HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 1361 Extending the Boundaries ... ... --- -. ,. 434 COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1361 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN EXTENDING THE BOUNDARIES OF THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN SO AS TO EMBRACE AND INCLUDE CERTAIN TRACTS OF LAND CONTIGUOUS TO THE SAID CITY OF BOZEMAN AND HEREIN MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS THEREOF. - .. - - - WHEREAS , there has been presented to the City Commission of the City of Bozeman a written I and verbal request petitioning the said City Commission to extend the boundaries of the City of Bozeman so as to include certain contiguous tracts of land within the boundaries of the City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS , the proper legal description of said contiguous tracts is as follows: Trac t l. All of the West one-half of the North-east one-~uarter (W\NE%), all of the East one-half of the Northwest one-quarter (E\NW%) and all of the East one-half of the Southwest one-quarter (E\SW~) of Section Fourteen (14), Township two (2) South, Ra~ge Five (5) East of Montana Meridian, more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the section corner common to Sections Eleven (11), Twelve (12), Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), Township 2 South, Range 5 East of Montana Meridian; thence North 89055' West along the section lines common to Sections Kleven (11) and Fourteen (14) to the North one-sixteenth (1/16) corner of the Northeast one-quarter (NE~) of said Section Fourteen (14), being the true point of be- ginning; thence southerly along the one-sixteenth line being the easterly line of the West one-half of the Northeast one-quarter (W\NE\) to the East-West one-quarter line of said Section Fourteen (14); thence westerly along the said East-West one-quarter line to the center of said Section Fourteen (14); thence southerly along the North-South one-quarter line of said Section Fourteen (14) to the South one-quarter corner of said Section Fourteen (14); thence South 89045' West along the southerly line of said Section Fourteen (14) to theSouth one-sixteenth corner of the Southwest one- I quarter (SW\) of said Section Fourteen (14); thencenortherlyalong the one-sixteenth line being the westerly line of the East one-half of the Southwest one-quarter (E~SW~) to the East-West one quarter line of said Section Fourteen (14); thence continuing northerly along the one-sixteenth (1/16) line being the westerly line of the East one-half of the Northwest one-quarter (E~NW~) to the northerly line of said Section Fourteen (14); thence South 89055' East along said north line of said Section Fourteen (14) to the north one- sixteenth corner of the Northeast one-quarter (NEt) of said Section Fourteen (14) being the true point of beginning. Containing within the above described exterior boundaries 240 acres more or less. Tract 2. A tract of land located in the South one-half of the South- east one-quarter (S%SEt) of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, M.M., more particularly described as follows, to-wi t: Beginning at the south one-quarter section corner of said Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East, M.M.; thence North 890-2' East along the southerly section line of said Section 13 a distance of 1732.19 feet to a point of intersection wHh the westerly right of way line of Gallatin Valley Electric Railway Railroad; thence North 30025' East along the said westerly right of way line a distance of 1536.92 feet more or less to a point of intersection with the east-west one-six- teenth line of the Southeast one-quarter (SE\)of said Section 13, said point being 145.17 feet, South 89014.6' West of the East one- sixteenth (E 1/16th) corner of the Southeast one-quarter (SE\) of said Section 13; thence south 89014.6' West along said East-west one-sixteenth (EWl/16) line a distance of 2501.38 feet to the West one-sixteenth (W 1/16) corner of said Southeast one-quarter (SEt) of said Section 13, said one-sixteenth (1/16) corner being marked with I an iron pipe with a railroad tract spike driven in the top of said pipe and bearing South 0096' East a distance of 1335.2 feet from the center of said Section 13; thence South 0006' East along the North- south one-quarter line of said Section 13 a distance of 1328.1 feet to the south-one-quarter section corner of said Section 13, being the true point of beginning. Containing within the above described exterior boundaries 64.5 acres more or less. Tract 3. A tract of land situated in the Northeast one-quarter of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter (NE\NE\SW\) of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of the Montana Meridian, COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1361 4:J5 more particularly described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the center of Section 13, Township 2 South, Range 5 East of the Montana Meridian; thence westerly along the north line of the South-west one-quarter (SW\) of said Section 13 a distance of 172 feet; thence South 0006' East parallel to and 172 feet distant westerly from the east line of said Southwest one-quarter (SW\) a distance of 251 feet; thence easterly parallel to and 251 feet dis- 'I tant southerly from the northerly line of said Southwest one-quarter a distance of 172 feet to the north-south one-quarter line of said Section 13, being the easterly line of said Southwest one-quarter; thence North 0006' West along said line to the true point of be- ginning. Containing within the above described exterior boundaries .991 acres more or less. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the said City of Bozeman has, by, its Resolution No. 1360, regularly passed and adopted on the 31st day of January, 1968, declared it to be for the best interests of the said City of Bozeman and the inhabitants thereof and of the inhabitants of the contiguous, tracts hereinbefore described that the boundaries of the said City of Bozeman be extended so as to include said contiguous tracts; and WHEREAS, the Clerk of the City Commission has, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11-403, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, given the required notice to property owners and caused to be published the required public notice of such proposed extension of the boundaries of said City of Bozeman; and WHEREAS, twenty (20) days have expired since the date of the first publication of said notice; and WHEREAS, less than a majority of the resident freeholders of the territory to be embraced I have filed with the City Clerk written expressions of disapproval, to-wit none written protests, each signed by no resident freeholders of said territory. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN: Section 1. That pursuant to the authority vested in the City Commission of the City of Bozeman by Section 11-403, Revised Codes of Montana, 1947, it is hereby declared that the boundaries of the said City of Bozeman shall be extended so as to embrace and include within the boundaries and corporate limits of the said City of Bozeman the tracts contiguous thereto and hereinbefore described. Section 2. That this Resolution shall be, and the same is hereby declared to be effective thirty days after its adoption and approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Commission of the City of session held on the 21st day of February, 1968. ATTEST: y ~ c~' ./ 0~'?-.$./~ Clerk of the City Carom' ion I State of Montana ) County of Gallatin : ss City of Bozeman ) I, ErnaV. Harding, Clerk of the Commission of the City of Bozeman do hereby certify that the foregoing lesolution No. 1361 was published by title and number in the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, a newspaper of gen- eral circulation, printed and published in said City the 28th day of February, 1968 and due proof of such publication is on file in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand and affix the corporate seal of my office this 14th day of March, 1968. ~ ~~ ~~ erk of the ity Co ssion COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 1361