HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange Order No. 2 with Layne Inliner LLC. for 2013 Sewer rehabilitation 13 yr{� � i COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. 4495 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOZEMAN, MONTANA, APPROVING ALTERATION/MODIFICATION OF CONTRACT WITH LAYNE INLINER, LLC., KIOA, COLORADO. WHEREAS,the City Commission did,on the I 01 day of June 2013,authorize award of the bid for the City of Bozeman 2013 Newer Rehabilitation project, to Layne Inliner, LLC., Kiowa, Colorado; and WHEREAS, Section 7-5-4308, Montana Code Annotated, provides that any such alterations or modifications of the specifications and/or plans of the contract be made by resolution; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the prosecution of the work to mare alterations or modifications to the specifications and/or plans of the contract. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, that the proposed modifications and/or alterations to the contract between the City of Bozeman, a municipal corporation, and Layne Inliner,LLC.,as contained in Change Order No. 2,attached hereto,be and the same are hereby approved, and the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract change order for and on behalf of the City; and the City Clerk is authorized and directed to attest such signature. I of 2 Resolution No 4495, Change Order fbr 3613 Sewer Reha:bihiation PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Commission of the City of Bozeman, Montana, at a regular session thereof held on the 2"d day of December, 2013, SEAN D CKER Mayor ATTEST, STAY 1r1, CNC City C er APPROVED AS TO FORM: GREG LLIVAN City Attorney 2 oft G 1' �J 2 DATE OF 1SSUA_1'4CE Qctobpr�3O 2013 - ._"EFFECTrVF DA7TH CONTR-ACTOR I La4 L—1n I hir 1 e-T.L L_C Contract: 2013 Sewer Rehabilitation PrIpiect-Base Bid Additive Alternate#1 and Additive A.IternLte 42-- Project: Rehabilitation Contract No,, — FNG,,0'QT_ERQ'r aLYJest Hearin G E Con Contract -1127 __�EN INE R!s t ct Moir as e dire oted to make doe follacving changes in the Contract Documents: Description: Tbi5 change order increases the contract amount as a result of the Contractor breaking water servicc during excavation for sev I an unmarked ler service repair on Mendenhall Street. as%veU as the removal of Mc spoons from the snycr main bffNveon manholes F0421 and F0423 in order for the main to be iiiie& Reason FOr'Change Order: To cover costs associated�rith the standby time,asphalt removal and additional excavation resulting from the water service break and those associated with removal of the spoons from the sewer main, Attachments: Work Order#354-02 for Williams Civil Construction;Invoice No. 25875-4 for Layne Inliner. CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TDV ES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times: Substantial Completion.- 125LIP9-c-.2 15-2 9�4L5�0 20131 Ready for final payment: IL 11P. 1 2014- d!E or do Net Increase from previous Change Orders No.0 Net change from previous Change Orders No, 0 to No. to l: 1 �294161 Substantial Completion: -4 Ready for final payment: Po Contract Nee prior to this Change Order- Contract Times prior to this Change Order: 1,532.377.61 Substantial Completion: 121 iYov.28 22AO13 Ready for final payment: Is I f17ec.28,2Q13 days or idates Net increase of this Change Order: Net decrease this Change Order: 3JI9.85 Substantial Completion-0­-Ld�—VI or 7 Read for final payment: 0 .... (,days) Contract Price with all approved Change Orders: Contract Times with all approved Change Orders: Substantial Completion: 12_1�ov.�282013 e 11tia LL,mi' $ 1,53 ,..697.4,6 Ready for final payment: 151 (gee,28 2013_) (days or dates) F'11.1'275 2012 City of BczernarT ewer S RehWPro Page 'i of 2 Ject\Cons�ructaon Maiiagemar)t\Contract oorumonls\cc#2,doc Coutr&CL(jr Gcrtif� acrd agrees that there and,no additioEal costs Or claims for extra wo-fk, addltion,,,ji tiT.rjc;,, cjcjzLv5 Dr vd itews,of any nature whatsoever, associated with the subject chaiigt order itcylls, except as identift d irj[l fier med h' I v for t e3st 00 an forth -wrein and Unless expTessl te.d otherwise in the Change Order. And furt er,qjE,�t Litt,price g�ee"d-111)on herein 41,""' h _e&,, CU fu PrMcuts the full cost d v e for the subject work performed and the materials supplied under the e terms of the card. a, an that ch.- rk tities and value were properly determined and are COTTect, C 'NTTRACTOR(Authorized) Signature) D4a el'-�)-- �7 e- ()AQVIEN�DED BY: 14-1 L5 -b�L (ENTG 'Qaature) Date GM49& Date EJCDC 1910-8-B (1996 E&tion Prepared bY the Engineers Joint Contrael Docomenis Committee and andorsed by Tk Associated General Coiltriict 1-s �f erjc d CorastrurUull Specifications Institute. CAID Ban 0C CHANGE ORDFR JASTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This document wa developed to provide 8 uniform format for handling contract ebanges that affect Contract price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated irate a subsequent Change Order ifthey affect Price or Times. Changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Tines should be promptly covered by Change Order. Tide practice of accumulating Change Orders to reduce the administrative burden may lead to Ulmecessary disputes. IfMilestones have been listed in the Agreement,any effect of Change,Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and minor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times,a Field Order should be used. & COBIPLETI)VG, TITE, CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer normally initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachments based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form, all copies should be sent to owner Or Co t D a r ctor f or approval„ r a], depending on whether the Change Order is a true order to the Contractor or the formalization of a negotiated agreement for a previously performed change. After approval by one contracting party,,all copies should be sent to the Other Party for approval, Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by both parties. If change only applies to price or to times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply, Page 2 of 2 F:11-11275 2.012 City of ao-zeinan Sevve: RehablFrcject\CcnsLruc1jan ManagemenftContrsct Docomenlff',()42 doc 'N �,D cam..iober 16, 2().1...,1 burr- at. W,e.rwt i'ngine rlrrg 501 eH-VievDrive Helena, f° 55?C,Oj Atte:,-rl.ion: P''a'is C ,ii�tt °,n;C r"=cFrlr P r°eter-cnce; City of Eweman 20 e.'vver l='awehabffit�"Jor, Pro'jef t Collette, During ,r, atternpt: 'to itne the 6" sewer pipe cn Black venire from i%IH-FO41..1 tc 4`'YH-FP423, the pre-krpirrg CCI'N,,/ Survey revealed two spoons �reae Iraryged in joints in the Pipe. In spite of the crews best effoFtS r.rShIg their available erirriprrent they were unable to remove these spoons, As such the C.I,P,P, installation for th rt`' evening was abandoned and we had to get our specialist cleaning contractor, Pro Pipe, to remove these spoons with their ecluipa-Trent, 'These spoons were riot present durang the initial cieaning done by Pro Pipe and had appeared during the time 9ap.se of initial cleaning and CJ.P.P. installation. Layne Snliner were invoiced for this additional service by Pro Pipe for these removals of $SOO each and as these obstructions cause into the pipe after initial cleaning had occurret3 I feel' that payment for the $100O.Oo costs incurred by Layne Winer shoWd be subject to a Change Order to compensate for these cots. Although the OPP install had to be abandoned for that evening no claims will be rnade for this. ,Sincerely yours, LaYLne Infiner, LJ"'t Andrew S. Mitchell Project N12nager 7�'S'Clxerryvv C Loop Kicvg1 CC'£1711� C}lrk-k:;03 646 12rarl ?n?646 1522 t o el la "I t A r,(3, t;r,- CollIette, Attached is the modified breakdown of Change m der two, l reduced the Standby rates according to the sited specification, As far as labor hours and equipment hours, l ShOW a tOtaV(.)f 15 labor hours and 95 equipment hoajrs counting the JUMPifle,jaCk, T'he other 5.5 hom s weire spent selling up pumps, uSirig hand tools iu&i cis broorns and shovels to clean up the site, adjusthig traffic coritroi, etc, Sjf�ace M have Iwo laborers and two operators on the crew,the equipment and labor hours shovId not malch. Thanks, Taylor From: Collette 7, Anderson Wednesday, October 09, 2C13 8:09 AM To. Andrew Ktchi2q@ Cc: Taylor Bickenstaff Subject. Change Order#2 Hi Andy, Just checking in to see if you and Taylor have been able to gather the r&qUersted detail and make the necessary chaqes to Changer Oder#2 yet. I would IilWe to process it with the second toy application. Also,Taylor said he has not been paid yet. Would you please look into that? Thank you, Collette Anderson, P ( Project Engineer Great Wps',t Enghri&erhig, Inc. PO Box 4817 2601 Bell View Drive Helena, KAT 59604 Ej)P,FcT: 406.495.6164 CFFICE-. 406.449,6627 FAX: 40&449.8631 )MmArep tweLtear g-com Click here to Upload files. prv�ul' �w i,:'m;., .'�' '�n.,.�„ murvuwwAUU.vwnu.iwahiti �i S@1'�• "�'" ": ._.. s ,_",..�i .^�vkhkllYl 11tl�mw�t WORK ORDER # 354-13 E7, TE DRDERED� f 3144120 D T CrJ tI�LCwT C2; 09.r0512013I �u QWr.L rCY. fit of Dazerraar� _ .� .. e. .� ` _ tJrrrraarked orter servry broken durancl exaavatior far sewvs r sei v ce ream on 20 Eascaa�� � ierrden�rall kreek. dab can standb until Ci of E302,ernan re airec tFre leatc. I cs2ernan, a T 69 1 - _ _ ....__.. shalt removal and re Iacernent re uired for additGonal excavation° DESCRIPTION ,.w s trip Truck far hau Tons $ 45.00 18il.flD t um Char . toff $ 110.1)0 $ 330 OQ OURS jP# E(),UIPM ENT 1.a Cat 320E Excavator 10"00 $ 165.t�0 1.a Cat tarrdta 50°,✓a C�rf 36tC�- Loader �..�....�., __.._,, b,5 $ 45.00 5 67.50 t�r�b�ata 121-'tvlin �x ..,�..��. .m_ � s�.00 $ 235.00 -- $ 40.0(7 $ 140.00 k ubota 121-3 tJlini Ex 5tandb $ 15.00 $ 2'2.50 .5 facku Trtpcic $ 10.00 $ 85.(70 4 fife Trailer $ 10-00 40,00 2.5 1.5 " in Jack $ 26 nn $ 39.00 1.5 2.S°' rrr 30.00 2'0',00 $ ' 1.5 Cenerafor $ 10.00 $ Traffic Control rental 22.50 LABOR HOURS WAIWE T� �1�7f7��tT 8.5 Dave{size � 42.32' $ 359.70 f .5 Don Tedford 4.2.32 $ 591 -- . 1 Briarr lttr.3'�urra 33.46 $ 4 33.46 . .. .� Quin Good $ 33.46 DES'. ., ,�.. .� .�,�.:>. $ 133.85 d city t WORK, ,, rrrrtN direccted to aid with. TOTAL WL EQUIPMENT� a, Called city to not" of teak and an stand $ 51Q.047 repair by removing asphalt and excavating to remove" i , TOTAL LABC7I2 � 1,256.50 Replaced as,ptYatt and cleaned up read of mud and spoils SUBT+t3 ,4� . � ��-mow $ 230.79 WORK ORDERED BY: OVERH �_.. . City of Bozeman PROFIT 99.B6 SIGNATURE:._�._ . ..�. . .� l 19!9.73 2,29'6.88 ,. ✓ ° " ..,. .., ,.� 22,97 $ 2,319.85