.404,699) (18.124) Accrued employce'benctlts payable 25.325 34.400 18,780 6.595 3.092 88.192 interfund Borrowings 18,019 4,060 22.079 7.808 'Total adjusttnenfis 1008.284 518,910 123.969 452,687 397 1104.247 208240 2.104247 Net cash provided(used)b% opck.atingactivitics $ 2.823.710 $ 2.161261 `6 143,181 $ 91.847 $ 127,783 S 5,347,782 S (25x_383) I he Note.to Financial Statements are an integral part ol'the Financial statements.